September 17, 2013 - Minutes
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Planning Committee
Date: |
Tuesday, September 17, 2013 |
Place: |
Anderson Room |
Present: |
Councillor Bill McNulty, Chair |
Also Present: |
Councillor Linda McPhail |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the order of the agenda be amended to move Item 1 after Item 6. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday, September 4, 2013, be adopted as circulated. |
Tuesday, October 8, 2013, (tentative date) at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room |
2. |
Richmond Response: Three Proposed Metro Vancouver Regional Growth Strategy Amendments: Township of Langley (North Murrayville, Hendricks, Highway #1 / 200th Street) |
In response to a query, Terry Crowe, Manager, Policy Planning, agreed that Metro Vancouver staff could have stopped the Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) Amendments from going forward since two subject areas are in the Agricultural Reserve Area. He advised that he communicated with Metro Vancouver staff regarding the need for a more rigorous RGS amendment review process. |
It was moved and seconded |
That, as per the report from the General Manager, Planning and Development, dated August 28, 2013, titled: Richmond Response: Three Proposed Metro Vancouver Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) Amendments: Township of Langley (Highway #1 / 200th Street, Hendricks, North Murrayville), Council advise Metro Vancouver that the City of Richmond: |
(1) |
For the Highway #1 / 200th Street Area, supports proposed Regional Growth Strategy amendment, as it is consistent with the 2040 Regional Growth Strategy and will enable the Township to better meet its long term employment land and development needs; |
(2) |
For the Hendricks area, notes that the area is in the Agricultural Land Reserve and, in such situations, 2040 RGS Policy 2.3.4 does not enable the MV Board to move the Urban Containment Boundary to locate the area within it, or to re-designate the affected area from RGS Agricultural to another RGS designation; |
(3) |
For the North Murrayville area, notes that the area is in the Agricultural Land Reserve and, in such situations, 2040 RGS Policy 2.3.4 does not enable the MV Board to move the Urban Containment Boundary to locate the area within it, or to re‑designate the affected area from RGS Agricultural to another RGS designation; and |
(4) |
Requests that, to improve RGS amendment reviews, Metro Vancouver staff: (a) ensure that future RGS amendment packages are more complete and (b) provide a more comprehensive assessment and an opinion regarding the acceptability of proposed RGS amendments, before they are circulated for comment (e.g., to the MV Regional Planning Advisory Committee, MV Regional Planning and Agricultural Committee, MV Board and local governments). |
3. |
Application by Steveston Flats Development Corp. for a Heritage Alteration Permit at 3471 Chatham Street |
It was moved and seconded |
That a Heritage Alteration Permit be issued to authorize the demolition of structures and associated infrastructure at 3471 Chatham Street and prepare the site for a future development, on a site zoned Steveston Commercial (CS3), including: |
(1) |
the removal of the existing concrete bas-relief panels on the face of the building; |
(2) |
temporary on-site storage of the concrete panels; |
(3) |
the securing of the site during demolition; |
(4) |
the demolition and removal of the building; |
(5) |
the excavation and removal of associated infrastructure; and |
(6) |
deposit of a subdivision plan at the Land Title Office for a corner truncation at the south-east corner of the site. |
4. |
Application by Jacken Investments Inc. for Rezoning at 8131 No. 3 Road from Single Detached (RS1/E) to Compact Single Detached (RC2) |
It was moved and seconded |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9057, for the rezoning of 8131 No. 3 Road from “Single Detached (RS1/E)” to “Compact Single Detached (RC2)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
5. |
Application by Ajit Thaliwal and Aman Dhaliwal for Rezoning of a portion of 5831 Moncton Street from Single Detached (RS1/E) to Single Detached (RS2/C) |
It was moved and seconded |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9010, for the rezoning of a portion of 5831 Moncton Street from “Single Detached (RS1/E)” to “Single Detached (RS2/C)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
6. |
Application by Kensington Homes Ltd. for Rezoning at 5160 and 5180 Blundell Road from Single Detached (RS1/E) to Low Density Townhouses (RTL4) |
It was moved and seconded |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9055, for the rezoning of 5160 and 5180 Blundell Road from “Single Detached (RS1/E)” to “Low Density Townhouses (RTL4)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
1. |
Wayne Craig, Director of Development, provided a brief overview of the proposed rezoning application and highlighted the following: |
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SmartCentres’ proposal is for a substantial commercial development in the West Cambie Area, which adheres to the principles of the area plan; |
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the proposed development provides for a new north-south road called ‘High Street;’ |
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there is approximately 390,000 square feet of retail space to the east of the site; |
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the development provides for the continuation of the Alexandra Greenway, a pedestrian and non-motorized vehicle link from Cambie Road to the corner of Alderbridge Way and Garden City Road; and |
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there are a number of sustainable initiatives proposed in the development such as connection to the Alexandra District Energy Utility and provision of electric vehicle charging stations. |
Mr. Craig advised that the development proposal was presented to Planning Committee in December 2012 and was referred back to staff to address two items: (i) the realignment of Alexandra Road with the future intersection of the road with Leslie Road and Garden City Road, and (ii) the realignment of May Drive. He further stated that these two issues have been adequately addressed by the applicant. |
In response to queries from Committee, Mr. Craig advised the following: |
§ |
the estimated price for the two remaining lots to be acquired by the City for the construction of the connector road is approximately two and one-half times the appraised value of the properties; |
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the construction of the connector road would not be necessitated until 2023, however staff would commence property negotiations once the City receives the funding from the applicant; and |
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as per proposed rezoning conditions, the developer is responsible for off-site road improvements. |
In response to a query from Committee regarding approaches and techniques to obtain roads, Joe Erceg, General Manager, Planning and Development, stated that either (i) the developer provides the road or (ii) the City collects funds from the developer for the future acquisition of lands required for a new road. |
In response to queries from Committee, Victor Wei, Director, Transportation, advised that based on the proposed development’s traffic study, the connector road is not needed until ten years after the opening of the proposed project. Also, he described the proposed funding strategy for the construction of the connector road, noting that it is typical practice. Mr. Wei spoke of other proposed intersection improvements and stated that these improvements would be implemented once the development proposal is approved. |
In reply to a query regarding the high asking price for the two remaining lots required for the completion of the connector road, Mr. Wei stated that the City’s Real Estate division was involved in determining appropriate land costs. Also, he expressed confidence in the City’s ability to successfully acquire these two lots. |
In response to further queries from Committee, Mr. Craig advised that (i) the elevated green space on the northeast corner of the subject site would provide a large passive recreational space, which would undergo further design development; (ii) the proposed reduction of Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) would result in a 0.4 acre deficit in terms of publicly accessible lands; (iii) the proposed development is designed to be a pedestrian-friendly shopping centre; (iv) the proposed landscaping is substantial and will include features such as wide sidewalks and native planting; also, it will integrate the interface of the proposed project with existing and future developments to the north and east; and (v) physical changes to the subject site are minimal when compared to the previous proposal. |
Discussion ensued and Mr. Wei advised that the City undertook a full traffic study of the subject site, and was of the opinion that the City’s credibility as a public entity may provide an advantage over a private entity in property acquisitions. |
In reply to queries from Committee, Brian Guzzi, Senior Planner – Urban Design, advised that (i) the elevated landscaped deck on the northeast corner of the subject site may be accessed from the east and west ends along Alexandra Way; (ii) there would be a connection from the elevated landscaped deck to the parking structure below; (iii) the elevated landscaped deck would be approximately four to five feet above the road grade; and (iv) the current design of the proposed elevated landscaped deck provides for ramping that connects to public sidewalks. |
In response to further queries from Committee, staff provided the following information: |
§ |
the Alderbridge Way façade of the proposed development is an active storefront due to the location of commercial retail units (CRUs); |
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the two-metre bike lane extends from Alderbridge Way up to Odlin Road; |
§ |
there are two ‘end-of-trip’ bike facilities included in the proposed development – one on each the west and east sides of the proposed development, which are intended for staff use; |
§ |
the Alderbridge Way frontage of the development will provide for a strong urban edge and proposed landscaping includes double row of trees and substantial native planting; |
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the park land has been reconfigured and ESA lands can be developed and managed in particular ways; |
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the views analysis, which is similar to the previous proposal’s, illustrates the overall height of the proposed development in relation to the North Shore Mountains view; |
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the West Cambie Area, bound by Alderbridge Way, Cambie Road, Garden City Road, and No. 4 Road, has an estimated population of 6,000 people with 2,000 jobs; |
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the City Centre Area has an estimated population of 50,000 and expected to grow by another 50,000 over the course of 30 years; and |
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the proposed development is consistent with the West Cambie Area plan and will offer services for local and regional customers. |
Sandra Kaiser, Vice-President for Corporate Affairs, SmartCentres, accompanied by Mike Gilman, Senior Land Development Manager, SmartCentres, distributed materials (attached to and forming part of these Minutes as Schedule 1) and provided a brief overview of the proposed project. Ms. Kaiser and Mr. Gilman highlighted the following actions that would be taken by SmartCentres: |
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the purchase of three of the five properties required to complete the Alexandra Road realignment and the dedication of the land across these properties to the City in order to facilitate the Alexandra Road realignment at cost of $3,550,000; |
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funds committed to the City to purchase the two remaining properties that will cost approximately $2,000,000 to $3,000,000; |
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100 percent coverage of the capital cost for the Alexandra Road realignment , anticipated to cost $3,206,774 in 2023 dollars); thereby totaling SmartCentres’ contribution towards the Alexandra Road realignment to $10,206,774; and |
§ |
100 percent coverage of the construction of proposed new roads throughout the subject site including road widening, and other improvements, and the dedication of thirteen percent of the subject site to the City for these purposes. |
Additionally, Ms. Kaiser cited the importance of the May Drive realignment to the proposed development, and noted that green space provided in the proposed development is two-thirds the size of a soccer field and 20 percent bigger than the City Hall plaza. |
In relation to economic benefits, Ms. Kaiser stated that SmartCentres’ total investment to the proposed development would be $150,000,000. The proposed development would pay approximately $2,500,000 annually in commercial property taxes and would facilitate the creation of approximately 1,000 jobs, in addition to hundreds of construction jobs. Also, she noted that approximately 45 to 50 new stores, restaurants, and services would be located in the proposed development. |
In response to a query from Committee, Ms. Kaiser stated that SmartCentres would not provide the balance of funds needed to acquire the remaining two properties in order to facilitate the Alexandra Road connector should the current amount proposed be insufficient. |
Mr. Wei advised that the Traffic Impact Study concluded that intersection improvement can adequately manage the anticipated increase in traffic volume from people entering and exiting the development a period of ten years. |
In response to queries from Committee, Ms. Kaiser advised that (i) the proposed Walmart store would provide a full-service grocery store; and (ii) SmartCentres is committed to making the proposed building façades attractive on all sides. Also, Ms. Kaiser described key features of the proposed elevated landscaped deck. |
Mr. Gilman stated that the location of a new Walmart store in the proposed development would draw shoppers primarily from Richmond and likely some from south Vancouver as well. It was noted that the nearest Walmart store to Richmond is located in Queensborough. |
In response to a query from Committee, Ms. Kaiser stated that public art would be located along High Street and would go through the City’s Public Art process. |
Michael Wolfe, 9731 Odlin Road, stated that the developer is responsible for the maintenance and care of existing trees on the subject site and was of the opinion that the developer has neglected them. Also, he commented on the need for the City to formulate regulations regarding pre-loading in order to protect natural lands. Mr. Wolfe referenced various parts of the Staff Report and expressed concern regarding (i) the reduction in ESA; (ii) staff’s support of SmartCentres’ environmental consultant’s report regarding ESA reduction; (iii) the presence of invasive plant species in the subject development area due to pre-loading; and (iv) the inconsistent application of the City’s aircraft noise policy. In closing, he stated that retention of high quality trees on the subject site can be achieved and that the proposed tree species to be planted cannot reach their potential full growth due to sandy compact soil on the subject site. |
John ter Borg, 5860 Sandpiper Court, was of the opinion that that proposed application before Committee has not been improved in regards to integrated uses of land compared to last year’s development proposal. He expressed concern regarding the reduction in ESA as the financial value of its passive contribution to City residents is estimated at $7,000 per hectare. Mr. ter Borg concluded by stating that ESAs provide a natural habitat for certain species of birds on the Garden City Lands, and that its retention is critical in a high-density neighbourhood. |
Jim Wright, 8300 Osgood Drive, Richmond, President of Garden City Conservation Society, read from his submission attached to and forming part of these Minutes as Schedule 2. |
Discussion ensued and in response to queries from Committee, Mr. Craig, provided the following information: |
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there is connectivity between the Garden City Lands and the proposed development; |
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views of mountains from the Garden City Lands are visible above the proposed development and through its two north-south corridors; and |
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there is a deficit in the compensation to the City by the developer for the reduction of ESA lands in terms of publicly accessible open space and land ownership. |
In response to a query from Committee, Terry Crowe, Manager, Policy Planning, stated that northern Richmond has an estimated population of 80,000 people. |
In response to further queries, Mr. Craig provided the following information: |
§ |
traffic issues have been addressed to the satisfaction of Transportation staff; |
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with the exception of the proposed amendment related to park, the proposed application has met the area plan’s objectives ; |
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all areas that border the Garden City Lands do not have a buffer; |
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there are a number of sustainable initiatives proposed in the development that form part of the developer’s compensation package for the reduction of ESA lands, such as the connection to the Alexandra District Energy Utility, bicycle facilities, and provisions for electric vehicle charging stations; etc.; and |
§ |
the elevated landscaped deck would be owned and maintained by the developer, however it would be fully accessible to the City. |
Discussion ensued and concerns were expressed regarding (i) the present and future traffic in the proposed development; (ii) the lack of information regarding the number of estimated patrons from Richmond and nearby areas accessing the proposed development; (iii) the uncertainty of the City’s ability to acquire the two remaining lots required for the construction of the Alexandra Road connector due to the owners’ high asking price; and (iv) the lack of figures and plans related to the impact of the proposed development in relation to the City’s major arterial roads network. |
In response to Committee’s concerns, Mr. Erceg advised that staff can provide a copy of the Traffic Impact Study to the Committee and that there are a number of proposed traffic improvements surrounding the development, in addition to the future Alexandra Road connector. Also, Mr. Erceg commented on measures in place should the City be unable to acquire the remaining two lots for the Alexandra Road connect, noting that (i) improvements based on the Traffic Impact Study would not be required for another ten years; (ii) there are sufficient funds to acquire the entire two remaining lots, although only a portion of them is needed; and (iii) if after ten years the required lots are not acquired, the option of expropriation could be exercised as a last resort. |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That Official Community Plan Bylaw 7100, Amendment Bylaw 8865, to amend the Alexandra Neighbourhood Land Use Map in Schedule 2.11.A of West Cambie Area Plan (WCAP) as shown on the proposed amendment plan to: |
(a) |
reduce the minimum density permitted from 1.25 to 0.60 FAR in Mixed Use Area A; |
(b) |
adjust the proposed alignment of May Drive within the development lands; and |
(c) |
reduce the “Park” designation over portions of 9440, 9480 and 9500 Alexandra Road; |
be introduced and given first reading; |
(2) |
That Official Community Plan Bylaw 9000, Amendment Bylaw 8973, to amend Attachment 2 to Schedule 1 of the Official Community Plan “2041 OCP ESA Map” to eliminate the Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) designation for 9440, 9480 and 9500 Alexandra Road, be introduced and given first reading; |
(3) |
That Official Community Plan Bylaw 7100 Amendment Bylaw 8865 and Official Community Plan Bylaw 9000 Amendment Bylaw 8973, having been considered in conjunction with: |
(a) |
the City’s Financial Plan and Capital Program; and |
(b) |
the Greater Vancouver Regional District Solid Waste and Liquid Waste Management Plans; |
is hereby deemed to be consistent with said program and plans, in accordance with Section 882(3)(a) of the Local Government Act; |
(4) |
That Official Community Plan Bylaw 7100 Amendment Bylaw 8865 and OCP Bylaw 9000 Amendment Bylaw 8973 having been considered in accordance with OCP Bylaw Preparation Consultation Policy 5043, are hereby deemed not to require further consultation; |
(5) |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 8864 to create the "Neighbourhood Commercial (ZC32) – West Cambie Area" zone and rezone 4660, 4680, 4700, 4720, 4740 Garden City Road and 9040, 9060, 9080, 9180, 9200, 9260, 9280, 9320, 9340, 9360, 9400, 9420, 9440, 9480 and 9500 Alexandra Road from "Single Detached (RS1/F)" to "Neighbourhood Commercial (ZC32) – West Cambie Area" and "School & Institutional (SI)", be introduced and given first reading. |
The question on the motion was not called as discussion ensued among members of the Committee on the (i) length of time that the rezoning application has been with the Committee; (ii) the appropriateness of the land use plan; (iii) the reduction in ESA; (iv) the recommendations of the Traffic Impact Study; (v) the benefit of the proposed project to the low-income groups; (vi) the appropriateness of a big box retailer in the area; and (vii) the proposed project’s impact to traffic in Richmond and surrounding areas . |
As a result of the discussion, the following referral was introduced: |
It was moved and seconded |
That the application by First Richmond North Shopping Centres Ltd. for Rezoning at 4660, 4680, 4700, 4720, 4740 Garden City Road and 9040, 9060, 9080, 9180, 9200, 9260, 9280, 9320, 9340, 9360, 9400, 9420, 9440, 9480, 9500 Alexandra Road be referred back to staff and staff to report back at the Committee’s next scheduled meeting with the following information: |
(1) |
types of activities expected in the proposed development which is envisioned as a regional centre; |
(2) |
details of the traffic study, e.g. projections on (i) number of people living in the area, (ii) volume of people going into the development; (iii) ingress to and egress from the development including: Alderbridge Way, Garden City Road, No. 4 Road and Cambie Road; |
(3) |
back up plans, excluding expropriation, in the event that the City would not be able to acquire the two required lots for the Connector Road; |
(4) |
rationalization of staff’s position that the Connector Road will not be needed in 10 years; |
(5) |
comments whether the proposed landscaping is adequate, in particular the suitability of tree species to be planted; and |
(6) |
advice on how City taxpayers and Council will be protected in the future in terms of the cost associated with the purchase of the two required lots for the construction of the Connector Road. |
The question on the referral was not called as discussion ensued and staff was directed to provide all members of Council with the following information: (i) a traffic impact study on the proposed development; (ii) environmental reports from both SmartCentres’ and the City's consultants on ESA lands; (iii) a report on the status of trees on the subject site; and (iv) a map showing Agricultural Land Reserve areas where a buffer is not required. |
The question on the referral was then called and it was CARRIED. |
7. |
None. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (6:25 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, September 17, 2013. |
_________________________________ |
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Councillor Bill McNulty |
Rustico Agawin |