February 20, 2012 - Minutes
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General Purposes Committee
Date: |
Monday, February 20, 2012 |
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Place: |
Anderson Room Richmond City Hall |
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Present: |
Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie, Chair Councillor Chak Au Councillor Linda Barnes Councillor Derek Dang Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt Councillor Ken Johnston Councillor Bill McNulty Councillor Linda McPhail Councillor Harold Steves |
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Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. |
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It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee held on Monday, February 6, 2012, be adopted as circulated. |
1. |
2012 Health, Social and Safety Grants (File Ref. No.) (REDMS No. 3468541) | |||
A discussion took place between Lesley Sherlock, Social Planner, and Committee members, and the following was noted: | |||
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applicants had responded favourably to the shorter application form for minor grants, as well as the availability of three-year funding; | ||
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figures are rounded-up to the nearest dollar as a result of the cost of living increase and other factors, therefore some figures may appear to be out of sync such as the $1100 amount allocated to the Family Integration and Resource Support Team (FIRST). A suggestion was then made to round-up the grant amount to $1500 for FIRST; | ||
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2012 was the first year in which the grant applicants were requested to fill out the Grant Application Summary Sheet, therefore certain pieces of information that have been available in previous years, when City staff filled out the summary sheets, may have been left out; | ||
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a grant amount does not necessarily reflect the value of a group or its programs, the Grant Review Committee takes into consideration factors such as: (i) the length of time a group has been applying for grants, (ii) access to other sources of funding; and (iii) the consistency of community benefits realized by a group’s services; and | ||
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the Multicultural Helping House Society grant provides operating assistance for ongoing activities in partnership with the Chinese Mental Wellness Association of Canada. The Helping House Society no longer has an office located in Richmond, and the Society’s Richmond services are not as widely available as previously, therefore the grant amount has been reduced accordingly. | ||
With respect to future grant applications, staff was requested to review the applicants’ comments provided in the Grant Application Summary Sheet, and provide staff comments in addition to those of the applicants’. It was also noted that it would be helpful if staff provided information relating to the number of people served by the programs offered by the groups as well as how many of those served are Richmond residents. | |||
It was moved and seconded | |||
That, as per the report from the General Manager of Community Services, dated January 27, 2012, with an additional $400 to the Family Integration and Resource Support Team (FIRST): | |||
(1) |
Health, Social and Safety Services Grants be awarded for the recommended amounts, and cheques disbursed for a total of $530,637 (additional $400 included); and | ||
(2) |
The following applicants be recommended for the first year of a three-year funding cycle, based on Council approval of each subsequent year of funding: | ||
(a) |
Big Sisters of the Lower Mainland; | |
(b) |
Canadian Mental Health Association – Richmond Branch; | |
(c) |
CHIMO Crisis Services; | |
(d) |
Family Services of Greater Vancouver; | |
(e) |
Richmond Addiction Services; | |
(f) |
Richmond Family Place; | |
(g) |
Richmond Multicultural Community Services; | |
(h) |
Richmond Youth Service Agency; and | |
(i) |
Volunteer Richmond Information Services Society. | |
The question on the motion was not called as comments were made about the benefits of the City Grant Program realized by the groups, how new groups are encouraged to seek partnerships, and funding responsibilities in other jurisdictions. | |||
The question on the motion was then called, and it was CARRIED. | |||
2. |
2012 Parks, Recreation and Community Events Grants (File Ref. No. 03-1085-01/2012-Vol 01) (REDMS No. 3467295) | |||
Serena Lusk, Manager, Parks Programs, circulated a revised version of attachment 2 of the report, attached as Schedule 1, and forming part of these minutes. Ms. Lusk noted that the figure under the 2012 Proposed Awards for the Total Parks, Recreation and Community Events Requests, had changed to $94,224. | |||
A discussion then ensued about: | |||
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the feasibility of changing the grant amounts allocated to: (i) the Richmond Agricultural and Industrial Society from $7,247 to $7,250; and (ii) KidSport - Richmond Chapter from $6,212 to $6,250; | ||
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the feasibility of awarding a grant to the Richmond Rockets Speed Skating Club; | ||
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the eligibility for a three-year funding cycle. It was noted that an applicant must have received a grant in each of the previous five years to be eligible; | ||
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the proposed $3000 grant award to the Steveston Community Society. It was noted that the funds would allow the Society to hire staff to plan and raise further funding for the Sockeye Spin road race; and | ||
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how the grant monies to KidSport are used for registration only. It was noted that KidSport receives support and contributions from other community organizations, including schools, the Rotary Club, and various sports teams. | ||
It was moved and seconded | |||
(1) |
That: | ||
(a) |
the Richmond Agricultural and Industrial Society be awarded a total grant amount of $7,250; | |
(b) |
KidSport - Richmond Chapter be awarded a total grant amount of $6,250; | |
(c) |
an additional grant of $500 be awarded to the Richmond Rockets Speed Skating Club; | |
for a total additional increase of $541; | |||
(2) |
That Parks, Recreation and Community Events Grants be allocated and cheques disbursed for a total of $94,765 (additional $541 grants included); as identified in attachment 2 of the report, Parks, Recreation and Community Events City Grants dated February 2nd 2012, from the Senior Manager, Parks and the Acting Director, Recreation; and | ||
(3) |
That the Richmond Summer Programs be recommended for the first year of a three-year funding cycle, based on Council approval of each subsequent year of funding. | ||
3. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Capstan Station Capital Reserve Fund Establishment Bylaw No. 8854 be introduced and given first, second and third reading. |
Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt inquired about the status of the follow-up on the new Terms of Reference for the Child Care Development Grant Program which was revised to expand their ability to recommend grants for more than minor capital expenses. |
Staff advised that the Childcare Statutory Reserve fund was originally established for capital expenses only, and that the matter must be reviewed to expand the uses of the fund. The process may involve a bylaw amendment. Staff also advised that a report on the matter is forthcoming to the March 6, 2012 Planning Committee meeting. |
De Whalen, 13631 Blundell Road, stated that she was speaking on behalf of the Richmond Poverty Response Committee, and thanked the City for the $5,000 grant. Ms. Whalen then spoke about the Rental Connect Project, noting that the Project’s aim was to connect low income tenants with landlords with a social conscience. She also stated that there was a need to educate and engage landlords to address the gap in housing for low income tenants. Prior to conclusion, Ms. Whalen expressed concerns about how the Committee has had difficulties finding City venues at no charge to host workshops and educational seminars, and asked if it was possible for the City to provide venues for such events in-kind. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (4:53 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Monday, February 20, 2012. |
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Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie Chair |
Shanan Dhaliwal Executive Assistant City Clerk’s Office |