October 18, 2010 - Minutes
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Regular Council Meeting for Public Hearings
Monday, October 18, 2010
Place: |
Council Chambers Richmond City Hall 6911 No. 3 Road |
Present: |
Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie Councillor Linda Barnes Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt Councillor Greg Halsey-Brandt Councillor Sue Halsey-Brandt Councillor Ken Johnston Councillor Bill McNulty Gail Johnson, Acting Corporate Officer |
Absent: |
Councillor Derek Dang Councillor Harold Steves |
Call to Order: |
Mayor Brodie opened the proceedings at 7:00 p.m. |
The Mayor referred to a memorandum dated October 13, 2010 from the Manager, Legislative Services (Schedule 1) and noted that Item No. 7 was not in order for Council consideration. As a result, |
PH10/8-1 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the application for rezoning for the property at 7491, 7531 and 7551 No. 2 Road be deleted from the October 18, 2010 Public Hearing Agenda and be referred to the Public Hearing scheduled to be held at 7:00 pm on Monday, November 15, 2010 in Council Chambers, Richmond City Hall. |
1. |
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8640 (RZ 09-498765)(9451 and 9471 Ferndale Road; Applicant: Turnberry Lane Holdings Ltd.) |
Applicant’s Comments: |
The applicant was available to respond to queries. |
Written Submissions: |
None. |
Submissions from the floor: |
None. |
PH10/8-2 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8640 be given second and third readings. |
2. |
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8644 (RZ 10-509819)(4220/4240 Pendlebury Road; Applicant: Wen L. Cho and Wei C. Cho) | |
Applicant’s Comments: | |
The applicant was available to respond to queries. | |
Written Submissions: | |
(a) |
S. Doucelin, 4911 Pendlebury Road (Schedule 2) |
Submissions from the floor: | |
None. | |
PH10/8-3 |
It was moved and seconded | |
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8644 be given second and third readings. | |
3. |
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8645 (RZ 10-531043)(6731 Coltsfoot Drive and 6740 Riverdale Drive; Applicant: 0775007 BC Ltd.) |
Applicant’s Comments: |
The applicant was available to respond to queries. |
Written Submissions: |
None. |
Submissions from the floor: |
None. |
PH10/8-4 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8645 be given second and third readings. |
4. |
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8646 (RZ 10-531062)(6191/6211 Bellflower Drive; Applicant: Garmar Holdings Ltd.) | |
Applicant’s Comments: | |
The applicant was available to respond to queries. | |
Written Submissions: | |
(a) |
Richard MacRae, 6171 Bellflower Drive (Schedule 3) |
Submissions from the floor: | |
Michelle MacRae, 6171 Bellflower Drive, was concerned with the width of the proposed driveways. Also, she cited concerns regarding the lack of parking and the impact of additional family cars on the neighbourhood traffic. | |
Lucy Quinn, 6231 Bellflower Drive, queried the height of the fence and the retention of trees on the subject site. She inquired about the applicant’s responsibility to keep the subject site tidy during construction. She was concerned with nails from the proposed development being on the street and potentially puncturing tires. Also, Ms. Quinn noted that the future home’s bedroom windows should not compromise her home’s privacy. | |
Staff was requested to provide the neighbours with building approval information, once available, as well as a contact number, in the event they have concerns during construction. | |
PH10/8-5 |
It was moved and seconded | |
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8646 be given second and third readings. | |
CARRIED Opposed: Cllr. G. Halsey-Brandt |
5. |
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8647 (RZ 09-504342)(7700/7720 Ash Street; Applicant: Gary Dhami) |
Applicant’s Comments: |
The applicant was available to respond to queries. |
Written Submissions: |
None. |
Submissions from the floor: |
None. |
PH10/8-6 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8647 be given second and third readings. |
6. |
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8648 (RZ 10-524476)(16540 River Road; Applicant: Virdi Pacific Holdings Ltd.) | |
Applicant’s Comments: | |
The applicant was available to respond to queries. | |
Written Submissions: | |
None. | |
Submissions from the floor: | |
George Makowski, 18851 River Road, was opposed to the application. Mr. Makowski was concerned with the subject site being rezoned from Agriculture to Light Industrial. He noted that the subject site was once in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR), therefore its use should remain agriculture related. He commented on Richmond’s Official Community Plan and was of the opinion that it should be drafted by stakeholders and not staff. Mr. Makowski spoke of the usage of River Road by bikes and trucks, and was of the opinion that the semi and dump trucks were too heavy for the road infrastructure and were not servicing Richmond farms or businesses. He commented on the applicant’s history of bylaw contraventions related to parking of commercial vehicles on the subject site. | |
Mr. Makowski noted that the area has no sanitary sewer connection and cited concerns with the existing buildings on the site and its septic field capacity. Also, he was concerned with the width of River Road and how trucks manoeuvre onto properties. He stated that he has witnessed trucks encroach the double-yellow line on River Road and believed that an accident was inevitable. Mr. Makowski concluded by requesting that the application be denied. | |
Mike Remington, 17160 River Road, spoke in opposition to the application and commented on the dangers of cycling and walking on River Road. He spoke of River Road’s physical condition, noting that it is cracking and parts are sliding off into the river due to overweight commercial vehicles. Mr. Remington stated that he constantly witnesses trucks crossing the double-yellow centre line and speed bumps do not deter truck usage. He believed that it was shameful to rezone agricultural land for light industrial uses. | |
Stephen Easterbrook, 18360 River Road, was opposed to the application and echoed previous speakers’ comments. Mr. Easterbrook noted that the neighbourhood was unaware of the Public Hearing and in the two days since he became aware of it, he had collected 66 signatures on a petition expressing opposition to the application (Schedule 4). He believed that agriculture in the area was eroding and that the subject site should not be rezoned from Agriculture to Light Industrial. Mr. Easterbrook noted that safety on the road has deteriorated over the years and recalled driving off the road to avoid a head on collision. He stated that the road is not engineered for the type of traffic it undergoes and the traffic is disrupting the neighbourhood. Mr. Easterbrook requested that the application be denied. | |
Harold Lougheed, 19000 River Road, spoke in opposition to the application and noted that the local papers are not delivered to this area of Richmond. He believed that the method of notification for the Public Hearing was not adequate for this type of neighbourhood. Mr. Lougheed noted that River Road is so narrow utility poles abut the road, and the installed speed bumps have no traffic calming affect on semi and dump trucks. | |
Kiichi Kumagai, 8091 Rosebank Crescent, representing Virdi Pacific Holdings Ltd., provided background information and noted that the applicant has voluntarily spent in excess of $100,000 on traffic, soil, and road assessment studies. He noted that nine rezoning criteria must be met and stated that his applicant’s business is not the only business responsible for the traffic on River Road. Also, he noted that the applicant hopes to increase the number of employees from 23 to 30 if he is permitted to relocate his cabinet manufacturing business. Mr. Kumagai concluded by stating that the applicant does not intend to allow dump trucks to park on the subject site, instead, he will permit vans and “reefer” trucks that transport vegetables from the United States. | |
John Jensen, 16500 River Road, advised that he was not opposed to the rezoning of the subject property as he believed that its soil was not suitable for agricultural purposes. However, he cited concerns about how the proposed development would affect area residents’ property taxes. Mr. Jensen commented on the pollution the trucks generate and believed that additional truck parking will increase pollution in the area. | |
Mayor Brodie acknowledged the conclusion of the first round of speakers. Four speakers then addressed Council for the second time with new information. | |
George Makowski, 18851 River Road, spoke of the dimensions of the subject site and the applicant’s history of bylaw contraventions. Therefore, he believed that the applicant would permit dump trucks to park on the subject site and queried how the City would enforce this if the rezoning application was successful. | |
In reply to a query from Council, Brian Jackson, Director of Development, advised that a restrictive covenant limiting the types of vehicles allows on site could be added to the Rezoning Considerations to address parking concerns. | |
Mike Remington, 17160 River Road, advised that he has witnessed mobile fuel trucks and mobile mechanics operating along River Road. He spoke of reefer trucks and their need to idle through the night in order to keep their load refrigerated. | |
Harold Lougheed, 19000 River Road, spoke of the lack of bylaw enforcement in the neighbourhood. Mr. Lougheed noted that the trucks along River Road pollute the ditch, which feeds into the north arm of the Fraser River. | |
Stephen Easterbrook, 18360 River Road, was of the opinion that reefer trucks are just as bad as dump trucks as their weights are comparable, therefore they disrupt the road equally. He noted that the reefer trucks the applicant wishes to allow to park on the subject site belong to a large grocery store chain in the lower mainland who imports its groceries from the United States. He noted that these reefer trucks add no value to the community of Richmond, and in fact directly compete with local farmers. Mr. Easterbrook requested that the application be denied and suggested that there are alternative sites for parking of commercial vehicles. | |
PH10/8-7 |
It was moved and seconded | |
That as a condition of rezoning, to be met prior to final reading of Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8648, the developer is required to complete Registration of a Restrictive Covenant on title identifying that the only parking permitted on site will be for employees, customers, and other trucks related to the cabinet manufacturing business. | |
PH10/8-8 |
It was moved and seconded | |
That the following concerns be referred to staff for review: | |
(1) |
the need for further traffic restrictions on River Road, including potential speed bumps; |
(2) |
public notification requirements for Public Hearings where large parcels of land are the subject of the notification; |
(3) |
road conditions on River Road and No. 7 Road; and |
(4) |
enforcement of traffic and debris dumping bylaws in the River Road area. |
PH10/8-9 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8648 be given second and third readings. |
CARRIED Opposed: Cllrs. E. Halsey-Brandt S. Halsey-Brandt |
7. |
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8649 (RZ 10-516627)
(7491, 7531, and 7551 No. 2 Road; Applicant: Yamamoto Architecture Inc.) |
See Page 1 for action taken on this matter. |
PH10/8-10 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (9:12 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting for Public Hearings of the City of Richmond held on Monday, October 18, 2010. |
Mayor (Malcolm D. Brodie) |
Acting Corporate Officer City Clerk’s Office (Gail Johnson) |