June 12, 2019 - Minutes
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Development Permit Panel
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Time: |
3:30 p.m. |
Place: |
Council Chambers |
Present: |
Cecilia Achiam, Chair |
The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m.
Minutes |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel held on May 29, 2019 be adopted. |
1. |
Polygon Fiorella Homes Ltd. |
3551, 3571, 3591, 3611 and 3631 Sexsmith Road |
Permit the construction of a high-rise building containing two affordable (work-only) studios for professional artists and approximately 168 dwellings, including 11 affordable (low-end-of-market) units at 3551, 3571, 3591, 3611 and 3631 Sexsmith Road on a site zoned “Residential/Limited Commercial (RCL4)”. |
Applicant’s Comments |
Walter Francl, Francl Architecture, accompanied by Jorge Palos, Francl Architecture, Bruce Hemstock, PWL Partnership, and Robin Glover, Polygon, and with the aid of a video presentation (attached to and forming part of these Minutes as Schedule 1) provided background information on the proposed development and highlighted the following: |
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the subject site is located to the east of the existing Polygon “Avanti” multi-family residential development; |
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the largest portion of the building is angled to reflect and accommodate the curve at the corner of Brown Road and Sexsmith Road; |
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the three-storey townhouses on the west side of the proposed development mirror the townhouses at the existing development across the shared north-south mid-block mews; |
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a substantial residential outdoor amenity space separates the townhouses on the west side and the tower and low-rise building on the east side of the subject development; |
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the outdoor amenity space at the podium roof level steps down to the urban agriculture space which overlooks the Brown Road Plaza; |
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a generous public open space fronts the main residential entry to the building facing Sexsmith Road; |
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the townhouses fronting Sexsmith Road breaks down the building massing and provides a pedestrian scale to the streetscape; and |
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coloured glass panels are incorporated into the façade of the two work-only artist studios and will also be integrated into other areas of the building. |
Mr. Hemstock provided an overview of the main landscape features of the project, noting that (i) landscaping for the small public park to the west of the public open space plaza includes mounded landscape, custom design benches and replacement trees, (ii) a bicycle rack and benches are provided near the main residential entry fronting Sexsmith Road, (iii) a bicycle rack is also provided near the artist studios, (iv) the outdoor amenity area on the podium roof level includes a gathering area, children’s play area, large open lawn space, and mounded landscape, (v) the residential patios to the east and west of the outdoor amenity area will activate the space, and (vi) the urban agriculture space is located one level below the outdoor amenity area and overlooks the artist’s plaza and public park below. |
In reply to queries from the Panel, Mr. Glover acknowledged that (i) the proposed 11 affordable housing units are evenly distributed throughout the residential component of the project and consist of a mix of studio and one to three bedroom units, and (ii) no rental market housing units are provided in the project. |
In reply to a query from the Panel, Sara Badyal, Planner 2, advised that the north-south mid-block mews could be extended northward to create a mid-block pedestrian trail up to Capstan Way subject to the future redevelopment of the property to the north. |
In reply to queries from the Panel, Mr. Hemstock and Mr. Glover noted that (i) in addition to the green roofs, the significant landscaped areas on the ground, second, and third levels will enhance stormwater management on the site, (ii) bollard lighting is proposed along the accessible pedestrian routes on the podium roof level outdoor amenity area to avoid light pollution, (iii) a guardrail will be installed along the west and south edges of the children’s play area, (iv) resilient rubber surfacing is proposed for the children’s play area, (v) the indoor amenity building is primarily for fitness uses, and (vi) parkade access is located off the north-south mews. |
In reply to further queries from the Panel, the design team acknowledged that (i) the residential outdoor and indoor amenity areas are for shared use of affordable housing tenants and residents of market units, (ii) a project arborist will oversee the protection of adjacent existing trees on the neighbouring site to the north, and (iii) a loading area is provided off the north-south mid-block mews. |
In reply to a query from the Panel, Ms. Badyal confirmed that the applicant is required to provide a significant Letter-of-Credit to the City for on-site landscaping. |
Staff Comments |
Suzanne Smith, Acting Director, Development, noted that (i) the project includes 11 low-end of market rental housing units and two rentable-affordable-work-only studio units, (ii) there is a Servicing Agreement associated with the project which includes works for the eastward extension of Brown Road to Sexsmith Road, Sexsmith Road improvements, significant public open space secured through statutory right-of-ways including Brown Road Plaza and storm and sanitary, storm and water works. |
Ms. Smith further noted that (i) the project’s Transportation Demand Management (TDM) measures include the completion of the protected bicycle route along Brown Road and Sexsmith Road and provision of electric bicycle charging, (ii) the subject development will become part of the City Centre District Energy Utility (DEU), constructing and transferring ownership of an on-site low carbon energy plant to the City, (iii) the developer will provide a contribution towards the City’s Public Art Program, and (iv) accessible housing features are proposed for the project including aging in place features in all dwellings and provision of 32 Basic Universal Housing (BUH) units. |
Gallery Comments |
None. |
Correspondence |
Mark Treskunov, 901-3333 Brown Road (Schedule 2) |
Ms. Smith noted that Mr. Treskunov expressed concern regarding irrigation, walkway pavers and other issues related to the neighbouring Polygon “Avanti” development to the west of the subject site, noting the individual suggested that these issues could arise in the subject development. |
Ms. Smith advised that (i) the subject development provides irrigation to common landscaped areas except for the planted gardening beds where hose bibs are provided, (ii) there are paved walkways on the subject site leading to entrances to the units, and (iii) the developer is aware of Mr. Treskunov’s concerns and is willing to meet with the strata management for Polygon “Avanti” to address any remaining concerns. |
Panel Discussion |
The Panel expressed support for the project, noting that (i) significant green spaces are provided in the proposed development, (ii) the podium roof level outdoor amenity space and the streetscape along Sexsmith Road are attractive, (iii) the subject development fits well with existing developments in the neighbourhood, and (iv) the developer’s contribution to the future construction of Capstan Canada Line Station is appreciated. |
Panel Decision |
It was moved and seconded |
That a Development Permit be issued which would permit the construction of a high-rise building containing two affordable (work-only) studios for professional artists and approximately 168 dwellings, including 11 affordable (low-end-of-market) units at 3551, 3571, 3591, 3611 and 3631 Sexsmith Road on a site zoned “Residential/Limited Commercial (RCL4)”. |
2. |
Curtis Rockwell on Behalf of Wales McLelland Construction |
12951 Bathgate Way |
1. |
Permit exterior alterations to the existing warehouse building at 12951 Bathgate Way on a site zoned “Industrial Retail (IR1)”; and |
2. |
Vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to reduce the required minimum landscaping requirement from a minimum of 3.0 m to 2.0 m along a portion of the frontage of the site abutting Bathgate Way. |
Note: A corrected copy of page 6 of the Staff Report to Item No. 2 (DP 18-841402) was circulated to Panel members at the June 12, 2019 meeting of the Development Permit Panel (attached to and forming part of these Minutes as Schedule 3) |
Applicant’s Comments |
Chantal Bobyn, Christopher Bozyk Architects, Ltd., accompanied by Al Tanzer, LandSpace Design Inc. and Curtis Rockwell, Wales McLelland Construction, and with the aid of video presentation (attached to and forming part of these Minutes as Schedule 4) provided background information on the subject development permit application and highlighted the following: |
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exterior renovations will be done mainly on the south and east façades of the existing split two-storey and one-storey warehouse building which will not significantly impact the building design and footprint; |
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the proposed exterior renovations will fit with the surrounding industrial and commercial neighbourhood; |
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minor interior work is proposed mainly at ground level; |
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proposed building materials include painted concrete, corrugated metal panel and clear glass, among others; |
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a new pedestrian walkway with canopy above will be integrated along the south side of the building to enhance accessibility and provide weather protection; |
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the existing surface parking lay-out will essentially be maintained; however, additional landscaping including installation of landscaped parking islands within the surface parking area is proposed; |
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new bicycle racks are proposed near building entries; and |
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a new garbage and recycling station will be installed on the site. |
Mr. Tanzer provided an overview of the main landscape features of the project, noting that (i) the more prominent on-site trees will be retained, (ii) additional landscaping around the perimeter of the site will be installed including boxwood hedge and other flowering shrubs, (iii) the three-meter wide City Services Statutory Right-of-Way (SRW) along the south and east property lines limited the number of trees to be planted on the site, (iv) small ornamental street trees are proposed along Bathgate Way under existing overhead utilities, (v) new trees will be installed in the parking area and near the building entry, and (vi) feature planting consisting of black bamboo with lighting underneath is proposed to provide screening for the existing blank wall of the adjacent building along the west property line. |
In reply to a query from the Panel, Mr. Rockwell acknowledged that should it be necessary, existing rooftop mechanical equipment will be screened with the same materials used for external cladding. |
In reply to further queries from the Panel, Ms. Bobyn and Mr. Tanzer noted that (i) clear glazing will be used on the building facade, (ii) black bamboo will be planted along the exposed building wall on the adjacent property to the west which is near the new garbage and recycle area on the subject site, and (iii) a low laurel hedge will be installed along the north property line of the subject site. |
Staff Comments |
Ms. Smith advised that there is a Servicing Agreement associated with the project for frontage improvements including a 1.5-meter grass boulevard and a concrete multi-purpose sidewalk along the Bathgate Way frontage, and a 0.15-meter wide road curb, 1.5-meter wide concrete sidewalk and 1.5-meter grass boulevard along the Jacombs Road frontage. |
In addition, Ms. Smith further noted that (i) frontage works also include the construction of two wheelchair ramps at the northwest corner of the Bathgate Way and Jacombs Road intersection, (ii) a new pedestrian connection from Jacombs Road to the building, and (iii) a new southbound bicycle lane and bicycle pavement markings along Jacombs Road. |
In response to a query from the Panel, Joshua Reis, Program Coordinator, Development, advised that staff support the proposed variance to reduce the required minimum landscaping requirement from a minimum of 3 meters to 2 meters along a portion of the Bathgate Way frontage as it will improve the existing condition of the site’s frontage. |
Gallery Comments |
None. |
Correspondence |
None. |
Panel Discussion |
The Panel expressed support for the project, noting that (i) the proposed building exterior alterations and landscape enhancements would significantly improve the existing development, and (ii) the renovated building would be a welcome addition to the industrial and commercial neighbourhood which includes high-end furniture retail stores. |
Panel Decision |
It was moved and seconded |
That a Development Permit be issued which would: |
1. |
permit exterior alterations to the existing warehouse building at 12951 Bathgate Way on a site zoned “Industrial Retail (IR1)”; and |
2. |
vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to reduce the required minimum landscaping requirement from a minimum of 3.0 m to 2.0 m along a portion of the frontage of the site abutting Bathgate Way. |
3. |
Date of Next Meeting: June 26, 2019 |
4. |
Adjournment |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting be adjourned at 4:19 p.m. |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Wednesday, June 12, 2019. |
_______________________________ |
_____________________________ |
Cecilia Achiam |
Rustico Agawin |