May 14, 2019 - Minutes
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Community Safety Committee
Date: |
Tuesday, May 14, 2019 |
Place: |
Anderson Room |
Present: |
Councillor Bill McNulty, Chair |
Also Present: |
Councillor Chak Au |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Community Safety Committee held on April 9, 2019, be adopted. |
1. |
With the aid of a PowerPoint presentation (copy on-file, City Clerk’s Office), Aaron Harnden, representing Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue (RCMSR), reviewed 2018 activities, highlighting community engagement events and boating safety awareness. |
Discussion ensued with regard to (i) training activities, (ii) RCMSR response times, (iii) volunteer recruitment and activities, (iv) funding support from the Vancouver Airport Authority, and (v) addition of a new vessel and equipment. |
As a result of the discussion regarding funding for new equipment and responding to incidents near the Vancouver Airport, staff were directed to send a letter of support for RCMSR’s funding request from the City to the Vancouver Airport Authority. It was noted that RCMSR will provide information to staff related to the funding request. |
Committee commended the RCMSR on their maritime responses and community works. |
2. |
Community Bylaws Monthly Activity Report – March 2019 |
Staff reviewed the March 2019 Activity Report noting that (i) Bylaw staff are equipped and trained to respond to dog complaints and shifts typically start at 7:00 a.m., (ii) patrols of various parks are conducted and canvassers will be distributing pamphlets with information highlighting the City’s dog regulations to dog owners in the summertime, (iii) Bylaw staff conduct patrols of high traffic public parking areas for parking violations, (iv) the City can take escalating action on short-term rental offenders that include fines and further legal action, and (v) a staff report on short-term lodging and boarding accommodation is forthcoming. |
Discussion ensued with regard to (i) increasing patrols of dog off-leash areas, (ii) escalating enforcement of illegal short-term rentals and repeat offenders, (iii) increasing Bylaw staff to respond to short-term rental offenses, (iv) enforcement of illegal ride-sharing services, and (v) parking enforcement in high-traffic areas. |
As a result of the discussion, the following motion was introduced: |
It was moved and seconded |
That the City conduct more assertive enforcement of short-term rentals, including issuance of multiple tickets, and proactive enforcement. |
The question on the motion was not called as discussion ensued with regard to (i) reviewing Bylaw staffing levels, (ii) reviewing a registration process for short-term lodging and boarding accommodation, and (iii) utilizing software technology to track illegal short-term rental listings. |
The question on the motion was then called and it was CARRIED with |
Discussion ensued with regard to investigating short-term rental listings, and as a result of the discussion, the following referral motion was introduced: |
It was moved and seconded |
That staff explore hiring additional Bylaw staff to: |
(1) |
actively investigate every short-term rental and bed and breakfast listing in Richmond; |
(2) |
increase parking enforcement; and |
(3) |
increase dog enforcement; |
and report back. |
The question on the motion was not called as discussion ensued with regard to (i) the allocation of Bylaw staff to the enforcement of parking violations and short-term rentals, (ii) training of Bylaw staff, and (ii) reviewing short-term rental enforcement in other jurisdictions. |
The question on the motion was then called and it was CARRIED with Cllr. Loo opposed. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the staff report titled “Community Bylaws Monthly Activity Report – March 2019”, dated April 18, 2019, from the General Manager, Community Safety, be received for information. |
3. |
Business Licences Quarterly Report – First Quarter 2019 |
Discussion ensued with regard to enforcement of illegal ridesharing services and promoting public awareness of avoiding illegal ridesharing services, including signage in Vancouver Airport. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the staff report titled “Business Licences Quarterly Report – First Quarter 2019”, dated April 12, 2019, from the General Manager Community Safety be received for information. |
Carli Williams, Manager, Community Bylaws and Licencing, noted Richmond recently partnered with the City of Delta and Surrey to conduct a one-day business license enforcement of tradespersons and mobile contractors. She added that 10 Richmond inspectors were dispatched and that approximately 120 licenses were checked. Ms. Williams further noted that a memorandum on the matter will be provided to Council. |
4. |
Emergency Programs Quarterly Activity Report – First Quarter 2019 |
Discussion ensued with regard to public participation in the workshops related to the Richmond Resilient Communities Program (RRCP) and options to combine workshops together. Christopher Pattullo, Acting Manager, Emergency Programs, noted various community groups were involved in the workshops. |
Cllr. Wolfe left the meeting (4:57 p.m.) and returned (5:00 p.m.). |
Discussion then ensued with regard to (i) the potential risks associated with the proposed Liquid Natural Gas plant along the Fraser River, (ii) working with Kwantlen Polytechic University to analyze public awareness of disaster readiness, and (iii) working with Richmond School District No. 38 on earthquake preparedness and education. |
In reply to queries from Committee, Cecilia Achiam, General Manager, Community Safety, noted that staff can look into the earthquake emergency procedures for the Canada Line and the caller identification used in the BC Emergency Alerting System test. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the staff report titled “Emergency Programs Quarterly Activity Report – First Quarter 2019”, dated April 16, 2019, from the General Manager, Community Safety, be received for information. |
5. |
Potential for Richmond Fire-Rescue Personnel to Perform Basic Paramedic Duties |
Discussion ensued with regard to (i) the cost to train Richmond Fire-Rescue staff (RFR) for Emergency Medical Responder (basic paramedic duties) certification, (ii) ensuring timely response for emergency pre-hospital medical care in the city, (iii) the emergency medical service levels provided in other fire departments in the province, and (iv) options to implement training for RFR staff to perform basic paramedic duties. |
In reply to queries from Committee, Tim Wilkinson, Fire Chief, Richmond Fire-Rescue, noted that RFR staff can be trained with enhanced medical responder training but will require authorization from the BC Emergency Health Services (BCEHS) to practice the enhanced skills. |
Discussion ensued with regard to the Province’s ongoing review of fire departments providing higher levels of medical care, and as a result of the discussion, the following motion was introduced: |
It was moved and seconded |
That a letter be written to the Province, requesting an update be provided on the Auditor General’s audit regarding “Access to Emergency Health Services Within the Province of British Columbia.” |
It was moved and seconded |
That the staff report titled “Potential for Richmond Fire-Rescue Personnel to Perform Basic Paramedic Duties” dated April 23, 2019 be received for information. |
6. |
Richmond Fire-Rescue Monthly Activity Report – March 2019 |
Fire Chief Wilkinson reviewed the March 2019 activities, noting that the number of fire incidents typically vary each month. He added that RFR have acquired carbon monoxide monitors for RFR staff and that staff will be trained on their use. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the staff report titled “Richmond Fire-Rescue Monthly Activity Report – March 2019”, dated April 8, 2019, from the Fire Chief, Richmond Fire-Rescue, be received for information. |
7. |
(i) |
Public Works Open House (May 11) |
Fire Chief Wilkinson noted that RFR participated in the Public Works Open House on May 11, 2019 and that the event was well attended. |
(ii) |
Doors Open Richmond (June 1 and 2) |
Fire Chief Wilkinson noted that Brighouse Fire Hall No. 1 will be open for Doors Open Richmond on June 1 and 2, 2019, and will have live demonstrations and activities for families. |
Cllr. Steves left the meeting (5:19 p.m.) and returned (5:21 p.m.). |
8. |
RCMP Monthly Activity Report – March 2019 |
Will Ng, Superintendent, Officer in Charge, reviewed Richmond RCMP activities, noting that (i) break and enter crimes have decreased, (ii) the methodology to collect data on sexual assaults and offenses have changed and may lead to higher statistics, (iii) mental health related calls have increased, however multiple calls maybe attributed to a few individuals, (iv) the Richmond RCMP have engaged in roadblocks and visible traffic enforcement. |
Discussion ensued with regard to (i) targeting break and enter hotspots and engaging in public awareness on property crime, (ii) placing community police stations in higher crime areas and involving the development community to develop the stations, and (iii) improving response rates in the Hamilton area. |
In reply to queries from Committee, Supt. Ng noted that Richmond RCMP staff can explore eligibility for a Provincial Situation Table grant and study the relationship between social media dating platforms and sexual offenses. |
Discussion ensued with regard to the installation of intersection cameras, and Ms. Achiam noted that the Province is in the process to approve their use and that staff can provide a memorandum on the matter. It was suggested that intersection cameras be added as an item in the next open and closed Community Safety Committee meeting. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the report titled “RCMP Monthly Activity Report – March 2019”, dated April 10, 2019, from the Officer in Charge, Richmond RCMP Detachment, be received for information. |
9. |
2019 – 2020 Richmond RCMP Detachment Annual Performance Plan – Community Priorities |
Supt. Ng reviewed the Community Priorities of addressing property crime, organized crime, vulnerable persons and road safety, noting that the Richmond RCMP (i) will be targeting to reduce property crime by 5%, (ii) will be targeting various areas of organized crime including drug trafficking and money laundering and will be reviewing methods to disrupt organized crime activities such as through seizure of assets of organized crime, (iii) will be working with Vancouver Coastal Health to implement a Mental Health Action Team with a Youth officer called Foxtrot 80 to respond to mental health related calls, and (iv) will increase traffic enforcement and road safety public awareness. |
In reply to queries on police presence in the River Rock Casino, Ms. Achiam noted that through an agreement, the River Rock Casino provides funding for four general duty police officers. |
Discussion ensued with regard to (i) curtailing money laundering activities, (ii) targeting distracted drivers, and (iii) responding to mental health incidents at the Vancouver Airport. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the priorities listed in the staff report titled “2019-2020 Richmond RCMP Detachment Annual Performance Plan – Community Priorities”, dated April 11, 2019, from the Officer in Charge, Richmond RCMP, be endorsed for inclusion in the Richmond Detachment Fiscal Year 2019-2020 (April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020) RCMP Annual Performance Plan. |
10. |
(i) |
Forward deploying members out of Hamilton Fire Station |
Supt. Ng noted that the Richmond RCMP will working with RFR to deploy officers from Fire Hall No. 5 in the Hamilton area. He added that the deployment would aid in response times in the area. |
(ii) |
Hamilton proactive patrols at homeless camps |
Supt. Ng noted that the Richmond RCMP will be maintaining a high visibility in the homeless camp in the Hamilton area and officers will be periodically checking the wellbeing of the campers. |
(iii) |
High visibility patrols at places of worship |
Supt. Ng noted that in response to recent incidents at places of worship, the Richmond RCMP will be conducting special patrols and will maintain a high visibility at local places of worship. |
11. |
None. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (5:50 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Community Safety Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, May 14, 2019. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Councillor Bill McNulty |
Evangel Biason |