November 13, 2013 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes


Community Safety Committee



Wednesday, November 13, 2013



Anderson Room
Richmond City Hall



Councillor Linda McPhail, Vice-Chair
Councillor Ken Johnston
Councillor Bill McNulty



Councillor Derek Dang
Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt


Call to Order:

The Vice-Chair called the meeting to order at 5:11 p.m.







It was moved and seconded




That the minutes of the meeting of the Community Safety Committee held on Wednesday, October 16, 2013, be adopted as circulated.












Tuesday, December 10, 2013, (tentative date) at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room








Chuck Doucette, Past President, D.A.R.E. BC Society, provided an update on the Drug Awareness Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) program commending the City of Richmond for operating, in conjunction with the Richmond RCMP, the successful education program with over 1800 students participating last year.  The Society raised approximately $11,000 through donations from various organizations and is looking for municipal funding to offset an approximate $6,000 shortfall in operating expenses.




Discussion ensued and Committee suggested that, in addition to the request to the City, the Society approach the Richmond School Board for funding in support of the D.A.R.E. program and look for Sponsorship opportunities.




As a result of the discussion, the following referral was introduced:




It was moved and seconded




That the D.A.R.E. BC request for funding be referred to staff for input and discussion with the Richmond School Board.












Community Bylaws – September 2013 Activity Report
(File Ref. No.) (REDMS No. 4010345 v.3)




Edward Warzel, Manager, Community Bylaws, advised that parking meter vandalism and theft have resurfaced and that staff is looking to have the vandalised meters replaced as quickly as possible.  Further, he advised that the enforcement of “newspaper boxes” and “newspaper distribution agents” had begun, resulting in the removal of unauthorized boxes and an agent being ticketed.




It was moved and seconded




That the staff report titled Community Bylaws – September 2013 Activity Report dated October 10, 2013, from the General Manager, Law & Community Safety be received for information.








RCMP's Monthly Report – September 2013 Activities
(File Ref. No. 09-5000-01) (REDMS No. 4006856)




Inspector Sean Maloney, Richmond RCMP, commented on the SWOOP event, highlighting that officers and 50 speed watch volunteers participated in an effort to catch distracted drivers and speeders in the community.




It was moved and seconded




That the report titled RCMP’s Monthly Report – September 2013 Activities (dated November 8, 2013, from the Officer in Charge, RCMP) be received for information.








Richmond Fire-Rescue – September 2013 Activity Report
(File Ref. No. 09-5000-01) (REDMS No. 4020500 v.2)




Deputy Fire Chief Tim Wilkinson, Richmond Fire-Rescue (RFR), advised that although RFR has the best in equipment and training for resuscitation, they are not always able to resuscitate.  He emphasized the importance of members of the public receiving Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training in order to increase survival rates in a medical emergency.




It was moved and seconded




That the staff report titled Richmond Fire-Rescue – September 2013 Activity Report, dated October 28, 2013, from the Fire Chief, Richmond Fire-Rescue, be received for information.








(Verbal Report) 




Items for discussion:





Progress on Smoke Alarm Program




Deputy Fire Chief Wilkinson advised that a memorandum would be provided to Council on the Smoke Alarm Program.





Christmas Open House Events




Deputy Fire Chief Wilkinson advised that a memorandum would be prepared extending an invitation to Council to the Christmas Open House events.





BC Ambulance Service Protocol Changes




Deputy Fire Chief Wilkinson stated that on October 29th BC Ambulance Service (BCAS) fully implemented changes to the Resource Allocation Plan (RAP).  In the new RAP, a number of event types have been downgraded from Code 3 “lights and sirens” to Code 2 “BCAS response”. RFR, along with other Fire Departments, are currently in discussions to determine how these changes will affect response assignments and priorities.  The discussions include a consideration of whether Fire Departments will also change their responses to routine for these incidents and if the increased BCAS response times could affect the amount of time RFR are required on-scene.  Until further clarification is provided, all Fire Departments are continuing to respond at the priority level dispatched.  A further update will be provided at the next Community Safety Committee meeting.




(Verbal Report)




Items for discussion:





Youth Squad




Inspector Maloney advised that Youth Squad was a positive initiative designed to introduce students in grades ten to twelve to various facets of policing and emergency services.  The students had the opportunity to meet with police officers working in specialize units (i.e. traffic, canine, drug, emergency response, and forensics services).  The other agencies participating with the RCMP were RFR, BCAS and the Canadian Military.  The program exceeded the RCMP’s expectations with 40 students registered and a graduation ceremony is scheduled for December 9, 2013.





Youth Crime Prevention Website




Inspector Maloney noted that the Youth Crime Prevention Website is a national site that will assist RCMP members and children to access a variety of resources related to bullying, cyber bullying, dating and violence.  A National Youth Advisory Committee has been announced seeking applications from youth age thirteen to seventeen to participate in secure on-line forums against youth crime, victimization issues, drugs, and bullying.





Media Meet and Greet




Inspector Maloney advised the RCMP held a Media Meet and Greet event with approximately 30 attendees in an effort to build communication with the local media.





Crime Alert




Inspector Maloney noted that community police volunteers will assist in posting and circulating the ‘Crime Alert’ notice that advises the public on residential break-ins and provides tips on home security practices.








Emergency Programs – October Functional Exercise




Deborah Procter, Manager, Emergency Programs, updated Committee on the October Functional Emergency Operational Centre exercise featuring a 6.7 to 6.9 earthquake in the Georgia Strait.  The exercise included damage assessment after the earthquake and again after an aftershock.  Generally, a tabletop exercise and a functional exercise are conducted annually.







It was moved and seconded




That the meeting adjourn (5:32 p.m.).







Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Community Safety Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Wednesday, November 13, 2013.





Councillor Linda McPhail

Heather Howey
Committee Clerk