October 23, 2023 - Minutes
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Regular Council
Monday, October 23, 2023
Place: |
Council Chambers |
Present: |
Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie Corporate Officer – Claudia Jesson |
Absent: |
Councillor Kash Heed |
Call to Order: |
Mayor Brodie called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. |
R23/18-1 |
1. |
It was moved and seconded |
That: |
(1) |
the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on October 10, 2023, be adopted as circulated; |
(2) |
the minutes of the Special Council meeting held on October 16, 2023, be adopted as circulated; and |
(3) |
the minutes of the Regular Council meeting for Public Hearings held on October 16, 2023, be adopted as circulated. |
R23/18-2 |
2. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Council resolve into Committee of the Whole to hear delegations on agenda items (7:01 p.m.). |
3. |
Delegations from the floor on Agenda items – None. |
R23/18-3 |
4. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Committee rise and report (7:02 p.m.). |
R23/18-4 |
5. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Items No. 6 through No. 9 and 11 through 15 be adopted by general consent. |
6. |
That the minutes of: |
(1) |
the Community Safety Committee meeting held on October 11, 2023; |
(2) |
the General Purposes Committee meeting held on October 16, 2023; |
(3) |
the Planning Committee meeting held on October 17, 2023; |
(4) |
the Public Works and Transportation Committee meeting held on October 18, 2023; and |
(5) |
the Council/School Board Liaison Committee meeting held on September 13, 2023; |
be received for information. |
7. |
(1) |
That the application from 0873663 BC Ltd doing business as: Country Vines Winery, for an addition of two Seasonal Patios for a Farm Based Winery with a Manufacturers Liquor Licence requesting: |
(a) |
An addition of a Seasonal Patio area to permit outdoor wine tasting between April 1 and October 31, each year, with 15 seats; and |
(b) |
A second Seasonal Patio area for private bookings between April 1 and October 31, each year for 4 seats; and |
(c) |
Total person capacity to remain the same at 65 occupants; |
be endorsed; and |
(2) |
That the Country Vines Winery's transfer from a Temporary Outdoor Patio (TOP) to a Seasonal Patio Permit be approved. |
8. |
DRAFT RICHMOND ACCESSIBILITY PLAN 2023–2033 (File Ref. No. 01-0370-20-008, XR: 07-3190-01, 08-4055-05) (REDMS No. 7286442, 7407222) |
(1) |
That the draft Richmond Accessibility Plan 2023–2033, as outlined in the staff report titled “Draft Richmond Accessibility Plan 2023–2033” dated September 15, 2023 from the Director, Community Social Development, be approved; |
(2) |
That staff be authorized to seek public feedback on the draft Richmond Accessibility Plan for the purposes of finalizing the plan; and |
(3) |
That staff report back to City Council with the final Richmond Accessibility Plan, including a summary of the public feedback received. |
9. |
SPONSORSHIP - CITY OF WAKAYAMA (File Ref. No. 01-0135-04-02.) (REDMS No. 7413946) |
(1) |
That the City of Richmond sponsor a dinner for the delegation and host clubs in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Richmond Twinning with Wakayama, Japan; and |
(2) |
That the sponsorship of the Sayanara Dinner for $5,000 be taken from the Council contingency account. |
10. |
(File Ref. No. 12-8060-20-010497, RZ 22-011063) (REDMS No. 7349947, 7392013) |
See page 7 for action on this item. |
11. |
(File Ref. No. 08-4057-05) (REDMS No. 7280785, 7348443, 7351608) |
That Housing Agreement (10140, 10160, 10180 No. 1 Road and 4051 Cavendish Drive) Bylaw No. 10490 to permit the City to enter into a Housing Agreement substantially in the form attached hereto, in accordance with requirements of Section 483 of the Local Government Act, to secure the affordable housing units required by Rezoning application RZ 18-820669 and Development Permit DP 21-940028 be introduced and given first, second and third readings. |
12. |
COMMERCIAL RECYCLING SERVICES REVIEW (File Ref. No. 10-6370-01) (REDMS No. 7358334, 7355228) |
(1) |
That Option 2, as outlined in the staff report titled “Commercial Recycling Services Review” dated September 12, 2023 be endorsed; and |
(2) |
That staff prepare amendments to the Solid Waste and Recycling Regulation Bylaw No. 6803 to remove commercial service options. |
13. |
SAFETY MEASURES FOR HEAVY TRUCKS (File Ref. No. 10-6360-20-01) (REDMS No. 7323952) |
(1) |
That staff report titled “Safety Measures for Heavy Trucks”, dated September 20, 2023, from the Director, Public Works Operations and Director, Transportation be received for information; |
(2) |
That staff continue to review options to improve truck safety; and |
(3) |
That the report be forwarded to the Council/School Board Liaison Committee. |
14. |
IONA ISLAND WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT – UPDATE SEPTEMBER 2023 (File Ref. No. 10-6400-08-02) (REDMS No. 7388562, 6357529) |
That the proposed comments for the use of barges as the primary mode of transportation for construction materials and equipment for the Iona Island Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade project, as outlined in the staff report titled “Iona Island Wastewater Treatment Plant – Update September 2023,” dated September 22, 2023 from the Director, Engineering be endorsed for submission to Metro Vancouver. |
It was requested that maps related to the proposed Iona Island Wastewater Treatment Plant be updated to reflect loading locations. (Copy on file) |
15. |
(File Ref. No. 03-1087-36-01, XR: 10-6060-01) (REDMS No. 7349699) |
(1) |
That the application to the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund, Disaster Risk Reduction – Climate Adaptation funding stream as outlined in the staff report titled “UBCM Community Emergency Preparedness Fund: 2023/24 Disaster Risk Reduction – Climate Adaptation Grant Application” dated September 13, 2023 from the Director, Engineering be endorsed; |
(2) |
That should the grant application be successful, the Chief Administrative Officer and the General Manager, Engineering and Public Works, be authorized on behalf of the City to negotiate and execute funding agreements with UBCM for the above mentioned projects; and |
(3) |
That should the grant application be successful, capital projects of $150,000 for the Nature-Based Flood Protection Solutions Assessment, $150,000 for Emergency Flood Protection Equipment, and $2,500,000 for Dike Rehabilitation be approved with funding from the external grant, as outlined in the staff report titled “UBCM Community Emergency Preparedness Fund: 2023/24 Disaster Risk Reduction – Climate Adaptation Grant Application” dated September 13, 2023 from the Director, Engineering, and be included in the Consolidated 5 Year Financial Plan (2024-2028) accordingly. |
10. |
(File Ref. No. 2-8060-20-010497, RZ 22-011063) (REDMS No. 7349947, 7392013) |
R23/18-5 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 10497, for the rezoning of 10840/10860 Bonavista Gate from the “Two-Unit Dwellings (RD1)” zone to the “Single Detached (RS2/C)” zone, be introduced and given first reading. |
The question on the motion was not called as discussion ensued with respect to (i) retention of current duplex supply and increasing stock of duplexes, (ii) tree retention and replacement, (iii) secondary suites and (iv) reviewing the current city policy that allows duplexes to be rezoned to single family homes. |
The question on the motion was then called and CARRIED with Cllrs. Gillanders and Wolfe opposed. |
GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie, Chair |
16. |
2024 COUNCIL AND COMMITTEE MEETING SCHEDULE (File Ref. No. 01-0105-01) (REDMS No. 7373386, 7367802) |
R23/18-6 |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That the 2024 Council and Committee meeting schedule, as shown in Attachment 1 of the staff report dated October 3, 2023, from the Director, City Clerk’s Office, be approved; and, |
(2) |
That the following revisions as detailed in the staff report titled “2024 Council and Committee Meeting Schedule” dated October 3, 2023, from the Director, City Clerk’s Office, be approved: |
(a) |
That the Regular Council meetings (open and closed) of August 12 and August 26, 2024 be cancelled; and |
(b) |
That the August 19, 2024 Public Hearing be rescheduled to September 3, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Richmond City Hall. |
The question on the motion was not called as discussion ensued with respect to alternate options for the meeting schedule and tabling the matter until the next Council meeting. |
It was noted that the schedule can be adjusted by a Council resolution at any time. |
As a result of the discussion the following referral motion was introduced: |
R23/18-7 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the report “2024 Council and Committee Meeting Schedule” report be tabled until the November 14, 2023 Council meeting. |
DEFEATED Opposed: Mayor Brodie Cllrs. Au Loo McNulty |
The question on the main motion was then called and CARRIED with Cllr. Day opposed. |
R23/18-8 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the following bylaws be adopted: |
Building Regulation Bylaw No. 7230, Amendment Bylaw No. 10467; |
Permissive Property Tax Exemption (2024) Bylaw No. 10476; |
Consolidated 5 Year Financial Plan (2023-2027) Bylaw No. 10429, Amendment Bylaw No. 10492; |
City Centre District Energy Utility Bylaw No. 9895 Bylaw No. 10473; and |
Housing Agreement (4831 Steveston Highway) Bylaw No. 10484 |
R23/18-9 |
17. |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That the minutes of the Development Permit Panel meeting held on October 12, 2023, and the Chair’s report for the Development Permit Panel meetings held on October 12, 2023, be received for information; and |
(2) |
That the recommendations of the Panel to authorize the issuance of a Development Permit (DV 23-024175) for the property located at 7151, 7211, 7231 & 7251 Bridge Street, be endorsed and the Permit so issued. |
R23/18-10 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (7:59 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the Regular meeting of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Monday, October 23, 2023. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Mayor (Malcolm D. Brodie) |
Corporate Officer (Claudia Jesson) |