November 27, 2024 - Minutes
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Development Permit Panel
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Time: |
3:30 p.m. |
Place: |
Remote (Zoom) Meeting |
Present: |
Wayne Craig, General Manager, Planning and Development, Chair Roeland Zwaag, General Manager, Engineering and Public Works Kirk Taylor, Director, Real Estate Services |
The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m.
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel held on November 14, 2024 be adopted. |
1. |
(REDMS No. 7782739) |
Enrich Cambie No. 5 Development Corp. |
11671 Cambie Road |
To consider the attached plans involving changes to on-site trees, building cladding, privacy fencing and other minor site features, be considered to be in General Compliance with the approved Development Permit (DP 17-772227). |
Applicant’s Comments |
Ken Chow, Interface Architecture Inc., with the aid of a visual presentation (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 1), briefed the Panel on the changes to the approved Development Permit (DP 17-772227), noting that the changes were due to several factors, including, among others, changes to ownership of the subject property, delays and pauses in project activities due to the pandemic, tight project construction timelines due to the expiring permits, new ownership and marketing team decisions, and unforeseen as-built site conditions. |
In addition, Mr. Chow noted that the changes to the Council issued Development Permit were done at the time of construction and highlighted the following: |
§ |
five fewer trees were planted on the site than originally proposed in the approved Development Permit but were replaced with two large trees; |
§ |
cladding changes were incorporated on townhouse buildings; |
§ |
speed bumps were installed on the site in-lieu of a slightly raised area on the internal drive aisle crossing as originally proposed in the approved Development Permit; |
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the outdoor wooden privacy fencing extended past the entry canopies; |
§ |
the Canada Post mailbox kiosk was relocated; and |
§ |
some sections of pony wall were changed to aluminum guardrails at two duplex buildings. |
Staff Comments |
Joshua Reis, Director, Development noted that (i) the applicant has provided a comprehensive presentation of the changes to the approved Development Permit, (ii) the changes have been made on the site as indicated by the applicant, and (iii) the changes to the landscaping, cladding and other building features are generally consistent with the City’s Official Community Plan (OCP) Development Permit Guidelines for Townhouses. |
Panel Discussion |
In reply to queries from the Panel, the applicant noted that (i) the subject development has been fully constructed and occupied, (ii) the changes to the approved Development Permit were not communicated to the City at the time the changes were made as they were being compiled by the applicant and were to be reported to the City at the appropriate time, (iii) the relocated mailbox is covered with trellis and sloping plexiglass material, (iv) the existing concrete retaining wall on the neighbouring property to the west slightly encroaches into the subject property and ultimately resulted in the proposed three trees not being planted along the internal drive aisle due to insufficient planting area and survivability concerns, and (v) there are no changes to shrub planting in the area where the three trees were proposed to be planted. |
Correspondence |
None. |
Gallery Comments |
Cheery Chow, 1-11671 Cambie Road, informed the Panel that the developer had communicated with residents of the development regarding the changes done on the subject site. She added that members of the development’s Strata Council have been discussing the residents’ concerns and coordinating with the developer. Also, she noted that the condition of the speed bumps installed on the site has already deteriorated. |
Panel Discussion |
The Panel noted that (i) a number of changes have been made to the previously approved Development Permit, (ii) any changes to the approved Development Permit should have been communicated to City staff as soon as possible, (iii) fewer on-site trees were actually planted than originally proposed in the approved Development Permit, and (iv) the installation of speed bumps in lieu of the raised drive aisle crossing raised concerns regarding the durability and long-term maintenance of the speed bumps. |
The Chair advised that the City is currently holding a landscape security to ensure that on-site landscaping is installed in accordance with the previously approved plans. He added that the City has a 10 percent hold back on the landscape security for a period of one year to ensure the maintenance and survival of the landscaping. |
Due to concerns regarding changes to on-site landscaping and the maintenance of the speed bumps installed on the site, the Panel then directed staff to include the speed bumps in the landscape security and extend the period of the holdback on the security from one year to two years from inspection date for the purpose of ensuring that the speed bumps are retained and maintained in good condition as a condition for releasing the security. |
Panel Decision |
It was moved and seconded |
That the attached plans involving changes to on-site trees, building cladding, privacy fencing and other minor site features, be considered to be in General Compliance with the approved Development Permit (DP 17-772227). |
2. |
(REDMS No. 7829165) |
Anthony Boni (Boni Maddison Architects) |
4831 Steveston Highway |
To consider the attached plans to apply art elements to the north and south façades of the development at 4831 Steveston Highway, be considered to be in General Compliance with Development Permit (DP 23-025993). |
Applicant’s Comments |
Anthony Boni, of Boni-Maddison Architects, with the aid of a visual presentation (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 2), provided background information on the proposed changes to the approved Development Permit (DP 23-025993), highlighting the following: |
§ |
the subject building is currently under construction and scheduled to be completed early next year; |
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the applicant considered installing public art on the building a year ago but was not able to confirm the artist and budget for the public art at that time; |
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the applicant has commissioned an artist to design the murals which are proposed to be located on the north façade of the building facing the Railway Community Gardens and on the south facade of the building facing Steveston Highway; |
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appropriate mounting structures have already been installed on the building to support the proposed murals; and |
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the building operator has committed to maintain the murals in good condition. |
Staff Comments |
Mr. Reis noted that (i) the proposed public art has been provided voluntarily, (ii) the construction of the building is fully underway, (iii) the mural fabricator has provided maintenance instructions to the operator for the maintenance of the murals, and (iv) the expected lifespan of the murals is approximately 10 years. |
Panel Discussion |
In reply to a query from the Panel, the applicant confirmed that at the end of the lifespan of the murals that will be installed on the building façades, the murals and mounting structures will be removed and the original design and condition of the building façades will be restored. |
Correspondence |
None. |
Gallery Comments |
None. |
Panel Discussion |
The Panel expressed support for the proposed installation of public art on the north and south façades of the building to enliven the building’s façades and reference the historic location. |
Panel Decision |
It was moved and seconded |
That the attached plans to apply art elements to the north and south façades of the development at 4831 Steveston Highway, be considered to be in General Compliance with Development Permit (DP 23-025993). |
3. |
(REDMS No. 7827537) |
Terra 8120 No. 1 Road Limited Partnership |
8120 and 8140 No. 1 Road |
1. |
Permit the construction of nine townhouse units at 8120 and 8140 No. 1 Road on a site zoned “Low Density Townhouses (RTL4)”; and |
2. |
Vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to: |
(a) |
Reduce the minimum required lot width from 50.0 m to 40.0 m. |
(b) |
Allow five small vehicle parking spaces. |
Applicant’s Comments |
Eric Law, of Eric Law Architect, with the aid of a visual presentation (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 3), provided background information on the proposed development, highlighting the following: |
§ |
the proposed development consists of nine townhouse units in one three-storey townhouse building at the front that steps down to two-storeys at the north end and two two-storey duplex buildings at the back to provide an appropriate interface with existing adjacent developments; |
§ |
the proposed vehicle access to the subject site and the common outdoor amenity area are proposed to be located on the south side of the site. The access has been designed to provide vehicle access for the adjacent property to the south should it redevelop in the future. The common outdoor amenity area could be combined and shared with the adjacent site should it redevelop in the future and subject to an agreement between the respective future stratas of the two developments; |
§ |
the modern architecture of the proposed development is consistent with the neighbouring townhouse development further to the south of the subject property; |
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the project provides one convertible unit; and |
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the proposed townhouse buildings have been designed and set back from adjacent developments to avoid potential overlook and privacy concerns from neighbouring developments. |
Denitsa Dimitrova, PMG Landscape Architects, with the aid of the same visual presentation, briefed the Panel on the main landscape features of the project, noting that (i) existing trees at the northeast corner of the subject site will be retained and incorporated into the landscape design of the project, (ii) site grading on the tree protection zone will be maintained, (iii) no trees are proposed within the Statutory Right-of-Way along the site’s east property line, (iv) each unit is provided with a landscaped private outdoor space, (v) wood and transparent aluminum fencing are proposed along the perimeter of the site, (vi) the children’s play area includes, among others, play equipment designed for younger children age groups providing multiple play opportunities, (vii) permeable pavers are proposed at the main site entry, visitor parking stalls and other transition zones in the site, and (viii) a concept plan for the enlargement and shared use of the common outdoor amenity space has been developed for the area that currently provides for on-site vehicle turn around as this area would not be needed for vehicles in the future should the adjacent property to the south redevelop and use the subject property for vehicle access. |
Staff Comments |
Mr. Reis noted that (i) the drive aisle for the proposed development is secured by a Statutory Right-of-Way required at the time of rezoning and has been designed to provide for future extension should the adjacent property to the north and/or south redevelop into a townhouse development in the future, (ii) appropriate signage is indicated on the landscape plans indicating that the drive aisle would be extended in the future to allow shared access to adjacent properties, (iii) the proposed development provides one convertible unit, (iv) the subject site is providing the required on-site outdoor amenity space, (v) should the future stratas of the subject site and the adjacent property to the south agree to combine their common outdoor amenity spaces for shared use, the decision to combine their outdoor amenity spaces would be a private agreement between the two future stratas and is not a City requirement, and (vi) there is a Servicing Agreement associated with the project that is required prior to Building Permit issuance that includes servicing connections and frontage improvements along No. 1 Road including new sidewalks and boulevards. |
Panel Discussion |
In reply to a query from the Panel, staff clarified that should the adjacent property to the south redevelop into a townhouse development in the future, the owner would have to provide their own on-site common outdoor amenity area in accordance with City guidelines and the shared use of the combined outdoor amenity space with the subject development would be a private agreement between the two future stratas. |
In reply to queries from the Panel, the applicant noted that (i) on-site drainage is provided adjacent to the wooden retaining wall in the subject site, (ii) the small retaining wall at the southeast corner separates the children’s play area and the private yard of the adjacent unit, (iii) bollard lighting is provided within the common outdoor amenity space, (iv) the heat pump condenser units are located at-grade in the recessed portions at the back of the front buildings along the internal drive aisle and in the backyards of the duplexes at the rear, and (v) the condenser units are proposed to be landscaped in front to provide screening. |
With regard to on-site drainage, it was noted that there will be perimeter drainage around the entire site and which is required to be demonstrated prior to Building Permit issuance. |
Correspondence |
None. |
Gallery Comments |
None. |
Panel Discussion |
The Panel expressed support for the project, noting the applicant’s attention to detail and that the proposed lot grading is able to meet the required flood plain construction level while at the same time providing appropriate interfaces with adjacent properties given that the existing lot grading of the subject site is lower than its adjacent neighbours on No. 1 Road. |
Panel Decision |
It was moved and seconded |
That a Development Permit be issued which would: |
1. |
permit the construction of nine townhouse units at 8120 and 8140 No. 1 Road on a site zoned “Low Density Townhouses (RTL4)”; and |
2. |
vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to: |
(a) |
reduce the minimum required lot width from 50.0 m to 40.0 m. |
(b) |
allow five small vehicle parking spaces. |
4. |
New Business |
None. |
5. |
Date of Next Meeting: December 11, 2024 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (4:39 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Wednesday, November 27, 2024. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Wayne Craig Chair |
Rustico Agawin Committee Clerk |