March 23, 2021 - Minutes
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Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee
Date: |
Tuesday, March 23, 2021 |
Place: |
Council Chambers |
Present: |
Councillor Harold Steves, Chair (by teleconference) |
Also present: |
Councillor Carol Day (by teleconference) |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. |
The revised minutes of meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee held on February 23, 2021 was distributed (Copy on-file, City Clerk’s Office). |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee held on February 23, 2021, be adopted with the circulated amendments on page three to more accurately reflect the comments made by Linda Barnes and Loren Slye. |
April 27, 2021, (tentative date) at 4:00 p.m. in Council Chambers |
1. |
Mike Bomford, Chair, Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation (Copy on file, City Clerk’s Office) presented the 2020 Annual Report and noted (i) adjustments made to the operation of the farm and farmers market to comply with COVID-19 requirements, (ii) marketable harvest achieved, and (iii) infrastructure investments. |
In reply to queries from the committee, Mr. Bomford, advised that (i) beetle banks promote beneficial insect populations and are a good indicator of a balanced ecosystem on a farm, (ii) barn owl boxes are not currently present on the agricultural land but there are many in the vicinity, and (iii) the 2020 Annual Report was shared with the Richmond Sentinel and could be shared with other interested parties. |
Discussion ensued with regard to the opportunity to utilize beetle banks on other City properties, including the Garden City lands. |
1A. |
BRITANNIA SHIPYARDS national historic site society |
Andy Hobbs, Chair, Britannia Shipyards National Historic Site Society, presented the proposal for the Society to assume management of the Britannia and Imperial Docks to achieve the outcomes of (i) sustainability of the docks and revenue generation for the site and the Society with all revenue to be returned to the site, (iii) greater animation of the docks and site in general through the increased presence of the appropriate type of boats, (iii) increased public interest and tourism, and (iv) benefits to local businesses. |
It was noted that a final report will be provided for Council’s consideration. |
Randall Olafson, Society Member, read aloud a statement supporting the proposal of the Society to assume responsibility for the management of the Britannia and Imperial Docks. |
Loren Slye, Society Past Chair, provided a submission (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 1) reviewed the credentials of the Society’s current Board of Directors. |
In reply to queries from the Committee, staff advised that the recommendation not to proceed with Parks Afloat is based on current circumstances and research on operational maintenance, programming and dredging issues. |
Discussion ensued with regard to (i) whether the City should be involved in operating docks, (ii) the opportunity for a non-profit society to manage the docks in partnership with the City, and (iii) the need for information on potential uses of the revenue that will be returned to the site. |
As a result of the discussion, the following referral motion was introduced: |
It was moved and seconded |
That staff: |
(1) |
Investigate options regarding an agreement for the Britannia Shipyards National Historic Site Society to take on the moorage management of both the Britannia Shipyards Dock and the Imperial Landing Dock for a trial period with possible extensions based on mutual benefits; |
(2) |
Investigate further options of operations of the two docks; and |
(3) |
Report back to the Committee within 30 days. |
1B. |
Cllr. Loo commented on (i) request to immediately implement traffic calming measures on Fundy Drive adjacent to the Park, and (ii) the support for the request of the neighbouring residents and the school. |
In reply to queries from the Committee, Cllrs. Au and Loo advised that the item will be included on the agendas for the next meetings of the Council/School Board Liaison Committee and Public Works and Transportation Committee. |
Discussion ensued regarding the (i) increased traffic around schools in general, and (ii) the potential for more areas bordering schools to experience the same issues. |
It was moved and seconded |
That staff implement immediate traffic calming on Fundy Drive such as a crosswalk at the entrance to the path just east of Pugwash and installation of a stop sign at Pugwash and to work with the neighbourhood to implement further traffic calming measures adjacent to the park. |
2. |
2021 Engaging Artists in Community Program Public Art ProjectS |
It was moved and seconded |
That the three artist proposals for the community public art projects in partnership with Richmond Public Library, Richmond School District No. 38 and Richmond Multicultural Community Services as presented in the staff report titled “2021 Engaging Artists in Community Program Public Art Projects,” dated February 18, 2021, from the Director, Arts, Culture and Heritage Services, be endorsed. |
3. |
Proposed Amendment to the Richmond Sports Wall of Fame Nominating Committee’s Terms of Reference |
Staff requested an amendment to the Richmond sports Wall of Fame Nominating Committee’s Terms of Reference, in addition to the recommendation contained in the report. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the Richmond Sports Wall of Fame Nominating Committee’s Terms of Reference be amended: |
(1) |
As detailed in Attachment 2 of the staff report titled “Proposed Amendment to the Richmond Sports Wall of Fame Nominating Committee’s Terms of Reference”; and |
(2) |
By replacing Item No. 6 with “Inductees will be invited to a ceremony hosted by the City of Richmond in a Civic Facility mutually agreed to by Council and the Richmond Sports Wall of Fame Nominating Committee ceremony to be held minimum once every three years.” |
4. |
Outdoor Sports Fields and Amenities Allocation Policy |
An updated draft Outdoor Sports Fields and Amenities Allocation Policy was distributed (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 2). |
In reply to queries from Committee, staff advised that (i) ice user allocation policies are determined by the Richmond Arenas Community Association (RACA) and, (ii) laminated schedules will be posted at lacrosse boxes during the lacrosse season, effectively immediately through mid-July. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Council Policy 8500 Park Playing Fields – Allocation be rescinded and the proposed Outdoor Sport Facilities and Amenities Policy, as detailed in Attachment 2 of the staff report titled “Outdoor Sports Fields and Amenities Allocation Policy,” dated February 22, 2021, from the Director, Recreation and Sport Services be adopted. |
5. |
Proposed 2021 Operating Hours for Steveston Outdoor Pool |
An updated schedule for the proposed operating hours for the Steveston Outdoor Pool was distributed (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 3). |
In reply to queries from the Committee, staff advised that (i) the report outlines that the hours are increased over the base budget and 2018 and previous years, (ii) the pool opens to the general public on the Victoria Day weekend, which aligns with other public pools in the province, (iii) the Steveston Pool opens to the Richmond Kigoos swim club on May 1, who provide their own certified lifeguards, (iv) expectation that the booking system implemented in the summer 2020 to manage contact tracing and swimmer volumes will continue in 2021, which will limit revenues, (v) school board rentals occur only in the last two weeks of June, and (vi) all public swims incorporate length swimming and staff can adjust for demand. |
Discussion ensued with regard to (i) request that staff provide Council with financial statements and cost breakdown of the Steveston Pool, (ii) request that staff provide financial costs of the Steveston Pool remaining open September 1 to 15, taking into consideration pandemic volume increases and weather patterns, (iii) suggestion to utilize recent weather patterns to determine when the Steveston Pool should be closed, (iv) the potential to add extra hours during the day during the summer rather that extending the season into September, and (v) suggestion to provide free admission on rainy days. |
Jim McGrath, Richmond resident, provided a submission (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 4) and commented on (i) a 2019 petition from swimmers regarding pool services, (ii) discussions regarding a 2020 schedule with equitable access for all user groups, (iii) there were more length swimmers than expected in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and (iv) request that length swimmers be given a more equitable distribution in the 2021 pool schedule. |
As a result of the discussion the following referral motion was introduced: |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That the Committee receive the report for information; and |
(2) |
That staff provide a memo to Council on the annual costs and revenue associated with extending hours for length swimming in September; and |
(3) |
That the following staff recommendation be forwarded to the next Council meeting: |
That the hybrid model for 2021, as detailed in Attachment 5 of the staff report titled “Proposed 2021 Operating Hours for Steveston Outdoor Pool,” dated February 26, 2021, from the Director, Recreation and Sport Services, be approved for the operation of Steveston Outdoor Pool for the summer of 2021. |
6. |
Agricultural Land Commission Non-Farm Use Application by the City of Richmond for Community Gardens at 5560 Garden City Road (The Garden City Lands) |
In reply to queries from the Committee, staff advised that (i) the number of community gardens must be included in the application to the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC), (ii) the maximum number of plots is 200, with an option to add 100, for a total of 300 plots, (iii) plans to add 170 community garden plans in 2021, (iv) the semi-permanent plots on gravel and are raised for universal access and will be moved to a permanent location once the soil remediation study on Garden City lands is completed, (v) site is zoned agricultural and is managed in an ecological fashion through a farm management plan provided by Kwantlen Polytechnic Institute, (vi) expectation that greater ecological compliance will be required in the Garden City lands, (vii) other areas are being considered for community gardens, and (viii) the above-ground containers can be reused elsewhere. |
Discussion ensued with regard to (i) the waitlist has risen to over 500 with the announcement of more gardens, (ii) the need to monitor the drainage from the gravel parking area, and (iii) suggestion to approach private property owners to allow the use of the portable community garden plots in vacant lots. |
Councillor Au left the meeting (5:20 p.m.) and did not return. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the Agricultural Land Commission Non-Farm Use Application by the City of Richmond for Community Gardens at the Garden City Lands at 5560 Garden City Road, be endorsed and forwarded to the Agricultural Land Commission for approval. |
7. |
Parks Afloat Moorage at Imperial Landing and Garry Point Park |
In reply to queries from the Committee staff advised that (i) the Parks Programs Team is responsible for liaison with local authorities regarding guest boats who do not leave within the prescribed three-day limit, (ii) the services provided are power/electricity and there are no services for waste dumping, and (iii) the moorage fee for guest boats is $1.00 per foot for each 24 hour period. |
Discussion ensued with regard to (i) whether two floats can be used instead of three to reduce costs at Garry Point Park, and (ii) the requirement for dredging decreases as traffic through the channel increases. |
As a result of the discussion the following referral motion was introduced: |
It was moved and seconded |
That staff report back with options to address the issues of moorage on the Imperial Landing Wharf regarding management and possible elimination, and options regarding vessel sewage pump outs or regulation of existing sanitary facilities. |
8. |
(i) |
Outdoor Sports Orders |
Changes to provincial health orders announced on March 11, 2021 permit 10 persons to gather outside. This change affects some adult sport groups. |
(ii) |
Registration for activities re: public health orders |
Public health orders require registration for all drop-in activities. A typical week includes approximately 12,000 bookings each Monday and approximately 2,100 registrations on the remaining days of the week. |
(iii) |
Richmond Tennis Club |
In response to a question from the Committee, staff advised that the Richmond Tennis Club request is in progress. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (5:57 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, March 23, 2021. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Councillor Harold Steves |
Debbie Reimer |