June 16, 2021 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes




Development Permit Panel

Wednesday, June 16, 2021


3:30 p.m.


Remote (Zoom) Meeting


Joe Erceg, General Manager, Planning and Development, Chair 
John Irving, General Manager, Engineering and Public Works 
Milton Chan, Director, Engineering

The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m.




It was moved and seconded


That the minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel held on May 27, 2021 be adopted.




(REDMS No. 6636292 v. 3A)



Parc Riviera Project Inc.




10333 River Drive






Permit the construction of a low-rise residential development containing approximately 80 dwellings at 10333 River Drive on a site zoned “Residential Mixed Use Commercial (ZMU17) – River Drive/No. 4 Road (Bridgeport)”; and



Vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to permit upper floor building bay projections of maximum 0.6 m into the east side yard and 0.75 m into the west side yard limited to the northeast and northwest buildings only.


Applicant’s Comments


Wayne Fougere, Fougere Architecture Inc.,  with the aid of a visual presentation (copy on file, City Clerk’s office), provided background information on the proposed development, including among others, its site context, design rationale, site layout, architectural form and character, façade treatments, building materials, and materials and colours, highlighting the following:



the subject site is the fourth phase of the original four-phase Parc Riviera master plan;



80 units are proposed, including standard three-storey townhouses and two-storey upper units stacked over two-storey lower units;



the design of the four-storey stacked townhouse buildings allows for natural lighting and ventilation on at least two sides of all the units;



a hierarchy of walkways are proposed for the site, including the public walkways along the west and east edges of the site and the central walkway;



the proposed walkways and private, semi-private, and public outdoor spaces provide physical and visual permeability to the project;



the indoor amenity building is adjacent to the common outdoor amenity area;



four units are barrier free and eight are convertible units, which allow for future installation of a stair lift;



each unit will be provided its own air source heat pump; and



proposed building materials are consistent with the character of the neighbourhood.


Mary Chan Yip, PMG Landscape Architects, provided an overview of the landscaping for the project, noting that (i) the project design emphasizes pedestrian connection and interaction, (ii) the Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) along the dike will be enhanced with native planting, (iii) pedestrian pathways are lined with trees and provided with seating areas, (iv) all homes at ground level have semi-private outdoor spaces, (v) the centrally located indoor amenity and common outdoor amenity spaces are adjacent to each other to provide good indoor-outdoor relationship, (vi) lighting will be provided throughout the site, including wall mounted downward focused lighting for buildings and pole and bollard lighting for pedestrian walkways, (vii) low maintenance planting is proposed for the site, which include a mix of deciduous trees, shrubs and groundcovers, and (viii) a variety of decorative paving treatment is proposed throughout the site.


In reply to queries from the Panel, Mr. Fougere noted that (i) air source heat pumps for individual units will be located on the roofs and in the underground parkade, (ii) the proposed pole lighting along the public walkways will not cause light pollution to adjacent developments, and (iii) public walkways are provided along the east and west edges of the subject site to access the dike.


Discussion ensued regarding the elevation of the underground parkade in relation to potential flooding due to long-term rise in sea levels and water tables. In reply to queries, Mr. Fougere advised that (i) in general, the proposed height of the underground parkade is standard; however, it is higher underneath the building as the building elevation is higher than the required grade level, (ii) the project’s geotechnical consultant is currently working on the geotechnical details of the project, and (iii) the applicant would raise the elevation of the underground parkade should it be recommended by the geotechnical consultant.


Staff Comments


Wayne Craig, Director, Development, noted that (i) there is a Servicing Agreement associated with the project for the design and construction of frontage improvements and public walkways on the subject site, including lighting, (ii) the dike in front of the proposed development has not yet been improved to its ultimate standard, (iii) improvements to the dike will be implemented through a Servicing Agreement, (iv) the ESA adjacent to the dike will be increased in area by approximately 25 percent, (v) invasive species within the ESA will be removed and native species will be planted through supervision by a Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP), and (vi) planting within the ESA will be subject to a five-year monitoring agreement.


In addition, Mr. Craig noted that (i) the proposed development will be designed to achieve Step Code 3 of the BC Energy Step Code and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) interior noise standards, and (ii) four fully accessible units and eight convertible units will be provided in the proposed development.


With regard to the proposed setback variance, Mr. Craig further noted that the proposed variance is limited to the second and third floors of the northwest and northeast buildings, would not impact the walkway design, and not give rise to shadowing concerns for adjacent developments.


Discussion ensued regarding the timing of dike improvements. In reply to queries from the Panel, Mr. Craig advised that the developer is responsible for the dike design through the Servicing Agreement and will coordinate the timing of dike improvements and landscaping for the project, including ESA planting. In addition, Antony Heung, Developer, Dava Development, noted that dike improvements are subject to external approvals and may take additional time as technical issues are addressed; however, the intent is to coordinate on-site and off-site works if possible.


Gallery Comments


Stephen Cheung, 19-10311 River Drive, expressed concern regarding the proposed 0.75 meter upper floor building bay projection into the west side yard of the northwest building of the subject site as it would block their view to the river.


In reply, Mr. Fougere referenced the project’s site plan, noting that the proposed upper floor building bay projection would not impact the view of Mr. Cheung’s townhouse to the river.


Howard Cheung, 20-10311 River Drive, expressed concern regarding the potential impact of the proposed development on their view to the dike and noted that Building 4-e of the subject property is set back closer to the west property line than the rest of the buildings along the west side.


In reply, Mr. Fougere referenced the project’s site plan, noting that the ground floor of Building 4-e is actually set back six meters from the west property line and would not negatively impact the view of Mr. Cheung’s townhouse unit to the dike. 




Howard Cheung, 20-10311 River Drive (Schedule 1)


Lorita and Stephen Cheung, 19-10311 River Drive (Schedule 2)


Karen Luk, 10311 River Drive (Schedule 3)


Vanessa (no last name provided), 10311 River Drive (Schedule 4)


Mr. Craig noted that the correspondence from neighbouring residents expressed concern regarding (i) the height of the buildings in the proposed development which is higher than the existing adjacent townhouse development to the west, (ii) the potential impact on their views to the dike/river due to the proposed upper floor building setback from the west property line of the subject site, and (iii) narrowing of the dike pathway in front of the proposed development.


In reply to these concerns, Mr. Craig noted that (i) the building height of the proposed development is consistent with the zoning on the subject site, and (ii) the ultimate design of the dike would be consistent from No. 4 Road to Shell Road.


Panel Discussion


The Panel expressed support for the project, noting that the project is well designed, consistent with the zoning established by Council, and the applicant has addressed adjacency concerns.


Staff was then directed to work with the applicant to ensure that the underground parkade elevation will be as high as possible to address concerns regarding potential flooding due to future rise in sea levels and water tables.


Panel Decision


It was moved and seconded


That a Development Permit be issued which would:



permit the construction of a low-rise residential development containing approximately 80 dwellings at 10333 River Drive on a site zoned “Residential Mixed Use Commercial (ZMU17) – River Drive/No. 4 Road (Bridgeport)”; and



vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to permit upper floor building bay projections of maximum 0.6 m into the east side yard and 0.75 m into the west side yard limited to the northeast and northwest buildings only.




(REDMS No. 6463087 v. 4)



QRD (Hamilton) LP




23400, 23440, 23460 and 23500 Gates Avenue






Permit the construction of 60 townhouse units at 23400, 23440, 23460 and 23500 Gates Avenue and the surplus portion of the Gates Avenue road allowance on a site zoned “Town Housing - Hamilton (ZT86)” ; and



Vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to reduce:




the minimum front yard setback to Gates Avenue from 4.0 m to 3.4 m; and




the minimum west side yard setback from 7.5 m to 6.0 m.


Applicant’s Comments


Wayne Fougere, Fougere Architecture Inc., with the aid of a visual presentation (copy on file, City Clerk’s office), provided background information on the proposed development, including among others, its site context, architectural form and character, and building materials and colours, highlighting the following:



a total of 60 townhouse units are proposed in six buildings, with four buildings comprised of 48 stacked units and two buildings with 12 three-storey standard townhouse units;



10 of the 12 three-storey townhouse units are convertible units;



walkways are provided along all edges of the site, including the public strollways along the west and south edges;



the entry driveway is located at the northwest to maximize the length of the future public strollway along Gates Avenue;



the ESA/park to the east will provide a buffer between the subject site and Highway 91; and



building facades have a contemporary character.


Travis Martin, van der Zalm + Associates, Inc., provided an overview of the main landscape features of the project, noting that (i) the reconfigured ESA will be enhanced and included in the proposed City park and subject to a three-year monitoring and maintenance plan, (ii) the existing walkway within the Highway 91A corridor along the east property line will be improved and widened, (iii) the east-west central open space includes, among others, a children’s play area that provides a variety of play opportunities and a gathering area, (iv) private outdoor porches are provided for the lower level units, and (v) building mounted downward focused lighting are proposed as well pole and bollard lighting.


Staff Comments


Mr. Craig noted that there are three components of the Servicing Agreement associated with the project which include frontage works along Gates Avenue, the on-site public walkways and site servicing, and off-site walkway improvements to the pathway within the Highway 91A road allowance.


In addition, Mr. Craig reviewed the proposed setback variances to Gates Avenue and the west side yard and noted that staff support these proposed variances as they would enhance the project and not negatively impact the public realm. 


Gallery Comments






Cathy and Vic Friesen, 23451 Gates Avenue (Schedule 5)


Mr. Craig reviewed the concerns and questions raised by Cathy and Vic Friesen relating to details on the design of Gates Avenue, impact of proposed site servicing works to their property, the management of the proposed City park, on-street parking and traffic, and construction activities including site preparation and parking of construction vehicles.


In reply, Mr. Craig noted that (i) staff had been communicating with Ms. Friesen since the receipt of the letter, (ii) perimeter drainage will be dealt with through Building Permit, (iii) the developer had confirmed that construction vehicles will only use the subject site for on-site manoeuvring and circulation, and (iv) City staff will be required to review the project’s Construction Traffic and Parking Management Plan prior to Building Permit issuance.


Panel Discussion


The Panel expressed support for the project, noting that (i) the project is well thought out, (ii) the project’s approach to the ESA is supported, and (iii) the proposed design and size of the common outdoor amenity area are appreciated.


Panel Decision


It was moved and seconded


That a Development Permit be issued which would:



permit the construction of 60 townhouse units at 23400, 23440, 23460 and 23500 Gates Avenue and the surplus portion of the Gates Avenue road allowance on a site zoned “Town Housing - Hamilton (ZT86)” ; and



vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to reduce:




the minimum front yard setback to Gates Avenue from 4.0 m to 3.4 m; and




the minimum west side yard setback from 7.5 m to 6.0 m.




New Business


It was moved and seconded


That the Development Permit Panel meeting scheduled on Wednesday, June 30, 2021 be cancelled.


Date of Next Meeting:    July 14, 2021




It was moved and seconded


That the meeting be adjourned at 4:46 p.m.




Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Wednesday, June 16, 2021.



Joe Erceg 

Rustico Agawin 
Committee Clerk