November 29, 2023 - Minutes
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Development Permit Panel
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Time: |
3:30 p.m. |
Place: |
Remote (Zoom) Meeting |
Present: |
Cecilia Achiam, General Manager, Community Safety, Acting Chair John Irving, General Manager, Engineering and Public Works Milton Chan, Director, Engineering
The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m.
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel held on November 16, 2023 be adopted. |
1. |
(REDMS No. 7427015) |
1132865 BC Ltd. |
7580 No. 1 Road (formerly 7464, 7480, 7500, 7520, 7540, 7560/7580 and 7600 No. 1 Road) |
To consider the attached plans involving changes to the proposed Tree Management Plan and Landscape Plan to be in General Compliance with the approved Development Permit (DP 18-829236). |
Applicant’s Comments |
Denitsa Dimitrova, PMG Landscape Architects, with the aid of a visual presentation (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 1), briefed the Panel on the proposed changes to the original landscape plan issued with the approved Development Permit (DP 18-829236), highlighting the following: |
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two large Dawyck Beech trees are proposed to be planted as replacement trees for the removal of the existing Sycamore Maple tree that was identified for retention; |
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the two replacement trees will provide privacy and screening from the neighbouring development to the south of the subject site; |
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the newly-constructed cast-in-place concrete retaining walls along the south property line will be retained; and |
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the open lawn area for Unit 9 will be increased as a result of the removal of the subject tree and existing grade will be raised to match the surrounding area. |
Glenn Murray, Froggers Creek Tree Consultants, with the aid of the same visual presentation, reviewed the project arborist’s efforts and measures taken to protect and retain the subject tree, noting that (i) the subject tree was in a steady state of decline for the last 15 years as noted in the history of the Google Maps street view of the area, (ii) as the project arborist, he was present on-site during all construction activities near the subject tree to ensure the protection of the tree, (iii) a portion of the roots of the subject tree were observed to be dead when an on-site excavation for the retaining wall along the edge of the tree protection zone was conducted in September 2022, (iv) the subject tree then continued to decline and in September 2023, he recommended the removal of the tree, and (v) the decline of the tree was likely due to natural causes, including the heat dome that occurred in 2021 that impacted a significant number of trees in the area and not as a result of on-site construction activities. |
Staff Comments |
Wayne Craig, Director, Development, noted that (i) staff agree with the arborist’s comments regarding their best efforts to protect the tree that was identified for retention, and (ii) staff support the removal of the tree subject to the installation of replacement trees as identified in the staff report. |
In reply to queries from the Panel, Mr. Craig noted that (i) staff has received written confirmation from the neighbouring property owner regarding their agreement to the removal of the tree, (ii) the replacement trees are of appropriate sizes and species that would provide immediate visual impact to the streetscape and were selected to ensure their long-term survivability after transplanting. |
Gallery Comments |
None. |
Correspondence |
None. |
Panel Discussion |
The Panel expressed support for the proposal, noting that (i) the health of the subject tree was found to be in a steady state of decline, (ii) the applicant had undertaken the required measures to protect the subject tree that was identified for retention, (iii) it was determined that the decline of the tree was not due to the demolition and preloading activities in the subject site, and (iv) two replacement trees are proposed. |
Panel Decision |
It was moved and seconded |
That the attached plans involving changes to the proposed Tree Management Plan and Landscape Plan be considered to be in General Compliance with the approved Development Permit (DP 18-829236). |
The Chair advised that the order of the agenda would be varied to consider Item No. 3 ahead of Item No. 2. |
3. |
(REDMS No. 7419131) |
Weaver Technical Corp. |
11191 Twigg Place |
Facilitate the installation of a barge loading facility on a site designated as Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA). |
Applicant’s Comments |
Arin Yeomans – Routledge, Weaver Technical, with the aid of a visual presentation (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 3), provided background information on the subject application, including (i) the current stages of the required reviews and approvals from Federal, Provincial and Local governmental bodies, (ii) the Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) designated lands including the shoreline and intertidal ESAs that would be impacted by the proposed construction of a barge ramp and associated infrastructure, and (iii) the ESA compensation strategy which includes riparian vegetation planting in the shoreline ESA and marsh planting in the intertidal ESA. |
In addition, Mr. Routledge noted that (i) with a habitat compensation ratio of 1.4:1, the proposed ESA compensation strategy will result in a net gain of 245 square meters of high-value habitat, and (ii) the elevation of the upland portion of the subject site will be raised to meet the City’s future requirements for raising the dike. |
Staff Comments |
Mr. Craig noted that (i) the proposed ESA enhancements will result in an improvement over existing conditions in ESA designated lands in the subject site, (ii) most of the disturbed ESA designated lands are currently devoid of habitat or have significantly marginalized habitat value, (iii) the proposed ESA compensation scheme will result in a net gain in ESA area and ecological habitat function relative to the ESA area that will be disturbed as a result of construction with a ratio of 1.4:1, (iv) there will be a five-year monitoring and annual reporting period secured through a legal agreement to ensure the survival and maintenance of the proposed ESA compensation plantings, and (v) registration of a 20 metre-wide Statutory Right-of-Way (SRW) along the foreshore area for future dike development and a four metre-wide SRW to allow the City to access the 20 metre-wide dike from Twigg Place are required as a condition for Development Permit issuance. |
Gallery Comments |
None. |
Correspondence |
None. |
Panel Discussion |
The Panel expressed support for the subject application, noting that (i) the proposed ESA compensation and enhancement scheme will significantly improve the existing ecological habitat in the area, and (ii) the proposed elevation of the upland portion of the site to meet the City’s future diking requirements is appreciated. |
Panel Decision |
It was moved and seconded |
That a Development Permit be issued at 11191 Twigg Place to facilitate the installation of a barge loading facility on a site designated as Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA). |
2. |
(REDMS No. 7439779) |
Lovick Scott Architects |
#115 - 10700 Cambie Road |
Permit the construction of exterior renovations and minor on-site upgrades to the existing McDonald’s restaurant at #115 – 10700 Cambie Road on a site zoned “Auto-Oriented Commercial (CA)”. |
Applicant’s Comments |
Andrea Scott, Lovick Scott Architects, with the aid of a visual presentation (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 2), provided background information on the proposed exterior renovations to the existing McDonald’s restaurant, noting that (i) the exterior building materials will be upgraded and modernized to be consistent with other McDonald’s renovations, (ii) there will be no change to the building’s floor area, (iii) the existing garbage and recycling enclosure at the northeast corner of the building will be modified to make it fully enclosed, (iv) additional curb stops for the parking stalls will be installed, and (v) additional signage and pavement markings are proposed for wayfinding and pedestrian safety around vehicle and pedestrian circulation areas. |
Dan Yang, Arcadis, with the aid of the same visual presentation, briefed the Panel on the proposed additional landscaping for the project, noting that (i) groundcovers and low perennials are proposed along the north side of the drive-through aisle, and (ii) a row of trees is proposed along the shared driveway to the east of the existing McDonald’s building. |
Staff Comments |
Mr. Craig noted that in addition to the proposed upgrades to exterior cladding, garbage and recycling enclosure and landscaping, the applicant will provide (i) electric vehicle (EV) charging stations and related infrastructure secured through a legal agreement and as a development permit consideration, and (ii) a cash-in-lieu contribution to the City for upgrades to the existing traffic signal at the intersection of the access road to the subject site with Cambie Road. |
Panel Discussion |
In reply to a query from the Panel, the applicant confirmed that there will be no additional floor area to the building as a result of the proposed exterior building renovations. |
In reply to a query from the Panel, staff confirmed that a landscape security will be secured as part of the development permit considerations for the subject application. |
Gallery Comments |
None. |
Correspondence |
None. |
Panel Decision |
It was moved and seconded |
That a Development Permit be issued which would permit the construction of exterior renovations and minor on-site upgrades to the existing McDonald’s restaurant at #115 – 10700 Cambie Road on a site zoned “Auto-Oriented Commercial (CA)”. |
4. |
New Business |
None. |
5. |
Date of Next Meeting: December 13, 2023 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (4:01 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Wednesday, November 29, 2023. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Cecilia Achiam Acting Chair |
Rustico Agawin |