January 24, 2005 Minutes

Regular Council Meeting
Monday, January 24th, 2005
Time: |
7:00 p.m. |
Place: |
Council Chambers |
Present: |
Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie Acting City Clerk – David Weber |
Call to Order: |
Mayor Brodie called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. |
R05/2-1 |
1. |
It was moved and seconded | |
That: | |
(1) |
the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on Monday, January 10th, 2005; and |
(2) |
the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting for Public Hearings held on Monday, January 17th, 2005, |
each be adopted as circulated. | |
R05/2-2 |
2. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Council resolve into Committee of the Whole to hear delegations on agenda items (7:01 p.m.). |
3. |
Delegations from the floor on Agenda items – |
Item No. 13 – Tram Routing Options |
Mr. Ron Schuss, Chair, Richmond Heritage Railroad Society, provided a brief history of the Society’s fundraising commitment. He urged Council to support the Committee’s recommendation that the matter be referred to staff to explore routing of the tram along Moncton Street and Railway Avenue. Mr. Schuss added that the Society would like Council to consider a partial route from the Car Barn Station (London/Princess Area) to the Britannia Heritage Shipyard. |
Mr. Michael Tretheway, a resident in the Steveston area and a professional transportation economist, spoke in opposition to the proposed tram route, indicating that the results of the tram feasibility study did not support a public need for the proposed service, as the suggested route did not connect any major public facilities, would not be operated on a regular basis, and did not have a clear major tourism purpose. Mr. Tretheway stated that historical preservation of the tram did not require the tram to be in operation, and he urged Council to take no further action on this matter |
Mr. Tony Lindsay, 4731 Britannia Drive, addressed safety and congestion issues with respect to the proposed tram route along Moncton Street, which he noted is adjacent to Steveston Park and a number of other high traffic businesses in the area. He suggested that a study of the proposed route along Moncton Street and Railway Avenue was not necessary as it was already apparent that the route would provide a dangerous situation to pedestrians and motorists alike. |
Mr. Roy Akune, #305 – 4500 Westwater Drive, and representing the Copper Sky West building, spoke in opposition to the proposed tram project. He commented on various aspects of the staff report, and expressed concern about a number of issues, including ownership of the tram, the cost of staff commitment to the project; and the purpose of discussions with the Richmond Heritage Railroad Society regarding operating costs and liability. Mr. Akune expressed concern about the many issues which still had to be addressed. |
Mr. Keith Litkey, 6333 Princess Lane, representing the Museum Society, spoke about the proposed route and the mandate of the Richmond Heritage Railroad Society to provide the funding. He indicated that the Museum Society would like to have all aspects of this heritage project considered before making a decision on whether to proceed. He urged Council to be open minded and to think about the heritage value of the project. Mr. Litkey suggested in closing, that the opinion of Richmond residents as a whole should be obtained through the holding of a referendum on the matter. |
Jonathon Sipko, #201 – 4600 Westwater Drive, expressed concern about the proposed project and the timing of the Richmond Heritage Railroad Society’s financing schedule to complete the project based on the current rate of funding, and he questioned whether the City would be required to provide funding to finish the project. He spoke about the many Steveston residents who were opposed to the tram route being constructed adjacent to their homes. |
Leanne Kishi, 4611 Moncton Street, voiced concern about the proposed tram route along Moncton Street, citing increased traffic congestion, pedestrian safety issues and a reduction in parking along Moncton Street. |
Bill Diston, 10560 Reynolds Drive, a member of the Richmond Heritage Railroad Society, spoke about the purpose of the Society to raise funds for the construction of a tram route in Steveston. He referred to the many developments which had been constructed in the area of the proposed route and stated that the tram route had been shown in the advertising for these developments. Mr. Diston also commented on the success of tram routes in other cities, including Vancouver. |
Moon Lee, 4500 Westwater Drive, suggested that the tram be converted to a restaurant or coffee shop to provide a better money making opportunity for the community, at the same time, retaining its heritage value. |
Trevor Mudas, 4568 Moncton Street, commented on the commercial viability of the Steveston area without the need for a tram; the traffic congestion along Moncton Street, and suggested that the tram route could have a negative impact on area homes. In concluding his presentation, Mr. Mudas stated that the tram route should not proceed. |
Eric Sykes, 4760 Moncton Street, spoke in opposition to the recommendation proposed by the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee, stating that the funds could be better utilized for other more worthwhile upcoming projects, and that area residents were totally opposed to the proposal. |
Jim Chu, 4711 Britannia Drive, indicated his opposition to the development of the tram route along the rear of his property, and voiced concern about increased traffic congestion, pedestrian safety and the cost of the project. He urged Council not to proceed with the development of the tram. |
Norman Wrigglesworth, 5540 No. 1 Road, stated that the tram project, if approved, would be a waste of taxpayers’ money. |
Annie Coblin, 12531 Alliance Drive, spoke about the need to maintain the natural beauty and history of Steveston, and suggested that water taxis be used to provide connections to the heritage sites located along the Fraser River. |
Sally Houston, #205 - 4600 Westwater Drive, stated that while she did not want a tram route in Steveston, she was of the opinion that the tram should be retained as part of a static display at the home of the future Richmond Olympic Oval. |
Dana Westermark, 13333 Princess Street, a member of the Richmond Heritage Railroad Society, stated that the tram route would provide a link to the heritage sites in Steveston; that traffic would be decreased rather than increased as noted by previous speakers, and that pedestrian safety would not be an issue. He also spoke briefly about the Society’s fundraising efforts. |
Patrick Cleary, #421 - 5700 Andrews Road, voiced concern about splitting the tram route east of Britannia and the negative impact which this could have on the residents living in that area. |
Cindy Zolkowski, a resident of Steveston and a Steveston business owner, spoke in opposition to the construction of the tram route along Moncton Street. She provided information on the views of the business owners who were located on Moncton Street, noting that a majority of these owners were opposed to the location of the tram route on Moncton Street. Ms. Zolkowski also spoke in opposed to the proposed partial route between London’s Landing and the Britannia Heritage Shipyard. |
Item No. 29 (Part 1) – The BC Packers Building |
Mr. Bob Mukai, representing the Richmond Museum Society, spoke about the need for expanded museum services and space. He urged Council to support Part (1) of the proposed recommendation. Mr. Mukai indicated that he was ambivalent about Parts (2) and (3) as his support was only for Part (1). |
Dana Westermark, 13333 Princess Lane, spoke about the feasibility of using the former BC Packers building for cultural and museum uses. He talked about the history and impact of this building on the Steveston area, and urged the City to explore creative ways which could be used to preserve this important Richmond heritage structure. |
Item No. 16– Application For Rezoning - Sandhill Holdings Ltd. And J.A.B. Enterprises Ltd. |
Carol Day, Seahurst Road, questioned the change in development proposal for the south-east corner of No. 5 Road and Steveston Highway from an automotive centre to development which included a neighbourhood pub, and expressed concern about the potential increase in vandalism. She suggested that more consideration should be given to businesses which would better serve the neighbourhood. |
R05/2-3 |
4. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Committee rise and report (8:47 p.m.). |
R05/2-4 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the order of the agenda be varied to deal with Item No. 13 – Tram Routing Options at this time. |
13. |
(Report: November 5/2004, File No.: 10-6510-05-01/2005-Vol01) (REDMS No. 1351855, 1398368, 1354865) | |
R05/2-5 |
It was moved and seconded | |
(1) |
That the routing of the tram from London Farm to the Britannia Heritage Shipyard be approved, and that staff explore the potential of sharing the transit corridor from No. 2 Road to the Britannia Heritage Shipyard with the Steveston Harbour Authority; |
(2) |
That staff request that the Richmond Heritage Railroad Society investigate methods of safely integrating the tram with pedestrian traffic; and |
(3) |
That staff hold discussions with the Richmond Heritage Railroad Society regarding the ongoing operating costs and the liability issues associated with the running of Tram #1220, and back report to Committee. |
The question on Resolution No. R05/2-5 was not called, as the following amendment was introduced: | |
R05/2-6 |
It was moved and seconded | |
That Resolution No. R05/2-5 be amended: | |
(1) |
in Part (1), by deleting the word “approved”, and by substituting the word “explored”; and |
(2) |
in Part (3), by deleting the words “Tram #1220”, and by substituting the words, “a tram”. |
OPPOSED: Cllrs. Dang Evelina Halsey-Brandt Sue Halsey-Brandt Kumagai McNulty |
The question on Resolution No. R05/2-5 was then called and it was DEFEATED with Cllrs. Dang, Evelina Halsey-Brandt, Sue Halsey-Brandt, Kumagai and McNulty opposed. |
R05/2-7 |
It was moved and seconded |
That possible routes for, or possible uses of, the tram be explored which would be compatible with the community. |
OPPOSED: Cllrs. Barnes Dang Evelina Halsey-Brandt Howard Kumagai McNulty Steves |
R05/2-8 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Council abandon any tram routing options in Steveston. |
OPPOSED: Mayor Brodie Cllrs. Barnes Sue Halsey-Brandt Steves |
(Cllr. Evelina Halsey-Brandt left the meeting – 10:02 p.m.) |
R05/2-9 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Council abandon any tram routing options elsewhere in Richmond. |
(Cllr. Evelina Halsey-Brandt returned to the meeting – 10:04 p.m.) |
OPPOSED: Mayor Brodie Cllrs. Dang Evelina Halsey-Brandt Sue Halsey-Brandt Howard Kumagai McNulty |
(Cllr. Dang left the meeting – 10:10 p.m.) |
It was moved and seconded |
That the potential static uses for the tram be referred to staff for review and report to Council. |
(Cllr. Dang returned to the meeting , and Cllr. McNulty left the meeting – 10:12 p.m.) |
R05/2-10 |
5. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the Community Safety Committee meeting held on Tuesday, January 11th, 2005, be received for information. |
(Cllr. McNulty returned to the meeting and Cllr. Kumagai left the meeting – 10:14 p.m.) |
7. |
(Report: Jan. 4/05, File No.: 11-7400-01) (REDMS No. 1360770, 1401864) | |
R05/2-11 |
It was moved and seconded | |
(1) |
That MusicFest Canada be provided one time funding of up to $10,000 plus in-kind services of use of the generator and installation and removal of banners; |
(2) |
That the City provide a letter of support to assist the group in seeking sponsorships to offset costs related to the event; and |
(3) |
That staff develop a contribution agreement with MusicFest Canada to outline the accountability to the City. |
(Cllr. Kumagai returned to the meeting – 10:17 p.m.) |
R05/2-12 |
6. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the General Purposes Committee meeting held on Monday, January 17th, 2005, be received for information. |
8. |
MCLEAN PARK LAND EXCHANGE BYLAW ALTERNATIVE APPROVAL PROCESS (Report: January 12/2005, File No.: 12-8000-20-005) (REDMS No. 1394902, 1392768, 1392770) | |
R05/2-13 |
It was moved and seconded | |
That: | |
(1) |
March 7, 2005 be established as the deadline for receiving elector responses for the McLean Park Land Exchange Bylaw alternative approval process; |
(2) |
the Elector Response Form be established as that set out in Schedule 2 of the report (dated January 12, 2005 from the City Clerk); and |
(3) |
the number of electors registered for the 2002 General Local and School Election, being 78,840 electors, be determined as the total number of electors to which the McLean Park Land Exchange Bylaw alternative approval process applies. |
9. |
(Report: Jan. 5/05, File No.: 03-1070-02-01) (REDMS No. 1360372, 1405128, 1402179, 1404416) |
R05/2-14 |
It was moved and seconded |
That staff bring forward a bylaw which would increase the RCMP Service Fees in accordance to the schedule attached (to the report dated January 5, 2005 from the General Manager, Finance & Corporate Services, Rod Kray and the RCMP Officer in Charge, Ward Clapham), and that there be annual increases based on the cost of living allowance. |
10. |
R05/2-15 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the exchange of Parcel A (Reference Plan 34061) of Lot 16 of Section 5 Block 4 North Range 6 West NWD Plan 27350 for an equal area of land to be dedicated “road” from the southerly portion of Lot 16 Except: Lot “A” (Reference Plan 34061) Section 5 Block 4 North Range 6 West NWD Plan 27350, be approved, and that staff be authorized to carry out the necessary steps to effect the exchange. |
11. |
A REVIEW OF POSSIBLE GOVERNANCE MODELS FOR POST TREATY FIRST NATIONS - GVRD RELATIONS (Report: January 5/05, File No.: 01-0157-01) (REDMS No. 1378357, 1405175) | ||
R05/2-16 |
It was moved and seconded | ||
That, (as per the report dated January 5, 2005 from the Manager, Policy Planning): | ||
(1) |
the following governance principles be considered when establishing a governance model to manage post treaty First Nations – GVRD relations: | |
(a) |
Representation – enable treaty First Nations to be represented in the GVRD system, |
(b) |
Inclusiveness – include treaty First Nations in GVRD decision-making, |
(c) |
Fairness - to treaty First Nations and the GVRD, |
(d) |
Coordination - of treaty First Nations’ and GVRD interests, |
(e) |
Financial Benefit – for treaty First Nations and the GVRD, |
(f) |
Efficiency – for treaty First Nations and the GVRD, |
(g) |
Effectiveness – for treaty First Nations and the GVRD. |
(2) |
the GVRD Models 2 and 3 be further explored. | |
(3) |
the GVRD and GVRD municipalities continue to be consulted during the finalization of a treaty First Nations – GVRD governance model, so that all interests can be co-ordinated and all implications fully understood, before governance finalization. | |
(Cllr. Steves left the meeting – 10:25 p.m.) |
OPPOSED: Cllr. Howard |
R05/2-17 |
12. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee meeting held on Tuesday, January 11th, 2005, be received for information. |
(Cllr. Steves returned to the meeting – 10:27 p.m.) |
13. |
(Report: November 5/2004, File No.: 10-6510-05-01/2005-Vol01) (REDMS No. 1351855, 1398368, 1354865) |
Please see Page 6 of these minutes for action taken on this matter. |
R05/2-18 |
14. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Tuesday, January 18th, 2005, be received for information. |
15. |
| |
(A) |
(RZ 04-273797 - Report: January 6/2005, File No.: 8060-20-7878) (REDMS No. 1360600, 1360756, 1360757, 1361515, 1379056, 1361185, 1379058) |
(B) |
(RZ 04-275991 - Report: January 6/2005, File No.: 8060-20-7879) (REDMS No. 1335119, 1379362, 1335009, 1379077) |
(C) |
(RZ 04-287060 - Report: January 6/2005, File No.: 8060-20-7881) (REDMS No. 1382050, 1382148, 1382154) |
R05/2-19 |
It was moved and seconded | ||
That the following bylaws each be introduced and given first reading: | ||
(1) |
Bylaw No. 7878, to rezone 7751 Acheson Road from “Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E)” to “Comprehensive Development District (CD/120)”; | |
(2) |
Bylaw No. 7879, to rezone 5540 and 5560 Garrison Road from “Single Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E)” to “Single Family Housing District, Subdivision Area B (R1/B)”; and | |
(3) |
Bylaw No. 7881, for the rezoning of 8191 No. 1 Road from “Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E)” to “Single-Family Housing District (R1 - 0.6)”. | |
16. |
APPLICATION FOR REZONING - SANDHILL HOLDINGS LTD. AND J.A.B. ENTERPRISES LTD. (RZ 04-286494 - Report: January 7/2005, File No.: 8060-20-7755/7884) (REDMS No. 1363402, 1292946, 1308779, 1389787, 114325, 114343, 1363420, 1388246) | |
R05/2-20 |
It was moved and seconded | |
That: | |
(1) |
Bylaw No. 7755 be abandoned; |
(2) |
City Policies No. 9000 and 9301, concerning neighbourhood pubs, be rescinded; |
(3) |
Bylaw No. 7884, for the rezoning of 11000, 11020, 11040, 11080, 11100 No. 5 Road and 12000 Steveston Highway from "Agricultural District (AG1)", "Local Commercial District (C1)" and "Business Industrial Park District (I3)" to "Comprehensive Development District (CD/161)", be introduced and given first reading; and |
(4) |
the notification area be expanded to include the area shown in Attachment G (to the report dated January 7th, 2005, from the Director of Development). |
The question on Resolution No. R05/2-20 was not called, as the request was made that Part (2) of Resolution No. R05/2-20 be dealt with separately. | |
The question on Part (2) of Resolution No. R05/2-20 was then called, and it was CARRIED with Cllrs. Barnes, Evelina Halsey-Brandt, Sue Halsey-Brandt and Steves opposed. | |
The question on Parts (1), (3) and (4) of Resolution No. R05/2-20 was called, and it was CARRIED. |
17. |
(Report: Jan. 6/05, File No.: 08-4105-00 xr: 12-8060-20-7764/7772/7780) (REDMS No. 1356146, 1302512, 1307506, 1311375,1356707, 1356712, 1356855, 1404415) | |
R05/2-21 |
It was moved and seconded | |
(1) |
That Bylaw No. 7764 (RZ 04-269086, 4240 No. 5 Road; Rav Bains) be referred to the February 21, 2005 Public Hearing. |
(2) |
That Bylaw No. 7772 (RZ 04-27106, 9831 Williams Road; Les Cohen & Azim Bhimani) be referred to the February 21, 2005 Public Hearing. |
(3) |
That Bylaw No. 7780 (RZ 04-269537, 6791 and 6811 Steveston Highway; Elegant Development Inc.) be introduced and given first reading. |
(4) |
That the moratorium be lifted on all of the rezoning applications received prior to the August 30, 2004 approval of the “Interim Strategy for Managing Townhouse and Single-Family Residential Rezoning Applications During the Review of the Lane Establishment and Arterial Road Redevelopment Policies” and that the applications proceed as per the normal process. |
18. |
RICHMOND SENIORS’ ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2004 ANNUAL REPORT AND 2005 WORK PROGRAM (Report: December 15/04, File No.: 0100-20-SADV1-01) (REDMS No. 1370203, 1368380, 1370207, 1350614) |
R05/2-22 |
It was moved and seconded |
That, (as per the report dated December 15, 2004 from the Manager, Policy Planning), the Richmond Seniors’ Advisory Committee’s 2005 Work Program be approved. |
R05/2-23 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the Council Meeting proceed beyond 11:00 p.m. (10:54 p.m.). |
R05/2-24 |
19. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the Public Works & Transportation Committee meeting held on Wednesday, January 19th, 2005, be received for information. |
20. |
SUSTAINABLE “HIGH PERFORMANCE” BUILDING POLICY – CITY OWNED FACILITIES (Report: Dec. 13/04, File No.: 06-2045-00/Vol 01) (REDMS No. 1300739) | ||
R05/2-25 |
It was moved and seconded | ||
(1) |
That City Energy Conservation Policy #2004 (adopted on February 25th, 1991), be rescinded. | |
(2) |
That the following Sustainable High Performance Building Policy be adopted: | |
“POLICY 2004: | ||
It is Council policy to: | ||
(1) |
Undertake Comprehensive Financial Consideration | |
Projects for new buildings and major renovations will be evaluated based on considerations of life-cycle costing and initial financial investment requirements. | |
(2) |
Incorporate High Performance Attributes into Building Design and Construction to the Maximum Extent Possible | |
§ |
LEED® BC will be used as the standard by which to assess building performance. |
§ |
That LEED Gold accreditation be set as the desired standard of building performance for new City buildings greater than 2000 sq.m (approximately 20,000 sq.ft). |
§ |
The City will seek to meet the performance standards of LEED Silver certification as a minimum requirement for major renovations to existing facilities and new City Buildings smaller than 2000 sq.m (20,000 sq.ft), but may not necessarily seek formal accreditation. |
(3) |
Pursue Continual Improvement Through Building Retrofit and Efficient Building Maintenance | |
Existing facilities and equipment will be upgraded to higher efficiencies as budgets and circumstances allow, and where the change offers a simple payback of no more than five years. | |
Equipment will be maintained to energy-efficient standards. | |
(4) |
Foster Awareness and Innovation | |
A continuous education program in resource efficiency procedures and practices will be maintained. | |
All employees will be encouraged to suggest and initiate projects that will save energy and optimize efficiencies in other resource areas (natural and financial). | |
(5) |
Undertake Regular Monitoring and Reporting | |
Corporate energy consumption and extent to which the City has met its LEED building objectives will be monitored and reported on a regular basis using existing City reporting tools.” | |
21. |
FUNDING REALLOCATION FOR HYDRO UNDERGROUNDING PROJECTS (Report: Jan. 5/05, File No.: 10-6340-01/2005-Vol 01) (REDMS No. 1346700) |
R05/2-26 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the transfer of $552,000 from the 2002 and 2004 Hydro Undergrounding budgets to the 2003 Hydro Undergrounding budget be approved. |
22. |
TRAFFIC SAFETY ADVISORY COMMITTEE – 2004 ACHIEVEMENTS AND 2005 INITIATIVES (Report: Jan. 5/05, File No.: 0100-20-TSAD1-01) (REDMS No. 1360886, 1405003) | |
R05/2-27 |
It was moved and seconded | |
(1) |
That the proposed 2005 initiatives for the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee (as outlined in the report dated January 5th, 2005, from the Acting Director, Transportation), be endorsed. |
(2) |
That the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee be thanked for their valuable and on-going efforts, and for the positive results accomplished by the Committee for the community. |
23. |
RICHMOND COMMUNITY CYCLING COMMITTEE – PROPOSED 2005 INITIATIVES (Report: Jan. 3/05, File No.: 01-0100-20-RCYC5/2005-Vol 01) (REDMS No. 1363325) |
R05/2-28 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the proposed 2005 initiatives of the Richmond Community Cycling Committee regarding cycling-related engineering and education activities (as described in the report dated January 3rd, 2005, from the Acting Director, Transportation), be endorsed. |
24. |
EAST RICHMOND IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE STUDY (Report: Jan. 6/05, File No.: 10-6045-15-01/2005 – Vol 01) (REDMS No. 1391064, 1405062) | |
R05/2-29 |
It was moved and seconded | |
(1) |
That the City and applicable government agencies undertake a broad drainage study for East Richmond in 2005. |
(2) |
That should the City not receive the necessary funding from external sources as identified, that staff report to Council accordingly. |
25. |
REQUEST FOR PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT TO REINSTATE THE FLOOD PROTECTION ASSISTANCE FUND (Report: Jan. 19/05, File No.: 10-6045-11-01/2005 – Vol 01; xr 0150-01) (REDMS No. 1401847) |
R05/2-30 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the City send a letter (attached to the report dated January 19th, 2005, from the General Manager, Engineering & Public Works), to the Government of British Columbia in support of the Lower Mainland Municipal Association’s request that the Flood Protection Assistance Fund be reinstated. |
26. |
R05/2-31 |
It was moved and seconded |
That a review of the City Strategy for Youth Services document be referred to staff with input by the Richmond Community Services Advisory Council, and that the updated document be presented to the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee prior to submission to City Council for endorsement. |
R05/2-32 |
27. |
It was moved and seconded | |||
(1) |
That the minutes and the Chair’s report for the Development Permit Panel meeting held on November 10th, 2004 and on January 12th, 2005, be received for information. | ||
(2) |
That the recommendations of the Panel to authorize the issuance of: | ||
(a) |
Development Permits for properties at: | |
(i) |
9251 General Currie Road (now a portion of 7400 Heather Street) (DP 04-272337; |
(ii) |
7660 No. 2 Road (DP 04-274332; and |
(b) |
a Development Variance Permit for property at 4800 Tilton Road (DV 04-285184), | |
be endorsed, and the Permits so issued. | ||
(3) |
That the proposed changes to the drawings for 7400 Heather Street, which cover minor revisions to the site plan and landscaping plan to allow sharing of the drive aisle and driveway access to the lane through the subject site for the neighbouring property to the east at 9251 General Currie Road, be deemed to in General Compliance with the approved Development Permit (DP 04-010738). | ||
28. |
R05/2-33 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the Lease/Facility agreement for a portion of the Water Lot N at 7411 River Road between the City and the University of British Columbia (as detailed in attachment 1 to the report dated December 11, 2004 from the Director of Parks Operations), be executed by the Mayor and City Clerk. |
29. |
(Report: Jan. 20/05 File No.: 4200-02) (REDMS No. 1402853, 1372800, 1378666) | |
R05/2-34 |
It was moved and seconded | |
(1) |
That staff initiate a process to update the Richmond Heritage Strategy and include the need for expanded museum services and space. |
(2) |
That Council end the Order, dated December 13th, 2004, for the temporary protection of the BC Packers office building at 4360 Moncton Street, Richmond, under Section 962 of the Local Government Act, and |
(3) |
That Council take no further action regarding the BC Packers office building. |
The question on Resolution No. R05/2-34 was not called, as the request was made that Parts (2) and (3) of Resolution No. R05/2-34 be dealt with separately. | |
The question on Part (1) of Resolution No. R05/2-34 was then called, and it was CARRIED. | |
The question on Parts (2) and (3) of Resolution No. R05/2-34 was called, and it was CARRIED with Cllrs. Barnes, Sue Halsey-Brandt and Steves opposed. |
30. |
APPLICATION FOR REZONING - LESS COHEN AND AZIM BHIMANI - BYLAW 7854 (RZ 04-274078 - Report: Jan. 20/05, File No.: 12-8060-20-7854) (REDMS No. 1403950, 1404774, 1350455) | |
R05/2-35 |
It was moved and seconded | |
(1) |
That third reading of Bylaw No. 7854, for the rezoning of 5091 and 5111 Francis Road, be rescinded; and |
(2) |
That Bylaw No. 7854, for the rezoning of 5091 and 5111 Francis Road, be referred to the February 21, 2005 Public Hearing. |
R05/2-36 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the following bylaws be adopted: |
Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7100, Amendment Bylaw No. 7333 |
Zoning & Development Bylaw No. 5300, Amendment Bylaw No. 7742 |
Council Procedure Bylaw No. 7560, Amendment Bylaw No. 7873 |
R05/2-37 |
31. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the recommendation of the Development Permit to authorize the issuance of a Development Permit for the properties at 6660, 6760, 6780 and 6784 Lynas Lane (DP 04-264230), be endorsed and the Permit so issued. |
R05/2-38 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (11:44 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Monday, January 24th, 2005. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Mayor (Malcolm D. Brodie) |
Acting City Clerk (David Weber) |