November 14, 2024 - Minutes
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Development Permit Panel
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Time: |
3:30 p.m. |
Place: |
Remote (Zoom) Meeting |
Present: |
Wayne Craig, General Manager, Planning and Development, Chair Roeland Zwaag, General Manager, Engineering and Public Works Marie Fenwick, Director, Arts, Culture and Heritage |
The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m.
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel held on October 9, 2024 be adopted. |
1. |
(REDMS No. 7834384) |
Oval 1 Holdings Ltd. |
6011 River Road |
To consider the attached plans involving changes to the building elevations to incorporate additional balconies, wall system and cladding changes, landscape design as well as changes to parking, and bicycle facilities to be in General Compliance with the approved Development Permit (DP 22-013200). |
Applicant’s Comments |
Jayme Colville, ASPAC, introduced the project and Vance Harris, Dialog, with the aid of a visual presentation (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 1), briefed the Panel on the proposed changes to the approved Development Permit (DP 22-013200), highlighting the following: |
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there will be a change of function but without exterior changes at the southeast corner of Tower B from residential units to common indoor amenity space to provide a more central and accessible location for the residents’ indoor amenity area; |
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the common rooftop amenity space on the podium of Tower B will be replaced with residential units to provide a more efficient use of the space; |
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additional balconies are proposed on the west facing elevations of Towers A, B, and C to enhance the livability of a number of residential units; |
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cladding on a portion of the three towers is proposed to be changed from spandrel glass to glossy metal panels to improve the overall appearance of the building through a more consistent colour match; |
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a change of cladding material from a curtain wall to a window wall system is proposed on Level 9 of Tower A and Level 10 of Tower B to enhance visual interest; |
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a minor change to the screening of the amenity pavilion on Tower C is proposed; and |
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as a result of the applicant finding more efficiency in the parkade design, the number of overall vehicle parking stalls and bicycle stalls will be increased. |
Lin, Lin, PFS Studio, with the aid of the same visual presentation, briefed the Panel on the proposed changes to the landscaping of the approved Development Permit, noting that (i) improvements will be made to Tower A lobby planter walls to enhance the soft landscaping of the area and create a more welcoming experience for the residents, (ii) the planter at Tower B lobby entry will be extended to increase the planting area in order to enhance the arrival experience of residents and visitors and as a result, realignment of the pathway is also proposed to improve pedestrian accessibility, (iii) Level 1 planting under the amenity pavilion is proposed to be changed from climbing vines to cedar hedge to improve the survivability of planting, provide a more robust buffer and soften the building façade, (iv) the spa layout of Level 2 outdoor amenity area is proposed to be changed to reduce pool space and hardscape to introduce more plantings and create spaces for other outdoor activities for a broader range of users, (v) improvements are proposed for Level 2 northeast edge planters, including associated changes, to soften the edge and provide more visual interest, and (vi) there will be improvements to the rooftop amenity area of Tower A to create a garden that supports ecological diversity, creates a bird-friendly habitat and provides all-season interest. |
Staff Comments |
Joshua Reis, Director, Development noted that (i) there is a Servicing Agreement secured as part of the project’s original Development Permit issuance which includes, among others, utility works, frontage improvements to the subject site and surrounding road network, and the walkway adjacent to the No. 2 Road bridge, and (ii) the City continues to hold a cash security to ensure the proposed works, including the proposed landscaping, are completed to the satisfaction to the City. |
Panel Discussion |
In reply to queries from the Panel, the applicant noted that (i) the common amenity areas where proposed changes will occur are only for the use of residents and are not accessible to the public, (ii) the landscaping for the subject site is consistent with the adjacent earlier phase of the overall residential development and access to the Waterfront Park is provided, and (iii) 10 additional cedar trees/hedges will be planted on the subject site as a result of the proposed landscaping changes. |
In reply to a query from the Panel, staff confirmed that the walkway adjacent to the No. 2 Road bridge is being designed and constructed as part of the Servicing Agreement associated with the project. |
Correspondence |
Niall Duggan, 405-5177 Brighouse Way (Schedule 2) |
In reply to the concerns expressed by Mr. Duggan regarding the proposed development’s impact on vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic and safety in the area, staff noted that (i) there will be intersection improvements to the River Road/River Road intersection that will be carried out as part of the required Servicing Agreement works, (ii) staff have responded to Mr. Duggan’s concerns regarding parking and traffic during construction, and (iii) the transportation-related concerns in the area have been forwarded to the City’s Transportation Department for consideration. |
In addition, the Chair stated that the applicant is required to submit a Construction Traffic and Parking Management Plan approved by the City prior to Building Permit issuance. |
Gallery Comments |
None. |
Panel Discussion |
The Panel expressed support for the project, noting the applicant’s clear presentation of the proposed changes to the approved Development Permit. |
Panel Decision |
It was moved and seconded |
That the attached plans involving changes to the building elevations to incorporate additional balconies, wall system and cladding changes, landscape design as well as changes to parking, and bicycle facilities, be considered to be in General Compliance with the approved Development Permit (DP 22-013200). |
2. |
(REDMS No. 7831449) |
Fougere Architecture Inc. |
9311/9331 Ferndale Road |
Permit the construction of eight townhouse units at 9311/9331 Ferndale Road on a site zoned “Town Housing (ZT104) – North McLennan (City Centre)”. |
Applicant’s Comments |
Wayne Fougere, Fougere Architecture Inc., with the aid of a visual presentation (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 3), provided background information on the proposed development, highlighting the following: |
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the proposal consists of eight three-storey townhouse units in two buildings located on either side of the internal drive aisle; |
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the buildings have been designed in consideration of the adjacent townhouse development to the east of the subject site and their overall neighbourhood context; |
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the proposed development is family-friendly and provides 3 to 4-bedroom units; |
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the subject site is accessed from Ferndale Road through an access easement on the adjacent townhouse development to the east; |
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the retention of the mature tree at the northwest corner of the site influenced the location of the common outdoor amenity space in this area; |
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the smaller townhouse units are provided with one-car garages and the larger three- and four-bedroom units are provided with two-car garages; |
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the proposed development provides one convertible unit; and |
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all common amenity areas in the proposed development have been designed to be accessible. |
In terms of the proposed landscaping for the project, Mr. Fougere noted that (i) the BC Hydro kiosk along the frontage of the site has been shifted to provide a continuous streetscape going to the east, (ii) the front units have direct access from Ferndale Road and have brick columns with gates to help identify the individual units, (iii) the convertible unit has a wider pedestrian pathway than the other units in Building 2, (iv) the existing grade along the east property line has been maintained to provide an appropriate interface with the entry driveway and the adjacent property to the east, (v) bollard lighting is proposed to be installed along the pedestrian pathways on the site, (vi) the proposed common outdoor amenity area includes, among others, a children’s play area with playhouse, sandbox, and sandbox table, and (vii) a mailbox with weather protection is provided for the residents. |
Staff Comments |
Suzanne Smith, Program Manager, Development noted that (i) there is a Servicing Agreement associated with the project which includes frontage improvements including the installation of a 1.5-metre landscaped and treed boulevard and two-metre sidewalk and installation of new water, storm and sanitary service connections, (ii) consistent with the project’s rezoning application, two on-site trees will be removed and a total of eight new trees will be planted, four of which are required replacement trees, (iii) one on-site tree and 11 off-site trees will be retained, (iv) the project has been designed to achieve BC Energy Step Code 3 with EL 4 , an additional energy efficiency measure consistent with current City regulations, (v) ground source heat pumps are proposed and will be located inside the building and on the ground floor, (vi) building setbacks respond to the location of the easement area while balancing tree retention, (vii) the common outdoor amenity area is proposed in the northwest corner of the site and includes play structures and bench seating, among others, (viii) the overall size of the common outdoor amenity space exceeds the City’s requirement, and (ix) the proposed development provides one convertible unit. |
Panel Discussion |
In reply to a query from the Panel, staff confirmed there is a pedestrian pathway separating portions of the outdoor amenity area from the visitor parking stall. |
In reply to queries from the Panel, the applicant noted that (i) the building design meets the Building Code requirements for fire truck access, and (ii) garbage and recycling trucks servicing the proposed development and the neighbouring development would be able to maneuver on-site and need not back out onto the street. |
The Panel queried whether there are measures in place to prevent access of wildlife and domestic animals to the sandbox. As the project’s landscape architect was unable to participate at the remote meeting due to technical issues, the Chair requested the applicant team to confirm that appropriate measures are put in place should the application move forward. |
With regard to the Panel’s query regarding measures to prevent animal access to the sandbox and whether on-site pedestrian pathways are accessible, staff informed the Panel that the project’s landscape architect has relayed the information to staff that (i) the applicant could design a cover to keep the sandbox clean and protected from animals, and (ii) there are no grade changes between the on-site pedestrian pathways and the drive aisle and the pedestrian pathways are accessible. |
Correspondence |
None. |
Gallery Comments |
None. |
Panel Discussion |
The Panel expressed support for the application and reiterated the Panel’s direction for staff to work with the applicant team to mitigate any potential wildlife concerns related to the sandbox or consider altering the play equipment itself. |
Panel Decision |
It was moved and seconded |
That a Development Permit be issued which would permit the construction of eight townhouse units at 9311/9331 Ferndale Road on a site zoned “Town Housing (ZT104) – North McLennan (City Centre)”. |
3. |
(REDMS No. 7806988) |
Matthew Cheng |
7300 St. Albans Road |
Permit the construction of four townhouse units at 7300 St. Albans Road on a site zoned “High Density Townhouses (RTH1)”. |
Applicant’s Comments |
Matthew Cheng, from Matthew Cheng Architect, with the aid of a visual presentation (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 4), provided background information on the proposed development, highlighting the following: |
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the proposed development consists of four three-storey townhouse units in two buildings and one secondary suite; |
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vehicular access to the subject site is on the south side of the property off St. Albans Road; |
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the project provides one convertible unit and aging-in-place features are provided for all units; |
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the project has been designed to achieve BC Energy Step Code 3 with EL-4; |
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a contemporary architectural design is proposed for the townhouse units; and |
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the location of the common outdoor amenity area in the northeast corner of the site facilitates tree preservation on the site. |
Eason Li, Homing Landscape Architecture, with the aid of the same visual presentation, briefed the Panel on the main landscape features of the project, noting (i) most of the existing trees on the site will be retained and there are no major changes to site grading, (ii) the landscape design for the project will provide privacy to residents of the proposed development and neighbouring developments, (iii) a common outdoor amenity area with a small children’s play area and play equipment is proposed given the size of the proposed development, and (iv) proposed lighting for the subject site includes wall-mounted downlights, tree uplights, step lights, and bollard lights to mitigate light pollution and provide safety for residents. |
Staff Comments |
Mr. Reis noted that (i) the proposed development provides one convertible unit and one secondary suite, (ii) there was significant work done with the applicant at the time of rezoning to preserve two on-site trees that resulted in modifications to the site planning including the alignment of the tree retention with the shared outdoor amenity space and design changes to the southeastern building, and (iii) there is a Servicing Agreement associated with the project that was secured at the time of rezoning which includes frontage and utility upgrades and improvements. |
Panel Discussion |
In reply to a query from the Panel, the applicant confirmed that there will be screening around the condenser unit located at the southeast corner of the site. |
Correspondence |
Kenny Lee, 4-7320 St. Albans Road (Schedule 5) |
Staff noted that Mr. Lee expressed concerns regarding the window placement on the south elevation of the development’s southeastern building and potential overlook onto the adjacent townhouse development to the south. In reply to these concerns, staff noted that (i) staff has responded to the concerns of the correspondent, and (ii) the proposed southeastern building is located approximately 4.5 metres (15 feet) apart from the adjacent building to the south and is also partially screened with existing planting on the adjacent property to the south. |
Roberta Massender, 126-8520 General Currie Road (Schedule 6) |
Staff noted that Ms. Massender expressed support for the proposed development. |
Gallery Comments |
None. |
Panel Decision |
It was moved and seconded |
That a Development Permit be issued which would permit the construction of four townhouse units at 7300 St. Albans Road on a site zoned “High Density Townhouses (RTH1)”. |
4. |
New Business |
None. |
5. |
Date of Next Meeting: November 27, 2024 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (4:37 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Thursday, November 14, 2024. |
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_________________________________ |
Wayne Craig Chair |
Rustico Agawin Committee Clerk |