January 11, 2005 Minutes

Community Safety Committee
Date: |
Tuesday, January 11th, 2005 |
Place: |
Anderson Room |
Present: |
Councillor Linda Barnes, Chair |
Absent: |
Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. |
1. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Community Safety Committee held on Tuesday, December 14th, 2004, be adopted as circulated. |
2. |
The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Tuesday, February 15th, 2005 at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room. |
3 |
(1) |
Mary M. Rodgers, 8551 Spires Road, regarding the City’s order that the chain link fence erected on the boulevard in front of her property be removed. (File No. 8075-20-01-2005) |
(2) |
Karen Hirst, 8460 Spires Road regarding the City’s order that the chain link fence erected on the boulevard in front of her property be removed. (File No. 8075-20-01-2005) |
The delegations were not in attendance. The Manager, Community Bylaws, Don Pearson, advised that discussions had been held with the two individuals which had resulted in a resolution to the problems. |
3. |
POLICE CHIEF BRIEFING (Oral Report) (30 Minutes in duration) | |
Insp. Tony Mahon and Insp. Renny Nesset were in attendance. | |
Items for discussion: | |
(1) |
Current Issues and Investigations. |
Insp. Mahon provided an update on current issues, advising that traffic enforcement had increased significantly. He noted, however, that the number of pedestrian-related accidents had risen. Insp. Nesset then reported on an incident which took place on December 27th, 2004. | |
Insp. Mahon advised Committee that a comprehensive report was being prepared on the status of the Detachment’s Five Year Plan, which would be presented to the February 15th Committee meeting. | |
During the discussion which ensued, the RCMP were requested to provide statistics on the number of vehicle accidents which occurred, the number of speeding tickets which had been issued, etc. Also requested was statistics on the number of calls received which dealt with mental health issues. |
4. |
SPEED LIMITS ON MAJOR ARTERIAL ROADS (Report: Dec. 7/04, File No.: 10-6450-15-01) (REDMS No. 1346284) |
The Acting Director, Transportation, Victor Wei, reviewed his report with the Committee. Discussion then ensued among Committee members on whether the current 50 kph speed limit on Steveston Highway was realistic. Advice was given during the discussion that staff would be working the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee to examine new and innovative ways to discourage motorists from speeding, especially along arterial roads. |
A suggestion was raised during the discussion about the feasibility of eliminating all parking on arterial roadways, and questions were asked about how many motor vehicle accidents had been the result of motorists trying to avoid vehicles parked in the curb side lanes. |
With reference to Steveston Highway, a suggestion was made that signs should be posted to alert motorists to the fact that the speed limit along this route was 50 kph. A further comment was made that these signs should be clearly visible in both directions. Also addressed briefly was the need for identification of major arterial and residential roads. |
As a result of the discussion, the following motions were introduced: |
It was moved and seconded |
That staff, in consultation with the appropriate safety organizations, identify and continue to identify on an on-going basis, frequent accident locations within the City, and develop appropriate signage to mark these ‘hot’ spots. |
It was moved and seconded |
That staff review and report on (i) the feasibility of banning parking on major arterials roads from Monday to Saturday of each week, and (ii) the impact which such parking ban could have on the community. |
It was moved and seconded |
That staff, in consultation with the appropriate safety organizations, review the speed limit on Steveston Highway to determine whether the current speed limit is adequate, and that the number of visible speed limit signs be increased along all arterial roads, including River Road. |
5. |
COMMUNITY SAFETY YEAR END REPORT (PowerPoint Presentation (1/2 hour in length) with participation by members of the Police, Fire, Bylaws, Emergency Programs Departments and BC Ambulance.) | |
Fire Chief Jim Hancock introduced Mr. Pascal Rodier, Unit Chief of Station 250, BC Ambulance, to the Committee. | |
The Manager - Operational Support, Richmond Fire Rescue, Sandra Pearson, spoke briefly about the Community Safety 2004 Major Achievements. | |
Mr. Pearson reviewed (i) Animal Services; and (ii) the City Parking Program, during which he referred to Bylaw Complaint and Parking Complaint Statistics for 2004, which he circulated to the Committee. A copy of this information is on file in the City Clerk’s Office. | |
The Manager, Emergency & Environmental Programs, Suzanne Bycraft, reported on Emergency Programs, and in particular on (i) Inter-agency radio communications; (ii) increased volunteer involvement, and (iii) emergency programs funding support. | |
Assistant Manager – Environmental Programs Margot Daykin reviewed the highlights of Environmental Programs, including the One Tonne Challenge; environmental sustainability integration; West Nile Virus protection; and Avian Flu Virus. | |
Unit Chief of Station 250, BC Ambulance, Pascal Rodier, spoke about the new Inter-agency communication system established with the police, fire rescue and ambulance personnel, and about the provision of ambulance services in Richmond. | |
Fire Chief Jim Hancock, Deputy Chief Geoff Lake and Deputy Chief Ron Beaman reported on (i) CAD – service transition to E-Comm, (ii) fire service – transition to YVR, and (iii) focussing on fire rescue operations. | |
Inspector Tony Mahon of the Richmond RCMP, briefly reviewed property crimes; drugs; violence against people; traffic safety; and youth. | |
Fire Chief Hancock reported on the integrated Community Safety Teams and the role changes which had occurred as a result of the reorganization of the former Community Safety Division. | |
In response to questions from the Chair, information was provided to the Committee on | |
§ |
how staff intended to alert the public to the One Tonne Challenge |
§ |
the status of the PCB elimination project. |
The Chair congratulated staff on the preparation of an excellent report, and asked that a synopsis of the report be provided to the other members of Council. |
6. |
Ms. Bycraft reminded Committee members of the public information meeting being held on Thursday, January 13th, 2005 to discuss Tsunami Risks for Richmond. During the brief discussion which ensued, the Chair congratulated Ms. Bycraft for her quick response in organizing the meeting. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (5:30 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Community Safety Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, January 11th, 2005. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Councillor Linda Barnes |
Fran J. Ashton |