April 24, 2017 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes


Regular Council 

Monday, April 24, 2017



Council Chambers
Richmond City Hall


Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie
Councillor Chak Au
Councillor Derek Dang
Councillor Carol Day
Councillor Ken Johnston
Councillor Alexa Loo
Councillor Bill McNulty
Councillor Linda McPhail
Councillor Harold Steves

Corporate Officer – David Weber

Call to Order:

Mayor Brodie called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.









It was moved and seconded







the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on April 10, 2017, be adopted as circulated; and





the minutes of the Regular Council meeting for Public Hearings held on April 18, 2017, be adopted as circulated.










2017 Lulu Awards to Recognize Urban Excellence




Mayor Brodie highlighted that the five projects being recognized are attractive additions to the City and raise the bar on urban design in Richmond.  Also, he thanked everyone who submitted an entry to the 2017 Lulu Awards program.




The following projects received honourable mentions:




Bravo, developed by ATI Investment Ltd., and designed by W.T. Leung Architects Inc. and ITO & Associates Inc;



Trail Appliances, developed by Trail Appliances Ltd., and designed by Chandler Associates Architecture Inc., and PMG Landscape Architects; and



Crimson Maple Estates, developed by Gary West Holdings Inc., and designed by Interface Architecture and PMG Landscape Architects.



Mayor Brodie then presented the Lulu Awards for urban design:



In the category of Public and Institutional Buildings:

Quintet – City Centre Community Centre and Trinity Western University, developed by: UEM Sunrise (Canada) Development Ltd., and designed by: W.T. Leung Architects Inc. and Durante Kreuk Ltd.



In the category of Public and Institutional Open Space:

Terra Nova Play Experience, designed by Hapa Collaborative and Lynne Werker Architect



Agriculturally Zoned Land: Summary of Public Consultation and Proposed Bylaws Limiting Residential Development in the Agriculture Zone



With the aid of renderings (attached to and forming part of these Minutes as Schedule 1), Wayne Craig, Director, Development, provided background information and stated that the proposed bylaws aim to better manage the size and number of houses, accessory residential buildings and enhance rear farm access in agricultural zones in an effort to minimize their impacts on farmland.



Mr. Craig then commented on the details of the proposed bylaws for Council consideration:



Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 9707




establishes a farm home plate that is intended to focus all residential buildings and associated infrastructure on a specific portion of the lot;




provides for enhanced farm access to the rear agricultural area;




establishes different home plate options based on lot sizes; and




allows site specific considerations should there be a need for a larger farm home plate through Council consideration of a Development Variance Permit.



Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 9712




addresses single-family dwelling size and keeps with density calculations of that in urban areas;




creates an absolute upper limit on house sizes: (i) 500 m² for lots less than 0.2 hectares and (ii) 1000 m² for lots 0.2 hectares and greater; and




introduces overall size limit on detached accessory buildings of 70 m²; these limitations do not apply to agricultural buildings or structures.



Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 9706




provides general policies with regard to site specific requests (i) for larger homes, from new farmers, or associated with cultural traditions and (ii) secondary dwellings for full-time farm labour on parcels greater than 8 hectares.



Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 9717




introduces house size regulations in residential zones in the Agricultural Land Reserve.






It was moved and seconded



That Council resolve into Committee of the Whole to hear delegations on agenda items (7:15 p.m.).






Delegations from the floor on Agenda items.



Item No. 15 – Agriculturally Zoned Land: Summary of Public Consultation and Proposed Bylaws Limiting Residential Development in the Agriculture (AG1) Zone



Michelle Li, 10350 Hollybank Drive, was of the opinion that the proposed bylaws undermine the Agricultural Land Reserve.  She spoke on the cost of land in Richmond and queried how new farmers were to get into the market.  Ms. Li requested that Council follow the Ministry of Agriculture’s bylaw development guide, and limit the size of homes on AG1 zone land to 500 m².



Item No. 15 – Agriculturally Zoned Land: Summary of Public Consultation and Proposed Bylaws Limiting Residential Development in the Agriculture (AG1) Zone



Kush Panatch, representing the Richmond Farmland Owners Association, demonstrated by a raise of hands from members in the audience the number of shareholders he was speaking on behalf of.  He remarked that the proposed bylaws did not address the topic of inactive Richmond farmland.  He expressed concern regarding the proposed farm home plate and size limit of dwellings, and suggested that Council focus on turning unfarmed farmland active.  Mr. Panatch stated that the Richmond Farmland Owners Association has created a website that aims to connect farmers and farmland owners.  He highlighted that approximately 55 acres of farmland is posted on the website as available for farming and that the parcels range in size.



With the aid of a rendering (attached to and forming part of these Minutes as Schedule 2), Mr. Panatch commented on the inequity a homeowner faces building a home on AG1 zoned land than that of a homeowner on RS1/E zoned land.



Mr. Panatch concluded his comments by requesting that Council consider the Richmond Farmland Owners Association proposal with regard to farm home plate and the maximum house size limits (attached to and forming part of these Minutes as Schedule 2).



Item No. 15 – Agriculturally Zoned Land: Summary of Public Consultation and Proposed Bylaws Limiting Residential Development in the Agriculture (AG1) Zone



Jim Wright, 8300 Osgoode Drive, spoke on the proposed bylaws limiting residential development in the agriculture (AG1) zone and read from his submission (attached to and forming part of these Minutes as Schedule 3).



Item No. 15 – Agriculturally Zoned Land: Summary of Public Consultation and Proposed Bylaws Limiting Residential Development in the Agriculture (AG1) Zone



Todd May, 2620 No. 6 Road, President of the Richmond Farmers’ Institute (RFI), stated that the RFI supports the proportional lot size approach of the proposed bylaws and a maximum house size of 500 m² for lots less than 0.2 hectares.  However, he expressed concern with regard to the farm home plate in regards to the proposed setback, suggesting that a 75 meter setback may be more suitable.  Also, he spoke on the definition of farm home plate and requested that the septic field not be included.



Item No. 15 – Agriculturally Zoned Land: Summary of Public Consultation and Proposed Bylaws Limiting Residential Development in the Agriculture (AG1) Zone



Anita Georgy, Vancouver resident and Executive Director of the Richmond Food Security Society, urged Council to consider strong regulations that protect farmland and stated that she supports Ministry of Agriculture’s bylaw development guide.  She was of the opinion that allowing the construction of large homes on AG1 zoned land would increase land values and thus continue to hinder new farmers’ abilities to purchase farmland.  Ms. Georgy requested that Council consider the well-being of the community as a whole as opposed to individual landowner rights.



Item No. 15 – Agriculturally Zoned Land: Summary of Public Consultation and Proposed Bylaws Limiting Residential Development in the Agriculture (AG1) Zone



Stephen Easterbrook, Co-Chair, Agricultural Advisory Committee (AAC), spoke on the farm home plate, suggesting that “septic field” not be included in the definition as new septic systems are designed in a manner that are conducive to being planted on.  Also, he commented on the AAC’s comments with regard to setbacks and was of the opinion that a 60 meter farm home plate setback is unreasonable.



Item No. 15 – Agriculturally Zoned Land: Summary of Public Consultation and Proposed Bylaws Limiting Residential Development in the Agriculture (AG1) Zone



Ben Dhiman, 9360 Sidaway Road, commented on ways in which farmers contribute to the community and was of the opinion that the proposed bylaws unfairly target farming families and their homes.  Mr. Dhiman stated that he supports the Richmond Farmland Owners Association proposal and requested that an 80 meter farm home plate setback be established and that “septic field” not be included in the definition of farm home plate.



Item No. 15 – Agriculturally Zoned Land: Summary of Public Consultation and Proposed Bylaws Limiting Residential Development in the Agriculture (AG1) Zone



Michael Wolfe, 9731 Odlin Road, stated that the City should follow the Ministry of Agriculture’s bylaw development guide and that more land should be added to the Agricultural Land Reserve.  Also, Mr. Wolfe was of the opinion that large homes on agricultural land convey the wrong message that such land is as financially lucrative as residential land.



Item No. 15 – Agriculturally Zoned Land: Summary of Public Consultation and Proposed Bylaws Limiting Residential Development in the Agriculture (AG1) Zone



Don Flintoff, 6071 Dover Road, was of the opinion that every square foot of residential dwelling on AG1 zoned land takes away from farming activities.   He believed that the location of the septic system and accessory buildings should be at the discretion of the landowner / farmer.  Also, Mr. Flintoff expressed concern that the proposed bylaws allow for larger homes than what is suggested in the Ministry of Agriculture’s bylaw development guide and requested that Council reconsider housing sizes.



Item No. 15 – Agriculturally Zoned Land: Summary of Public Consultation and Proposed Bylaws Limiting Residential Development in the Agriculture (AG1) Zone



Isser Rogowski, 9371 Bashuk Place, spoke in opposition to the proposed bylaws as he was of the opinion that the proposed restrictions convey to farmland owners that they are second class citizens.  He commented on other uses of farmland, such as for growing Christmas trees, and stated that he believed that the size of homes on AG1 zoned land will not negatively affect food production in Richmond.



Item No. 15 – Agriculturally Zoned Land: Summary of Public Consultation and Proposed Bylaws Limiting Residential Development in the Agriculture (AG1) Zone



Laura Gillanders, [XXXX], queried why Council does not follow the Ministry of Agriculture’s bylaw development guide with regard to house size on AG1 zoned land.  Ms. Gillanders commented on the cost of building residential dwellings, and urged Council to consider a smaller limit on house sizes.



Item No. 15 – Agriculturally Zoned Land: Summary of Public Consultation and Proposed Bylaws Limiting Residential Development in the Agriculture (AG1) Zone



Joe Wozny, Richmond farmland owner, 1419 Beach Avenue, Vancouver, was in favour of the proposed house size regulations in agricultural zones.



Item No. 15 – Agriculturally Zoned Land: Summary of Public Consultation and Proposed Bylaws Limiting Residential Development in the Agriculture (AG1) Zone



Jora Bhullar, 6660 Sidaway Road, commented that much of the produce grown in Richmond is for export and spoke on farming practices, stating that farmers grow what they know.  Also, Mr. Bhullar stated that there are opportunities for new farmers to lease farmland and requested that Council consider the Richmond Farmland Owners Association proposal with regard to farm home plate and the maximum house size limits.



Item No. 15 – Agriculturally Zoned Land: Summary of Public Consultation and Proposed Bylaws Limiting Residential Development in the Agriculture (AG1) Zone



Doug Wright, 11540 No. 3 Road, was of the opinion that the proposed bylaws place unnecessary restrictions on farmland owners and in particular expressed concern with regard to the proposed bylaws negatively affecting land values.  Mr. Wright then spoke in opposition to the proposed bylaws in relation to the limit of one dwelling unit on a agriculturally zoned lot.



Item No. 15 – Agriculturally Zoned Land: Summary of Public Consultation and Proposed Bylaws Limiting Residential Development in the Agriculture (AG1) Zone



Joe Oeser, 12004 No. 2 Road, spoke on the proposed bylaws in relation to the farm home plate.  He referenced Policy P-02 from the Agricultural Land Commission and read from his submission (attached to and forming part of these Minutes as Schedule 4).



Item No. 15 – Agriculturally Zoned Land: Summary of Public Consultation and Proposed Bylaws Limiting Residential Development in the Agriculture (AG1) Zone



Jordan Sangha, 6171 No. 6 Road, commented on how the proposed bylaws can potentially affect land values as it places restrictions on what can be built on AG1 zoned parcels. Also, he stated that he believed the proposed bylaws only address worse case scenarios and do not accurately reflect current building practices on AG1 zoned lands.



Item No. 15 – Agriculturally Zoned Land: Summary of Public Consultation and Proposed Bylaws Limiting Residential Development in the Agriculture (AG1) Zone



Ron Hung, 6440 No. 6 Road, spoke in opposition of the proposed bylaws as he was of the opinion that they infringe on AG1 landowners’ rights and negatively affect property values.



Item No. 15 – Agriculturally Zoned Land: Summary of Public Consultation and Proposed Bylaws Limiting Residential Development in the Agriculture (AG1) Zone



Gary Berar, 9571 No. 6 Road, stated that he supported the Richmond Farmland Owners Association proposal, and comments made by representatives of the Richmond Farmers’ Institute and the Agricultural Advisory Committee.  Mr. Berar spoke on the Richmond Farmland Owners Association website, highlighting that approximately 55 acres of farmland is available for lease.  Also, he commented on the proposed setback requirements, and offered rationale as to why homes on AG1 zoned lands are cited where they are; Mr. Berar then stated that a 60 meter farm home plate setback does not allow for family amenities and therefore, requested that Council consider increasing the setback to 80 meters.



Item No. 15 – Agriculturally Zoned Land: Summary of Public Consultation and Proposed Bylaws Limiting Residential Development in the Agriculture (AG1) Zone



XXXX XXXX, XXXX, spoke in favour of restricting house size on agricultural land and expressed concern regarding the loss of farmland and its effect on food security.



Item No. 15 – Agriculturally Zoned Land: Summary of Public Consultation and Proposed Bylaws Limiting Residential Development in the Agriculture (AG1) Zone



Suki Badh, 2831 Westminster Highway, spoke on the need to preserve farmland and strengthen farmers.  Also, Mr. Badh commented on the proposed farm home plate, noting that AG1 zoned landowners should be able to accommodate family amenities anywhere on their site.



Item No. 15 – Agriculturally Zoned Land: Summary of Public Consultation and Proposed Bylaws Limiting Residential Development in the Agriculture (AG1) Zone



Mr. Kallu, 7480 Sidaway Road, stated that he wished to see the septic field excluded from the farm home plate and was of the opinion that an 80 meter farm home plate setback was more appropriate.



It was moved and seconded



That Committee rise and report (9:51 p.m.).









It was moved and seconded



That Items No. 6 through No. 13 be adopted by general consent.










That the minutes of:




the Community Safety Committee meeting held on April 11, 2017;




the General Purposes Committee meeting held on April 18, 2017;




the Planning Committee meeting held on April 19, 2017; and




the Public Works and Transportation Committee meeting held on April 20, 2017;



be received for information.







2017-2018 Richmond RCMP Detachment Annual Performance Plan – Community Priorities
(File Ref. No. 01-0340-35-LCSA1) (REDMS No. 5333849 v. 3)



That Property Crime, Organized Crime – Drug Offences, and Vulnerable Persons Unit as listed in the staff report titled “2017-2018 RCMP Annual Performance Plan – Community Priorities” (dated March 6, 2017 from the Acting OIC, RCMP), be selected and considered for inclusion in the Richmond Detachment fiscal 2017-2018 (April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018) RCMP Annual Performance Plan.






Annual Property Tax Rates (2017) Bylaw No. 9695
(File Ref. No. 12-8060-20-009695) (REDMS No. 5331890, 5331906)



That the Annual Property Tax Rates (2017) Bylaw No. 9695 be introduced and given first, second and third readings.






Application by Pak Ching Chan and Anna Lei Ling Lee for Rezoning at 8511 No. 4 Road from “Single Detached (RS1/E)” Zone to “Coach House (ZS29) – No. 4 Road” Zone
(File Ref. No. 12-8060-20-009703; RZ 16-748526) (REDMS No. 5306158 v. 2, 4573372, 5354283)




That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9703 to create the “Coach House (ZS29) – No. 4 Road” zone, and to rezone 8511 No. 4 Road from “Single Detached (RS1/E)” zone to “Coach House (ZS29) – No. 4 Road” zone, be introduced and given first reading.






Application by Oris (TLP) Developments Corp. for Rezoning at 5071 Steveston Highway from “Single Detached (RS1/E)” Zone to “Low Density Townhouses (RTL4)” Zone
(File Ref. No. 12-8060-20-009705; RZ 16-734445) (REDMS No. 5356751, 5357829)




That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9705, for a site-specific amendment to the “Low Density Townhouses (RTL4)” zone and for the rezoning of 5071 Steveston Highway from “Single Detached (RS1/E)” zone to “Low Density Townhouses (RTL4)” zone, be introduced and given first reading.






Standardization of City's Single and Tandem Axle Vehicle Fleet
(File Ref. No. 01-0780-01) (REDMS No. 5329728 v. 3)




That the Peterbilt make be adopted as the standard for future single and tandem axle cab and chassis vehicle requirements; 




That staff be authorized to competitively bid directly with Peterbilt dealers to obtain best value; and




That the Peterbilt make standard for the cab and chassis components of the City’s single and tandem axle vehicle fleet be reviewed after five years or sooner if the City does not receive competitive bids in order to evaluate suitability in relation to overall best value.






Report 2016: Recycling and Solid Waste Management - On Track for 80% Waste Diversion
(File Ref. No. 10-6370-01) (REDMS No. 5352261)



That the annual report titled, “Report 2016: Recycling and Solid Waste Management – On Track for 80% Waste Diversion” be endorsed and Attachment 1 be made available to the community through the City’s website and through various communication tools including social media channels and as part of community outreach initiatives.






Post Winter Roads and Paving Program Update
(File Ref. No. 10-6060-05-01) (REDMS No. 5357378 v. 2)




That $202,300 be allocated from the MRN Provision for MRN road rehabilitation and included as an amendment to the 5 Year Consolidated Financial Plan (2017-2021); and




That $832,500 be allocated from the Gas Tax Provision for Non MRN road rehabilitation and included as an amendment to the 5 Year Consolidated Financial Plan (2017-2021).









Councillor Linda McPhail, Chair



Application by Anthem Properties Group Ltd. for Rezoning at 10475, 10491, 10511, 10531, 10551, 10571, 10591 and 10631 No. 5 Road from Single Detached (RS1/E) to Medium Density Townhouses (RTM3)
(File Ref. No. 12-8060-20-009687/9715; RZ 16-726337) (REDMS No. 5362581, 5228881, 5327032, 5364465)




It was moved and seconded




That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9715, for the zoning text amendment to Section 3.4 [Use and Term Definitions], Section 5.4 [Secondary Suites], Section 8.6 [Low Density Townhouses (RTL1, RTL2, RTL3, RTL4)], Section 8.7 [Medium Density Townhouses (RTM1, RTM2, RTM3)], Section 8.8 [High Density Townhouses (RTH1, RTH2, RTH3, RTH4)] and Section 8.9 [Parking Structure Townhouses (RTP1, RTP2, RTP3, RTP4)], to allow secondary suites in townhouse developments, be introduced and given first reading; and




That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9687, for the rezoning of 10475, 10491, 10511, 10531, 10551, 10571, 10591 and 10631 No. 5 Road from “Single Detached (RS1/E)” to “Medium Density Townhouses (RTM3)”, be introduced and given first reading.






Agriculturally Zoned Land: Summary of Public Consultation and Proposed Bylaws Limiting Residential Development in the Agriculture (AG1) Zone
(File Ref. No. 12-8060-20-009706/9707/9712/9708/9709/9710/9711/9716; 08-4057-10) (REDMS No. 5373458, 5373601, 5374976, 5376179, 5376194, 5375888, 5370766, 5346570, 5365904, 5370738, 5366681, 5365267, 5368812, 5360722, 5360220, 5360235, 5360255, 5360288, 5360422, 5360429, 5367003)




It was moved and seconded




That Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaw 9000, Amendment Bylaw 9706, be introduced and given first reading;




That Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaw 9000, Amendment Bylaw 9706, having been considered in conjunction with:





the City's Financial Plan and Capital Program; and





the Greater Vancouver Regional District Solid Waste and Liquid Waste Management Plans;




is hereby found to be consistent with said program and plans, in accordance with section 477(3)(a) of the Local Government Act;




That Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 9000, Amendment Bylaw No. 9706, having been considered in conjunction with Section 477(3)(b) of the Local Government Act, be referred to the Agricultural Land Commission for comment;




That Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaw 9000, Amendment Bylaw No. 9706, having been considered in accordance with Section 475 of the Local Government Act and the City’s Official Community Plan Bylaw Preparation Consultation Policy 5043, is found not to require further consultation;




That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9707 (Maximum Farm Home Plate Area and Setbacks in the AG1 Zone), be introduced and given first reading;




That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9712 (Maximum House Size in the AG1 Zone), be introduced and given first reading, provided that the maximum floor area of 500 m2, as shown in section 2 of Bylaw 9712, be amended to set the maximum floor area for a principal dwelling unit to be 500 m2 for lots less than 0.2 hectares and 1000 m2 for lots 0.2 hectares or greater;




That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9717 (House Size Regulations in Residential Zones in the ALR) be introduced and given first reading; and




That staff review and report back in six months on bylaws limiting residential development in the agriculture (AG1) zone.



The Mayor noted for clarity that Bylaws 9706, 9712 and 9717 under consideration were those versions of the Bylaws as attached to the staff memorandum dated April 21, 2017 in the Council Agenda package.



The question on Resolution R17/8-6 was not called as discussion took place on Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 9707 with regard to the proposed 60 metre farm home plate setback and the definition of “Farm home plate.”



As a result of the discussion, the following amendments were introduced:



It was moved and seconded



That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9707 be amended at Section 14.1.6 to allow a maximum farm home plate setback from the front lot line to the rear of the farm home plate of 75 metres.



Opposed: Mayor Brodie
Cllrs. Au



It was moved and seconded



That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9707 be amended by deleting the words “and field” from the definition of “Farm home plate.”



Opposed: Mayor Brodie
Cllrs. Au



It was moved and seconded



That the Regular Council meeting of April 24, 2017 proceed past 11:00 p.m.






Discussion took place on Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 9706 with regard to limiting the number of dwelling units on agriculturally zoned properties and the requirement for a rezoning process.  As a result, the following amendment was introduced:



It was moved and seconded



That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9706 be amended by deleting Section 1, subparagraph g).



Opposed: Mayor Brodie
Cllrs. Au



Discussion took place on the proposed Bylaws and the need to further consider the Ministry of Agriculture’s bylaw development guide.  As a result, the following referral was introduced:



It was moved and seconded



That the staff report titled “Agriculturally Zoned Land: Summary of Public Consultation and Proposed Bylaws Limiting Residential Development in the Agriculture (AG1) Zone” from the Director, Development and Manager, Policy Planning dated April 13, 2017 be referred back to staff.



Opposed: Mayor Brodie
Cllrs. Au



The question on Resolution R17/8-6, as amended to read as follows,




That Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaw 9000, Amendment Bylaw 9706, be introduced and given first reading;




That Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaw 9000, Amendment Bylaw 9706, having been considered in conjunction with:





the City's Financial Plan and Capital Program; and





the Greater Vancouver Regional District Solid Waste and Liquid Waste Management Plans;




is hereby found to be consistent with said program and plans, in accordance with section 477(3)(a) of the Local Government Act;




That Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 9000, Amendment Bylaw No. 9706, having been considered in conjunction with Section 477(3)(b) of the Local Government Act, be referred to the Agricultural Land Commission for comment;




That Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaw 9000, Amendment Bylaw No. 9706, having been considered in accordance with Section 475 of the Local Government Act and the City’s Official Community Plan Bylaw Preparation Consultation Policy 5043, is found not to require further consultation;




That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9707 (Maximum Farm Home Plate Area and Setbacks in the AG1 Zone) as amended at Section 14.1.6 to allow a maximum farm home plate setback from the front lot line to the rear of the farm home plate of 75 metres and by deleting the words “and field” from the definition of “Farm home plate” be introduced and given first reading;




That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9712 (Maximum House Size in the AG1 Zone), be introduced and given first reading, provided that the maximum floor area of 500 m2, as shown in section 2 of Bylaw 9712, be amended to set the maximum floor area for a principal dwelling unit to be 500 m2 for lots less than 0.2 hectares and 1000 m2 for lots 0.2 hectares or greater;




That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9717 (House Size Regulations in Residential Zones in the ALR) be introduced and given first reading; and




That staff review and report back in six months on bylaws limiting residential development in the agriculture (AG1) zone.



was then called and it was CARRIED with Cllrs. Day and Steves opposed.






Mayor Brodie announced that Wayne Duzita, Andrew Hobbs, and Robert Thurlow have been appointed to the Richmond Tourism Board of Directors for two-year terms.



Also, Mayor Brodie announced the appointment of Cecilia Achiam to the position of General Manager, Community Safety.  Cecilia has been with the City of Richmond since 2003, serving in a number of capacities, most recently as Director, Administration and Compliance.  The appointment takes effect as of May 1, 2017.






It was moved and seconded



That the following bylaws be adopted:


Richmond Zoning Bylaw No. 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9291
(7180 Railway Avenue, RZ 14-674043)



Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaws 7100 and 9000, Amendment Bylaw 9114



Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9115
(5320, 5340 and 5360 Granville Avenue and 7260 Lynnwood Drive, RZ 12-610630)



Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaws 7100 and 9000, Amendment Bylaw 9230
(5300 Granville Avenue, RZ 12-610630)










It was moved and seconded



That the minutes of the Development Permit Panel meeting held on April 12, 2017, and the Chair’s report for the Development Permit Panel meetings held on April 13, 2016, April 27, 2016 and February 15, 2017, be received for information; and






That the recommendations of the Panel to authorize the issuance of:




a Development Permit (DP 15-697654) for the property at 8191 Alexandra Road; and






a Development Permit (DP 16-743848) for the property at 6622 and 6688 Pearson Way;





be endorsed, and the Permits so issued.







In accordance with Section 100 of the Community Charter, Councillor Derek Dang declared to be in a conflict of interest as he has interest in the property, and left the meeting (11:07 p.m.) and did not return.






It was moved and seconded



That Richmond Zoning Bylaw No. 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9642 (8360/8380 Sierpina Place, RZ 16-737179) be adopted.










It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (11:09 p.m.).





Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the Regular meeting of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Monday, April 24, 2017.



Mayor (Malcolm D. Brodie)

Corporate Officer (David Weber)