October 9, 2024 - Minutes
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Development Permit Panel
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Time: |
3:30 p.m. |
Place: |
Remote (Zoom) Meeting |
Present: |
Wayne Craig, General Manager, Planning and Development, Chair Roeland Zwaag, General Manager, Engineering and Public Works Kirk Taylor, Director, Real Estate Services |
The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m.
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel held on September 25, 2024 be adopted. |
1. |
(REDMS No. 7799954) |
Interface Architecture Inc. |
5800, 5840, 5860 Granville Avenue |
1. |
Permit the construction of 18 townhouse units at 5800, 5840, 5860 Granville Avenue on a site zoned “Low Density Townhouses (RTL4)”; and |
2. |
Vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to: |
(a) |
reduce the minimum exterior side yard (north yard) from 6.0 m to 4.5 m. |
(b) |
permit an electrical closet projection of 0.6 m into the front yard (west yard). |
Applicant’s Comments |
Ken Chow, Interface Architecture Inc., with the aid of a visual presentation (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 1), provided background information on the proposed development, highlighting the following: |
§ |
the proposed site layout and design of the townhouse buildings fit well with the existing surrounding housing context which predominantly consists of two-storey single-family dwellings; |
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the proposed exterior cladding materials and colours for the townhouse buildings are consistent with the residential character of the proposed development; |
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the adjacent single-detached dwellings to the east of the subject site have redevelopment potential for a townhouse development; |
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the proposed vehicular entry to the subject site is from Granville Avenue to avoid traffic congestion on Ledway Road and is intended to provide shared access to the properties to the east should they redevelop in the future; |
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the existing bus stop on Granville Avenue immediately adjacent to the north of the subject site will be retained; |
§ |
a T-shaped central drive aisle is proposed in the subject site to allow for adequate manoeuvring space for vehicles including fire and garbage trucks; |
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the size of the proposed common outdoor amenity at the southeast corner of the site exceeds the minimum requirement and has the potential to be consolidated with the common outdoor amenity space of the adjacent properties to the east should they redevelop in the future; |
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resident parking is provided mainly in the garages of townhouse units while some units are provided with outdoor surface parking stalls; and |
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two convertible units are proposed at the two-storey duplex buildings at the rear of the subject site. |
Donald Duncan, of Donald V.S. Duncan Development Consultant Landscape Architect, with the aid of another visual presentation, briefed the Panel on the main landscape features of the project, noting the following: |
§ |
existing trees that have been identified for retention include, among others, a group of on-site trees at the corner of Granville Avenue and Ledway Road, a cherry tree along Ledway Road, a tree adjacent to the subject site’s driveway entry off Granville Avenue, and some trees on the adjacent property to the south; |
§ |
the proposed frontage planting consists of different types of plant materials with a variety of textures and colours to provide visual interest to pedestrians passing by; |
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the proposed interior planting includes, among others, small trees and shrubs, and shade tolerant groundcovers; |
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the proposed common outdoor amenity includes, among others, a children’s play area with a play structure that provides multiple play opportunities, an adult seating area, a mail kiosk, and bicycle parking; |
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landscaping along the rear of the site includes, among others, small trees, significant lawn areas and evergreen hedges; |
§ |
a pedestrian pathway with entry trellis is proposed off Ledway Road; and |
§ |
permeable pavers are proposed on portions of the drive aisle, including at the driveway entrance, residents’ and visitors’ surface parking stalls, and the pedestrian entry off Ledway Road. |
Staff Comments |
Joshua Reis, Director, Development noted that (i) the project provides two convertible units, (ii) the proposed variances are technical in nature and have been reviewed and supported by staff, and (iii) servicing and frontage works associated with the project were identified at the Rezoning Application review process and include storm sewer upgrades along Ledway Road, boulevard improvements along Granville Avenue and Ledway Road, and (iv) a Servicing Agreement is required prior to Building Permit issuance. |
Panel Discussion |
In reply to queries from the Panel, the applicant noted that (i) the proposed paving for the subject site includes standard asphalt and tan-coloured permeable pavers for the drive aisle, a slightly lighter tone for the permeable pavers at the pedestrian entries to the townhouse units, and broom finish concrete for the plaza area in the common outdoor amenity area, (ii) permeable paving materials are proposed for the townhouse units’ pedestrian connections to the sidewalk along Granville Avenue to identify them as private walkways, (iii) the drive aisle at the entrance to the subject site off Granville Avenue will provide shared vehicle access to neighbouring properties to the east when they redevelop in the future, (iv) a number of existing trees on the site and on neighbouring properties will be retained and protected, (v) the group of trees at the corner of Granville Avenue and Ledway Road consist primarily of cedar and will be pruned as required to maintain safety sightlines for the intersection, (vi) the size of the proposed lawn area at the corner of Granville Avenue and Ledway Road would be impacted by ground spaces occupied by existing trees, and (v) any potential drainage issues related to grading due to the retention of trees at the northwest corner would be addressed by the applicant. |
As a result of the discussion on the retention of existing trees and its impact on grading at the northwest corner of the subject site, the Chair requested that should the application move forward, the landscape architect should work with the project arborist to ensure that any potential drainage issues in that area would be managed. |
With regard to the proposed children’s play area located at the southeast corner of the subject site, it was clarified that (i) it is intended for the private use of residents of the proposed development, (ii) should the adjacent property to the east redevelop in the future, their children’s play area could be located adjacent to the children’s play area of the subject site, and (iii) the two future adjacent children’s play areas could be potentially consolidated to create a larger children’s play area for the shared use of the two developments subject to an agreement between the future strata corporations of the two developments. |
Correspondence |
None. |
Gallery Comments |
None. |
Panel Discussion |
The Panel expressed support for the project, noting the applicant’s efforts to (i) retain the existing mature vegetation on the subject site and neighbouring properties, and (ii) maintain the grading along the perimeter of the site and the hedging on the adjacent properties. |
Panel Decision |
It was moved and seconded |
That a Development Permit be issued which would: |
1. |
permit the construction of 18 townhouse units at 5800, 5840, 5860 Granville Avenue on a site zoned “Low Density Townhouses (RTL4)”; and |
2. |
vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to: |
(a) |
reduce the minimum exterior side yard (north yard) from 6.0 m to 4.5 m. |
(b) |
permit an electrical closet projection of 0.6 m into the front yard (west yard). |
2. |
New Business |
It was moved and seconded |
That the Development Permit Panel meeting tentatively scheduled on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 be cancelled. |
3. |
Date of Next Meeting: November 14, 2024 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (4:15 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Wednesday, October 9, 2024. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Wayne Craig Chair |
Rustico Agawin |