April 24, 2013 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes

Development Permit Panel

Wednesday, April 24, 2013




3:30 p.m.


Council Chambers
Richmond City Hall


Robert Gonzalez, Chair
Dave Semple, General Manager, Community Services
John Irving, Director, Engineering


The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m.





It was moved and seconded


That the minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel held on Wednesday, April 10, 2013, be adopted.





Development Permit DP 12-603913

(File Ref. No.:  DP 12-603913)  (REDMS No. 3718340)



0908206 BC Ltd.




9500, 9520 and 9540 Granville Avenue







To permit the construction of a 16 unit townhouse on a site zoned “Medium Density Townhouses (RMT2)”; and



To vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to increase the Maximum Lot Coverage from 40% to 45%.



Applicant’s Comments


Eric Law, Eric Law Architect Inc., provided the following information regarding the proposed development:


§  the proposed project is for a 16 unit two (2) storey townhouse development designed to transition from the existing single-family dwellings to the east, the three (3) storey townhouses to the west, and the two (2) storey townhouse to the south;


§  the units are broken into two or three unit groupings with the form, feel, and scale appearing more closely to single-family or duplex housing;


§  layered articulation and the use of a variety of materials and colour create visual interest;


§  there will be extensive landscaping along Granville Avenue and Ash Street including the retention of three (3) large trees at the southwest corner of the site and one street tree along Granville Avenue; and


§  the large outdoor amenity space exceeds the Zoning Bylaw requirements and contains a child’s play area, seating and lawn space.


Panel Discussion


In response to a query it was noted that the outdoor amenity space is essentially divided into two parts, a large lawn area closest to Granville Avenue and a child’s play area.  The two areas are divided by a trellised seating area.


The Panel suggested that the applicant’s Landscape Architect work with staff to improve the features included in the outdoor amenity space.



Staff Comments


Wayne Craig, Director of Development, noted that the variance associated with the development was primarily the result of the two (2) storey massing.  To offset the increased lot coverage there is substantial permeable paving introduced to the site along the drive aisles to assist water infiltration.  Additionally, there will be frontage improvements on Granville Avenue and Ash Street.  All units have two car side by side garages.  As a point of clarification, Mr. Craig advised that the project includes a convertible unit that has been designed to allow for the conversion of the unit to an accessible unit.


In response to queries it was noted that the Zoning Bylaw provides for a three (3) storey development with a maximum height of 12 metres.  The proposed development has a proposed height of approximately 9 metres.  Mr. Craig further noted that Attachment 3 of the report was correspondence received at the public hearing and confirmed that the trees being retained on the site are the same as those identified at the public hearing.








Gallery Comments





Panel Discussion


The Panel was supportive of the development and recommended that the applicant and the Landscape Architect work with staff to improve the features included in the outdoor amenity space.



Panel Decision


It was moved and seconded


That a Development Permit be issued which would:



Permit the construction of a 16 unit townhouse at 9500, 9520 and 9540 Granville Avenue on a site zoned “Medium Density Townhouses (RMT2)”; and



Vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to increase the Maximum Lot Coverage from 40% to 45%.





Development Permit DP 13-631971

(File Ref. No.:  DP 13-631971)  (REDMS No. 3826077)



Baljit Dhillon




10880 Granville Avenue






To permit the construction of a septic field that will partially encroach into an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) in the rear of the property, zoned Agricultural District (AG1).



Applicant’s Comments


Karla Graf, Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd., provided the following information regarding the application:


§  the applicant investigated placing the septic field in the northern part of the property, however, it was not possible due to the Riparian Management Area (ditch) that runs along the front portion of the property;


§  to build the septic field at the rear of the property there will be an encroachment into the Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA);


§  two (2) trees will need to be removed to accommodate the septic field;


§  in lieu of the removed trees there will be additional tree and shrub plantings throughout the remaining ESA area; and


§  there is an approximate encroachment of 30 square metres to the ESA area.



Staff Comments


Mr. Craig noted that staff requested the applicant to investigate the placement of the septic field in the front yard to avoid the encroachment into the ESA.  Staff received correspondence from the Consulting Engineer outlining the criteria as to why it was not possible to place the septic field in the front of the property.


In response to a query it was noted that the land is not being removed from the ESA rather this application, if approved, would allow the encroachment of the septic field into the ESA.  It was further noted that there may be five (5) smaller lots in the immediate area that may encounter this same situation upon development.



Panel Discussion


In reply to a query Mr. Dale Badh, the applicant’s representative, advised that the septic bed would be raised by approximate two-feet.  The septic field would be covered with grass and various plantings.








Gallery Comments





Panel Decision


It was moved and seconded


That a Development Permit be issued which would permit the construction of a septic field that will partially encroach into an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) in the rear of a property at 10880 Granville Avenue, zoned Agricultural District (AG1).





New Business



Date Of Next Meeting:  Wednesday, May 15, 2013





It was moved and seconded


That the meeting be adjourned at 3:58 p.m.





Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Wednesday, April 24, 2013.



Robert Gonzalez

Heather Howey
Acting Committee Clerk