December 6, 2021 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes

Regular Council

Monday, December 6, 2021


Council Chambers
Richmond City Hall


Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie
Councillor Chak Au (by teleconference)
Councillor Carol Day (by teleconference) 
Councillor Andy Hobbs 
Councillor Alexa Loo 
Councillor Bill McNulty 
Councillor Linda McPhail 
Councillor Harold Steves (by teleconference) 
Councillor Michael Wolfe (by teleconference)

Corporate Officer – Claudia Jesson

Call to Order:

Mayor Brodie called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.









It was moved and seconded







the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on November 22, 2021, be adopted as circulated; and





the Metro Vancouver ‘Board in Brief’ dated November 26, 2021, be received for information.










It was moved and seconded



That Council resolve into Committee of the Whole to hear delegations on agenda items (7:00 p.m.).






Delegations from the floor on Agenda items



Item No. 14 – 2021–2031 Collaborative Action Plan to Reduce and Prevent Poverty in Richmond



Deborah Turner, representing the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition, referred to her letter submission to Council (Copy on-file, City Clerk’s Office), and noted the Coalition’s support for the City’s proposed Action Plan to Reduce and Prevent Poverty in Richmond.



Item No. 18 – Application by Polygon Talisman Park Ltd. to Create the “Residential / Limited Commercial (ZMU47) – Capstan Village (City Centre)” Zone, and to Rezone the Site at 8671, 8731, 8771, 8831/8851 Cambie Road, 8791 Cambie Road/3600 Sexsmith Road, and 3480, 3500, 3520, 3540/3560 Sexsmith Road from the “Single Detached (RS1/F)” Zone to the “Residential / Limited Commercial (ZMU47) – Capstan Village (City Centre)” Zone



John Roston, representing the Richmond Rental Housing Advocacy Group, commented on the proposed development, and raised concern with regard to the limited availability of market rental housing in Richmond in relation to the growing population. He encouraged the City to seek additional provisions supporting rental housing in upcoming developments.



It was moved and seconded



That Committee rise and report (7:08 p.m.).









It was moved and seconded



That Items No. 6 through No. 14 be adopted by general consent.










That the minutes of:




the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee meeting held on November 23, 2021;




the General Purposes Committee meeting held on November 29, 2021;




the Finance Committee  meeting held on November 29, 2021; and




the Planning Committee meeting held on November 30, 2021;



be received for information.







(File Ref. No. 12-8125-90-01) (REDMS No. 6786510)




That a divisional-voting approach to the 2022 election, which is consistent with the current Civic Election Administration and Procedure Bylaw No. 7244, and as generally described in the staff report dated November 4, 2021 from the Director, City Clerk’s Office, be approved; and




That mail ballot eligibility be expanded to all electors in Richmond, as noted in Option 2 of the staff report titled, “Advance Planning for the 2022 Election”, dated November 4, 2021, from the Director, City Clerk’s Office.






December Council meeting Schedule 
(File Ref. No. 01-0105-01)



That the Regular (Open and Closed) Council Meeting scheduled for December 20, 2021 be cancelled and that a Special (Open and Closed) Council Meeting be scheduled for December 15, 2021.






Alternative Sources of Funding Referral Response 
(File Ref. No. 03-0905-01; 06-2052-25-SCCR1) (REDMS No. 6781671)




That the funding strategy Option 3 and the external borrowing Option C as outlined in the staff report titled “Alternative Sources of Funding Referral Response” be endorsed;




That staff be directed to prepare a report for external borrowing of $95 million for the Steveston Community Centre and Branch Library Capital Project; and




That the Consolidated 5 Year Financial Plan (2022-2026) be amended accordingly.






2022 Operating and Capital Budgets for Richmond Public Library 
(File Ref. No. 03-0970-01; 01-0155-01) (REDMS No. 6787546; 6800149)



That the 2022 Richmond Public Library budget of $10,396,100 as presented in Attachment 1 from the Chief Librarian and the Secretary to the Board, be approved.






2022 Proposed Capital Budget 
(File Ref. No. 03-0970-01) (REDMS No. 6642826)




That the 2022 Proposed Capital Budget as presented in Appendix totaling $107,762,191 be approved; and




That the 2022 Proposed Capital Budget as approved be included in the Consolidated 5 Year Financial Plan (2022-2026).






2022 One-Time Expenditures 
(File Ref. No. 03-0970-01) (REDMS No. 6768096)



Please see page 6 for action on this item.



Application by Richard Zhang for Rezoning at 8211 No. 3 Road from the “Single Detached (RS1/E)” Zone to the “Compact Single Detached (RC2)” Zone 
(File Ref. No. RZ 20-908348; 12-8060-20-010308) (REDMS No. 6766903; 6766849)




That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 10308, for the rezoning of 8211 No. 3 Road from the “Single Detached (RS1/E)” zone to the “Compact Single Detached (RC2)” zone, be introduced and given first reading.






2021–2031 Collaborative Action Plan to Reduce and Prevent Poverty in Richmond 
(File Ref. No. 08-4055-08) (REDMS No. 6754531)




That the 2021–2031 Collaborative Action Plan to Reduce and Prevent Poverty in Richmond as outlined in the staff report titled, “2021–2031 Collaborative Action Plan to Reduce and Prevent Poverty in Richmond,” dated October 25, 2021, from the Director, Community Social Development, be adopted.











2022 One-Time Expenditures 
(File Ref. No. 03-0970-01; 06-2345-20-ILAN1; 06-02345-20-BRIT1; 05-1830-01) (REDMS No. 6775968)



It was moved and seconded



That the one-time expenditures totaling $1,799,521 as outlined in Table 1 of the 2022 One-Time Expenditures staff report, be approved with funding from the Rate Stabilization Account and included in the Consolidated 5 Year Financial Plan (2022-2026).



The question on the motion was not called as discussion ensued with regard to reviewing the proposed budget allocated for the 2022 General Local Election and examining potential cost savings.



In reply to queries from Council, staff noted that the unused portion of the budget allocated for the 2021 Richmond By-Election will be put towards the 2022 Election proposed budget. Also, staff added that additional considerations such as additional voting locations, mail ballots, and COVID-19 safety measures were incorporated into the proposed 2022 Election budget.



Discussion then ensued with regard to resources proposed to update the City’s Social Development Strategy, and staff noted that a portion of the proposed budget will be allocated for community engagement activities during the development process.



The question on the motion was then called, and it was CARRIED.






Councillor Harold Steves, Chair



Waterfront Coordinator Position for Britannia Shipyards and Imperial Landing 
(File Ref. No. 11-7141-01) (REDMS No. 6766200; 6686627)



It was moved and seconded



That Option 1, funding for the one-time expense of $84,871 for a temporary Waterfront Coordinator position, be considered in the 2022 budget process as detailed in the staff report titled “Waterfront Coordinator Position for Britannia Shipyards and Imperial Landing,” dated October 15, 2021 , from the Director, Arts, Culture and Heritage Services and the Director, Parks.



The question on the motion was not called as discussion ensued with regard to moorage activities along Britannia Shipyards and Imperial Landing and the proposed development of a cost sharing agreement with the Britannia Shipyards National Historic Site Society.



The question on the motion was then called and it was CARRIED.



Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie, Chair



Application To Amend Food Primary Liquor Licence #179381 – Tang Vietnamese Restaurant & Bar Ltd at 180 - 8611 Alexandra Road 
(File Ref. No. 12-8275-30-001) (REDMS No. 6779679)



It was moved and seconded




That the application from Tang Vietnamese Restaurant & Bar Ltd., for an amendment to Food Primary Licence #179381, requesting an increase to their hours of liquor service from Monday to Saturday, 11:00 AM to 1:00 AM and Sunday, 11:00 AM to Midnight, to Monday to Sunday, 11:00 AM to 2:00 AM, be supported, with no change to the total person capacity which will remain the same at 72 Occupants; and




That a letter be sent to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch, which includes the information attached as Appendix A (Attachment 1), advising that Council recommends the approval of the licence amendment for the reason that this amendment has been determined, following public consultation, to be acceptable in the area and community.



The question on the motion was not called as discussion ensued with regard to conducting additional community consultation, and as a result, the following referral motion  was introduced:



It was moved and seconded



That the staff report titled, “Application to Amend Food Primary Liquor Licence #179381 – Tang Vietnamese Restaurant & Bar Ltd at 180 - 8611 Alexandra Road”, dated October 27, 2021, from the General Manager, Community Safety, be referred back to staff for additional public consultation, and report back.



Opposed: Mayor Brodie and 
Cllrs. Au 



The question on the main motion was then called, and it was CARRIED with Cllrs. Day and Wolfe opposed.



Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie, Chair



2022 Proposed Operating Budget 
(File Ref. No. 03-0970-01) (REDMS No. 6642866 v. 14)



Mayor Brodie noted that there was agreement to deal with the Fire-Rescue portion of the Proposed 2022 Operating Budget separately.



It was moved and seconded




That the 2022 Proposed Operating Budget (City-Wide excluding Fire-Rescue) as presented in Budget Option 2 (City-Wide excluding Fire-Rescue) for a total of 3.57% be approved as outlined below:





a same level of service budget increase of $2,617,515 after tax growth with a tax increase of 1.02% be approved; and





transfer to reserves for Investment in Community Facilities as per Council’s Long Term Financial Management Strategy for 2022 in the amount of $2,553,659 with a tax increase of 1.00% be approved; and





senior level government and other government agency increase of $7,677,745 with a tax increase of 3.01% be approved; and





emerging organizational additional levels in the amount of $63,200 as presented in Attachment 8 of the staff report titled 2022 Proposed Operating Budget with a tax increase of 0.02% be approved; and





Council previously approved contract commitment of $382,580 with a tax increase of 0.15% be approved; and





operating budget impacts totalling $506,126 with a tax increase of 0.20% be approved; and





that the 2021 operating surplus be used to reduce the impact of RCMP unionization cost for a total of $4,666,667 resulting in a tax decrease of 1.83% be approved; and



The question on the motion was not called as discussion ensued with regard to (i) minimizing the tax impact and the impact of inflation on the overall budget, (ii) anticipating costs related to the unionization of the RCMP,
(iii) comparing Richmond tax rates with other municipalities in the region, (iv) setting aside the proposed 1% of the operating budget to reserves, and
(v) utilizing reserve funds for future projects such as dike and drainage infrastructure improvements.



In reply to queries from Council, staff noted that funds have been allocated to offset potential additional costs associated with RCMP unionization and that if required, future budgets can be adjusted to accommodate such costs.



Discussion then ensued with regard to reducing the 1% portion allocated to reserve to 0.75% and using the balance to offset the costs related to RCMP unionization, and as a result, the following amendment motion was introduced:



It was moved and seconded



That transfer to reserves for Investment in Community Facilities as per Council’s Long Term Financial Management Strategy for 2022 be reduced to a 0.75% tax increase and the 0.25% balance used to reduce the impact of RCMP unionization cost.



The question on the amendment motion was not called as discussion ensued with regard to the benefits of the transfer to reserves and options to modify reserve transfers in future budgets.



The question on the amendment motion was then called, and it was DEFEATED with Mayor Brodie, and Cllrs. Hobbs, Loo, McNulty, McPhail and Steves opposed.



The question on Part (1) of the 2022 Proposed Operating Budget was then called and it was CARRIED with Cllrs. Au, Day and Wolfe opposed.



In accordance with Section 100 of the Community Charter, Cllr. Au declared to be in a conflict of interest as his son works as a firefighter in Richmond Fire-Rescue, and Cllr. Au left the meeting – 8:58 p.m.



It was moved and seconded




The 2022 Proposed Operating Budget (Fire-Rescue) for a total of 0.29% as presented be approved as outlined below:





a same level of service budget increase of $583,800 with a tax increase of 0.23% be approved; and





senior level government increase of $67,500 with a tax increase of 0.03% be approved; and





operating budget impacts totalling $93,333 with a tax increase of 0.03% be approved; and




The 2022 Operating Budget as approved be included in the Consolidated 5 Year Financial Plan (2022-2026).






Cllr. Au returned to the meeting – 9:01 p.m.



Councillor Bill McNulty, Chair



Application by Polygon Talisman Park Ltd. to Create the “Residential / Limited Commercial (ZMU47) – Capstan Village (City Centre)” Zone, and to Rezone the Site at 8671, 8731, 8771, 8831/8851 Cambie Road, 8791 Cambie Road/3600 Sexsmith Road, and 3480, 3500, 3520, 3540/3560 Sexsmith Road from the “Single Detached (RS1/F)” Zone to the “Residential / Limited Commercial (ZMU47) – Capstan Village (City Centre)” Zone 
(File Ref. No. RZ 18-836123; 12-8060-20-010235/10198) (REDMS No. 6763364; 6558256; 6491719; 6528557; 6613465; 6764235; 6763415; 6773240)




It was moved and seconded




That Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw 10235, to amend Schedule 2.10 of Official Community Plan Bylaw 7100 (City Centre Area Plan), to amend:





Specific Land Use Map: Capstan Village – Detailed Transect Descriptions, Maximum Average net Development Site Density for General Urban (T4) and Urban Centre (T5), Additional density, where applicable: the addition of a new bullet:






For 8671, 8731, 8771, 8831/8851 Cambie Road,
8791 Cambie Road/3600 Sexsmith Road, and 3480, 3500, 3520, 3540/3560 Sexsmith Road: 0.02, subject to the provision of secured public open space above and beyond City Centre Area Plan (CCAP) requirements;





be introduced and given first reading;




That Bylaw 10235, having been considered in conjunction with:





the City’s Financial Plan and Capital Program; and





the Greater Vancouver Regional District Solid Waste and Liquid Waste Management Plans;




is hereby found to be consistent with said program and plans, in accordance with Section 477(3)(a) of the Local Government Act;




That Bylaw 10235, having been considered in accordance with OCP Bylaw Preparation Consultation Policy 5043, is hereby found not to require further consultation; and




That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 10198, as amended, to create the “Residential / Limited Commercial (ZMU47) – Capstan Village (City Centre)” zone, and to rezone 8671, 8731, 8771, 8831/8851 Cambie Road, 8791 Cambie Road/3600 Sexsmith Road, and 3480, 3500, 3520, 3540/3560 Sexsmith Road from the “Single Detached (RS1/F)” zone to the “Residential / Limited Commercial (ZMU47) – Capstan Village (City Centre)” zone and the “School and Institutional Use (SI)” zone, be given second reading, and forwarded to a new Public Hearing.



The question on the motion was not called as staff reviewed the application and provided the following application highlights:




the proposed development will include 1014 strata condominium units, 156 affordable housing units, and 171 market rental units;




the proposed development will include 1.35 acres of park and 0.75 acre of public open space;




site servicing and road improvements in area will be included in the proposed development;




off-site barn owl habitat will be developed;




soil will be recovered on-site and transferred to the Garden City Lands for farm use;




a district energy plant will be developed and transferred to the Lulu Island Energy Company upon completion of the project;




the proposed development is providing funding towards the Capstan Canada Line Station; and




The proposed development is providing contributions towards City planning, City facilities, child care and public art.



Discussion ensued with regard to (i) increasing the portion of the proposed development dedicated to market rental units to 25% of total units,
(ii) accommodating the projected increase in the City’s population,
(iii) increasing the City’s total stock of family-friendly affordable housing and market rental housing, and (iv) updating City policies to increase development requirements for affordable housing and market rental housing.



As a result of the discussion, the following referral motion was introduced:



It was moved and seconded



That the staff report titled “Application by Polygon Talisman Park Ltd. to Create the “Residential / Limited Commercial (ZMU47) – Capstan Village (City Centre)” Zone, and to Rezone the Site at 8671, 8731, 8771, 8831/8851 Cambie Road, 8791 Cambie Road/3600 Sexsmith Road, and 3480, 3500, 3520, 3540/3560 Sexsmith Road from the “Single Detached (RS1/F)” Zone to the “Residential / Limited Commercial (ZMU47) – Capstan Village (City Centre)” Zone”, from the Director, Development, dated November 15, 2021, be referred back to staff to consider increasing the percentage of market rental housing floor area to 25%, and report back.



Opposed: Mayor Brodie and 
Cllrs. Hobbs 



The question on the main motion was then called, and it was CARRIED with Cllrs. Au, Day and Wolfe opposed.






Amendments to the Council Procedure Bylaw –  Electronic Meetings and Electronic Participation 
(File Ref. No. 12-8060-20-010335; 01-0105-00) (REDMS No. 6795894; 6795888)



It was moved and seconded



That Council Procedure Bylaw No. 7560, Amendment Bylaw No. 10335, which introduces amendments relating to electronic meetings and electronic participation, be introduced and given first, second and third readings.









Mayor Brodie announced the following advisory body appointments:



Aquatic Advisory Board

Deb McGrath, Jeremy Hopwood, Rosemary Nickerson and James Strilesky were appointed to the Aquatic Advisory Board for a two-year term to expire on December 31, 2023.



Richmond Public Art Advisory Committee

Allison Liu, Bronwyn Bailey, Imu Chan, Ceri Chong; and Paul Dufour were appointed to the Richmond Public Art Advisory Committee for a two-year term to expire on December 31, 2023.



Minoru Centre for Active Living Program Committee

Shirley Khong, Tarek Ghazzaoui, Becky Wong, and Bruce Raber were appointed to the Minoru Centre for Active Living Program Committee for a two-year term to expire on December 31, 2023.



Richmond Community Services Advisory Committee

Peter Cheung was appointed to the Richmond Community Services Advisory Committee for a two year term to expire on December 31, 2023.



Richmond Intercultural Advisory Committee

Yun-Jou Chang, Ian Yeung, Vladimir Choi, Mikaela Nuval, and Randy Sandhu were appointed to the Richmond Intercultural Advisory Committee for a two year term to expire on December 31, 2023.






It was moved and seconded



That Tree Protection Bylaw No. 8057, Amendment Bylaw No. 10307 be adopted.






It was moved and seconded



That Richmond Zoning Bylaw No. 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9970 be adopted



Opposed: Cllrs. Day 






It was moved and seconded



That the minutes of the Development Permit Panel meeting held on October 27, 2021, November 10, 2021, and November 24, 2021 and the Chair’s report for the Development Permit Panel meetings held on October 28, 2020, be received for information; and






That the recommendations of the Panel to authorize the issuance of a Development Permit (DP 19-872960) for the property at 22551 Westminster Highway be endorsed and the Permit so issued.











It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (9:51 p.m.).





Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the Regular meeting of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Monday, December 6, 2021.



Mayor (Malcolm D. Brodie)

Corporate Officer (Claudia Jesson)