December 3, 2024 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes


Planning Committee




Tuesday, December 3, 2024


Anderson Room
Richmond City Hall


Councillor Bill McNulty, Chair
Councillor Alexa Loo
Councillor Chak Au
Councillor Andy Hobbs


Councillor Carol Day

Also Present:

Councillor Michael Wolfe

Call to Order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.








It was moved and seconded



That the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on November 19, 2024, be adopted as circulated.











Response to Metro Vancouver's Referral: Metro 2050 Type 3 Amendment - Regional Affordable Rental Housing Target Implementation Guideline

(File Ref. No. 01-0157-30-RGST1) (REDMS No. 7864976)




It was moved and seconded



That the Metro Vancouver Regional District Board be advised that the City of Richmond has no further comments or concerns on the proposed amendment to the Metro 2050 Regional Growth Strategy and that this recommendation and accompanying staff report titled “Response to Metro

Vancouver's Referral: Metro 2050 Type 3 Amendment - Regional Affordable Rental Housing Target Implementation Guideline” dated November 18, 2024, from the Director, Policy Planning be provided to the Metro Vancouver Regional District Board.












Housing Agreement (Affordable Housing) Bylaw No. 10569, and Housing Agreement (Market Rental Housing) Bylaw No. 10570 to Permit the City of Richmond to Secure Low-End Market Rental (LEMR) units, and Market Rental units at 5300 No. 3 Road

(File Ref. No. 08-4057-05) (REDMS No. 7706013)



It was moved and seconded




That Housing Agreement (Affordable Housing) (5300 No. 3 Road) Bylaw No. 10569 be introduced and given first, second and third readings to permit the City to enter into a Housing Agreement in accordance with the requirements of section 483 of the Local Government Act, to secure the Low-End Market Rental (LEMR) Units required by the Rezoning Application RZ 23- 011557; and




That Housing Agreement (Market Rental Housing) (5300 No. 3 Road) Bylaw No. 10570 be introduced and given first, second and third readings to permit the City to enter into a Housing Agreement in accordance with the requirements of section 483 of the Local Government Act, to secure the Market Rental Units required by the Rezoning Application RZ 23-011557.













Servicing Agreements Applications



Staff highlighted that in an ongoing effort to improve service delivery, a Servicing Agreement application can now be accepted through MyPermit, the City’s online application portal.




Official Community Plan Open Houses



Staff highlighted that the City hosted four in-person open houses at various locations in Richmond over the past two weeks, with approximately 150 people attending. The purpose of the open houses was to bring awareness to the Official Community Plan (OCP) review, with an online survey available from November 20 to December 22. A report summarizing results from the open houses and online survey, in addition to next steps in the OCP review, is forthcoming.








It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (4:02 p.m.).






Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, December 3, 2024.



Councillor Bill McNulty

Shannon Unrau
Legislative Services Associate