July 25, 2011 - Minutes
![]() |
Regular Council Meeting
Monday, July 25, 2011
Time: |
7:00 p.m. |
Place: |
Council Chambers Richmond City Hall |
Present: |
Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie Councillor Linda Barnes Councillor Derek Dang Councillor Greg Halsey-Brandt Councillor Sue Halsey-Brandt Councillor Ken Johnston Councillor Bill McNulty Councillor Harold Steves Director, City Clerk’s Office – David Weber |
Absent: |
Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt |
Call to Order: |
Mayor Brodie called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. |
R11/14-1 |
1. |
It was moved and seconded | ||
That: | ||
(1) |
the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on Monday, July 11, 2011, and |
(2) |
the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting for Public Hearings held on Monday, July 18, 2011, |
each be adopted as circulated, and | ||
That the Metro Vancouver ‘Board in Brief’ dated Friday, July 15, 2011, be received for information. | ||
R11/14-2 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 8761 (ZT 11-567151) for 11900 No. 1 Road be added to the Council Agenda under Bylaws for Adoption, and that the staff presentation on the City Centre Area Transitional Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 8776, also be added to the Council agenda. |
Tom Stewart, Director, Public Works Operations, introduced Doug Anderson, Manager, Water Services. With the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Anderson provided the highlights of the 2010 Annual Water Quality Report, including the following: |
| |
§ |
36.5 million cubic meters of water were purchased, a 4.2% decrease from 2009; |
§ |
eight new water sampling stations were installed for a total of 39 sampling stations, and 1649 water samples were collected, all the collected samples were in compliance with the BC Drinking Water Regulation; |
§ |
17,003 residential water meters have been installed to date; |
§ |
Richmond currently has 3,418 metered commercials water supply lines; and |
§ |
Richmond residents enjoy high quality, reliable drinking water. |
City Centre Area Transitional Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 8776 | ||
Ivy Wong, Manager, Revenue, provided background information on City Centre Area Transitional Tax Exemption Bylaw 8776, noting that the Bylaw was based on Bill-15, which was recently passed by Provincial Legislature. Bylaw 8776 would enable the City to provide an exemption equal to a 20% reduction in the land assessment for qualifying properties for the duration of the bylaw, and the Provincial government would match the 20% reduction in determining the school tax portion of the bill. |
| |
Ms. Wong then noted that in order for a property to qualify for the exemption, the property must: |
| |
§ |
be in the City Centre Area Plan (CCAP); |
§ |
have realized a 100% increase in its assessed land value between 2005 and 2011; |
§ |
have realized an increase in Municipal taxes by $30,000 between 2005 and 2011; |
§ |
have improvements on the 2011 assessment roll; |
§ |
not be a strata lot as strata lots were generally not adversely affected by the City Centre Area Plan; and |
§ |
have at least one business with a valid current City of Richmond Business License. |
Ms. Wong continued by noting that upon meeting the criteria, a property owner must enter into an exemption agreement with the City, and the City would in turn issue the property an exemption certificate. |
| |
In conclusion, Ms. Wong commented that the intention of Bylaw 8776 was to help the properties that were most adversely affected by the tax increases resulting from the City Centre Area Plan. She noted that delaying the adoption of Bylaw 8776 may result in losing the ability to provide a tax exemption under Bill-15, as the Bill stipulates that at least 1 tax certificate must be issued by October 31, 2011. It was also noted that once Bylaw 8776 is adopted, application packages will be made available online for those who feel that they meet the criteria. |
R11/14-3 |
2. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Council resolve into Committee of the Whole to hear delegations on agenda items (7:29 p.m.). |
3. |
Delegations from the floor on Agenda items: |
Item No. 26 – Steveston Tram Building Project |
Jim Kojima, President of the Steveston Community Society, spoke in support of the proposed building as it would accommodate a meeting room, which would be available for use by non-profit organizations. He stated that the Society was not in support of giving up more parkland, and building a spur to place the tram on would result in loss of parkland. Mr. Kojima concluded by noting that moving the tram out of the building during nice weather would provide opportunities to use the building for other purposes. |
R11/14-4 |
4. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Committee rise and report (7:33 p.m.). |
R11/14-5 |
5. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Items 6 through 24 be adopted by general consent. |
6. |
That the minutes of: | |
(1) |
the Community Safety Committee meeting held on Tuesday, July 12, 2011; |
(2) |
the General Purposes Committee meeting held on Monday, July 18, 2011; |
(3) |
the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee meeting held on Thursday, July 21, 2011; |
(4) |
the Planning Committee meeting held on Tuesday, July 19, 2011; and |
(5) |
the Public Works & Transportation Committee meeting held on Wednesday, July 20, 2011; |
be received for information. | |
7. |
Fire 20/20 Workshop ‘Recruiting and Retaining Diversity in the Fire Service’ (File Ref. No. 01-0125-20-004) (REDMS No. 3242775) |
That Richmond Fire Rescue's request to host a Fire 20/20 workshop on September 15 and 16, 2011, entitled “Recruiting and Retaining Diversity in the Fire Service” be approved. |
8. |
(File Ref. No. 09-5350-01) (REDMS No. 3255294) | |
That: | |
(1) |
the Solicitor General be requested to pay to the City of Richmond the full costs of the Richmond constable’s secondment to the City of Vancouver; |
(2) |
the Assistant Commissioner Norm Lipinski, officer in charge of the Lower Mainland District, be advised that the City of Richmond does not support the secondment of the RCMP constable from the local detachment to the City of Vancouver unless the full costs of the constable’s secondment are paid to the City of Richmond and that in the future, the City of Richmond should be consulted prior to making such secondments; and |
(3) |
the other municipalities who have officers to be seconded to the City of Vancouver be advised of Council’s position. |
9. |
Richmond Community Safety Building Public Art Project (File Ref. No. 11-7000-09-20-112) (REDMS No. 3250033, 3242791) |
That the revised concept proposal and installation of the Richmond Community Safety Building Public Art Project “The Coat of Arms” by artist Glen Andersen, as presented in the staff report from the Director, Arts, Culture & Heritage Services dated July 5, 2011, be approved. |
10. |
(File Ref. No. 03-1085-00) (REDMS No. 3245549, 3232826, 3230276, 3249823, 3249989, 3247037) | ||
That: | ||
(1) |
the City Grant Policy (Attachment 6) be adopted; | |
(2) |
the revised City Grant Program (Attachment 7) be implemented on an interim basis until specific guidelines are prepared for the proposed (1) Health, Social & Safety, (2) Arts, Culture and Heritage, and (3) Parks, Recreation and Community Events City Grant Programs; | |
(3) |
staff propose the following Casino revenue allocations to City Grant Programs be considered during the 2012 budget process: | |
(a) |
Health, Social & Safety, $536,719; |
(b) |
Arts, Culture and Heritage, $100,000; |
(c) |
Parks, Recreation and Community Events, $96,587; |
(4) |
staff report back, following implementation of the 2012 City Grant Programs and prior to implementation of the 2013 City Grant Program, regarding; | |
(a) |
stakeholder consultations regarding the new Policy and Programs, including the appropriate amounts for each category; and |
(b) |
possible impacts of the Social Planning Strategy on the Health, Social and Safety Grant Program; and |
(5) |
staff explore the development of an information technology system whereby City Grant Program applications, including Attachments, may be submitted on-line. | |
11. |
(File Ref. No. 04-1385-20-OFORMS, XT: 03-0970-06-01) (REDMS No. 3240995) |
That the $60,000 being held from the 2010 Surplus Appropriation be allocated to fund the development of an online Event Approvals system. |
12. |
(File Ref. No.: 12-8060-20-8789, RZ 10-552482) (REDMS No. 3231509, 280272, 3245598) |
That Bylaw No. 8789, for the rezoning of 3391, 3411, 3451 No. 4 Road and Lot B, NWD Plan 14909 from “Single Detached (RS1/E)” to “Single Detached (RS2/B)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
13. |
(File Ref. No.: 12-8060-20-8762, RZ 10-536067) (REDMS No. 3202491, 3248461) |
That Bylaw No. 8762, for the rezoning of 9511/9531 and 9551 No. 3 Road from “Two-Unit Dwellings (RD1)” & “Single Detached (RS1/E)” to “Low Density Townhouses (RTL4)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
14. |
(File Ref. No.: 12-8060-20-8784, RZ 11-572970) (REDMS No. 3234642, 1621383, 3242528) |
That Bylaw No. 8784, for the rezoning of 10491/10511 Bird Road from “Single Detached (RS1/E)” to “Single Detached (RS2/B)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
15. |
(File Ref. No.: 12-8060-20-8785, RZ 09-499249) (REDMS No. 3223458, 3236386) |
That Bylaw No. 8785, for the rezoning of 8540 No. 3 Road from “Single Detached (RS1/E)” to “Medium Density Townhouses (RTM2)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
16. |
(File Ref. No.: 12-8060-20-8786, RZ 11-576126) (REDMS No. 3241397, 2488775, 3241954) |
That Bylaw No. 8786, for the rezoning of 11180/11200 Kingsgrove Avenue from “Single Detached (RS1/E)” to “Single Detached (RS2/B)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
17. |
(File Ref. No.: 12-8060-20-8787, RZ 07-394758) (REDMS No. 3242141, 3242548) |
That Bylaw No. 8787, for the rezoning of 9691, 9711 and 9731 Blundell Road from “Single Detached (RS1/F)” to “Town Housing (ZT60) - North McLennan (City Centre)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
18. |
(File Ref. No.: 12-8060-20-8788, RZ 10-545531) (REDMS No. 3202265, 3186793, 3245115) |
That Bylaw No. 8788, for the rezoning of 4151, 4171 and 4191 No. 4 Road from “Single Detached (RS1/F)” to “Town Housing (ZT67) - Alexandra Neighbourhood (West Cambie)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
19. |
(File Ref. No.: 12-8060-20-8790, RZ 11-577393) (REDMS No. 3244842, 1081046, 3245935) |
That Bylaw No. 8790, for the rezoning of 8160/8162 Clifton Road from “Single Detached (RS1/E)” to “Single Detached (RS2/B)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
20. |
(File Ref. No.: 12-8060-20-8791/8792, RZ 10-552527) (REDMS No. 3249318, 1361302, 3249413) | ||
(1) |
That Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 8791, to redesignate 6780 No. 4 Road from "Agriculture" to "Agriculture, Institutional and Public" in the Land Use Map of Schedule 2.13A of Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7100 (East Richmond McLennan Sub Area Plan), be introduced and given first reading. | |
(2) |
That Bylaw No. 8791, having been considered in conjunction with: | |
(i) |
the City’s Financial Plan and Capital Program; |
(ii) |
the Greater Vancouver Regional District Solid Waste and Liquid Waste Management Plans; |
(3) |
That Bylaw No. 8791, having been considered in accordance with OCP Bylaw Preparation Consultation Policy 5043, be referred to the Vancouver International Airport Authority for comment on or before the Public Hearing on the OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 8791. | |
(4) |
That Bylaw No. 8792, to create the “Congregate Housing and Child Care – McLennan (ZR8)” zone and for the rezoning of 6780 No. 4 Road from "Local Commercial (CL)" to "Congregate Housing and Child Care - McLennan (ZR8)", be introduced and given first reading. | |
21. |
MUNICIPAL ACCESS AGREEMENT WITH A2B FIBER INC. (File Ref. No. 03-1000-21-010) (REDMS No. 3050281) | ||
That the Chief Administrative Officer and the General Manager, Engineering & Public Works be authorized to execute, on behalf of the City, a Municipal Access Agreement between the City and A2b Fiber Inc. containing the material terms and conditions set out in the staff report dated July 4, 2011 from the Director, Engineering. | ||
22. |
(File Ref. No. 10-6340-20-P11203) (REDMS No. 3251193) |
That Contract 4230P – Detailed Design and Construction Services for the Widening of Westminster Highway and Nelson Road be awarded to Delcan for the amount of $775,904 plus HST. |
23. |
(File Ref. No. 10-6060-03-01) (REDMS No. 3250070) |
That the Metro Vancouver recommended Gilbert Trunk Sewer alignment and City proposed alternative Gilbert Trunk Sewer alignment as per the staff report from the Director, Engineering dated July 6, 2011 entitled “Gilbert Trunk Sewer Upgrading” be endorsed for public consultation and design. |
24. |
2010 ANNUAL WATER QUALITY REPORT (File Ref. No. 10-6650-08-01) (REDMS No. 3248839) |
That the 2010 Annual Water Quality report dated July 11, 2011 be approved for public release. |
25. |
Social Financial Hardship Assistance Fund (File Ref. No. 03-1075-17) (REDMS No. 3238492) |
R11/14-6 |
It was moved and seconded |
That an interest-free loan of $9,000 from the Council Contingency Fund to the Chinese Mental Wellness Association of Canada, with full repayment to be made to the City six months subsequent to the advance of the loan, be approved. |
OPPOSED: Cllr. G. Halsey-Brandt |
26. |
Steveston Tram Building Project (File Ref. No. 06-2052-25-TRAM1, XR: 10-6510-05-01) (REDMS No. 3237225) | ||
R11/14-7 |
It was moved and seconded | ||
(1) |
That staff be authorized to proceed with the Steveston Tram Building Project based on a modified conceptual design at a cost of $1.973M; | |
(2) |
That Council confirm the final slope of roof and colour of the Steveston tram building based on Options 2 presented in this report; | |
(3) |
That $372,600 be allocated from the approved Interurban Tram Restoration (2011) project to fund the Steveston Tram Building Project (2011); | |
(4) |
That $427,400 be allocated from the Steveston Road Ends to fund the Steveston Tram Building Project (2011); | |
(5) |
That the 5 Year Financial Plan Bylaw (2011-2015) be amended accordingly; | |
(6) |
That the Chief Administrative Officer and the General Manager, Parks & Recreation be authorized to negotiate a modification of the existing agreement between the City and the Steveston Community Society based on the terms and conditions in this report, and make staffing recommendations and report back to Committee; and | |
(7) |
That staff: | |
(a) |
check with A & B Rail Services Ltd. to see if there are sponsorship opportunities for rails, ties, other related items, and options for rail configurations; |
(b) |
report back with more information on the Steveston Tram Building Project’s restoration budget, including amounts and standards that are foreseen; and |
(c) |
investigate the appropriate colour of red for the building and report back to the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee. |
OPPOSED: Cllr. G. Halsey-Brandt |
27. |
(File Ref. No.: 10-6650-02/2011-Vol 01) (REDMS No. 3265429) |
R11/14-8 |
It was moved and seconded |
That $50,000 be allocated from the Water Utility Water Purchases account to continue offering the Toilet Rebate Program for 2011. |
R11/14-9 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the City Centre Area Transitional Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 8776 be adopted. |
R11/14-10 |
It was moved and seconded |
That staff review the process regarding the City Centre Area Transitional Tax Exemption, and report back with recommendations for improvements and the various options available, by the end of 2011. |
R11/14-11 |
It was moved and seconded | |
That the following bylaws be adopted: | |
Zoning & Development Bylaw No. 5300, Amendment Bylaw No. 8234 (8391 & 8411 Williams Road, RZ 04-287969) | |
Official Community Plan Bylaw 5300, Amendment Bylaw No. 8531 (12011 Steveston Highway and 10620, 10640 & 10800 No. 5 Road, RZ 08-450659) | |
Zoning & Development Bylaw No. 5300, Amendment Bylaw No. 8532 (12011 Steveston Highway and 10620, 10640 & 10800 No. 5 Road, RZ 08-450659) | |
Richmond Zoning Bylaw No. 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 8661 (8471 Williams Road, RZ 08-434086) | |
Richmond Zoning No. 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 8662 (4460 Brown Road, ZT 10-517847) | |
Richmond Zoning Bylaw No. 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 8671 (11880 Railway Avenue, RZ 10-538153) | |
Richmond Zoning Bylaw No. 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 8726 (6451 Blundell Road, RZ 10-544588) | |
Richmond Zoning Bylaw No. 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 8761 (11900 No. 1 Road, ZT 11-567151) | |
R11/14-12 |
28. |
It was moved and seconded | |||
(1) |
That the minutes of the Development Permit Panel meeting held on Wednesday, July 13, 2011, and the Chair’s report for the Development Permit Panel meetings held on Wednesday, May 11, 2011, be received for information. |
| |
(2) |
That the recommendations of the Panel to authorize the issuance of: | ||
(a) |
a Development Permit (DP 07-381317) for the property at 8391, 8411and 8471 Williams Road; | ||
(b) |
a Development Permit (DP 10-544504) for the property at 12011 Steveston Highway and 10800 No. 5 Road; and | |
(c) |
a Development Permit (DP 11-564210) for the property at 5900 Minoru Boulevard; | |
be endorsed, and the Permits so issued. | ||
| ||
R11/14-13 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (9:14 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Monday, July 25, 2011. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Mayor (Malcolm D. Brodie) |
Corporate Officer (David Weber) |