November 13, 2012 - Minutes
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Regular Council Meeting
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Time: |
7:00 p.m. |
Place: |
Council Chambers Richmond City Hall |
Present: |
Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie Councillor Chak Au Councillor Linda Barnes Councillor Derek Dang Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt Councillor Ken Johnston Councillor Bill McNulty Councillor Linda McPhail Councillor Harold Steves Corporate Officer – David Weber |
Call to Order: |
Mayor Brodie called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. |
R12/18-1 |
1. |
It was moved and seconded | ||
That: | ||
(1) |
the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on Monday, October 22, 2012, be adopted as circulated; and |
(2) |
the Metro Vancouver ‘Board in Brief’ dated October 26, 2012, be received for information. |
Kim Somerville, Manager, Arts Services, accompanied by Jane Fernyhough, Director, Arts, Culture & Heritage, presented the Richmond Arts Strategy and spoke about how the City adopted its first Arts Strategy in 2004 to serve as a foundation to develop, support, and strengthen the arts and stated that the updated strategy reflects today’s opportunities and challenges. Ms. Sommerville then provided highlights on: (i) accomplishments as a result of the Strategy since 2004; (ii) key trends and local influences; (iii) the public consultation process for the Strategy; (iv) the future vision for the arts; (v) strategic directions supported by the Strategy; and (vi) the next steps. A copy of the presentation is on file at the City Clerk’s Office. |
R12/18-2 |
3. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Council resolve into Committee of the Whole to hear delegations on agenda items (7:14 p.m.). |
4. |
Delegations from the floor on Agenda items: |
Item No. 20 – Sponsorship Arrangements at City Subsidized Events Policy |
Peter Mitchell, 6271 Nanika Crescent, spoke about how he believed that the proposed policy may leave some of the local sports groups at a competitive disadvantage as the policy may limit the groups when negotiating with potential sponsors. |
R12/18-3 |
5. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Committee rise and report (7:22 p.m.). |
R12/18-4 |
6. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Items 7 through 20, with the removal of Item 16, be adopted by general consent. |
7. |
That the minutes of: | |
(1) |
the Finance Committee meeting held on Monday, November 5, 2012; |
(2) |
the Special General Purposes Committee meeting held on Monday, October 22, 2012 and the General Purposes Committee meeting held on Monday, November 5, 2012; |
(3) |
the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee meeting held on Tuesday, October 23, 2012; |
(4) |
the Planning Committee meeting held on Tuesday, November 6, 2012; |
be received for information. | |
8. |
Appointment of Auditor |
That Council re-appoint KPMG, LLP as the City’s auditor for the years 2012 – 2017. |
9. |
That: | |
(1) |
the 2013 Capital Budget be approved as the basis for preparing the 5–Year Financial Plan (2013-2017) Bylaw; and |
(2) |
staff be authorized to commence the 2013 capital projects effective January 1, 2013. |
10. |
2013 Council and Committee Meeting Schedule | |
That the 2013 Council and Committee meeting schedule, attached to the staff report dated October 3, 2012, from the Director, City Clerk’s Office, be approved, including the following revisions as part of the regular August meeting break and December holiday season: | |
(1) |
That the Regular Council Meetings (open and closed) of August 12, August 26, and December 23, 2013 be cancelled; |
(2) |
That the August 19, 2013 Public Hearing be re-scheduled to Tuesday, September 3, 2013 at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers at Richmond City Hall. |
10A. |
Millennium Karaoke Ltd. Unit 201 – 4451 No. 3 Road Liquor Primary Application | |||
That the application by Millennium Karaoke Ltd., for a Liquor Primary Licence at 4451 No. 3 Road Unit 201, in order to offer liquor service, be supported and that a letter be sent to the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch advising that: | |||
(1) |
Council recommends the issuance of the proposed licence based on the lack of community responses received and that the operation will not have a significant negative impact on the community. | ||
(2) |
Council's comments on the prescribed criteria (set out in section 10(3) of the Liquor Control and Licensing Act Regulations) are as follows: | ||
(a) |
The location of the establishment is zoned Auto-Oriented Commercial (CA) and the proposed use was reviewed and conforms to the regulations for the area; | |
(b) |
The proximity of the proposed location to other social or recreational and public buildings was considered. There are no public schools or parks within a 50 metre radius of the proposed liquor primary location; | |
(c) |
That a LCLB application for a 100 person capacity operation, with liquor service hours of 2:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. Monday to Sunday, be supported. Support for a 150 person capacity operation is not given; | |
(d) |
The number and market focus or clientele of liquor primary license establishments within a reasonable distance of the proposed location was considered; | |
(e) |
The potential for additional noise in the area if the application is approved was considered; | |
(3) |
As the operation of the establishment as a liquor licensed establishment might affect nearby residents, the City gathered the view of the residents as follows: | ||
(a) |
As per City Policy, residents, property owners and businesses within a 50 metre radius of the subject property were contacted by letter detailing the application and were provided with instruction on how comments or concerns could be submitted; | |
(b) |
In addition, signage was posted at the subject property and three public notices were published in a local newspaper. This signage and notice provided information on the application and instruction on how community comments or concerns could be submitted. | |
(4) |
Council’s comments and recommendations respecting the views of the residents are as follows: | ||
(a) |
There were no responses to all public notifications and based on the lack of any responses received from the community, Council considers that the application is acceptable to the majority of the community and residents and businesses in the nearby area. | |
11. |
Community Charging Infrastructure Funding Agreement |
That the City enter into an agreement with the Fraser Basin Council in respect to funding for the installation of ten community charging stations as described in the staff report titled Community Charging Infrastructure Funding Agreement, from the Director – Public Works Operations and on the terms and conditions set out in the staff report, including specifically that the City grant an indemnity to Fraser Basin Council for any losses that the Fraser Basin Council may suffer in relation to their connection with this project. |
12. |
Dirt Bike Terrain Park Consultation Process |
That staff begin the public consultation process regarding the selection of Garden City Community Park and Railway Avenue Corridor Greenway/Granville Avenue as potential dirt bike terrain park sites, as detailed in the staff report titled Dirt Bike Terrain Park Consultation Process dated October 1, 2012 from the Senior Manager, Parks. |
13. |
Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Field Use Agreement (File Ref. No. 06-2345-20-HDEL1) (REDMS No. 3682551 v.2) |
That the City enter into a license with Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada (“Sun Life”) whereby Sun Life licenses to the City a portion of the lands legally known and described as Lot 8, Section 32, Block 5 North, Range 5 West, New Westminster District, Plan 64718 as described in the staff report titled Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Field Use Agreement, from the Senior Manager, Parks and on the terms and conditions set out in the staff report, including, specifically, that the City grant to Sun Life an indemnity for any losses that Sun Life may suffer in relation to the City’s use of the lands. |
14. |
terms of reference for site building committees | |
That the terms of reference for Site Building Committees for heritage projects include the following: | |
(a) |
Review the tender package prior to the tender process; |
(b) |
Review any subsequent changes that affect heritage conservation outside of the Council approved project scope; and |
(c) |
Appropriate heritage documents be included in the orientation package. |
15. |
heritage buildings information session |
That staff host a workshop for key City staff including heritage conservation, preservation, restoration, heritage standards, building codes and alternatives when dealing with heritage buildings. |
16. |
Application by Yamamoto Architecture Inc. for Rezoning at 9111 Williams Road from Single Detached (RS1/E) to Low Density Townhouses (RTL4) |
See page 9 for action taken on this matter. |
17. |
Application by Benn Panesar for Rezoning at 2420 McKessock Avenue and a portion of 2400 McKessock Avenue from Single Detached (RS1/D) to Single Detached (RS2/B) | ||
(1) |
That Bylaw No. 8943, for the rezoning of 2420 McKessock Avenue and a portion of 2400 McKessock Avenue from “Single Detached (RS1/D)” to “Single Detached (RS2/B)”, be introduced and given first reading; and | |
(2) |
That staff be directed to conduct public consultation beginning in January 2013 with the owners and residents of properties identified in a specified notification area within the Bridgeport planning area (as shown on Attachment 6 to the staff report dated October 9, 2012, from the Director of Development), for the purpose of exploring: | |
(a) |
land use options for future redevelopment of those properties shown hatched on Attachment 6; and |
(b) |
road alignment options for the extension of McKessock Place. |
18. |
Application by TL Housing Solutions Ltd., for Rezoning at 9020 Bridgeport Road from Auto-Oriented Commercial (CA) to Health Care (HC) |
That Bylaw No. 8960 to amend the Health Care (HC) Zoning District and for the rezoning of 9020 Bridgeport Road from “Auto-Oriented Commercial (CA)” to “Health Care (HC)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
19. |
Application by Townline Ventures Granville Avenue Ltd. for Rezoning at 8280 and 8300 Granville Avenue from Auto-Oriented Commercial (CA) to High Rise Apartment (ZHR13) - St Albans (City Centre) |
That Bylaw No. 8958, to create a new zoning district “High Rise Apartment (ZHR13) – St Albans (City Centre)” and to rezone 8280 and 8300 Granville Avenue from “Auto-Oriented Commercial (CA)” to “High Rise Apartment (ZHR13) - St Albans (City Centre)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
In accordance with Section 100 of the Community Charter, Councillor Derek Dang declared himself to be in a conflict of interest as he has an interest in the subject property and left the meeting (7:24 p.m.). |
16. |
Application by Yamamoto Architecture Inc. for Rezoning at 9111 Williams Road from Single Detached (RS1/E) to Low Density Townhouses (RTL4) |
R12/18-5 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Bylaw No. 8963, for the rezoning of 9111 Williams Road from “Single Detached (RS1/E)” to “Low Density Townhouses (RTL4)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
Councillor Dang returned to the meeting (7:25 p.m.). |
20. |
sponsorship ARRANGEMENTS at city subsidized events policy |
R12/18-6 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the proposed Sponsorship Arrangements at City Subsidized Events Policy as presented in Attachment One of the staff report dated October 16, 2012 from the Senior Manager, Recreation, be approved. |
The question on Resolution R12/18-6 was not called, as staff was directed to communicate the details of the Sponsorship Arrangements at City Subsidized Events Policy to the sport community. |
The question on Resolution R12/18-6 was then called, and it was CARRIED with Cllr. McNulty opposed. |
R12/18-7 |
It was moved and seconded | |
That the following bylaws be adopted: | |
Consolidated Fees No. 8636, Amendment Bylaw No. 8940 | |
Traffic Bylaw No. 5870, Amendment Bylaw No. 8952 | |
Parking (Off-Street) Regulation Bylaw No. 7403, Amendment Bylaw No. 8953 | |
Notice of Bylaw Violation Dispute Adjudication Bylaw No. 8122, Amendment Bylaw No. 8954 | |
Traffic Bylaw No. 5870, Amendment Bylaw No. 8955 | |
Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 8756 | |
| |
Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 8884 | |
| |
Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 8912 | |
| |
R12/18-8 |
21. |
It was moved and seconded | |||
(1) |
That the minutes of the Development Permit Panel meeting held on Wednesday, October 24, 2012, and the Chair’s reports for the Development Permit Panel meetings held on August 22, 2012, October 10, 2012, and September 26, 2012, be received for information; and |
| |
(2) |
That the recommendations of the Panel to authorize the issuance of: | ||
(a) |
a Development Permit (DP 11-588094) for the property at 6011 and 6031 No. 1 Road; | ||
(b) |
a Development Permit (DP 12-615424) for the property at 7731 and 7771 Alderbridge Way; and | |
(c) |
a Development Permit (DP 12-613789) for the property at 11300 Steveston Highway; | |
be endorsed, and the Permits so issued. | ||
| ||
R12/18-9 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (7:43 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, November 13, 2012. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Mayor (Malcolm D. Brodie) |
Corporate Officer (David Weber) |