April 16, 2007 - Minutes

Regular Council Meeting for Public Hearings
Monday, April 16, 2007
Place: |
Council Chambers |
Present: |
Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie Councillor Derek Dang Gail Johnson, Acting Corporate Officer |
Absent: |
Councillor Cynthia Chen Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt |
Call to Order: |
Mayor Malcolm Brodie opened the proceedings at 7:00 p.m. |
1. |
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8149 (RZ 05-320327) (7300 and 7340 Blundell Road; Applicant: Westmark Developments Ltd.) |
Applicant’s Comments: |
The applicant advised that he was available to answer questions. |
Written Submissions: |
Tracey, 7360 Blundell Road (Schedule 1) |
Djohan Setijadi, 7611 Sunnymede Crescent (Schedule 2) |
Djohan Setijadi, 7611 Sunnymede Crescent (Schedule 3) |
Seg and Miriam Chang, 7651 Sunnymede Crescent (Schedule 4) |
Submissions from the floor: |
In response to a query arising from the correspondence submitted by Djohan Setijadi, Jean Lamontagne, Director of Development advised that the applicant and the City arborist will take action to address the neighbour’s concern about the well-being of the hedges that separate 7611 Sunnymede Crescent from the site of the proposed townhouses. |
Masa Ito, landscape architect for the applicant, confirmed that a protective barrier will be constructed around the hedge and existing trees that border the back of the site. |
In response to a query, Mr. Lamontagne stated that every applicant must submit a Landscape Security to ensure that landscaping plans are followed and vegetation is protected. In addition to the Security, a survey plan is required so that issues such as the one raised by the correspondent are addressed before construction begins. |
Mr. Lamontagne further stated that the City’s bylaw governing construction parameters and procedures would be followed. This ensures that the construction process does not impact negatively on neighbouring lots and landscaping. |
PH07/4-1 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8149 be given second and third readings. |
2. |
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8150 (RZ 05-320332)(7360, 7380 and 7420 Blundell Road; Applicant: Dakota Holdings Inc.) | |
Applicant’s Comments: | |
The applicant advised that he was available to answer questions. | |
Written Submission: | |
Seg and Miriam Chang, 7651 Sunnymede Crescent (see Schedule 4) | |
Submissions from the floor: | |
Lorraine Margetts 7671 Sunnymede Crescent, noted that there is a townhouse development to the east of her property, and that the proposed townhouses would be situated at the back of her property, only 4.5 metres away from her home. She expressed concern that her property will be overlooked on two sides, especially with the higher grade for the new townhouses, resulting in the feeling that she is living in a “fish bowl”. If trees are removed during construction, the situation will be even worse. | |
In answer to questions, Mr. Lamontagne provided the following advice: | |
· |
the project meets the rear and side yard setback requirements; |
· |
the proposed landscape treatment meets all bylaw requirements; |
· |
with regard to the grade level of the proposed townhouses, staff can look at Ms. Margetts’ property, and examine the bylaw requirements for drainage on the proposed site for the townhouses, to ensure that potential problems are prevented; |
· |
at the Development Permit stage of the process, staff can closely examine the back of the development and the landscape details, working with the applicant with regard to trees that would prevent the “fish bowl” situation as expressed by Ms. Margetts. |
Miriam Chang, 7651 Sunnymede Crescent, noted that the area includes busy intersections, such as Minoru Blvd. and Blundell Road, that have heavy pedestrian and vehicular traffic. She expressed concern that the addition of 16 townhouses and family cars, will create further congestion on the roads, and the likelihood of an increase in car accidents. | |
In addition, Ms. Chang stated her concern that her family and neighbours will experience a lack of privacy if the townhouses are built. She enquired whether the applicant would be responsible for the construction of a six-foot fence to prevent the neighbourhood’s cats and dogs from roaming through the area. | |
In answer to questions, Mr. Lamontagne provided the following advice: | |
· |
the City’s traffic department has reviewed the area’s traffic plan and has determined that the neighbourhood traffic flow is in line with the Arterial Road Redevelopment Policies. The plan provides aflow of traffic that ensures a harmonious transition between the medium density residential district to the north in the City Centre and the low density single-family area to the south; |
· |
the purpose of the traffic plan is to reduce the number of driveways having access to Blundell Road in that section, thereby reducing the likelihood of accidents; |
· |
the application proposes that a six-foot fence be built along the south side of property . |
Under direction from Council, Mr. Lamontagne advised he would request traffic staff to further monitor the area with a view to ensuring vehicle and pedestrian safety, paying special attention to the number of cars that make left turns from the access points onto Blundell Road. | |
Ms. Chen, 7631 Sunnymede Crescent, expressed concern regarding: (i) the potentially large increase in the number of vehicles using the access points to the proposed townhouses along Blundell Road; (ii) the development of townhouses in the neighbourhood would decrease the value of single homes in the area, and (iii) a decrease in privacy. | |
Ms. Chen inquired how residents could be assured that the rear and side yard setbacks do not decrease with each rezoning application, bringing new developments ever closer to existing homes. | |
Mr. Lamontagne assured the delegation that new developments must meet setback requirements in existing bylaws, and staff do carry out inspections throughout the construction process to ensure compliance. | |
Mr. Lamontagne advised that the issues of privacy and tree maintenance will be addressed at the development permit stage of the rezoning process. He added that residents who live within 50 m of the proposed development will receive a notice in the mail, advising when the Development Permit Panel will meet to review the application. The meeting is open to the public if they wish to speak at that time. | |
PH07/4-2 |
It was moved and seconded | |
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8150 be given second and third readings. | |
3. |
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8160 (RZ 06-345319)(3500 Lockhart Road; Applicant: 450470 BC Ltd.) |
Applicant’s Comments: |
None. |
Written Submissions: |
None. |
Submissions from the floor: |
None. |
PH07/4-3 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8160 be given second and third readings. |
4. |
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8193 (RZ 06-352460)(9280 General Currie Road; Applicant: Bob Cheema) |
Applicant’s Comments: |
The applicant advised that he was available to answer questions. |
Written Submissions: |
None. |
Submissions from the floor: |
None. |
PH07/4-4 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8193 be given second and third readings. |
5. |
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8201 (RZ 06-354159)(10640 Williams Road; Applicant: Balbir Biring) |
Applicant’s Comments: |
None. |
Written Submissions: |
None. |
Submissions from the floor: |
None. |
PH07/4-5 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8201 be given second and third readings. |
6. |
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8202 (RZ 06-355328)(7860/7880 Eperson Road; Applicant: Benjamin McConnell) |
Applicant’s Comments: |
The applicant advised he was present to answer questions. |
Written Submissions: |
None. |
Submissions from the floor: |
None. |
PH07/4-6 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8202 be given second and third readings. |
7. |
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8205 (RZ 05-312239)(9460 and 9628 Ferndale Road; Applicant: Matthew Cheng Architects Inc.) |
Applicant’s Comments: |
The applicant advised he was present to answer questions. |
Written Submissions: |
Johnny Li and Mary Liu, #24 - 6233 Birch Street (Schedule 5) |
Vicky Shen, 6233 Birch Street (Schedule 6) |
Submissions from the floor: |
Jose Gonzalez, 8935 Cook Crescent, stated that there are few community services in the area, and noted that the applicant has agreed to a payment-in-lieu of indoor amenity space, which will be applied to development of McLennan South neighbourhood parks. He inquired as to what form the development of those proposed parks would take. He further inquired about provision of commercial sites in the area. |
In response Mr. Lamontagne advised that Council has recently approved improvements to parks in this area, that funds collected from this applicant are not earmarked for anything specific, and that commercial development is anticipated along both Garden City Road and Cook Road. |
PH07/4-7 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8205 be given second and third readings. |
8. |
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8207 (RZ 06-339190)(6600, 6620 Cooney Road and 6591, 6611 Eckersley Road; Applicant: MacLean Homes Ltd.) |
Applicant’s Comments: |
The applicant advised he was present to answer questions. |
Written Submissions: |
Liana Biasutti, 6631 Eckersley Road (Schedule 7) |
Submissions from the floor: |
Jose Gonzalez, 8935 Cook Crescent, stated that it is difficult for the City to provide needed amenity space in the City Centre, although funds have been collected to do so. He noted that the applicant has proposed to provide cash-in-lieu of indoor amenity space and on-site outdoor amenity space and inquired what the cash would be used to create. |
Mr. Lamontagne responded that the funds go into a special reserve fund collected for the development of community space. He agreed to investigate whether there is one reserve fund for the whole city, or whether separate funds are set up for separate neighbourhoods. |
In response to a query, Mr. Lamontagne advised that Parks and Recreation staff are reviewing all present City facilities and services, as well as the future needs of area residents, and the review is synchronized with the City Centre Area Plan. It is anticipated the review will be brought forward to Council for consideration in June, 2007. |
Members of Council congratulated the applicant and City staff for the proposal to provide 15 units of affordable housing in this development. |
PH07/4-8 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8207 be given second and third readings. |
9. |
Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw 8208 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8209(Parcel A (Reference Plan BCP23042) Section 35 Block 5 North Range 6-West New Westminster District as Dedicated on Plans 61424 and LMP 16312, located immediately south of 10780 Cambie Road; Applicant: Hywel Jones Architect Ltd.) |
Applicant’s Comments: |
None. |
Written Submissions: |
None. |
Submissions from the floor: |
None. |
PH07/4-9 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw 8208 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8209 each be given second and third readings. |
PH07/4-10 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw 8208 be adopted. |
10. |
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8210 (RZ 06-350640)(11200 Railway Avenue; Applicant: Kim Redlich) |
Applicant’s Comments: |
The applicant advised he was present to answer questions. |
Written Submissions: |
None. |
Submissions from the floor: |
None. |
PH07/4-11 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8210 be given second and third readings. |
PH07/4-12 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (7:52 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting for Public Hearings of the City of Richmond held on Monday, April 16, 2007. |
Mayor (Malcolm D. Brodie) |
Acting Corporate Officer (Gail Johnson) |