January 14, 2009 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes

Development Permit Panel

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


3:30 p.m.


Council Chambers

Richmond City Hall


Robert Gonzalez, Chair

Mike Kirk, General Manager, Corporate Services

Andrew Nazareth, General Manager, Business & Financial Services

The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m.



It was moved and seconded

That the minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel held on Wednesday, December 10, 2008, be adopted.



Development Permit 06-335428
(Report: December 16, 2008 File No.: 06-335428) (REDMS No. 2522856)


Timothy C.W. Tse


5640 & 5660 Blundell Road



To permit the construction of 16 townhouse units at 5660 & 5640 Blundell Road on a site zoned Townhouse District (R2 – 0.7); and


To vary the provisions of the Zoning and Development Bylaw No. 5300 to:


Decrease the front yard setback from 6 m (19.685 ft.) to 4.5 m (14.76 ft.); and


Increase the maximum permitted lot coverage from 40% to 41.2%.

Applicant’s Comments

Timothy Tse, applicant and designer, accompanied by Masa Ito, landscape architect, addressed the panel and highlighted the following features of the proposed development:


sixteen proposed townhouses are divided into eight separate building structures; most of the building structures are duplexes, while the remaining ones are single family townhouses and one triplex;


the proposed townhouses, surrounded by single-family dwellings, were designed to assure the townhouses fit well with the surrounding single-family dwellings in the neighbourhood of Blundell Road at Clearwater Drive; ten of the townhouse units are two stories, and the remainder are 2.5 storeys;


the requested variance to decrease the front yard setback resulted from the road dedication for road widening and would create a greater rear yard setback for the rear units, which would more effectively separate them from the rear yards of the surrounding single-family dwellings;


the requested variance to increase lot coverage resulted from lowering the development’s building height to mostly two storeys and 2.5 storey maximum. The lower building height created a better fit for the development with the surrounding single-family homes;


one unit has been designed for future conversion to ensure easy access for aged or handicapped residents; the width of the stairs allows for a future stairlift, if necessary, and the kitchen and the bathrooms can accommodate wheelchairs;


townhouse units facing Blundell Road feature grade level individual front entrances and are easily identifiable.

Masa Ito provided the following information regarding landscaping features:


green features along Blundell Road include both trees and a cedar hedgerow;


green space has been maximized where possible along the internal drive aisle;


rear yards have been designed to be practical, useable space for residents; as many trees as possible have been retained in these areas;


large hedges have been retained at the back of the site.

Staff Comments

Brian Jackson, Director of Development, advised that staff supported the development permit and the variances requested for the proposed project. He further advised that the project involved two properties that had proceeded separately through the rezoning process. This was a result of the developer having added an additional property after the originally application (at 5660 Blundell Road) had proceeded to the March, 2006 Public Hearing.

Mr. Jackson stated that since the March, 2006 Public Hearing, during which a resident who lived in a single-family dwelling behind the proposed townhouse development had raised concerns regarding: (i) potential construction noise, (ii) privacy/adjacency, and (iii) traffic safety along Blundell Road, the applicant had successfully addressed the concerns. The applicant would: (i) adhere to the City’s good neighbour policy with regard to hours of construction on site, and (ii) submit a transportation plan to the City.

With regard to the applicant’s request for variances, Mr. Jackson noted that:


the front yard setback decrease from 6 metres to 4.5 metres would provide the maximum amount of privacy to residents living behind the proposed townhouses; and


the increase of the maximum permitted lot coverage from 40% to 41.2% was a modest increase to the permitted coverage, and the form and character of the proposed building structures respond well to the 2 storey and 2.5 storey units.

Mr. Jackson stated that the landscaping plan submitted by the applicant identified 12 bylaw size trees for removal, 30 replacement trees were to be planted on site, and three trees and a hedge to be retained.

In closing, Mr. Jackson commented that the driveway would provide access to the three lots to the east. The driveway featured permeable pavers, a sustainable feature, and that the applicant would enter into a cross access easement agreement to secure the access for future development.



Gallery Comments


Panel Discussion

In response to a query regarding the outdoor amenity feature, Mr. Ito advised that:


the amenity feature includes: (i) children’s play equipment, including a slide, (ii) a seating area, (iii) a garden, and (iv) lattice-work located between adjacent hard surfaces; and


the amenity feature is located in the centre of the development and is fenced to provide security and safety.

In response to a further query, regarding accessibility features, Mr. Tse advised that in addition to a wide staircase to accommodate a stairlift, the main floor of the one adaptable townhouse unit is designed with a larger bathroom so that it can be easily converted. The main floor kitchen accommodates a wheelchair turning radius and is also easily converted.

Panel Decision

It was moved and seconded

That a Development Permit be issued which would:


Permit the construction of 16 townhouse units at 5660 & 5640 Blundell Road on a site zoned Townhouse District (R2 – 0.7); and


Vary the provisions of the Zoning and Development Bylaw No. 5300 to:


Decrease the front yard setback from 6 m (19.685 ft.) to 4.5 m (14.76 ft.); and


Increase the maximum permitted lot coverage from 40% to 41.2%.




It was moved and seconded

That the meeting be adjourned at 3:41 p.m.


Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Wednesday, January 14, 2009.



Robert Gonzalez


Sheila Johnston

Committee Clerk