December 17, 2012 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes

Regular Council Meeting for Public Hearings

Monday, December 17, 2012



Council Chambers

Richmond City Hall

6911 No. 3 Road


Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie

Councillor Chak Au

Councillor Linda Barnes

Councillor Derek Dang

Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt

Councillor Ken Johnston

Councillor Bill McNulty

Councillor Linda McPhail

Councillor Harold Steves


David Weber, Corporate Officer



Call to Order:

Mayor Brodie opened the proceedings at 7:00 p.m.




Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8943 (RZ 12-610919)

(Location:  2420 McKessock Avenue and a portion of 2400 McKessock Avenue; Applicant:  Benn Panesar)



Applicant’s Comments:



The applicant was available to answer questions.



Written Submissions:



Memorandum from the Director of Development regarding a staff referral – November 6, 2012 Planning Committee (Schedule 1)



Submissions from the floor:



Mr. Brian Cray, 10651 Bridgeport Road, had concerns with the proposal as his property shares the 10’ easement for sewer and there are no plans for how the lane will go through in the future.  The speaker indicated that if the application is approved, it may impact future development.  He suggested that this application not be approved until after the public consultation concerning development issues such as the lane extension/water and sewer right-of-way. 



Mr. Trevor Charles, 2380 McKessock Avenue, was concerned about the proposed lane taking 24’ from one side of the property decreasing the size of the development area.  It is his understanding that the water main is to follow the same course as the sewer line and that any lane/road allowance over these mains requires a minimum allowance of 10’ on each side.  Therefore, homes to the north would be required to be moved north by 24’.  He also expressed concerns regarding improvements to the roads, curbs, boulevards and pathways in the area.



Joy Goul, 10751 & 10811 Bridgeport Road, stated that presently it is inconvenient to get in and out of their properties and she and her husband are in favour of the proposed back lane access into the properties.




Mayor Brodie acknowledged the conclusion of the first round of public speakers.  Speakers then addressed Council for the second time with new information.



Mr. Charles expressed concern that these lands are to be considered for coach houses, townhouses, apartments or any combination of such and that Council has approved a plan that would see an increase of approximately 550 new residential units within the area.



Mr. Cray stated that there are new homes being constructed on the one side which limits available access through the front for future development.  The time to reserve access to the rear of the properties on Bridgeport is now or the opportunity will be lost.




It was moved and seconded



That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8943 be given second and third readings.






OPPOSED: Cllr. Halsey-Brandt  




Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8958 (RZ 12-615705)

(Location:  8280 and 8300 Granville Avenue; Applicant:  Townline Ventures Granville Avenue Ltd.)



Applicant’s Comments:



The applicant was available to answer questions.



Written Submissions:






Submissions from the floor:







It was moved and seconded



That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8958 be given second and third readings.







Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8960 (RZ 12-620766)

(Location:  9020 Bridgeport Road; Applicant:  TL Housing Solutions Ltd.)



Applicant’s Comments:



The applicant was available to answer questions.



Written Submissions:






Submissions from the floor:



Ms. Jennifer Larsen, 7688 Acheson Road, although before Council representing herself, stated that she will be reporting back to the Richmond Lion’s Ladies in relation to the Lion’s Manor.  Ms. Larsen had questions regarding the operation of the proposed facility on Bridgeport Road and expressed concern whether, in the end, Richmond will be losing care capacity with the temporary Bridgeport facility while the Lion’s Manor is being rebuilt.  The speaker was directed to the applicant in relation to the operational concerns and questions.




It was moved and seconded



That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8960 be given second and third readings.







In accordance with Section 100 of the Community Charter, Councillor Derek Dang declared himself to be in a conflict of interest as he has an interest in the subject property and left the meeting (7:40 p.m.).




Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8963 (RZ 12-613927)

(Location:  9111 Williams Road; Applicant:  Yamamoto Architecture Inc.)



Applicant’s Comments:



The applicant was available to answer questions.



Written Submissions:






Submissions from the floor:







It was moved and seconded



That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8963 be given second and third readings.








Councillor Dang returned to the meeting (7:42 p.m.).




Proposed Single-Family Lot Size Policy No. 5467 (Section 23-4-7)



Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8965 (RZ 12-617436)

(Location:  4691, 4731 and 4851 Francis Road; Applicant: Vanlux Development Inc.)



Applicant’s Comments:



The applicant was available to answer questions.



Written Submissions:




Samuel Raich, 902-4900 Francis Road (Schedule 2)




It was moved and seconded



That Single-Family Lot Size Policy No. 5467 in Section 23-4-7, adopted by Council on March 15, 1999, be amended to exclude those properties fronting Francis Road between Lancelot Gate and Railway.







It was moved and seconded



That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8965 be given second and third readings.







Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8968 (RZ 11-582929)

(Location:  7451 and 7471 No. 4 Road, a No Access Property on General Currie Road, and a Lane to be Closed; Applicant:  Matthew Cheng Architect Inc.)



Applicant’s Comments:



The applicant was available to answer questions.



Written Submissions:






Submissions from the floor:







It was moved and seconded



That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8968 be given second and third readings.











It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (7:47 p.m.).







Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting for Public Hearings of the City of Richmond held on Monday, December 17, 2012.




Mayor (Malcolm D. Brodie)


Corporate Officer

City Clerk’s Office (David Weber)