July 21, 2008 - Minutes

General Purposes Committee
Date: |
Monday, July 21, 2008 |
Place: |
Anderson Room |
Present: |
Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie, Chair |
Absent: |
Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. |
The Chair suggested that discussion on Item 2, regarding business licensing of taxicabs in Richmond would take place after discussion on Items 3 through 5. |
As a result, the following motion was introduced: |
It was moved and seconded |
That Item 2 (Business Licensing of Class A and Class N Taxicabs in Richmond) be discussed after discussion of Items 3 through 5. |
1. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee held on Monday, July 7, 2008, be adopted as circulated. |
2. |
BUSINESS LICENSING OF CLASS A AND CLASS N TAXICABS IN RICHMOND (See page 4 for action taken on this matter.) |
3. |
RICHMOND YACHT CLUB - LIQUOR PRIMARY – CLUB LICENCE APPLICATION (Report: July 10, 2008, File No.: 01-0060-20-RYAC1, xr: 12-8275-05) (REDMS No. 2477235) |
It was moved and seconded |
That a letter be sent to the Manager of the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch indicating the City's support for the application by the Richmond Yacht Club to obtain a Liquor Primary - Club License. |
4. |
CORPORATE SUSTAINABILITY INITIATIVE – PROGRESS UPDATE (Report: July 14, 2008, File No.: 10-6125-07-01) (REDMS No. 2478482) | |
It was moved and seconded | |
That the Corporate Sustainability Initiative – Progress Update report (dated July 14, 2008 from the Manager of Sustainability) be received for information. | |
The question on the motion was not called, as discussion ensued between Committee and Margot Daykin, Sustainability Manager, on: | |
· |
after the City has established a Richmond-specific overarching management framework that coordinates and integrates all corporate sustainability plans, the City can better ascertain how its framework is compatible with those of other agencies, such as Metro Vancouver; |
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how best to inform and educate residents on the corporate sustainability initiative through such communication vehicles as the City web site; |
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after internal practices are established, the next phase is to take the initiative to the community, in approximately one year’s time, recognizing that the core function of the initiative is community-based; |
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the City is leading by example and when the internal sustainability template has been established it will enhance how the community receives the information; |
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Committee will see future reports that explore a climate change initiative, as well as an impact and strategy policy, in early 2009; |
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the City’s range of action to advance local community sustainability includes the City’s Affordable Housing Strategy, which can be used to address the issue of Richmond’s homeless population. |
The question on the motion was then called, and it was CARRIED. |
5. |
2008 RICHMOND CITY GRANT PROGRAM (Report: July 9, 2008, File No.: 03-1085-01) (REDMS No. 2474049, 160199, 2262037, 2474630, 2438700, 2443139, 2447338) | |
In response to queries Terry Crowe, Manager, Policy Planning and Lesley Sherlock, Social Planner advised that: | |
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if grant funds are unallocated they go back into the general revenue account; |
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there is no separate form, or requirements, for organizations seeking small grants due to the City’s accountability requirements being consistent for small grants and large grants; |
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the application process is more detailed than in the past; |
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the new application form will be used in October, 2008 and thereafter staff can ascertain the success of the new format; |
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the grant application includes checklists and tables that require specificity regarding such things as: (i) benefits, (ii) budgets, and (iii) partnerships; |
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an annual cost of living increase has been factored into the program; |
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the new City Grant Program will be implemented in the fall of 2008 for the 2009 grants. |
The Chair thanked the team comprising staff and Councillors Linda Barnes and Evelina Halsey-Brand for their review of the City Grant Program. | |
It was moved and seconded | |
That: | |
(1) |
the existing City Grant Policy 3705 (Attachment 1) and existing Grant Application Form (Attachment 2) be rescinded, and |
(2) |
the proposed 2008 Richmond Grant Program (Attachment 3) be adopted. |
2. |
BUSINESS LICENSING OF CLASS A AND CLASS N TAXICABS IN RICHMOND (Report: July 2, 2008, File No.: 12-8060-20-7360/8407, 12-8275-02) (REDMS No. 2470991) | |
The Chair made reference to a letter submitted by Sam S. Hundal, Secretary, Garden City Cabs, received by the City on July 21, 2008, advising that representatives from Garden City Cabs would attend the General Purposes meeting to answer Committee’s questions. A copy of this correspondence is on file in the City Clerk’s Office. | |
At the request of the Chair, the following delegations came forward: | |
Bill McLaughlin, a lawyer representing Richmond Taxicabs, advised that the Passenger Transportation Board’s (PTB) decision to grant a permit to Garden City Cabs to operate a fleet of 20 Class A taxis, and 10 Class N (wheelchair accessible) taxis would create an economic problem for Richmond Taxicabs. | |
He concluded his remarks by adding that the addition of 30 taxis on Richmond’s roads represents an increase of 85% of the taxis currently serving Richmond, and that this increase would translate into less income for the independent owner/operators of Richmond Taxicabs. | |
Parmjit Randhawa, Director, Garden City Cabs, accompanied by Surinderjit Hundal, Secretary, Garden City Cabs, stated that an increase in taxi service is necessary to improve the existing taxi service in the City and to meet the needs of residents who require an accessible taxicab. He stated that Garden City Cabs had held discussions on the need for more taxicabs, as well as accessible taxicabs, with such stakeholders as Tourism Richmond, the Richmond Chamber of Commerce and the Richmond Disability Centre. | |
Mr. Randhawa stated that at its public hearings in late 2007 and early 2008, the PTB had had heard from the three companies that service Richmond, and had carefully and thoroughly considered Garden City Cabs’ application for 30 taxicabs and had ruled in favour of Garden City Cabs’ application. | |
Discussion then took place with the delegation during which, in response to questions, the following information was provided: | |
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Garden City Cabs can guarantee that a disabled person will have access to its Class N taxis due to the company’s financial incentive of paying Class N drivers 5% more than those drivers with Class A taxicabs; |
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drivers for Garden City Cabs are employees of the shareholder-owned company, while Richmond Taxicab drivers are owners/operators of their vehicles; |
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taxicab companies in the Lower Mainland are not aware of any Provincial legislation regarding provision of child seats in taxis; |
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particular taxicab companies do not own the colour yellow; yellow is the traditional colour of taxicabs throughout North America, and companies are free to choose the colour, or the shade of yellow, for their fleet of vehicles; |
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Garden City Cabs’ jurisdiction is within the City of Richmond, and they are limited to pick-ups in Richmond and cannot undertake pick-ups in Vancouver. |
Ms. Jessie Gill, President of Kimber Cabs addressed Committee and stated that (i) Kimber Cabs has a fleet of 18 vehicles, (ii) its contract is with the Vancouver International Airport, and (iii) the nature of its contract does not mean that the company has abandoned Richmond residents’ taxicab needs. | |
She advised that her company has met with groups in Richmond, such as the Richmond Disability Centre, to inquire about the needs of the disabled and to address their needs and learn how to work together. | |
Ms. Gill concluded by reporting that Kimber Cabs applied to the PTB for 10 taxicabs and that it is premature for Garden City Cabs to put 30 taxicabs on the road. | |
The Chair thanked the delegations and discussion took place among Committee members, Amarjeet S. Rattan, Director, Corporate Programs Management Group and Victor Wei, Director, Transportation on: | |
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it is the PTB, not the City, that decides the minimum ratio of Class A to Class N licences; |
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whether there should be a transition phase for the absorption of 30 new taxicabs on Richmond’s road and staff’s opinion that it is not problematic to have 30 newly licensed taxicabs on the road; |
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staff investigated taxicab services in surrounding municipalities and concluded that Richmond is underserved by approximately 40 taxicabs; |
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the PTB takes applications from taxicab companies at any time and it is the responsibility of each taxicab company to demonstrate a need for more taxicabs in order to support their own application; |
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the presence of the Vancouver International Airport in Richmond makes the City’s taxicab needs unique; Richmond’s taxicab needs will be increased by the 2010 Olympic as well as the growth of the City Centre population; |
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as Richmond moves more toward a transit-oriented model, with the accompanying reduction of private car usage, the availability of taxicab services play a key role. |
It was moved and seconded | |
That Business Licence Bylaw 7360, Amendment Bylaw No. 8407, to increase the number of vehicles permitted to operate under Class A and Class N, be introduced and given first, second and third readings. | |
The question on the motion was not called as discussion continued. The Chair clarified that the motion would approve new City business licenses, and that the PTB is responsible for the issuance of taxi permits. Staff noted that under the Community Charter, Council has the right to set caps on the number of business licences it grants. General agreement was expressed that the existing number of taxicabs on the road does not adequately serve Richmond. | |
The question on the motion was then called, and it was CARRIED. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (5:11 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Monday, July 21, 2008. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie |
Sheila Johnston Committee Clerk |