February 18, 2013 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes

Regular Council Meeting for Public Hearings

Monday, February 18, 2013




Council Chambers
Richmond City Hall
6911 No. 3 Road


Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie
Councillor Linda Barnes
Councillor Derek Dang
Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt
Councillor Ken Johnston
Councillor Bill McNulty
Councillor Linda McPhail
Councillor Harold Steves

Michelle Jansson, Acting Corporate Officer


Councillor Chak Au

Call to Order:

Mayor Brodie opened the proceedings at 7:00 p.m.




Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8957 (RZ 12-602449)

(Location:  5640 Hollybridge Way; Applicant:  Cressey (Gilbert) Development LLP)



Applicant’s Comments:



The applicant was available to answer questions.



Written Submissions:






Submissions from the floor:



Mr. Greg Turner, 7040 Granville Avenue, expressed concern regarding the concrete canyon created by high-rises, particularly along the waterfront, due to their similarity in design, height and character. He is aware of the need for densification but believes row upon row of high-rise development diminishes the vibrancy of the neighbourhood.  He urged Council to consider the uniqueness of Richmond being an Island City by nature and more suitable areas for densification be considered (i.e. east of No. 3 Road).




It was moved and seconded



That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8957 be given second and third readings.







Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw 8988 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8989 (RZ 10-556878)

(Location:  11120 & 11200 No. 5 Road; Applicant:  Everbe Holdings Ltd.)



Applicant’s Comments:



The applicant was available to answer questions.



Written Submissions:






Submissions from the floor:






It was moved and seconded



That Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw 8988 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8989 be given second and third readings.






OPPOSED:  Cllr. Barnes








It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (7:17 p.m.).








Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting for Public Hearings of the City of Richmond held on Monday, February 18, 2013.




Mayor (Malcolm D. Brodie)


Acting Corporate Officer
City Clerk’s Office (Michelle Jansson)