September 14, 2020 - Minutes
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Regular Council
Monday, September 14, 2020
Place: |
Council Chambers |
Present: |
Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie Corporate Officer – Claudia Jesson |
Call to Order: |
Mayor Brodie called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. |
R20/15-1 |
1. |
It was moved and seconded |
That: |
(1) |
the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on July 27, 2020, be adopted as circulated; |
(2) |
the minutes of the Special Council meeting held on August 26, 2020, be adopted as circulated; |
(3) |
the minutes of the Regular Council meeting for Public Hearings held on September 8, 2020, be adopted as circulated; and |
(4) |
the Metro Vancouver ‘Board in Brief’ dated July 31, 2020, be received for information. |
R20/15-2 |
2. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Council resolve into Committee of the Whole to hear delegations on agenda items (7:03 p.m.). |
3. |
Delegations from the floor on Agenda items |
Yvonne Bell, 10431 Mortfield Road, spoke in opposition to the proposed application and expressed concern with the removal of the mature trees in the area. She urged Council to not approve this application. |
Robin Glover, Vice President Development, Polygon Homes Ltd., noted that although the proposed application requires the removal of a number of trees, there will be park space provided as well as widening of surrounding roads. He advised that Polygon Homes Ltd. can work with City staff to determine relocation of trees to the park site and other areas. |
R20/15-3 |
4. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Committee rise and report (7:15 p.m.). |
R20/15-4 |
5. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Items No. 6 through No. 13 be adopted by general consent. |
6. |
That the minutes of: |
(1) |
the Special General Purposes Committee meeting held on July 27, 2020 and the General Purposes Committee meeting held on September 8, 2020; and |
(2) |
the Special Finance Committee meeting held on August 26, 2020 and the Finance Committee meeting held on September 8, 2020; and |
be received for information. |
7. |
Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 10036 to Permit the City of Richmond to Secure Affordable Housing Units at 3208 Carscallen Road |
That Housing Agreement (3208 Carscallen Road) Bylaw No. 10036 to permit the City to enter into a Housing Agreement substantially in the form attached hereto, in accordance with the requirements of section 483 of the Local Government Act, to secure the Affordable Housing Units required by Rezoning Application RZ 12-610011 be introduced and given first, second and third reading. |
8. |
Funding Agreement with Transport Canada Rail Safety Improvement Program for Williams Road-Shell Road Intersection Upgrade |
(1) |
That the Chief Administrative Officer and the General Manager, Planning and Development, be authorized to execute the Rail Safety Improvement Program funding agreement with Transport Canada for the Williams Road-Shell Road intersection; and |
(2) |
That the Revised Consolidated 5 Year Financial Plan (2020-2024) be amended accordingly. |
9. |
City Centre District Energy Utility Bylaw No. 9895, Amendment Bylaw No. 10187 |
That the City Centre District Energy Utility Bylaw No. 9895, Amendment Bylaw No. 10187 presented in the “City Centre District Energy Utility Bylaw No. 9895, Amendment Bylaw No. 10187” report dated June 10, 2020, from the Director, Sustainability and District Energy be introduced and given first, second, and third readings. |
10. |
Support for BC Salmon Restoration Projects in Sturgeon Bank |
That, as described in the staff report titled “Support for BC Salmon Restoration Projects in Sturgeon Bank,” dated August 25, 2020 from the Director, Sustainability and District Energy and the Director, Engineering: |
(1) |
The scope of the three projects to be included in the Expression of Interest prepared by the South Coast Conservation Land Management Program for submission to the BC Salmon Restoration and Innovation Fund, be supported; and |
(2) |
That in-kind contributions for the projects outlined in the Expression of Interest be endorsed. |
11. |
13740 Westminster Highway – Unauthorized Watercourse Crossing and Decorative Wall |
(1) |
Pursuant to the authority provided in Sections 72, 73 and 75 of the Community Charter, that: |
(a) |
the infill and culvert in the watercourse fronting the property located at 13740 Westminster Highway, and having a legal description of Lot 2 Section 8 Block 4 North Range 5 West New Westminster District Plan 12960 (Parcel Identifier: 001-703-269) (the “Property”) be declared as having obstructed, filled up or damaged the watercourse fronting the Property without the City’s approval or consent (the “Unauthorized Watercourse Crossing”); and |
(b) |
the decorative wall located at the Property, be declared as creating an unsafe condition; |
(2) |
Pursuant to Sections 72 and 73 of the Community Charter, the following remedial action requirements be imposed on Swarn Singh Panesar and Gurbax Kaur Panesar, as the registered owner of the Property (the “Owners”): |
(a) |
to demolish the decorative wall at the Property; and |
(b) |
to remove all debris from the decorative wall in accordance with any applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws; |
(3) |
Pursuant to Sections 72 and 75 of the Community Charter, and Part 7 of the Watercourse Protection and Crossing Bylaw No. 8441, the following remedial action requirements be imposed on the Owners: |
(a) |
to remove the Unauthorized Watercourse Crossing in and about the watercourse fronting the Property; and |
(b) |
to undertake and complete the restoration work identified in the Scope of Work, attached as Attachment 6 of the report to committee titled 13740 Westminster Highway – Unauthorized Crossing and Decorative Wall, dated August 14, 2020, from the Director, Engineering (the “Report”); |
(c) |
to undertake and complete the restoration work identified in the Construction Environmental Management Plan for 13740 Westminster Highway dated October 2, 2018 by Madrone Environmental Services Ltd., attached as Attachment 7 of the Report; |
(d) |
to undertake any additional measures as directed by the General Manager, Engineering and Public Works, to restore the watercourse to its previous condition; and |
(e) |
to dispose of all material associated with the removal of the Unauthorized Watercourse Crossing at a permitted site under the guidance of a Qualified Professional, in compliance with all applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws; |
(4) |
That the time limit for completion of all the remedial action requirements described above be set as 5:00 pm on October 30, 2020; and |
(5) |
That staff be authorized to take all appropriate action in accordance with Section 17 [Municipal Action at Defaulter’s Expense] of the Community Charter to ensure compliance with all remedial action requirements imposed on the Owners, provided that: |
(a) |
the Owners have not fully completed the remedial action requirements on or before the time limit specified by Council; and |
(b) |
all costs incurred by the City to fulfill the remedial action requirements shall be at the expense of the Owner, and subject to Section 17 of the Community Charter, such costs shall be recovered from the Owner as a debt owed to the City of Richmond. |
12. |
Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program - Minoru Place Activity Centre Conversion to Arts Centre |
(1) |
That the submission to the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program – Community, Culture and Recreation Stream, requesting funding of up to $2.4 million as outlined in the report titled, “Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program - Minoru Place Activity Centre Conversion to Arts Centre,” dated August 5, 2020 from the Director, Facilities and Project Development be endorsed; |
(2) |
That the Chief Administrative Officer and General Manager, Engineering and Public Works be authorized to enter into funding agreements with the government for the aforementioned project should it be approved for funding, as outlined in the report titled, “Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program - Minoru Place Activity Centre Conversion to Arts Centre,” dated August 5, 2020 from the Director, Facilities and Project Development; |
(3) |
That the Minoru Place Activity Centre Project capital budget be increased by $749,000, which will be funded by Project Developments 2020 Operating Budget account “Infrastructure Replacement” and that the Revised Consolidated 5 Year Financial Plan (2020-2024) be amended accordingly; and |
(4) |
That the Revised Consolidated 5 Year Financial Plan (2020-2024) be amended accordingly should the aforementioned project be approved for funding as outlined in the report titled, “Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program - Minoru Place Activity Centre Conversion to Arts Centre,” dated August 5, 2020 from the Director, Facilities and Project Development. |
13. |
Extension of Non-Acceptance of Cash Transactions at City Hall |
That Council extends non-acceptance of cash transactions at City Hall until March 31, 2021. |
14. |
Application by Dagneault Planning Consultants Ltd. for an Agricultural Land Reserve Subdivision at 3031 No. 7 Road |
R20/15-5 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the application by Dagneault Planning Consultants Ltd. for an Agricultural Land Reserve Subdivision at 3031 No. 7 Road be forwarded to the Agricultural Land Commission. |
The question on the motion was not called as discussion took place on (i) concerns with subdivision and loss of farmland, (ii) encouraging younger generations to continue farming, and (iii) permitting subdivision of lots on the Agricultural Land Reserve if the land was owned prior to 1972. |
The question on the motion was then called and it was CARRIED with Cllrs. Day, Greene and Wolfe opposed. |
Discussion further took place to include Council’s vote on the Application by Dagneault Planning Consultants Ltd. for an Agricultural Land Reserve Subdivision at 3031 No. 7 Road, with the submission to the Agricultural Land Commission, and as result the following motion was introduced: |
R20/15-6 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Council’s vote on the Application by Dagneault Planning Consultants Ltd. for an Agricultural Land Reserve Subdivision at 3031 No. 7 Road, be included with the submission to the Agricultural Land Commission. |
15. |
Application by Polygon Talisman Park Ltd. to Create the “Residential / Limited Commercial (ZMU47) – Capstan Village (City Centre)” Zone, and Rezone the Site at 8671, 8731, 8771, 8831/8851 Cambie Road, 8791 Cambie Road/3600 Sexsmith Road, and 3480, 3500, 3520, 3540/3560 Sexsmith Road from the “Single Detached (RS1/F)” Zone to the “Residential / Limited Commercial (ZMU47) – Capstan Village (City Centre)” Zone |
R20/15-7 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 10198 to create the “Residential / Limited Commercial (ZMU47) – Capstan Village (City Centre)” zone, and to rezone 8671, 8731, 8771, 8831/8851 Cambie Road, 8791 Cambie Road/3600 Sexsmith Road, and 3480, 3500, 3520, 3540/3560 Sexsmith Road from the “Single Detached (RS1/F)” zone to the “Residential / Limited Commercial (ZMU47) – Capstan Village (City Centre)”zone and the “School and Institutional Use (SI)” zone, be introduced and given first reading. |
The question on the motion was not called as discussion took place on improving the tree retention program in the proposed park and clarification on the number of trees being removed. |
The question on the motion was then called and it was CARRIED with Cllrs. Greene and Wolfe opposed. |
Mayor Brodie announced that the name Hummingbird Child Care Centre was selected for the City’s child care facility being constructed at 6899 Pearson Way. |
R20/15-8 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the following bylaws be adopted: |
Road Closure and Removal of Road Dedication Bylaw No. 10038 |
Richmond Zoning Bylaw No. 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9764 |
R20/15-9 |
16. |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That the minutes of the Development Permit Panel meeting held on July 29, 2020, and the Chair’s report for the Development Permit Panel meetings held on May 27, 2020 and June 10, 2020, be received for information; and |
(2) |
That the recommendation of the Panel to authorize the issuance of a Development Permit (DP 19-876647) for the property at 17720 River Road be endorsed, and the Permit so issued. |
R20/15-10 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (8:42 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the Regular meeting of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Monday, September 14, 2020. |
_________________________________ |
Mayor (Malcolm D. Brodie) |
Corporate Officer (Claudia Jesson) |