June 17, 2008 - Agenda
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Planning Committee
Anderson Room, City Hall
6911 No. 3 Road
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
4:00 p.m.
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1. |
Motion to adopt the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday, May 21, 2008. |
2. |
Tuesday, July 8, 2008, (tentative date) at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room. |
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3. |
(RZ 08-404404 - Report: June 3, 2008, File No.: 12-8060-20-8387/8394) (REDMS No. 2352475) | |
Designated Speaker: Brian J. Jackson | |
(1) |
That Bylaw No. 8387, to create “Townhouse District (R2-0.6D)” that addresses the requirements of the City’s Affordable Housing Strategy, be introduced and given first reading; and |
(2) |
That Bylaw No. 8394, for the rezoning of 10671, 10691, 10711 No. 5 Rd. from “Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E)” to “Townhouse District (R2-0.6D)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
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4. |
(RZ 07-389580 - Report: May 28, 2008, File No.: 12-8060-20-8389) (REDMS No. 2456210) |
Designated Speaker: Brian J. Jackson |
That Bylaw No. 8389, for the rezoning of 9211 No. 1 Road from “Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E)” to “Coach House District (R9)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
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5. |
(RZ 07-384769 - Report: May 20, 2008, File No.: 12-8060-20-8378) (REDMS No. 2452060) |
Designated Speaker: Brian J. Jackson |
That Bylaw No. 8378, for the rezoning of 3491/3511 Lockhart Road from “Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E)” to “Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area B (R1/B)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
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6. |
(RZ 07-397261 - Report: May 26, 2008, File No.: 12-8060-20-8379) (REDMS No. 2453781) |
Designated Speaker: Brian J. Jackson |
That Bylaw No. 8379, for the rezoning of 7371/7391 Williams Road from “Two-Family Housing District (R5)” to “Single-Family Housing District (R1-0.6)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
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7. |
(RZ 07-394901 - Report: May 27, 2008, File No.: 12-8060-20-8333) (REDMS No. 2440089) |
Designated Speaker: Brian J. Jackson |
That Bylaw No. 8333, for the rezoning of 6411 Blundell Road from “Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E)” to “Single-Family Housing District (R1-0.6)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
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8. |
(RZ 07-390751 - Report: May 27, 2008, File No.: 12-8060-20-8375) (REDMS No. 2446753) |
Designated Speaker: Brian J. Jackson |
That Bylaw No. 8375, for the rezoning of 7351 Williams Road from “Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E)” to “Single-Family Housing District (R1-0.6)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
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9. |
(Report: June 4, 2008, File No.: 08-4430-20-8395) (REDMS No. 2452783) | ||
Designated Speaker: Brian J. Jackson | ||
(1) |
That Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 8397, to redesignate 9340, 9360, 9400, 9420, 9460, 9480 Cambie Road from "Residential Area 1 1.5 base FAR (Max. 1.7 FAR with density bonus for affordable housing). Townhouse, Low-rise Apts. (4-storey typical)" to "Residential Area 1A 1.5 base FAR (Max. 1.75 FAR with density bonus for affordable housing). Townhouse, low-rise Apts. (6-storey maximum)" in the Alexandra Neighbourhood Land Use Map to Schedule 2.11A of Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7100 (West CambieArea Plan), be introduced and given first reading; | |
(2) |
That Bylaw No. 8397, having been considered in conjunction with: | |
§ |
the City’s Financial Plan and Capital Program; |
§ |
the Greater Vancouver Regional District Solid Waste and Liquid Waste Management Plans; |
is hereby deemed to be consistent with said program and plans, in accordance with Section 882(3)(a) of the Local Government Act; | |
(3) |
That Bylaw No. 8397, having been considered in accordance with OCP Bylaw Preparation Consultation Policy 5043, is hereby deemed not to require further consultation; and | |
(4) |
That Bylaw No. 8395, to create “Comprehensive Development District (CD/196) and to rezone 9340, 9360 & 9400 and 9420, 9460 & 9480 Cambie Road from "Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area F (R1/F)" and “Comprehensive Development District (CD/137)” to "Comprehensive Development District (CD/196)”, be introduced and given first reading. | |
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10. |
DENSITY BONUS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING IN THE DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL DISTRICT (C7) ZONE (Report: May 27, 2008, File No.: 08-4430-01, 12-8060-20-8384) (REDMS No. 2452379) |
Designated Speaker: Brian J. Jackson |
That Bylaw No. 8384, to amend the Downtown Commercial District (C7) zone to include a density bonus of 0.15 Floor Area Ratio for affordable housing, be introduced and given first reading. |
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11. |
Designated Speaker: Victor Wei |
That Bylaw No. 8380 to amend the Off-Street Parking and Loading Section (Division 400) of the Zoning and Development Bylaw No. 5300 be introduced and given first reading. |
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12. |
PROPOSED TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES ON DALLYN ROAD – FOLLOW-UP REPORT (Report: May 30, 2008, File No.: 10-6450-09-01) (REDMS No. 2455132) |
Designated Speaker: Victor Wei |
That staff proceed with the implementation of the proposed speed humps as a traffic calming measure for the Dallyn Road area, as described in the attached report, with the funding source being the 2006 Major Capital Works Program – Neighbourhood Traffic Safety Improvements (Account No. 40271). |
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13. |
CITY CENTRE AREA PLAN (CCAP) AND RELATED BYLAWS (Report: June 5, 2008, File No.: 08-4045-20-10, 12-8060-20-7100/8381/8382/8383) (REDMS No. 2452505) | ||
Designated Speaker: Terry Crowe | ||
(1) |
That Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaw 7100, Amendment Bylaw 8381, which amends Schedule 1 by amending various maps in the Official Community Plan to include the West Bridgeport and Van Horne area into the City Centre area, to include pertinent Development Permit Guidelines from the City Centre Area Plan, and to replace the Generalized Land Use Map to ensure that it coincides with the City Centre Area Plan Land Use Maps, be introduced and given first reading; | |
(2) |
That Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaw 7100, Amendment Bylaw 8382, which amends Schedule 2.12 by repealing the existing Bridgeport Area Plan and replace it with a new Bridgeport Area Plan that doesn’t include the West Bridgeport and Van Horne area, be introduced and given first reading; | |
(3) |
That Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaw 7100, Amendment Bylaw 8383, which amends Schedule 2.10 by repealing the existing City Centre Area Plan and replace it with a new City Centre Area Plan, be introduced and given first reading; | |
(4) |
That Bylaws 8381, 8382 and 8383, having been considered in conjunction with: | |
(a) |
the City’s Financial Plan and Capital Program; |
(b) |
the Metro Vancouver Regional District Solid Waste and Liquid Waste Management Plans; |
are hereby deemed to be consistent with said program and plans, in accordance with Section 882(3)(a) of the Local Government Act; | |
(5) |
That Bylaw 8383, having been considered in conjunction with Section 882(3)(c) of the Local Government Act, be referred to the Agricultural Land Commission for comment and response by Wednesday, July 16, 2008 | |
(6) |
That Bylaw 8383, having been considered in accordance with OCP Bylaw Preparation Consultation Policy 5043, be referred to the Vancouver International Airport Authority for comment and response by Wednesday, July 16, 2008; | |
(7) |
That Bylaw 8383, having been considered in accordance with OCP Bylaw Preparation Consultation Policy 5043, be referred to the Board of Education of School District No. 38 (Richmond) for comment and response at their regular meeting on Monday, July 7, 2008; and | |
(8) |
That Bylaw 8381, 8382 and 8383, having been considered in accordance with OCP Bylaw Preparation Consultation Policy 5043, are hereby deemed not to require any further consultation. | |
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14. |
PROPOSED DCC PROGRAM AND RATES BYLAW (Report: June 2, 2008, File No.: 12-8060-20-8024/8396/) (REDMS No. 2455012) | |
Designated Speaker: Jerry Chong | |
(1) |
That Development Cost Charges Bylaw No. 8024, Amendment Bylaw No. 8396 which amends the 2008 Development Cost Charge (DCC) Program and is required to implement the proposed new City Centre Area Plan, be introduced and given first reading. |
(2) |
That staff be directed to obtain public input regarding the draft 2008 Development Cost Charge (DCC) Program and Bylaw as per the report from the Director, Finance dated June 2, 2008, and report back to Council in July 2008. |
15. |
(1) |
City Centre Area Plan |
(2) |
Steveston Study |
(3) |
Official Community Plan |
(4) |
Liveable Region Strategic Plan Review |