June 14, 2023 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes

Development Permit Panel

Wednesday, June 14, 2023


3:30 p.m.


Remote (Zoom) Meeting


Cecilia Achiam, General Manager, Community Safety, Acting Chair
John Hopkins, Acting General Manager, Planning and Development

James Cooper, Director, Building Approvals

The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m.




It was moved and seconded


That the minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel held on Wednesday, May 10, 2023, be adopted.





(REDMS No. 7106166)




Gordon Chan




12551 No. 1 Road







Permit the replacement of all the existing single-glazed windows with new double-glazed windows, the replacement of two doors on the front (north) elevation and the removal of the overhead garage door on the rear (south) elevation at 12551 No. 1 Road; and



Vary the provision of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to reduce the minimum front yard setback to the garbage and recycling enclosure from 3.0 m to 0 m.


Applicant’s Comments


Gordon Chan, McCuaig and Associates Engineering, with the aid of a visual presentation (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 1), provided background information on the proposal, including its site context and site layout, proposed changes to the existing Fisheries and Oceans Canada office building, proposed accessory structure, and proposed materials and colours, highlighting the following:



the existing single-glazed windows will be replaced with new aluminum windows with double-glazed security glazing;



the two existing single-pane glass doors will be replaced with double-pane glass doors;



the overhead door at the south elevation will be removed and infilled with vinyl siding that matches the existing siding;



a new garbage and recycling enclosure will be installed at the northwest corner of the property; and



the materials and colours for the proposed changes are consistent with the character of the existing building.


Staff Comments


Wayne Craig, Director, Development, noted that (i) the proposed replacement of doors and windows would improve the overall appearance and energy efficiency of the building, (ii) the proposal was reviewed and endorsed by the Richmond Heritage Commission, and (iii) staff support the proposed front yard setback variance as the new garbage and recycling enclosure would enhance the appearance of the streetscape.


Panel Discussion


In reply to a query from the Panel, Mr. Craig confirmed that (i) the encroachment of the existing parking area of the subject property onto City land will be dealt with separately, and (ii) there is no issue with the height of the proposed garbage and recycling enclosure. 




Sigrid Stobie, 139-4280 Moncton Street (Schedule 2)


Mr. Craig noted that Ms. Stobie sought more information regarding the proposal but did not express any concerns. Also, he stated that staff contacted Ms. Stobie and was provided background information on the proposal.


Gallery Comments




Panel Discussion


The Panel expressed support for the project, noting that the proposed changes to the existing office building and the proposed garbage and recycling enclosure would enhance the overall appearance of the building and the streetscape.


Panel Decision


It was moved and seconded


That a Development Permit be issued which would:



permit the replacement of all the existing single-glazed windows with new double-glazed windows, the replacement of two doors on the front (north) elevation and the removal of the overhead garage door on the rear (south) elevation at 12551 No. 1 Road; and



vary the provision of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to reduce the minimum front yard setback to the garbage and recycling enclosure from 3.0 m to 0 m.





  (REDMS No. 7049603)



Gradual Architecture Inc.




6520 Williams Road







Permit the construction of eight townhouse units at 6520 Williams Road on a site zoned “Low Density Townhouses (RTL4)”; and




Vary the provision of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to reduce the minimum required lot width from 40.0 m to 36.6 m.



Applicant’s Comments


Ian Guan, Gradual Architecture, Inc., with the aid of a visual presentation (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 3), provided background information on the proposed development including its site context, site layout, architectural design, building elevations, floor plan, and proposed exterior cladding materials, highlighting the following:



the proposed development consists of eight three-storey townhouse units in two buildings;



the proposed shared driveway on the subject site will provide vehicular access to and from the subject site and the adjacent future development to the east through a statutory right-of-way secured at rezoning;



each unit will be provided with two parking spaces in the unit’s garage, with a side-by-side arrangement for the end units and tandem arrangement for the middle units;



a rooftop deck is proposed for each of the four end units; and



large windows are proposed to allow maximum sun exposure to the units, enhance cross ventilation and maximize views to the neighbouring school park.


Denitsa Dimitrova, PMG Landscape Architects, with the aid of the same visual presentation, briefed the Panel on the main landscaping features of the project, noting that (i) landscaping for the project has been designed to incorporate existing trees identified for retention, (ii) the Magnolia tree in the proposed outdoor amenity area will be retained and protected, (iii) all construction works within the tree protection zone will be done under arborist supervision, (iv) the proposed installation of low aluminum transparent fence along the frontage would improve the streetscape, (v) fencing will be installed to provide privacy between units in the proposed development and between the proposed development and adjacent developments, (vi) two pieces of play equipment are proposed for the children’s play area for younger children in different age groups providing multiple play opportunities, and (vii) permeable paving treatment is proposed at the site entry and on visitor parking stalls.


Staff Comments


Mr. Craig noted that (i) there is Servicing Agreement associated with the project for frontage works along Williams Road and site servicing connections, (ii) the proposed technical variance associated with the project and related to the site assembly was noted at rezoning and no concerns were expressed, (iii) the project has been designed to achieve the BC Energy Step Code 3, which includes the installation of heat pumps for heating and cooling, and (iv) the heat pump units will comply with the City’s Noise Bylaw requirements.


Panel Discussion


In reply to queries from the Panel, the applicant acknowledged that (i) the services of energy consultants will be engaged at the Building Permit stage to confirm the project’s compliance with the BC Energy Step Code 3, (ii) appropriate type of heat pumps will be installed to meet with the City’s Noise Bylaw requirements, (iii) access to the rooftop decks has been designed to avoid protruding structures on the rooftop, (iv) rooftop decks will only be provided for the end units and are integrated within the roof, (v) all townhouse units are three-bedrooms units with sizes ranging from approximately 1,200 and 1,500 square feet, (vi) the existing grade within the tree protection zone will be maintained to protect the retained trees, and (vii) proposed exterior lighting on building walls will not spill over onto the adjacent school park.


In reply to queries from the Panel, Mr. Craig noted that (i) the proposed shared driveway will also provide vehicular access to and from the future development to the east, (ii) the proposed truck turn-around area on the subject site has been designed so that it can be converted to additional outdoor amenity space when it is no longer required should the adjacent property to the east be redeveloped in the future, and (iii) the proposed development will not include secondary suites; however, the applicant is providing a cash-in-lieu contribution to the Affordable Housing Reserve Fund in keeping with the City’s Affordable Housing Strategy.






Gallery Comments




Panel Discussion


The Panel expressed support for the project, noting that (i) it provides different sizes of units, and (ii) the proposed design of the project accommodates the future redevelopment of the adjacent property to the east.


Panel Decision


It was moved and seconded


That a Development Permit be issued which would:



permit the construction of eight townhouse units at 6520 Williams Road on a site zoned “Low Density Townhouses (RTL4)”; and



vary the provision of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to reduce the minimum required lot width from 40.0 m to 36.6 m.




New Business




Date of Next Meeting:     June 28, 2023




It was moved and seconded


That the meeting adjourn (4:05 p.m.).




Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Wednesday, June 14, 2023.



Cecilia Achiam
Acting Chair

Rustico Agawin
Committee Clerk