Council Meeting Minutes - June 9, 2003



Regular Council Meeting


Monday, June 9th, 2003





7:00 p.m.


Council Chambers
Richmond City Hall


Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie
Councillor Linda Barnes
Councillor Derek Dang
Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt
Councillor Sue Halsey-Brandt
Councillor Rob Howard
Councillor Kiichi Kumagai
Councillor Bill McNulty
Councillor Harold Steves

City Clerk J. Richard McKenna

Call to Order:

Mayor Brodie called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.










R 03/11-1


It was moved and seconded



That the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on Monday, May 26th, 2003, be adopted as circulated, and that the TransLink Board in Brief dated May 23, 2003, be received for information.











The Manager, Community Safety Planning, Shawn Issel, provided information about Project Wet and the award which was received by the City.  Ms. Issel then presented to the Mayor, on behalf of Project Wet, the Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators 2003 USFilter Award for Education, which was awarded to the City at the Associations annual conference in Winnipeg.




The Manager, Business Liaison & Development, Marcia Freeman, introduced Ms. Doris Chang, Vice President, Asian Banking for the Bank of Montreal.  Ms. Chang commented on the marketing campaign developed by the City, and then presented to the Mayor, the Economic Development Marketing Initiative of the Year award, which was received by the City at the 2003 BMO Bank of Montreal BC Economic Development Awards ceremony.






R 03/11-2


It was moved and seconded



That Council resolve into Committee of the Whole to hear delegations on agenda items (7:16 p.m.).







Delegations from the floor on Agenda items



Item No. 14 Tall Ships



Ms. Janice Podmore, Chair of the Richmond Tall Ships Steering Committee for 2005, spoke about the information and experience gained by the City as a result of the 2002 Tall Ships event.  She then reviewed the ten key factors which would help to ensure success of the 2005 event and urged Council to approve the requested funding to allow the preparation of the business plan.




Item No. 18 20012026 Demographic Profile/Needs Assessment:  Richmond Seniors Affordable Supportive Housing



Mr. James Sullivan, #102 7457 Moffatt Road, asked that the recommendation being considered by Council this evening be amended to reflect .seniors accessible affordable supportive housing, in the hope that the requirements or guidelines for this type of housing could be expanded to include people with disabilities who were also in need of housing in Richmond.



Item No. 14 Tall Ships



Mr. John Wong, 3858 McKay Drive, expressed concern about the requests for funding to initiate the 2005 Tall Ships project, especially because of the financial losses incurred with the holding of the 2002 event.  He also questioned whether a guarantee could be made that the 2005 event would be a financial success; and how the City would provide funding for that event. 



Item No. 7 Full Service Gaming Policy



Mr. John Wong also spoke about the increase in slot machines at casinos, and asked that Council carefully consider the impact which a possible increase in the number of slot machines could have on Richmond residents.



Mr. Bill Chu, 7829 Oak Street, Vancouver, suggested that the increase in the number of slot machines and tables was a land density issue which should be addressed at a public hearing.  He stated that Council had a duty to protect Richmond citizens even if the change in policy and regulations was initiated by the Provincial Government.



Item No. 14 Tall Ships



Mr. Gordon Kibble, 11171 Fourth Avenue, Co-Chair of the Richmond Maritime Society, spoke about the success of the 2002 Tall Ships event, and he urged Council to continue to support the 2005 event. 



Mr. Brian Plato, 6260 Riverdale Drive, representing the Pacific Sail Training Association, expressed concern about a number of issues which occurred with the 2002 Tall Ships event; and he spoke about the need to promote and focus on youth sail training education at the proposed 2005 event.  He also expressed concern about the length of time being taken to make a decision on whether to proceed with the 2005 event. 



Mr. Peter Mitchell, 6271 Nanika Crescent, stated that the City had to be better prepared in advance and to move more expeditiously on this issue; and that funding had to be found from within the community.  He added that a much improved event could be held in 2005, based on the experiences resulting from the 2002 event; however he stated that the society should be allowed to produce its own business plan. 



Item No. 7 Full Service Gaming Policy



Ms. Louise Seto,  104 East 59th Street, Vancouver, expressed concern about the proposed change to City policy with respect to the number of slot machines to be permitted in casinos to be consistent with provincial regulations.  She urged Council to delay making a decision until a report on the social and economic repercussions of introducing slots in the City of Vancouver was completed, because of the serious economic impact which the proposed change in policy could have on Richmond.



Item No. 14 Tall Ships



Mr. Barry Coulson, 5431 Woodpecker Drive, spoke about the tremendous financial benefits which the Tall Ships event could generate which would help to keep property taxes down.  He spoke about the proposal to establish a non‑profit society to (i) reduce costs to the City, and (ii) find private and public partners to help sponsor the 2005 event.   



Mr. Bob Ransford, 5071 Steveston Highway, expressed agreement with the previous speaker that the 2002 Tall Ships event had provided a significant financial contribution to the City.  He also spoke about the experience gained from the event which would help to organize the 2005 event.  Mr. Ransford encouraged Council to support the event in principle.


R 03/11-3


It was moved and seconded



That Committee rise and report (8:01 p.m.).












R 03/11-4


It was moved and seconded




That the following persons each be appointed to the Agricultural Advisory Committee for the period July 1, 2003 to December 31, 2004:




( a)

Mr. Ken May




( b)

Mr. Todd May




( c)

Mr. David Moon




( d)

Mr. Frank Peters




That the following persons each be appointed to the Agricultural Advisory Committee for the period July 1, 2003 to December 31, 2005:




( a)

Mr. Ian Chang




( b)

Mr. Peter Dhillon




( c)

Mr. Bill Jones




( d)

Mr. Bruce May





Mr. Bill Zylmans.









Councillor Kiichi Kumagai, Chair


R 03/11-5


It was moved and seconded



That the minutes of the Finance Select Committee meeting held on Thursday, May 29th, 2003, be received for information.







(Report:  May 22/03, File No.:  4040-00) (REDMS No. 1010593, 709597, 992668)

R 03/11-6


It was moved and seconded



That Council Policy 5040 (Full Service Gaming Policy) be amended by deleting Section 1 and substituting the following,



Richmond supports:

One Full Service community gaming casino in Richmond which includes slot machines, table games, and poker tables as permitted by Provincial Gaming Legislation and Government Policy,,



thereby ensuring consistency between the City policy and Provincial regulations on this matter.






OPPOSED:  Mayor Brodie
Cllr. Dang
S. Halsey-Brandt




It was moved and seconded



That the Mayor advise the Provincial Government and the BC Lottery Corporation that the City has changed its original gaming policy to be consistent with the Provincial regulations.






OPPOSED: S. Halsey-Brandt




(Report:  May 21/03, File No.:  0970-00) (REDMS No. 1011168)



It was moved and seconded



That the new budgeting process and cycle for the City (as presented in the report dated May 21, 2003, from the Director of Finance), be approved.







(Report:  May 22/03, File No.:  1085-20-RTEQ1) (REDMS No. 1010657, 1005047, 1017303)



It was moved and seconded



That the Richmond Therapeutic Equestrian Society be awarded the remaining $22,000 from the City grant account.






OPPOSED:  Cllr. Howard




It was moved and seconded



That funding for the combined services of the Richmond Therapeutic Equestrian Society and the Richmond Committee on Disability be referred to staff for inclusion in the 2004 operating budget.







It was moved and seconded



That the matter of the budget levels for the Disability Resource Centre and the Richmond Therapeutic Equestrian Society be referred to staff for a report to Committee in relation to future budgets.




The question on Resolution No. R03/11-11 was not called, as reference was made to a previous request for an evaluation on the Disability Resource Centre, and staff were directed to include the Therapeutic Equestrian Society in that report.  Staff were also requested to include in the report, information on:




the role of the Committee on Disability;




the compatibility of the Committee on Disability with the Disability Resource Centre and the Therapeutic Equestrian Society;




the mandate of each of the organizations to determine if it was appropriate to have the Committee on Disability administering the funds for the Therapeutic Equestrian Society, and if it was not appropriate under the current arrangement, the steps which could be taken to make it appropriate.



The question on Resolution No. R03/11-11 was then called, and it was CARRIED.




Councillor Harold Steves, Chair


R 03/11-12


It was moved and seconded



That the minutes of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee meeting held on Wednesday, June 4th, 2003, be received for information.








Public Amenity Space at Aberdeen Centre
(Report:  May 22/03, File No.:  1000-14-098 xr 8060-20-7439) (REDMS No. 1011364, 846948, 1019150)




It was moved and seconded









the ground floor location for the proposed community space in Fairchild Developments Limiteds proposed hotel at Aberdeen Centre (as outlined in the rezoning application), be endorsed; and,





staff examine the proposed community space and report to Council as soon as possible on potential uses and budgetary implications - both Capital and Operating.








Interurban Tram Building in London/Princess Area
(Report:  May 15/03, File No.:  6510-05) (REDMS No. 1008251, 1019143)




It was moved and seconded





That the City-owned former CNR right-of-way within the London Princess area be endorsed as a potential location for the Interurban Tram car barn and workshop.





That staff report on the routing of the Interurban tram in context with the Waterfront Strategy.









Special Events
(Report:  May 27/03, File No.:  7400-00) (REDMS No. 1018828, 1019128)



It was moved and seconded







the special event guiding principles, (as defined in the report dated May 26, 2003 from the General Manager, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services), be adopted;




the interim special event process and the City's role, (as defined in the dated May 26, 2003 from the General Manager, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services), be adopted;




City staff continue to develop a final special event and sponsorship process for Councils consideration in the Fall of 2003; and




the staff report on this matter be referred to the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Community Working Group and to the Economic Advisory Task Force for review and report to Council prior to a final decision being made on this strategy.








Tall Ships Report
(Report:  May 14/03, File No.:  7400-20-TALL1) (REDMS No. 1007792, 839280, 1016370, 1019121)



It was moved and seconded







That a maximum of $25,000 be granted to the Tall Ships 2005 Steering Committee, based on funds to be matched by the recipients, from the Council Contingency Account, to prepare a business plan and a fundraising and sponsorship plan.




That a contribution agreement for the $25,000 be prepared.




That the completed business plan and sponsorship/fundraising plan be presented to the General Purposes Committee meeting no later than November 3, 2003 in order that a timely decision on the City involvement in Tall Ships 2005 be made.



The question on Resolution No. 11-16 was not called, as the following amendments were introduced:

R 03/11-17


It was moved and seconded



That Part (3) of Resolution No. R03/11-16 be amended by adding the following words, without a further cash commitment and a defined in kind or capital contribution, after the words, Tall Ships 2005.





R 03/11-18


It was moved and seconded



That Part (2) of Resolution No. R03/11-16 be amended by adding the following to the end of the sentence , and that sail training opportunities  and the volunteer program be included as part of the contribution agreement.







The question on Resolution No. R03/11-16, as amended by Resolution Nos. R03/11-17 and R03/11-18, was then called, and it was CARRIED.




(Councillor Howard left the meeting at 9:55 p.m.)




Councillor Bill McNulty, Chair


R 03/11-19


It was moved and seconded



That the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Tuesday, June 3rd, 2003, be received for information.











( A)

(RZ 03-229935 -
Report:  May 9/03, File No.:  8060-20-7529) (REDMS No. 1006807, 1007340, 1007346)




( B)

(RZ  03-231597 -
Report:  May 9/03, File No.:  8060-20-7530) (REDMS No. 1006808, 1007536, 1007539)




It was moved and seconded



That the following bylaws each be introduced and given first reading:




Bylaw No. 7529, for the rezoning of 7460 No. 2 Road from Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E) to Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area K (R1/K); and




Bylaw No. 7530, for the rezoning of 10651 and 10671 Odlin Road from Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area F (R1/F) to Townhouse District (R2).







(Councillor Howard returned to the meeting at 9:57 p.m.)




(Report:  May 22/03, File No.:  7000-09-20-022) (REDMS No. 1003694)



It was moved and seconded







an allocation of $70,000 from the 2003 Public Art Program for the creation of a public art project along Sea Island Way (as presented in the report dated May 22, 2003 from the Manager, Policy Planning), be endorsed; and




the installation of the Art At The Intersection Project (as presented in the report dated May 22, 2003 from the Manager, Policy Planning), be implemented.






OPPOSED:  Mayor Brodie
Cllr. Dang
E. Halsey-Brandt




(Report:  May 14/03, File No.:  4057-04) (REDMS No. 907413, 895691, 1018664)



It was moved and seconded







the recommendations of the 2001-2026 Demographic Profile/Needs Assessment: Richmond Seniors Accessible Affordable Supportive Housing, May 7, 2003 (Attachment 1 to the report dated May 14th, 2003 from the Manager, Policy Planning), be endorsed;




 the increased development of seniors accessible affordable supportive housing be supported by entering into partnerships with Richmond Health Services, Greater Vancouver Housing Corporation and others, with the goal of creating 87 additional units per year from 2004 to 2026, based on the preservation of the City's capital, if possible; and




staff establish a program to consider the implementation of the assessment recommendations as part of the City's future annual budget review processes.





R 03/11-23


It was moved and seconded



That staff report to the Planning Committee on the concept of accessibility with respect to seniors affordable housing.









R 03/11-24


It was moved and seconded




That the minutes and the Chairs report for the Development Permit Panel meeting held on May 28th, 2003, be received for information.




( 2)

That the recommendations of the Panel to authorize the issuance of:





Development Permits for the properties at:






7131, 7151, 7171, 7191, 7195, 7211, 7231, 7271 and 7291 Heather Street (DP 02-221010); and






8091 Bennett Road (DP 03-223538); and





a Development Variance Permit for the property at 4280, 4300 Westminster Highway and 6020 Gibbons Drive (DV 03‑222918),




be endorsed, and the Permits so issued.





The question on Resolution No. R03/11-24 was not called, as the request was made that the recommendations be dealt with separately.



The question on Parts (1) and (2)(a) of Resolution No. R03/11-24 was then called, and it was CARRIED.



Councillor Dang, in accordance with Section 231 of the Local Government Act, advised that he was in a potential conflict of interest as he had a business relationship with the owners of the properties described in Part (2)(b), and he then left the meeting (10:20 p.m.).



The question on Part (2)(b) of Resolution No. R03/11-24  was then called, and it was CARRIED.



Councillor Dang returned to the meeting (10:21 p.m.).

R 03/11-25


It was moved and seconded



That the application for a Development Variance Permit (DV 03‑230499) for the property at 11911 Third Avenue and 3540 Broadway Street, be referred to a Public Hearing.



The question on Resolution No. R03/11-25 was not called, as staff were directed to provide to the Public Hearing:




comments on the City's lot orientation policy and the background of that policy;




the orientation of the front doors of the houses in the immediate neighbourhood of the subject property, as well as the dwelling located at 11291 Sixth Avenue;




a map of the Steveston town site, showing (i) the number of road end homes which are left; and (ii) those which are on Fourth Avenue;




information on the impact which approval of the Development Variance Permit application could have on the Steveston area;




information on the number of (i) side yards of homes which abut back yards, and (ii) back yards which touch adjacent back yards; and




information on the number of lots in the Steveston area which could be subdivided.



The question on Resolution No. R03/11-25 was then called, and it was CARRIED.

R 03/11-26


It was moved and seconded



That the alterations to grading, exterior finishes, stair layouts and landscaping at 9191 Blundell Road be deemed to be in general compliance with the Development Permit (DP 02-202952) issued for that property.













Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 7513 - Rezoning of 8360 St. Albans RoaD
(Report:  June 3/03, File No.:  8060-20-7513) (REDMS No. 1018639)



It was moved and seconded



That Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 7513 be abandoned, and that staff advise all those within the public hearing notification radius accordingly.









R 03/11-28


It was moved and seconded



That the following bylaws be adopted:



Official Community Bylaw No. 7100, Amendment Bylaw No. 7408
(12380, 12420 & 12440 Trites Road and 12511 No. 2 Road, RZ 97-121285, RZ 02-202838, RZ 02-209424)



Zoning & Development Bylaw No. 5300, Amendment Bylaw No. 7409
(12440 Trites Road, RZ 97-121285)



Zoning & Development Bylaw No. 5300, Amendment Bylaw No. 7466
(7131, 7151, 7171, 7191, 7195, 7211, 7231, 7271 and 7291 Heather Street, RZ 02-216183)



Zoning & Development Bylaw No. 5300, Amendment Bylaw No. 7502
(22451 Westminster Highway, RZ 03-226918)



Zoning & Development Bylaw No. 5300, Amendment Bylaw No. 7514
(13340 Smallwood Place, ZT 02-220116)





R 03/11-29


It was moved and seconded



That Zoning & Development Bylaw No. 5300, Amendment Bylaw No. 7486
(9420, 9460 and 9480 Cambie Road, RZ 02-213334)
, be adopted.






OPPOSED:  Cllr. E. Halsey-Brandt


R 03/11-30


It was moved and seconded



That Business Regulation Bylaw No. 7148, Amendment Bylaw No. 7504 (To control the sale of reptiles in pet stores), be adopted.






OPPOSED:  Cllr. S. Halsey-Brandt







R 03/11-31


It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (10:41 p.m.).








Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Monday, June 9th, 2003.



Mayor (Malcolm D. Brodie)

City Clerk (J. Richard McKenna)



07.16.04 14:38