October 19, 2009 - Minutes
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Regular Council Meeting for Public Hearings
Monday, October 19, 2009
Place: |
Council Chambers Richmond City Hall 6911 No. 3 Road |
Present: |
Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie Councillor Linda Barnes Councillor Derek Dang Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt Councillor Greg Halsey-Brandt Councillor Sue Halsey-Brandt Councillor Ken Johnston Councillor Bill McNulty Councillor Harold Steves Gail Johnson, Acting Corporate Officer |
Call to Order: |
Mayor Brodie opened the proceedings at 7:00 p.m. |
1. |
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8436 (RZ 06-348080)(8200 St. Albans Road; Applicant: Charan Sethi) |
Applicant’s Comments: |
The applicant was not in attendance. |
Written Submissions: |
None. |
Submissions from the floor: |
None. |
PH09/9-1 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8436 be given Second and Third Readings. |
In accordance with Section 100 of the Community Charter, Councillor Derek Dang declared himself to be in a potential conflict of interest as he has an interest in property that is the subject of Item 2, and left the meeting (7:03 p.m.). |
2. |
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8450 (RZ 08-408107)(9631, 9651, 9691, 9711, 9731, 9751, 9791 Alexandra Road and 4471, 4511, 4531, 4551 No. 4 Road; Applicant: Polygon Development 225 Ltd.) | ||
Applicant’s Comments: | ||
The applicant was available to respond to questions. | ||
Written Submissions: | ||
(a) |
Jagtar Sihota, 9800 Alexandra Road, (Schedule 1). | |
Submissions from the floor: | ||
Michael Wolfe, 9731 Odlin Road, explained that he was opposed to this development as he had concerns with the project and the developer who has other projects under construction in the neighbourhood. These concerns included: truck drivers speeding through school zones, and using jake brakes in the neighbourhood; sidewalks not being accessible due to the presence of sand, debris and broken glass; affordable housing being provided off-site; poor tree preservation and replacement practices; poor drainage leading to an increased risk of flooding, and general health and safety concerns for residents of the area. | ||
Jagtar Sihota, 9800 Alexandra Road, reviewed his written submission, expressing frustration and concern abut the lack of sidewalks in the area, the lack of sewers for property owners whose land has been designated “park”, flooding of properties from ditches that overflow, and the City’s lack of equal treatment for all West Cambie land owners as he will never be able to sell his property due to the “park” designation. He felt cheated by the City. | ||
Isabella Brown, 4751 No. 4 Road, advised that her property is also designated “park” and is not on the City’s sewer system. She expressed dismay with having to pay to have septic tanks emptied, as well as pay the same taxes as residents who have sewer systems. | ||
Alice Chow, 9700 and 9720 Alexandra Road, expressed similar concerns about her properties, which are also designated as “park”, including the amount of property taxes she must pay the City with nothing serviced in return. | ||
Upon discussion of issues raised by the delegations, it was agreed that staff would: | ||
· |
speak to the developer about the importance of having correct soil conditions when planting trees to improve their survival rate; their obligations to be a “good neighbour” during construction by ensuring sidewalks and common areas are kept free of debris, and remind sub-trades of this; posting a notice on site which includes a company phone number for the public to report problems; | |
· |
advise the RCMP and Polygon about trucks speeding through the school zone and general safety concerns; | |
· |
explore building a condition into the Development Permit process with respect to extending the period for holding onto securities issued for landscaping, particularly where boulevard trees are concerned; | |
· |
gain information on new geothermal sustainability measures for townhouses; | |
· |
advise Council about the difference in taxation rate for properties with septic tanks as compared to those with sewers; | |
· |
inspect ditches in this area to ensure proper drainage; and | |
· |
meet with the land owners in this area, whose properties do not have sewers and are designated as “park land” to determine mid and long term solutions to meet their concerns, keeping Council advised of this process. | |
In reply to the concerns of the speakers, Steve Jedreicich, Resident Developer, Polygon Homes advised that he will send a reminder to the drivers and trucking company about complying with speed limits in school zones. Mr. Jedreicich also advised that he will ensure sidewalks are cleaned up and will consult with a landscape architect for more effective ways to keep replacement trees healthy, and he would provide a contact number for the public to reach Polygon. |
PH09/9-2 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8450 be given Second and Third Readings. |
Councillor Derek Dang returned to the meeting (8:03 p.m.). |
3. |
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8523 (RZ 07-395773)(9671 No. 4 Road; Applicant: Matthew Cheng Architect Inc.) |
Applicant’s Comments: |
The applicant was available to respond to questions. |
Written Submissions: |
None. |
Submissions from the floor: |
None. |
PH09/9-3 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8523 be given Second and Third Readings. |
4. |
Zoning Text Amendment Bylaw 8525 (ZT 09-474842)(1020 Eburne Place; Applicant: Richmond Rod and Gun Club) | |
Applicant’s Comments: | |
The applicant was available to respond to questions. | |
Written Submissions: | |
(a) |
Marc Leduc, #217-6931 Cooney Road (Schedule 2). |
Submissions from the floor: | |
None. | |
PH09/9-4 |
It was moved and seconded | |
That Zoning Text Amendment Bylaw 8525 be given Second and Third Readings. | |
PH09/9-5 |
It was moved and seconded | |
That Zoning Text Amendment Bylaw 8525 be adopted. | |
5. |
Zoning Text Amendment Bylaw 8527 (ZT 09-462526)(5571 and 5631 Parkwood Way; Applicant: Kasian Architecture Interior Design & Planning Ltd.) |
Applicant’s Comments: |
The applicant was available to respond to questions. |
Written Submissions: |
None. |
Submissions from the floor: |
None. |
PH09/9-6 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Zoning Text Amendment Bylaw 8527 be given Second and Third Readings. |
6. |
Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw 8531 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8532 (RZ 08-450659)(12011 Steveston Highway and 10620, 10640, and 10800 No. 5 Road; Applicant: Townline Homes) | |
Applicant’s Comments: | |
Lauren Ilich and Rick Ilich of Townline Homes, using visual aids, provided an overview of the proposed project including transportation improvements, and responded to questions. | |
Written Submissions: | |
(a) |
Eugene Nizker, 11351 Sealord Road (Schedule 3); |
(b) |
Townline Homes – Comments from Community Workshop #4 (Schedule 4); and |
(c) |
Supplementary Staff Report dated October 15, 2009 from the Director of Development. |
Submissions from the floor: | |
Erika Simm, 4991 Westminster Highway, spoke in favour of this development citing its importance as a gateway entrance to Richmond, applauding its “green” initiatives and highlighting Townline’s proactive involvement with the public in seeking input for this project. (Schedule 5). | |
Bob Light, 10751 Palmberg Road, expressed no objections to the rezoning, but raised concerns regarding the traffic in this area. He opposed the creation of a full traffic light to allow traffic in and out of the site, referencing congested traffic already present in this area. Mr. Light suggested that commercial traffic use Rice Mill Road; that Williams Road be developed to go over Highway 99 to No. 6 Road; that clover leafs be developed at the existing overpass; that staff avoid planting bulbs or grass on the raised medians, due to backup of traffic during the maintenance of these medians; that evergreen trees should be planted to avoid leaves blocking gutters in the Fall; and that staff avoid planting trees directly under power lines. | |
During discussion, Council requested that transportation staff provide information on the status of Rice Mill Road access, and that Parks staff be requested to consider planting perennials in the medians and perform plant maintenance outside of work hours. | |
PH09/9-7 |
It was moved and seconded | |
That Bylaw No. 8532, to create “Comprehensive Development District (CD/210)” and for rezoning of 12011 Steveston Highway from “Service Station District (G2)” and a portion of 10800 No. 5 Road from “Botanical Garden District 1 (BG1)” and “Botanical Garden District 2 (BG2)” to “Comprehensive Development District (CD/210)”, be revised prior to second reading by deleting the words “abutting a Steveston Highway” from Section 291.210.4, Minimum Setbacks From Property Lines,.01(b)i. | |
PH09/9-8 |
It was moved and seconded | |
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8532 be given second reading, as amended. | |
PH09/9-9 |
It was moved and seconded | |
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8532 be given third reading. | |
PH09/9-10 |
It was moved and seconded | |
That OCP Amendment Bylaw 8531 be given second and third readings. | |
PH09/9-11 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (9:14 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting for Public Hearings of the City of Richmond held on Monday, October 19, 2009. |
Mayor (Malcolm D. Brodie) |
Acting Corporate Officer, City Clerk’s Office (Gail Johnson) |