May 6, 2014 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes


Planning Committee


Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Anderson Room
Richmond City Hall


Councillor Bill McNulty, Chair
Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt
Councillor Chak Au
Councillor Linda Barnes
Councillor Harold Steves

Also Present:

Councillor Derek Dang

Call to Order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.






It was moved and seconded



That the minutes of the meetings of the Planning Committee held on Tuesday, November 19, 2013 and Wednesday, April 23, 2014 be adopted.









Application by Cotter Architects Inc. for Rezoning at 3471 Chatham Street from the “Steveston Commercial (CS3)” Zone to a Site Specific “Commercial Mixed Use (ZMU26) - Steveston Village” Zone
(File Ref. No. 12-8060-20-009138; RZ 13-643436) (REDMS No. 4188666 v. 2)



Wayne Craig, Director, Development, briefed Committee on the proposed application and highlighted the following:




the site is designated within the Steveston Conservation Strategy area;




the proposed development will have three-storeys and include residential and commercial units;




access to the proposed development is through a rear lane parallel to Chatham Street;




the proposed development will include salvaged art panels from the Gulf and Fraser Credit Union building; and




the proposed development will provide contributions to the Steveston Village Heritage Conservation Grant Program and the City’s Affordable Housing Strategy.



In reply to queries from the Chair, Mr. Craig advised that three-storey developments could be permitted on both sides of Chatham Street.



Discussion ensued with regard to the building height allowances in in the Steveston Conservation Strategy and in reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Craig and Sara Badyal, Planner 2 advised that (i) the existing zoning would allow for a three-storey building on the site; (ii) some areas of the proposed building would exceed the 12 metre height; and (iii) the proposed development’s design would include heritage and modern characteristics.



Discussion ensued with regard to the form and character of the proposed development, and Committee raised concern that the proposed development does not conform to the heritage character of the neighbourhood.



Discussion then ensued regarding the approval process and Mr. Craig noted that any form and character concerns can be discussed at the Development Permit stage. Joe Erceg, General Manager, Planning and Development, added that staff are not anticipating any changes to the proposed height and density on the site as part of the Area Plan review.



The Chair commented on the heritage guidelines included in the Steveston Heritage Strategy and was of the opinion that the proposed development’s design does not conform to the Steveston Heritage Strategy, and as such should not proceed to the Development Permit stage. Also, he raised concern that the Steveston area is losing many of its heritage structures.



Rob Whetter, Architect, Cotter Architects commented on the proposed development’s form and character, noting that the design was not intended to mimic the existing structures, but to create an evolving design that would complement the heritage aspects of the neighbourhood. He added that salvaged art panels from the Gulf and Fraser Credit Union building will be incorporated into the proposed development.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Whetter noted that changes can be made to incorporate more heritage aspects into the design of the proposed development.



Discussion ensued with regard to current structures in Steveston that comply with the Sakamoto Guidelines and in reply to queries from Committee Mr. Whetter noted that the proposed development complies with most aspects of the Sakamoto Guidelines; however, he added that the applicant can work with staff to change design aspects of the proposed development.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Erceg advised that details for architectural form and character are typically discussed at the Development Permit Panel; however staff may receive direction from Council regarding any changes to design at the Public Hearing stage.



Loren Slye, 11911 3rd Avenue, commented on the heritage status of the Gulf and Fraser Credit Union building, and was of the opinion that the building was not a heritage building. Mr. Slye was of the opinion that structures in Steveston does not have a homogenous heritage architectural theme.



Terry Crowe, Manager, Policy Planning, noted that the Sakamoto Guidelines will be included in a forthcoming staff report on amendments to the Steveston Village Conservation Strategy, anticipated to be presented to Council in June 2014.



Edith Turner, 3411 Chatham Street, referenced speaking notes,  (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 1) and expressed concern with regard to the (i) architectural form and character; (ii) size and height; (iii) lot size in proportion to the building size; (iv) proposed construction materials; (v) rear lane bench features; (vi) potential of loitering in the rear lane after business hours; and (vii) loss of privacy for nearby residents.



Ralph Turner, 3411 Chatham Street, expressed concern with regard to the proposed development and in particular height restrictions. He was of the opinion that the proposed development’s design was not appropriate for the site and added that he has relayed his concerns to the developer. Also, he commented on the potential shadow that would be cast on his property and the potential loss of privacy



Janie Slye, 11911 3rd Avenue, expressed support for the proposed development and was of the opinion that the proposed development will enhance the neighbourhood.



Robert Matthewson, 3520 Broadway Street, expressed concern with regard to the (i) shadowing effect due to the proposed from building height; (ii) potential noise from mechanical rooftop units; (iii) potential rodent issues; and (iv) potential excessive water run-off from the roof.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Craig advised that drainage will be contained within the site and that the mechanical units will need to conform to the City’s Noise Regulation Bylaw No.8856. He added that it is anticipated that the proposed development utilize more efficient mechanical systems than those installed on the Credit Union building.



It was moved and seconded



That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9138 to: create “Commercial Mixed Use (ZMU26) - Steveston Village”; and to rezone 3471 Chatham Street from “Steveston Commercial (CS3)” to “Commercial Mixed Use (ZMU26) - Steveston Village” be introduced and given first reading.



The question on the motion was not called as discussion ensued regarding (i) building height and the effects of shadowing; (ii) architectural form and character; and (iii) potential changes to the design prior to the development permit stage.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Craig advised that the building height allows for access to amenities on the rooftop; however he noted that changes in the slope of the roof and reductions in floor-to-ceiling height can reduce the overall height of the building.



Mr. Craig advised that in addition to the receiving approval for a development permit, the application requires Council approval for a heritage alteration permit prior to construction. He noted and that staff can work with the applicant to make the necessary changes to the proposed design.



Discussion ensued with regard to the placement of the art panels and the park benches in an open area. In reply to queries from Committee, Ms. Badyal noted that staff can work with the applicant to relocate the art panels and park benches.



Discussion then ensued regarding the height maximums permitted in the neighbourhood.



As a result of the discussion, the following referral was introduced:



It was moved and seconded



That the staff report titled, Application by Cotter Architects Inc. for Rezoning at 3471 Chatham Street from the “Steveston Commercial (CS3)” Zone to a Site Specific “Commercial Mixed Use (ZMU26) - Steveston Village” Zone, dated April 29, 2014, from the Director, Development, be referred back to staff to examine changes to the design of the proposed development that would address aspects of building height and architectural form and character.






Opposed: Cllrs. Barnes



Application by Onni Development (Imperial Landing) Corp. for a Zoning Text Amendment at 4020, 4080, 4100, 4180, 4280 and 4300 Bayview Street (formerly 4300 Bayview Street) to amend the Steveston Maritime Mixed Use (ZMU12) zone and the Steveston Maritime (Zc21)zONE       
(File Ref. No. 08-4105-20; RZ 13-633927) (REDMS No. 4211729)



Mr. Craig briefed Committee on new aspects of the proposed application and highlighted the following:




lease options and building space required for the expansion of the Steveston library;




amenity package enhancements which would include either additional cash contributions or options for leasing building space;




potential development of a marina; and




the implementation and administration of the lease termination clause provisions.



Discussion ensued with regard to the industrial zoning leasing rates and it was noted that such rates range approximately $8.00 to $15.00 per square foot.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Craig noted that it is anticipated that there would be adequate parking on the site to accommodate a library; however any leasing arrangement that includes parking space would need to be discussed with the applicant.



In reply to queries from Committee, Cathryn Volkering Carlile, General Manager, Community Services, advised that provisions for the expansion of the library is currently not included in the budget. She noted that capital costs for such expansion is estimated to be $3.35 million with an annual operating budget of $400,500.



Discussion then ensued with regard to (i) the most suitable location for a library in Steveston; (ii) the area that will be allocated for the new library in relation to the total area of the subject site; and (iii) negotiating lower lease rates. It was suggested that City-owned land adjacent to the current library would be more appropriate for a new expanded library.



Discussion ensued with regard to the amenity contributions and in reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Erceg advised that the proposed zoning application can proceed without necessarily having provisions for the library; however, he noted that there is a need to ensure that the value of the amenity contribution remains. Also, he noted that rezoning only portions of the site would not be practical.



Discussion ensued with regard to (i) the value from the proposed rezoning application; (ii) the leasing rate applied for a potential library; (iii) the inclusion of a library on the subject site and the effects on commercial development.



Danny Leung, Wydanco Development Corp., (representing Onni Development Corp.) referred to letters addressed to the City, dated April 30, 2014 and May 6, 2014 (attached to and forming these minutes as Schedule 2 and Schedule 3) and commented on the proposed contribution enhancements options. He noted that approval of the space or cash contribution options would be at the discretion of the City.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Leung advised that the lease rate for a portion of the library would be zero; therefore, the average lease rate for the entire library space would fall below market industrial zone lease rates.



Discussion ensued with regard to the duration of the proposed reduced lease rates and the possibility to extend the terms of the reduced lease rates.



Peter Hume, Hume Consulting Corp., commented on the methodology used  in the retail analysis of the proposed zoning application and noted that the analysis factored the addition of commercial development in their assessment of lease rates.



Discussion ensued with regard to the leasing the library space at industrial zone rates and using the land lift value for the community in cash or amenity space contributions.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Erceg noted that the net present value of the proposed lease would be approximately $400,000 to $800,000.



Mr. Leung suggested that the proposed application proceed to first reading and that any changes requested by Council following first reading can be referred back to the applicant.



The Chair expressed concern with regard to the short time frame associated with the proposed application proceeding to first reading and suggested that the proposed application be referred back to staff.



Discussion ensued with regard to the potential value gained from rezoning the site and the size of the amenity contribution proposed by the applicant.




Cllr. Dang left the meeting (5:27 p.m.) and did not return.



The Chair cautioned that other aspects of the proposed application require further discussion and cannot be addressed in the suggested time frame. It was then suggested that other members of Council be included in the discussion to approve the proposed application.



Discussion then ensued with regard to the land lift calculations and the proportion of the land lift that will be allocated for the community.



As a result of the discussion, the following referral was introduced:



It was moved and seconded






That the staff report titled, “Application by Onni Development (Imperial Landing) Corp. for a Zoning Text Amendment at 4020, 4080, 4100, 4180, 4280 and 4300 Bayview Street (formerly 4300 Bayview Street) to amend the Steveston Maritime Mixed Use (ZMU12) zone and the Steveston Maritime (ZC21) zone,” dated April 30, 2014, from the Director of Development be referred back to staff to review:




options to enhance the community amenity contribution;




options to determine the preferred type of community amenity contribution; and




potential sites for the expansion of the Steveston Library.



and report back to a forthcoming General Purposes Committee.



The question on the referral was not called as discussion ensued regarding potential sites for an expanded Steveston Library.



The question on the referral was then called and it was CARRIED.






It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (5:41 p.m.).






Planning Committee 


Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Anderson Room
Richmond City Hall


Councillor Bill McNulty, Chair
Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt
Councillor Chak Au
Councillor Linda Barnes
Councillor Harold Steves

Call to Order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 5:52 p.m.




The Chair invited members of the public to delegate on Item No. 2.



Application by Onni Development (Imperial Landing) Corp. for a Zoning Text Amendment at 4020, 4080, 4100, 4180, 4280 and 4300 Bayview Street (formerly 4300 Bayview Street) to amend the Steveston Maritime Mixed Use (ZMU12) zone and the Steveston Maritime (Zc21)zONE       
(File Ref. No. 08-4105-20; RZ 13-633927) (REDMS No. 4211729)



Peter Tong, Owner, Pharamasave, expressed concern with regard to the proposed application and commented on (i) current rezoning and lease rates of the site; (ii) efforts by the applicant to lease the site; and (iii) the potential effects to existing businesses if large commercial tenants occupy the subject site.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Tong expressed that he was of the opinion that large commercial tenants on the subject site will negatively affect existing businesses and Steveston’s neighbourhood character. He added that the he does not expect that new commercial development will attract more business traffic to the area.



Mr. Tong added that the business traffic in the area is seasonal in nature and was of the opinion that the proposed rezoning will adversely affect business traffic during the low season.



Referring to notes (attached to and forming these minutes as Schedule 4), John Roston, 12262 Ewen Avenue commented on potential uses for the buildings on the proposed rezoning site. He suggested that some of the buildings be leased for a library, maritime museum or a river ecology museum.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Roston noted that museums do not necessarily require large spaces and that the exhibits could be interactive and electronic in nature.



Jim van der Tas, Steveston Merchants Association, commented on the methodology of the retail analysis report submitted by the applicant. He calculated that the statistics detailing community demand for commercial amenities were exaggerated. Mr. van der Tas added that a survey of Steveston Merchants Association members indicate that there is little support to completely rezone the site for retail space.



Also, Mr. van der Tas spoke of the applicant’s effort to lease the subject site under the current zoning and noted that he observed very little marketing material available for the subject site.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. van der Tas stated that the Steveston Merchants Association anticipates that the Steveson Merchants Association’s proposal of a 25% Maritime Mixed Use, 50% Office Space, 25% Retail space for the subject site would increase available parking space after business hours.



Sarah Gordon, Owner, Pieces in Steveston, expressed her support for an expanded Steveston Library and noted that the community is growing and current library facilities are inadequate for the demand.



Gerry Biggar, Owner, Shady Island Seafood Bar and Grill, spoke of his support to zone the subject site for amenities that would benefit seniors and children. Referring to letters and a petition from local merchants and residents, (attached to and forming these minutes as Schedule 5) Mr. Biggar indicated that many community members are not in favour of the proposed rezoning application. Also, Mr. Biggar expressed that the area should maintain its heritage character and referenced a newspaper article, (attached to and forming these minutes as Schedule 6) which outlined Steveston being nominated as a World Heritage site.



Dominique Jarry, 12000 1st Avenue, expressed his opposition to the proposed rezoning application and was of the opinion that due to the seasonal nature of business traffic in the area, new large commercial developments in the neighbourhood will adversely affect existing merchants.



Davood and Eileen Khatmi, Owners, Bean & Beyond Cafe Bistro, suggested that the subject site be used for a children’s museum. They were of the opinion that such a facility would provide amenities and attract families to the Steveston area.



Janice Sieg, Owner, Pierside Deli, expressed her opposition to the proposed rezoning application and was of the opinion that commercial development would negatively affect existing merchants in the area.



Iqbal Ladha, Owner, Steveston Marine and Hardware, spoke of his opposition to the proposed application. He was of the opinion that there is demand to lease industrial spaces at the industrial lease rates. He also suggested that developing a marina in the area would attract more businesses willing to lease industrial spaces. He added that he would also be in favour of alternate uses for the subject site such as a museum or library.



Discussion then ensued with regard to the current lease rates for existing merchants in the area.



As a result of the discussion, the following referral was introduced:



It was moved and seconded



That staff examine options suggested by Steveston residents and merchants for alternative uses of the Imperial Landing site and report back.






Discussion ensued with regard to consumer choice and the response by existing merchants in Steveston to competition. In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Tong advised that due to the seasonal nature of the business environment in Steveston, current business models would not be able to sustain the loss of business traffic in the low season if large-scale commercial development is introduced in the area.



Discussion then ensued with regard to the role of the municipal government and the role private sector to provide amenities in the community.



Mr. Tong commented on the current industrial lease rates and efforts by the applicant to lease the site. He suggested that the subject site would not be vacant if current industrial lease rates are offered by the applicant. Mr. van der Tas also commented on the efforts by the applicant to lease the site and noted that he has observed very little marketing material promoting the subject site.






It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (6:49 p.m.).





Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meetings of the Planning Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, May 6, 2014.



Councillor Bill McNulty

Evangel Biason
Auxiliary Committee Clerk