November 19, 2013 - Minutes
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Planning Committee
Date: |
Tuesday, November 19, 2013 |
Place: |
Anderson Room |
Present: |
Councillor Bill McNulty, Chair |
Also Present: |
Councillor Linda McPhail |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on Tuesday, November 5, 2013, be adopted as circulated. |
Tuesday, December 3, 2013, (tentative date) at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room |
1. |
Application by Man-Chui Leung and Nora Leung for Rezoning at 7460 Ash Street from “Single Detached (RS1/F)” to “Single Detached (ZS14) – South McLennan (City Centre)” |
Wayne Craig, Director, Development, advised that the staff report responds to the referral made at the May 21, 2013 Public Hearing. Mr. Craig reviewed the actions taken by staff and the applicant to comply with the five items in the referral relating to (i) species of trees being removed and planted on the subject site, (ii) whether a reduction in the number of lots and in density would increase the number of trees to be retained, (iii) wildlife protection on the subject site, (iv) sidewalk extension to 7500 Ash Street, and (v) traffic calming measures along Ash Street. Also, Mr. Craig noted that the number of trees to be planted on the site has been increased from fourteen to eighteen trees. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 8907, for the rezoning of 7460 Ash Street from "Single Detached (RS1/F)" to "Single Detached (ZS14) – South McLennan (City Centre)", be forwarded to the December 16, 2013 Public Hearing. |
2. |
Application by Vanlux Development Inc. for a Zoning Text Amendment to Increase the Overall Floor Area Ratio to 0.55 for the Entire Property Located at 4691 Francis Road |
It was moved and seconded |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9077, for a Zoning Text Amendment to the “Single Detached (ZS21) – Lancelot Gate (Seafair)” site specific zone, to increase the overall allowable Floor Area Ratio (FAR) to a maximum of 0.55 for the entire property, be introduced and given first reading. |
3. |
Mr. Craig provided background information on the rezoning application and advised that staff worked with the applicant to limit the range of non-maritime uses of the subject development. Also, Mr. Craig stated that a bylaw is being proposed to allow retail and service uses on the subject site. Mr. Craig concluded by commenting on community benefits of the proposed project, noting that the applicant has agreed to voluntarily contribute $1,500,000 towards the City’s Leisure Facilities Fund, which could be used at Council’s discretion. |
In response to queries from Committee, staff provided the following information: |
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the list of proposed additional land uses on the subject site was agreed to by staff and the applicant; |
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the original amount proposed for the voluntary contribution was between $1,800,000 to $2,000,000 as the previous development proposal was larger and therefore had the potential to generate more revenue; |
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the applicant is scheduled to meet with the Steveston Merchants Association on November 26, 2013; |
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the applicant has indicated that the proposed additional land uses would include rental space for a potential future library and exhibit space; and |
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the proposal would retain all existing Maritime Mixed Use (MMU) permitted uses and add retail and service uses; however, there is no guarantee that there will be an even balance between retail and service uses and MMU uses on the subject site. |
Discussion ensued regarding traffic and parking and Victor Wei, Director, Transportation, advised that the applicant retained a traffic and parking consultant that prepared a Transportation Impact Study. Mr. Wei further advised that Transportation staff had reviewed the Study and agreed with its findings. Also, Mr. Wei reviewed proposed traffic improvements, such as traffic calming measures, and noted that such measures are anticipated to address traffic concerns in the area. |
In response to a comment from Committee, Mr. Wei stated that staff is confident that existing loading and parking facilities and the proposed traffic improvements can accommodate projected traffic increase in the area. |
In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Wei provided the following information: |
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the proposed additional retail and service uses on the subject site are anticipated to increase traffic volume by ten percent; |
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future residents of the subject development could report violations of truck delivery hours and appropriate fines could be imposed by the City; and |
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the City has authority over the public parking spaces on the site. |
In reply to further queries from Committee, staff provided the following information: |
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the proposed rezoning Bylaw does not permit commercial uses on the subject site such as body massage and adult video stores; |
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only Item No. 2 of the MMU is being proposed to be amended; |
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the proposed rezoning would allow MMU uses in addition to more general commercial service uses; and |
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a “Mixed-Use” zone permits maritime-related uses. |
In response to comments from Committee, Beau Jarvis, Vice-President of Development, Onni Group, provided the following information: |
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the proposed additional uses on the subject site, which include a gym, yoga studio, and massage services, received positive feedback during the public consultation; |
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the proposed uses are not expected to compete with services provided by the Steveston Community Centre; |
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the applicant has met with some members of the Steveston Merchants Association and will meet with the entire membership in the immediate future to present the current proposal; |
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the applicant is willing to lease spaces for public use such as a library; however, the applicant was not aware that the City had previously offered to lease a space for a library on the subject site; |
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the lease rates have been determined to make the subject development financially viable; |
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the Transportation Impact Study prepared by the applicant’s consultant indicated that the proposed traffic and transportation improvements would address traffic concerns even in a worst case scenario; and |
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the current zoning of the subject site allows light industrial uses and does not provide restrictions on the size and hours of operation of trucks on the site; however, the applicant has agreed to the proposed restrictions to address the concerns of the residents and the community. |
In response to queries from Committee, Mr. Jarvis provided the following information: |
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retailers and service providers that have expressed interest in locating within the subject site include a grocery store, a bank, a private child care facility, a chiropractic practitioner, and restaurants; |
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kayak rental and boating services could be accommodated on the subject site due to the its proximity to the waterfront; |
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the decision to charge parking fees on the subject development would be driven by the market; |
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Hume Consulting Corporation conducted a retail analysis that suggested that the proposed commercial uses would be complementary to the existing businesses in Steveston; |
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the large open spaces on the subject site are intended for future public events; |
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once occupied, the commercial spaces would mitigate the current barrenness of the subject site as they could likely generate more activity; |
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the applicant will coordinate with commercial occupants regarding their compliance with the City’s signage Bylaw; |
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the vacant spaces necessitate the expansion of commercial land uses on the subject site; and |
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the public consultation conducted by the applicant indicated that 79% of those who participated support the proposed commercial uses on the subject site. |
Staff was directed to provide the Committee with a summary of the retail analysis report by Hume Consulting Corporation. In response to Committee’s direction, Mr. Craig advised that an executive summary of the retail analysis report is provided on Page 78 of the Staff Report. |
Iqbal Ladha, Owner, Steveston Marine and Hardware, spoke in opposition to the applicant’s proposal and commented that the proposed commercial uses on the subject development such as the grocery store would negatively impact the existing businesses in Steveston and discourage other small businesses from coming into the area. |
Mr. Ladha advised that canvass stores and boat repair services could be located in the mixed maritime use spaces and was of the opinion that the applicant has shown a lack of interest in accommodating these uses. Mr. Ladha also spoke of the importance of not drawing customers away from the commercial core in Steveston as it would adversely impact existing businesses in this downtown area. |
In response to queries from Committee, Mr. Ladha provided the following information: |
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the applicant could subdivide the existing mixed maritime spaces into smaller units to make them more affordable; |
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the subject site could accommodate complementary maritime related small businesses in view of the future construction of a marina; and |
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he was not consulted by the applicant regarding the proposal for additional commercial land uses on the subject site. |
Jim Kojima, 7611 Moffatt Road, commented that the $1,500,000 voluntary contribution by the applicant should be earmarked for Steveston. Also, Mr. Kojima expressed concern that the proposed additional land uses on the subject development would negatively impact the Steveston Community Centre and the small businesses in Steveston. Also, Mr. Kojima was of the opinion that the public consultation conducted by the applicant was inadequate and queried whether offices could be located on the subject site. |
Joe Erceg, General Manager, Planning and Development, advised that offices on the subject site should be maritime-related. |
In response to queries from Committee, Mr. Kojima provided the following information: |
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the subject site could provide spaces for youth and seniors services; |
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Steveston Community Centre revenues have decreased by approximately 25%; and |
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a yoga studio would compete with a similar facility at the Steveston Community Centre. |
Ralph Turner, 3411 Chatham Street, stated that the funds from the voluntary contribution by the applicant should be earmarked to provide assistance to the Steveston Community Centre. Also, Mr. Turner was of the opinion that the proposed development did not benefit the community. |
Jim van der Tas, President, Steveston Merchants Association and Co-Chair of the 20/20 Group in Steveston, advised that merchants who are members and non-members of the Association will meet with the applicant on November 26, 2013 at the Steveston Community Centre to hear the applicant’s proposal. |
Mr. van der Tas expressed the Association’s concern regarding the proposed rezoning application and was of the opinion that (i) it not meet the needs of the Steveston community; (ii) it duplicated the existing businesses in the area, and (iii) it allowed large retailers to enter the area, which would adversely impact the existing smaller retailers in the Steveston area. Also, Mr. van der Tas commented on parking concerns in the area, noting that this is also a concern of the Association. |
Mr. van der Tas commented that the Association does not want to see empty spaces on the subject site and therefore is open to non-residential land uses on the subject site. He suggested that non-residential land uses on the subject site could be divided as follows: 25% for mixed maritime use, 50% for office space use, and 25 % for retail use. Also, he stated that there is a strong preference among Association members for the office space use. Mr. van der Tas expressed support for the marina project and was of the opinion that a strong demand exists for its use. |
Mr. van der Tas further advised that (i) more developments with retail spaces for lease would be coming into the area, and (ii) there are struggling businesses in Steveston which would be forced to close down should their revenues decrease by five to ten percent. |
In response to a concern raised by Committee on the lack of information regarding the plans, commitments, and recent developments on the marina development, Cathryn Volkering Carlile, General Manager, Community Services, advised that a memorandum on the subject would be distributed to Council. |
In response to a query from Committee, Mr. van der Tas reiterated that members of the Association do not wish to see the vacant spaces on the subject development as it could potentially negatively impact the community. |
In response to a query from Committee, Mr. Wei advised that 99 of the 270 parking spaces on the site are allotted for staff parking. |
In response to a query from Committee, Mr. van der Tas noted that there is a feeling of distrust by members of the Association towards the applicant; however, he anticipates good attendance by members at the upcoming meeting with the applicant. |
Discussion ensued regarding the need to determine the commercial and community services that are needed by Steveston residents and the proper methods and precedents that should be used. |
In response to a query from Committee, Terry Crowe, Manager, Policy Planning, advised that in the preparation of the Hamilton Area Plan, residents and developers were consulted regarding commercial and public amenities needs. |
Loren Slye, 11911 3rd Avenue, expressed concern regarding parking concerns in residential areas in Steveston. Mr. Slye was of the belief that the $1,500,000 voluntary contribution by the applicant should be earmarked for Steveston and used for projects such as the tram system and road improvements. Also, he suggested that another meeting should be held between the applicant and the 20/20 Group in Steveston. |
As a result of the discussion, the following referral was introduced: |
It was moved and seconded |
That the Application by Onni Development (Imperial Landing) Corp. for a Zoning Text Amendment at 4020, 4080, 4100, 4180, 4280 and 4300 Bayview Street (formerly 4300 Bayview Street) to amend Steveston Maritime Mixed Use (ZMU12) and Steveston Maritime (ZC21) be referred back to staff. |
The question on the referral was not called as discussion ensued regarding (i) the need to ascertain the types of retailers and service providers that are needed by Steveston area residents and their potential impacts on existing businesses in Steveston and City facilities in the area, (ii) the possibility of having a library, a maritime museum and community services facilities for youth and seniors, located on the subject site, (iii) the location and proportion of spaces for mixed maritime and other commercial uses on the subject site (iv) the need for more information and updates on the marina project, (v) how the $1,500,000 voluntary contribution by the applicant would be allocated to different uses in Steveston, and (vi) transportation related items such as parking fees and truck parking restrictions. |
In response to a query from Committee, Mr. Erceg advised that conducting a public consultation in Steveston regarding the needs of area residents would be complex as potential impacts to existing businesses and community facilities would also need to be examined. He commented that public consultations typically take approximately four to six months to complete and require consulting services. Also, Mr. Erceg commented the costs of obtaining consulting services. |
The question on the referral, which now reads, |
That the Application by Onni Development (Imperial Landing) Corp. for a Zoning Text Amendment at 4020, 4080, 4100, 4180, 4280 and 4300 Bayview Street (formerly 4300 Bayview Street) to amend Steveston Maritime Mixed Use (ZMU12) and Steveston Maritime (ZC21) be referred back to staff and that staff undertake the following: |
(1) |
attend the scheduled meeting between the applicant and the Steveston Merchants Association as an observer and provide an update to the Committee; |
(2) |
conduct a study and analysis regarding (i) the types and number of mixed maritime and commercial uses that are needed in the area through consultation with the residents, business owners, and business and community organizations in Steveston, (ii) potential implications of specific uses on City facilities and existing businesses in the area, (iii) the suitable proportion and location of mixed maritime and commercial uses on the subject site including the suggestion to confine the commercial use area only in spaces between Easthope Avenue and No. 1 Road, (iv) transportation related items including potential parking fees and truck parking restrictions; (v) the future developments and expected increase in commercial use spaces in the area, and (vi) how the $1,500,000 voluntary community amenity contribution by the applicant would be allocated to different uses in Steveston; |
(3) |
study the possibility of the applicant providing a rental space for a City library on the space allotted for commercial use, having the same size and lease rate as the City library at Ironwood, as a requirement for the subject rezoning application; |
(4) |
study the possible location of a maritime museum on the subject site on the space allotted for mixed maritime use; and |
(5) |
provide updates to Committee on the marina development. |
was then called and it was CARRIED. |
4. |
(a) |
Planning and Development Department Updates |
Mr. Erceg advised that the City currently does not issue permits for preloading; however, properties with Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs) or those with existing bylaw-sized trees should comply with pertinent City requirements and bylaws. |
In response to queries from Committee, Mr. Erceg stated that (i) the City has never issued preloading permits, (ii) staff do not favour a registration system for preloading, and (iii) there have been complaints received by City staff regarding preloading activities. |
(b) |
Community Services Department Updates |
In response to a request for an update on the affordable housing development at 8111 Granville Avenue and 8080 Anderson Road, John Foster, Manager, Community Social Development, advised that a staff report on the matter is anticipated to go before the General Purposes Committee meeting on December 16, 2013. |
Mr. Foster further advised that staff have been regularly meeting with their project partners and that preload materials are expected to be delivered on the site soon. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (6:32 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, November 19, 2013. |
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Councillor Bill McNulty |
Rustico Agawin |