July 13, 2020 - Minutes
![]() |
Regular Council
Monday, July 13, 2020
Place: |
Council Chambers |
Present: |
Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie Corporate Officer – Claudia Jesson |
Call to Order: |
Mayor Brodie called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. |
Cllr. Au entered the meeting (7:01 p.m.). |
R20/13-1 |
1. |
It was moved and seconded |
That: |
(1) |
the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on June 22, 2020, be adopted as circulated; and |
(2) |
the Metro Vancouver ‘Board in Brief’ dated May 29, 2020 and July 3, 2020 be received for information. |
R20/13-2 |
2. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Council resolve into Committee of the Whole to hear delegations on agenda items (7:03 p.m.). |
3. |
Delegations from the floor on Agenda items. |
Item No. 8 – Steveston Tram Feasibility Study |
Nancy Small, CEO, Tourism Richmond, expressed support for the City’s recommendations, noting that Steveston is one of Richmond’s premier tourist attractions and that a tram would further enhance Steveston as a tourist destination. |
Discussion ensued with regard to (i) opportunities for potential tram operators, (ii) transit connections to Steveston, and (iii) tram and trolley operations in other cities. |
Item No. 14 – Application by IBI Group Architects to Amend Schedule 2.10 of Official Community Plan Bylaw 7100 (City Centre Area Plan) and Rezone 5740, 5760, and 5800 Minoru Boulevard from “Industrial Retail (IR1)” to “School and Institution Use (SI)” and “High Density Mixed Use and Affordable Rental Housing (ZMU46) – Lansdowne Village (City Centre)” |
Robert Grosz, Surrey resident, expressed his opposition to the application and read from his submission (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 1). |
R20/13-3 |
4. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Committee rise and report (7:18 p.m.). |
R20/13-4 |
5. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Items No. 6 through No. 10 be adopted by general consent. |
6. |
That the minutes of the General Purposes Committee meeting held on July 6, 2020 be received for information. |
7. |
translink emergency operating funding |
That the City of Richmond calls upon the federal and provincial governments to provide emergency operating funds and to protect vital public transportation services. Letters to be written to the Parliamentary Secretary for TransLink; provincial Ministers of Transportation, Environment, and Finance; and federal Ministers of Transportation and Finance; with copies to Richmond MLAs and MPs. |
8. |
Steveston Tram Feasibility Study |
That Option 1: Maintain Current Tram Program as detailed in the report titled “Steveston Tram Feasibility Study”, dated May 29, 2020, from the Director, Arts, Culture & Heritage Services be endorsed. |
9. |
Quadricycle Business – Proposed Vehicle for Hire Bylaw Amendment to Permit Permanent Operation |
(1) |
That the third reading of Vehicle for Hire Bylaw No. 6900, Amendment Bylaw No. 10128, to add regulations and requirements for the operation of a quadricycle, be rescinded; and |
(2) |
That Vehicle for Hire Bylaw No. 6900, Amendment Bylaw No. 10128, to add revised regulations and requirements for the operation of a quadricycle, be given third reading. |
10. |
Application by City Vancouver Academy Inc. for a Temporary Commercial Use Permit for the Property at Units 2110, 2115, 2120, 2125, 2150, 2155, 2160, 2165 and 2170 - 8766 McKim Way |
(1) |
That the application by City Vancouver Academy Inc. for a Temporary Commercial Use Permit (TCUP) for the property at Units 2110, 2115, 2120, 2125, 2150, 2155, 2160, 2165 and 2170 - 8766 McKim Way to permit education use (limited to an independent school offering grades 10 to 12) be considered for one year from the date of issuance; and |
(2) |
That this application be forwarded to the September 8, 2020 Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Richmond City Hall. |
11. |
Tilbury Phase 2 LNG Expansion Project |
R20/13-5 |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That Council states its opposition to the Tilbury Phase 2 LNG Expansion Project; |
(2) |
That the comments outlined in the staff report titled “Tilbury Phase 2 LNG Expansion Project”, dated June 1, 2020, from the Director, Sustainability and District Energy be endorsed and submitted to the BC Environmental Assessment Office and the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada to support the provincial and federal environmental assessments; |
(3) |
That meetings with the appropriate federal and provincial ministers be scheduled; |
(4) |
That copies of the comments and the staff report be sent to our local Members of Parliament and Members of Legislative Assembly; and |
(5) |
That copies of the comments and the staff report be sent to Metro Vancouver and all Mayors of Metro Vancouver municipalities asking for their respective Council’s support. |
The question on the motion was not called as discussion ensued with regard to (i) the potential negative environmental impact of transporting liquid natural gas (LNG) along the Fraser River, (ii) the potential hazards of transporting and storing LNG near residential areas, (iii) the potential economic benefits of the proposed project, and (iv) the emission levels of LNG compared to other fuels. |
In reply to queries from Council, staff noted that there will be further opportunities for the City to provide feedback and that a comprehensive environmental assessment would take place should the proposed project proceed. |
The question on the motion was then called and it was CARRIED with |
12. |
Soil Use for the Placement of Fill Application for the Property Located at 5800 No. 7 Road (Mahal) |
R20/13-6 |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That the ‘Soil Use for the Placement of Fill’ application submitted by Paul Mahal (the “Applicant”) proposing to deposit soil on the property located at 5800 No. 7 Road to transition a former cranberry bog to allow for the growing of vegetables and ornamental trees be authorized for referral to the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) for the ALC to review and determine the merits of the proposal from an agricultural perspective as the Applicant has satisfied all of the City’s current reporting requirements, provided that the fill soil be sourced from Richmond and Delta; and |
(2) |
That the City recommend to the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) that a further significant performance bond be required. |
The question on the motion was not called as discussion ensued with regard to (i) utilizing soil fill to improve growing conditions and drainage on-site, (ii) options to increase performance bond requirements, (iii) the on-going farming operations on-site, (iv) options to grow various types of crops, and (v) utilizing high quality soil from Richmond for fill. |
The question on the motion was then called and it was CARRIED with Cllr. Wolfe opposed. |
13. |
Options for a Residential Backyard Chicken Program |
A staff memorandum regarding Options for a Residential Backyard Chicken Program was distributed (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 2). |
R20/13-7 |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That “Option 2: Allow the keeping of backyard chickens on all ALR properties and properties outside of the ALR with a parcel size of no less than 2,000 m2”, as outlined in the staff report titled “Options for a Residential Backyard Chicken Program” from the General Manager, Community Safety, dated June 22, 2020, be approved; |
(2) |
That Animal Control Regulation Bylaw No. 7932 Amendment Bylaw No. 10157 be given first, second and third readings; and |
(3) |
That staff review the appropriate number of chickens for properties outside the ALR with a parcel size of no less than 2,000m2 and report back. |
The question on the motion was not called as discussion ensued with regard to (i) options to introduce a backyard chicken program, (ii) the current regulations related to the care and harvest of chickens, (iii) the lot and setback requirements for lots with chickens, (iv) residential concerns related to potential nuisance and noise complaints and potential for rodent and disease outbreaks, and (v) encouraging residential food production in the city. |
In reply to queries from Council, staff noted that the proposed bylaw changes to the Animal Control Bylaw would align with Provincial regulations and that backyard chicken programs in other cities were reviewed by staff. |
The question on the motion was then called and it was CARRIED with Cllrs. Day, Greene, Steves and Wolfe opposed. |
14. |
Application by IBI Group Architects to Amend Schedule 2.10 of Official Community Plan Bylaw 7100 (City Centre Area Plan) and Rezone 5740, 5760, and 5800 Minoru Boulevard from “Industrial Retail (IR1)” to “School and Institution Use (SI)” and “High Density Mixed Use and Affordable Rental Housing (ZMU46) – Lansdowne Village (City Centre)” |
R20/13-8 |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That Official Community Plan Bylaw 7100, Amendment Bylaw 10136, to amend Schedule 2.10 of Official Community Plan Bylaw 7100 (City Centre Area Plan), to amend: |
(a) |
Section 2.2 “Jobs and Business” and the “Specific Land Use Map: Lansdowne Village”, to encourage office development along the east side of Minoru Boulevard (between Ackroyd Road and Alderbridge Way) and pedestrian-oriented retail uses at grade along Lansdowne Road (between No. 3 Road and Minoru Boulevard); and |
(b) |
Section 4.0 “Implementation & Phasing Strategies”, to clarify City Centre Area Plan density bonusing requirements with respect to the Richmond Affordable Housing Strategy and Official Community Plan Market Rental Housing Policy, and permit bonus density to be increased, on a site-specific basis, for rezoning applications that provide additional affordable housing to address community need, |
be introduced and given first reading. |
(2) |
That Official Community Plan Bylaw 7100, Amendment Bylaw 10137, for amending Schedule 2.10 of Official Community Plan Bylaw 7100 (City Centre Area Plan), to facilitate the construction of a high-rise, high density, mixed use development, including the designation of a 7 m (23 ft.) wide strip of land along the north side of 5740 Minoru Boulevard as City “Park” and the remainder of 5740, 5760, and 5800 Minoru Boulevard as “Village Centre Bonus” area (to permit an additional 1.0 floor area ratio for office use only), be introduced and given first reading; |
(3) |
That Bylaw 10136 and Bylaw 10137, having been considered in conjunction with: |
(a) |
the City’s Financial Plan and Capital Program; and |
(b) |
the Greater Vancouver Regional District Solid Waste and Liquid Waste Management Plans; |
are hereby found to be consistent with said program and plans, in accordance with Section 477(3)(a) of the Local Government Act; |
(4) |
That Bylaw 10136 and Bylaw 10137, having been considered in accordance with OCP Bylaw Preparation Consultation Policy 5043, are hereby found not to require further consultation; and |
(5) |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 10138, to create the “High Density Mixed Use and Affordable Rental Housing (ZMU46) - Lansdowne Village (City Centre)” zone, and to rezone 5740, 5760, and 5800 Minoru Boulevard from “Industrial Retail (IR1)” to “School and Institution Use (SI)” and “High Density Mixed Use and Affordable Rental Housing (ZMU46) - Lansdowne Village (City Centre)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
15. |
Report back on temporary road changes in steveston village for canada day |
R20/13-9 |
It was moved and seconded |
That staff continue to monitor pedestrian, cyclist and motorist operations in Steveston Village for crowding and when necessary, report back on the need for temporary road changes to add additional space. |
The question on the motion was not called as discussion ensued with regard to (i) reviewing options to separate pedestrian, cycling and motor vehicle traffic along Bayview Street and Moncton Street, (ii) reviewing options for additional consultation of Steveston merchants regarding street closures, (iii) increasing pedestrian spaces to encourage social distancing, (iv) examining street closure protocols in other cities such as in Victoria, (v) reviewing sidewalk access for non-restaurant Steveston businesses, (vi) estimating the costs to implement street closures in Steveston and potential funding sources, and (vii) reviewing options for long-term street closures in Steveston. |
In reply to queries from Committee, staff noted that (i) the previous survey of Steveson merchants was completed in a short time frame and further consultation can take place upon Council direction, (ii) set up and signage costs were factors in the total street closure costs, (iii) the cost for RCMP presence in Steveston Canada Day events was minimal, (iv) no public health order has been issued calling for requirements to expand pedestrian space in Steveston, and (v) staff was requested to confirm the status of an outstanding referral for non-restaurants having access to sidewalks for the July 20, 2020 General Purposes Committee. |
The question on the motion was then called and it was CARRIED with Cllrs. Greene, Steves and Wolfe opposed. |
Discussion then ensued with regard to implementing the street closures of Bayview Street and Moncton Street for the upcoming BC Day long weekend on August 1, 2020 to August 3, 2020, and as a result, the following motion was introduced: |
R20/13-10 |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That Moncton Street be closed to east-west traffic from Third Avenue to No. 1 Road and that Bayview Street be restricted to westbound one-way traffic from No. 1 Road to Third Avenue for the upcoming BC Day long weekend starting on the morning of August 1, 2020 and ending on the end of day on August 3, 2020; |
(2) |
That a maximum of $35,000 from the Council Contingency Fund be allocated for the temporary street closure and traffic restrictions for Bayview Street and Moncton Street; and |
(3) |
That staff report back immediately following the street closures. |
The question on the motion was not called as staff responded to queries from Council, noting that staff can provide a memorandum itemizing the costs to implement the proposed street closures in Steveston. |
Discussion then ensued with regard to estimated costs for long-term street closures in Steveston, and as a result, the following amendment motion was introduced: |
R20/13-11 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the street closures and traffic restrictions on Moncton Street and Bayview street be extended for the entire month of August 2020. |
The question on the amendment motion was not called as discussion ensued with regard to costs of the proposed monthly closure and the implementation of street closures in other cities. |
The question on the amendment motion was then called and it was DEFEATED with Mayor Brodie and Cllrs. Au, Day, Loo and Wolfe opposed. |
The question on the main motion was then called and it was CARRIED with Cllrs. Greene, McPhail and Steves opposed. |
Discussion then took place on the continuing cost of street closures or traffic restrictions in Steveston, and as a result, the following referral motion was introduced: |
R20/13-12 |
It was moved and seconded |
That staff review the long-term costs for continuing road closures and traffic restrictions along Bayview Street, and report back to the next General Purposes Committee on July 20, 2020. |
The question on the motion was not called as staff were directed to (i) review economic recovery options for the Steveston area while meeting social distancing requirements, (ii) distribute the comments from Dr. Meena Dawar, Medical Health Officer, Vancouver Coastal Health, during traffic restriction consultation with the Steveston community, and (iii) contact the City of Victoria to obtain information on their street closure program. |
The question on the referral motion was then called and it was CARRIED. |
Cllr. Au left the meeting (9:29 p.m.) and returned (9:31 p.m.). |
R20/13-14 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the following bylaws be adopted: |
Traffic Bylaw No. 5870 Amendment Bylaw No. 10184 |
Municipal Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw No. 7321 Amendment |
R20/13-15 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaw 7100 and Bylaw 9000 Amendment Bylaw No. 9892 be adopted. |
R20/13-16 |
16. |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That the minutes of the Development Permit Panel meeting held on |
(2) |
That the recommendations of the Panel to authorize the issuance of: |
(a) |
a Development Permit (DP 17-768248) for the property at 6551 No. 3 Road; and |
(b) |
a Development Permit (DP 19-876699) for the property at 6899 Pearson Way; |
be endorsed, and the Permits so issued; and |
(3) |
That the recommendation of the Panel to authorize the approval of changes to the design of the Development Permit (DP 17-782793) issued for the property at 4331 Vanguard Road (formerly 4331 and 4431 Vanguard Road) be endorsed, and the changes be deemed to be in General Compliance with the Permit. |
The question on the motion was not called, as there was agreement to deal with Part 2(a) separately. |
The question on Parts (1), (2)(b) and (3) was then called and it was CARRIED. |
Discussion ensued with regard to the Development Permit application for the property at 6551 No. 3 Road (DP 17-768248) and the following referral motion was introduced: |
R20/13-17 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Development Permit (DP 17-768248) for the property at 6551 No. 3 Road be referred back to the Development Permit Panel for further consideration and review of: |
(1) |
proposed tree retention plan; |
(2) |
the lack of bike lanes |
(3) |
the proposed outdoor lighting design |
(4) |
the proposed architectural design and character; and |
(5) |
the proposed energy efficiency LEED targets. |
The question on Part 2(a) was then called and it was CARRIED with Cllrs. Day, Greene, Steves and Wolfe opposed. |
R20/13-18 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (9:51 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the Regular meeting of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Monday, July 13, 2020. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Mayor (Malcolm D. Brodie) |
Corporate Officer (Claudia Jesson) |