October 27, 2015 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes


Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee



Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Anderson Room
Richmond City Hall


Councillor Harold Steves, Chair
Councillor Ken Johnston
Councillor Carol Day
Councillor Bill McNulty
Councillor Linda McPhail

Also Present:

Councillor Chak Au

Call to Order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.






It was moved and seconded



That Rideau Park be added to the agenda as Item 4A.









It was moved and seconded



That the minutes of the meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee held on September 29, 2015, be adopted as circulated.









November 24, 2015, (tentative date) at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room






Dog Off-Leash Program Update 2015
(File Ref. No. 11-7000-01) (REDMS No. 4686528 v. 5)



In reply to queries from Committee, Marie Fenwick, Manager, Parks Programs, commented that (i) costs associated with the proposed park improvements are included in the 2016 Parks Capital Budget submission, (ii) public feedback has been positive towards the fenced dog off-leash areas, and (iii) usage of the off-leash areas was gauged through observation of both attendance and field conditions, as well as by measuring waste collection at each location.



It was moved and seconded




That the areas at McCallan Road Right of Way/Railway Corridor, Garden City Community Park, and South Arm Community Park as detailed in the staff report titled “Dog Off-Leash Program Update 2015,” dated October 2, 2015, from the Senior Manager, Parks, be designated as dog off-leash areas; and




That the designated dog off leash area pilot project at 7300 Elmbridge Way continue on an annual basis subject to future potential redevelopment of that site.






(File Ref. No. 11-7000-01) (REDMS No. 4657664 v. 11)



With the aid of a video presentation (copy on file, City Clerk’s Office) Charlene Phung, Research Planner 2, provided background information on the collaboration between the City, the Richmond School District (RSD), and Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH).  Ms. Phung introduced Dr. Meena Dawar, Medical Health Officer, VCH, and acknowledged the efforts of Dr. James Lu, former Medical Health Officer, regarding the implementation of the Strategy.



In response to queries from Committee, Ms. Phung provided the following information:




a collective approach will be required to broaden the definition of wellness to include the areas of mental health and social well-being;




next steps include the development of a logic model structure that will provide detailed information on programming inputs, activities, and outcomes;




additional partnership funding would allow the scope and implementation of the programs to be expanded;




strategies for the communication of best practices throughout the partnership organizations will be explored in the next phase; and




copies of the Richmond Community Wellness Strategy Impact Report (2010-2015) have been provided to the RSD and VCH and copies will be distributed to the City’s community centres and partners.



In reply to a query from Committee, Serena Lusk, Senior Manager, Recreation and Sport Services, advised that VCH provided approximately $50,000 in grant funding for the development of the Strategy in 2010.



Committee thanked staff, the RSD, and VCH for making wellness a high priority in Richmond and suggested that the report be circulated to the Richmond Centre for Disability and other associated groups.  Also, staff was encouraged to present the report to the Richmond Sports Council.



Discussion ensued regarding (i) the potential to access the RSD’s resources, such as its gymnasiums and computer labs, to promote wellness, (ii) consideration of the needs of individuals with disabilities within the Strategy, and (iii) utilizing existing resources to finance wellness programming.



Jim Wright, 8300 Osgoode Drive, on behalf of the Garden City Conservation Society, expressed concerns regarding (i) consistency in identifying the types of wellness, such as physical, social, mental, and spiritual, between the various City Strategies, (ii) producing measurable results that demonstrate the Strategy’s success in guiding actions taken, and (iii) creating opportunities to achieve wellness in community gatherings.



Mr. Wright then spoke to the importance of maintaining the traditional neighbourhood hub consisting of a school, a City park, and their associated playgrounds and fields that promote a “type of ecosystem” for community wellness.  He further commented on the community impact regarding the removal of the playground at Rideau Park and urged the City and the RSD to collaboratively maintain playgrounds and parks.



It was moved and seconded



That the staff report titled “Richmond Community Wellness Strategy Impact Report 2010-2015,” dated October 6, 2015, from the Senior Manager, Recreation and Sport Services, be received for information and circulated to the Richmond Sports Council, Richmond Center for Disability, and other Community Wellness serving groups.






2017 Garry Point Park Legacy Pier Proposal Celebrating Canada 150
(File Ref. No. 06-2345-20-GARR2) (REDMS No. 4736156 v. 11)



The Chair circulated drawings and background information related to the Garry Point Park Master Plan and the proposal for a commercial zone and wharf (attached to and forming part of these Minutes as Schedule 1).  The Chair was of the opinion that Option 2 does not reflect a legacy pier and accessible float as directed in the Committee referral dated May 26, 2015 and does not conform to the Garry Point Park Master Plan.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mike Redpath, Senior Manager, Parks, provided the following comments:




Option 3 is for a 600-foot modular pier that can be towed in and out of the harbour and utilized as a deep water port at Garry Point Park;




the Garry Point Park Master Plan has not undergone any updates;




park modifications have included the concession stand and washrooms, improved garden and perimeter trail, steel/concrete piles, and the fisherman’s needle;




the installation of the pilings allowed the City to facilitate the Ships to Shore and Tall Ship events after which the pier was relocated to the Imperial Landing site and used for moorage and event programming;




wave conditions in the area are hazardous and the staff recommendation is for a permanent legacy structure as shown in Option 2;




Option 3 is neither a legacy nor a permanent structure; and




a staff report is forthcoming on the feasibility of a marina from Imperial Landing to the Phoenix Cannery.



Discussion ensued regarding (i) the report being referred back to staff for further analysis, (ii) the Canada 150 projects, including the legacy pier, and their funding sources, (iii) undertaking a review of the Garry Point Park Master Plan, (iv) the timing of the events and the benefits of Option 3 for a proposed new steel and timber float to accommodate the tall ships; (v) the suitability of the southeast area of Garry Point Park as a location for a wharf; (vi) the design of the float accommodating the future development of a marina area at the Imperial Landing site; (vii) the temporary use of the Imperial Landing floats to facilitate the tall ships event in 2017; and (viii) exploring the potential for public/private partnership to construct the proposed floats.



Loren Slye, 11911 3rd Avenue, expressed the view that, due to the water conditions, a solid pier such as the repurposed pontoon was a viable option at Garry Point Park particularly east of Shady Island to create a breakwater for any potential dike along the Island.  Mr. Slye commented that the proposed pier would be a multi-purpose dock to facilitate the tall ships in 2017 and could be subsequently moved to the east or west end of Shady Island.  Additionally, he encouraged staff to explore the repurposed pontoon option with other partners including Port Metro Vancouver, the Steveston Harbour Authority, and a retired engineer from Small Craft Harbour.



In reply to a query from Committee, Mr. Slye commented that the repurposed pontoon would not only create a breakwater for the dike area but would potentially provide moorage for approximately 40 boats.



The Chair circulated additional drawings related to the location of the permanent structure as proposed by Mr. Slye (attached to and forming part of these Minutes as Schedule 2) and suggested that the repurposed pontoons may require size modifications at the Garry Point Park site.



Discussion ensued regarding referring the report back to staff in order to examine options for the Tall Ship floats for the 2017 events and to provide an update on the current status of the Garry Point Park Master Plan.



The Chair circulated drawings prepared for B.C. Packers related to its vision for the Phoenix Gill Net Loft and wharf near the Phoenix Cannery (attached to and forming part of these Minutes as Schedule 3) and suggested that the floats be designed for the Phoenix site.  Discussion continued on the costs associated with the repurposed pontoons.



As a result of the discussion the following motion was introduced:



It was moved and seconded



That Option 3 as detailed in the staff report titled “2017 Garry Point Park Legacy Pier Proposal Celebrating Canada 150,” dated October 6, 2015, from the Senior Manager, Parks, be selected as the preferred option.



The question on the motion was not called as discussion ensued on (i) the merits of and costs associated with Option 3, (ii) the pending staff report on the development of the Phoenix Net Loft / Imperial Landing harbour, (iii) the potential funding sources and use for the float, (iv) interruption costs at Imperial Landing, and (iv) the need for a long-term solution.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Redpath advised that to repurpose the Imperial Landing floats (Option 4) would require approximately two weeks to reposition the floats to the Garry Point Park site and could be in place from early May 2017 until after the Canada Day celebrations.  He added that compared to Option 4, the proposed new steel and Timber float (Option 3) would allow for uninterrupted service at the Imperial Landing site.



The question on the motion was then called and it was DEFEATED with Cllrs. Day, Johnston, and Steves opposed.



Discussion then ensued regarding options for the Tall Ship floats for 2017 and the following referral was introduced:



It was moved and seconded



That staff explore options for the Tall Ship floats for the 2017 events and report back.






Discussion continued regarding options for the 2017 Garry Point Legacy proposal and the following referral was introduced:



It was moved and seconded




That the 2017 Garry Point Park Legacy Pier Proposal be referred back to staff;




That staff report on the status of the current Garry Point Park Master Plan;




That staff bring forward a proposal for the completion of the Phoenix Net Loft / Imperial Landing;




That staff explore the potential for public/private partnerships in developing the London’s Landing marina area; and




That staff provide an update on the Steveston Harbour Authority plan and the diking proposal by the City’s Engineering Department.






2017 Canada 150th Steveston Ships to Shore Events
(File Ref. No. 11-7400-01) (REDMS No. 4755680 v. 6)



In reply to queries from Committee, Cathryn Volkering Carlile, General Manager, Community Services, advised that the additional funding for the 2017 Canada 150th Steveston Ships to Shore events could potentially be allocated from the Council Community Initiatives Fund or by substantially increasing the submission for Major Events funding in 2017.  In addition, she advised that the Major Events Fund supports the Children’s Arts Festival, the Maritime Festival, the World Festival, Richmond Days of Summer, and Stevenston Ships to Shore.



In response to queries from Committee, Mr. Redpath commented that the additional funding request for 2016 is to (i) secure the Japanese vessel for the 2017 Canada 150th Steveston Ships to Shore events, (ii) undertake additional ship recruitment, and (iii) advance the planning of the event.



It was moved and seconded




That the proposed 2017 Tall Ship and Ships to Shore celebrations as detailed in the staff report titled “2017 Canada 150th Steveston Ships to Shore Events,” dated October 8, 2015, from the Senior Manager, Parks, be endorsed for the purposes of event planning and budget preparation; and




That $895,000 be transferred from the Council Community Initiatives Fund in 2016 to support the event delivery for the 2017 Canada 150th Steveston Ships to Shore Events and that the 2017 Canada 150th Steveston Ship to Shore Events be considered in the 2016 budget process.



The question on the motion was not called as in reply to a query from Committee, Ms. Carlile noted that the budget request before Committee is for the securement of the ships for the tall ships events in 2017 and that a separate report regarding funding for all City festivals and events would be forthcoming.



Discussion then took place regarding reviewing the budget for the Maritime Festival and/or combining the Maritime Festival and the Steveston Ships to Shore events.



The question on the motion was then called and it was CARRIED.



Discussion then ensued regarding the 2017 Tall Ship recruitment and the following motion was introduced:



It was moved and seconded



That staff make the necessary arrangements for meeting with the National Sail Training Institute in Japan in April 2016 to finalize negotiations as part of the 2017 Tall Ships recruitment process.






Rideau Park
(File Ref. No.)



Discussion ensued regarding the recent demolition of the playground equipment on Richmond School District property at Rideau Park and suggested that the City explore options for the replacement of the lost play area.



In response to queries from Committee, Mr. Redpath advised that (i) the playground and open space area at Rideau Park is a matter for discussion at the upcoming Council/School Board Liaison Committee meeting, (ii) although the park is not currently on the Parks Capital Works Plan, an opportunity to revitalize the play area through the parks re-characterization program is possible, and (iii) construction costs associated with a neighbourhood park is approximately $150,000 with trails and drainage costing an additional $150,000.



As a result of the discussion the following referral was introduced:



It was moved and seconded



That Rideau Park be referred to staff to investigate options for the redevelopment of the playground area and report back.









Mr. Redpath advised that the animal incinerator has been condemned at the Richmond Animal Shelter and other options are being explored for the disposal of animals killed on City roads.



In response to a query from Committee, Mr. Redpath commented that, due to the summer drought conditions, a significant number of City shrubs and/or plantings will be replaced with drought resistant plantings.






It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (5:48 p.m.).





Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on October 27, 2015.



Councillor Harold Steves

Heather Howey
Legislative Services Coordinator