October 27, 2021 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes



Development Permit Panel

Wednesday, October 27, 2021


3:30 p.m.


Remote (Zoom) Meeting


John Irving, General Manager, Engineering and Public Works, Acting Chair
Cecilia Achiam, General Manager, Community Safety
Peter Russell, Director, Sustainability and District Energy

The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m.




It was moved and seconded


That the minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel held on September 29, 2021 be adopted.




(REDMS No. 6704141)



1116559 BC Ltd.




9340 General Currie Road






Permit the construction of five townhouse dwellings at 9340 General Currie Road on a site zoned  “Town Housing (ZT45) - Gilbert Road, Acheson - Bennett Sub-Area, St. Albans Sub Area, South McLennan (City Centre)”; and



Vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to permit four of the ten on-site parking spaces to be small car spaces.


Applicant’s Comments


Eric Law, Eric Law Architect, with the aid of a visual presentation (attached to and forming part of these Minutes as Schedule 1), provided background information on the proposed development, including its site context, site layout, and architectural design, highlighting the following:



the proposed development consists of a front and rear  townhouse building;



a new shared driveway is proposed which would allow future connections to neighbouring properties to the east should these develop into townhouse developments in the future;



the third storey of the front building is incorporated into the roofline to reduce its massing;



proposed building materials, colour scheme and architecture are consistent with those of neighbouring developments; and



the existing street tree on the frontage of the subject property will be retained and protected.


Denitsa Dimitrova, PMG Landscape Architects, provided an overview of the proposed landscaping for the project, noting that (i) each unit is provided with a private yard with shade tree, lawn area and landscaped area, (ii) proposed trees to be installed include a mix of deciduous and conifer trees, (iii) a low transparent aluminum fencing is proposed in the front yards, (iv) wood fencing along the perimeter of the site is proposed to provide privacy from adjacent properties, (v) the common outdoor amenity area includes, among others, a children’s play area with play equipment, (vi) permeable pavers are proposed throughout the subject site, and (vii) private yards are separated with fencing and landscaping.


Staff Comments


Wayne Craig, Director, Development, noted that (i) there is a Servicing Agreement associated with the project for site servicing and frontage works, (ii) the frontage works will be designed to reflect the retention of the retained tree on the City boulevard along the frontage of the subject property, (iii) the proposed parking variance was identified at rezoning and is supported by the City’s Transportation Department, (iv) the project is proposed to achieve Step 3 of the BC Energy Step Code, and (v) the project includes one convertible unit.


Panel Discussion


In reply to a query from the Panel, Mr. Craig acknowledged that the Statutory Right-of-Way (SRW) secured at rezoning over the new driveway on the subject site would allow future vehicular access to neighbouring properties to the east, including the property at the corner of General Currie Road and Ash Street, should these properties develop into townhouse developments in the future. 


In reply to queries from the Panel, Mr. Law confirmed that (i) irrigation is provided to ensure the survivability of the retained street tree, (ii) the location of bathrooms was considered in the placement and size of windows on the third floor of the front elevation of the rear building, (iii) decks are proposed on the third floor of the back elevation of the rear building, (iv) the size of the two-bedroom middle unit in the rear building was determined by market demand, and (v) the width of the proposed drive aisle meets the standard City requirement.


Discussion ensued regarding options and potential revisions to the design of the gable roof on the front building to reduce its height and massing and improve its interface with the adjacent two-storey townhouse buildings to the west.


As a result of the discussion, staff was directed to work with the applicant to investigate opportunities to revise the design the gable roof on the front building, including considering a clipped gable roof design.


Gallery Comments








Panel Discussion


The Panel expressed support for the project, noting that its overall design fits well with its neighbourhood and the retention of the existing street tree is appreciated.


Panel Decision


It was moved and seconded


That a Development Permit be issued which would:



permit the construction of five townhouse dwellings at 9340 General Currie Road on a site zoned  “Town Housing (ZT45) - Gilbert Road, Acheson - Bennett Sub-Area, St. Albans Sub Area, South McLennan (City Centre)”; and



vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to permit four of the ten on-site parking spaces to be small car spaces.




Date of Next Meeting:  November 10, 2021




It was moved and seconded


That the meeting be adjourned at 3:54 p.m.




Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Wednesday, October 27, 2021.



John Irving
Acting Chair

Rustico Agawin
Committee Clerk