July 18, 2012 - Minutes
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Public Works & Transportation Committee
Date: |
Wednesday, July 18, 2012 |
Place: |
Anderson Room Richmond City Hall |
Present: |
Councillor Linda Barnes, Chair Councillor Chak Au Councillor Derek Dang Councillor Linda McPhail Councillor Harold Steves Mayor Malcolm Brodie |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Public Works & Transportation Committee held on Wednesday, June 20, 2012, be adopted as circulated. |
Wednesday, September 19, 2012 (tentative date) at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room |
1. |
(File Ref. No.) (REDMS No. 3553494 v.6) | |
Margot Daykin, Sustainability Manager, Community Services, advised that the Metro Vancouver Regional Administrative Committee recently passed a resolution to send a letter to the Joint Provincial-UBCM Green Communities Committee regarding resolving inequities presented in the Province’s new ‘Guidance on Including Contracted Emissions in Local Government Corporate Inventories’. | |
In reply to queries from Committee, Ms. Daykin provided the following information: | |
§ |
the City has not achieved complete carbon neutrality; |
§ |
a progress report on the City’s overall progress towards carbon neutrality is anticipated to be presented to Council in late Fall 2012; |
§ |
the City is reimbursed approximately $200,000 for its carbon tax expenditures; and |
§ |
the City is represented by UBCM on the Joint Provincial-UBCM Green Communities Committee. |
It was moved and seconded | |
(1) |
That the City continues its current practice to only include emissions from direct activities in its corporate greenhouse gas emission inventory at this time; and |
(2) |
That a letter be sent to the Joint Provincial–UBCM Green Communities Committee, requesting that amendments be made to the “Guidance on Including Contracted Emissions in Local Government Corporate Inventories” to resolve inequities, ensure that no new costs are borne by local governments without adequate funding and that action is being directed towards appropriate priorities. |
2. |
2011 ANNUAL WATER QUALITY REPORT (File Ref. No. 10-6650-01) (REDMS No. 3569613) | |
In reply to queries from Committee, Doug Anderson, Manager, Water Services, advised the following: | |
§ |
Richmond has very high quality water based on the 1,936 water samples collected; |
§ |
a mobile water supply unit costs approximately $10,000; |
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a significant number of Water Services staff will be eligible for retirement in the near future, as such there is a strong focus on staff training to ensure adequate succession planning; |
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Water Services staff continue to implement a comprehensive water loss management and leak detection program; and |
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when high water consumption is detected, Water Services staff attend the residence to inform the homeowner that they may have a water leak. |
Discussion ensued regarding Richmond’s high quality water and it was noted that Richmond residents were provided with some of the best drinking water in the world. Committee expressed their desire to see that this information, along with the tips provided in the 2011 Annual Water Quality Report be promoted Richmond-wide. Also, it was noted that groups such as the Intercultural Advisory Committee might be of assistance in promoting this information in different languages. | |
It was moved and seconded | |
That the 2011 Annual Water Quality Report dated July 10, 2012 be received for information. | |
3. |
ANNUAL FLOOD PROTECTION REPORT 2012 (File Ref. No. 10-6060-04-01) (REDMS No. 3529445) | |
It was moved and seconded | |
That the staff report titled Annual Flood Protection Report 2012 (dated June 20, 2012, from the Director, Engineering) be received for information. | |
The question on the motion was not called as in reply to queries from Committee, Robert Gonzalez, General Manager, Engineering and Public Works, commented on the City’s communication plan for flood protection. | |
Discussion ensued and Committee requested that the Annual Flood Protection Report 2012 be presented at a future Council meeting, highlighting the various mechanisms in place that keep Richmond safe from flooding. | |
In response to a comment made by Committee, Lloyd Bie, Manager, Engineering Planning, advised that the City’s drainage systems is constantly upgraded and improved to accommodate new development and climate change. Mr. Gonzalez stated the City’s drainage models are based on the previous year’s statistics. | |
Mayor Brodie left the meeting (4:38 p.m.). |
The question on the motion was then called and it was CARRIED. |
4. |
(File Ref. No. 10-6060-01) (REDMS No. 3553300 v.3) | |
John Irving, Director, Engineering, provided background information. | |
Mayor Brodie returned to the meeting (4:44 p.m.). |
In response to a query from Committee, Mr. Irving stated that the Dike Master Plan is intended to be a comprehensive guide to upgrade flood protection infrastructure in a practical manner, which will allow the City to make the most of its resources and plan for the future. Also, Mr. Irving commented on key stakeholders, noting that the Federal and Provincial governments would be included in the stakeholder discussions. | |
It was moved and seconded | |
That the public and key external stakeholders be consulted to provide feedback on the Steveston area and the West Dike flood protection concepts identified in the staff report titled Dike Master Plan – Phase 1 (dated June 27, 2012 from the Director, Engineering). | |
The question on the motion was not called, as in reply to a query from the Chair, Mr. Irving stated that once staff have received feedback from stakeholders, staff would begin formulating options to bring forward for Council consideration. | |
The question on the motion was then called and it was CARRIED. |
5. |
In reply to queries from Committee, Tom Stewart, Director, Public Works Operations, advised that (i) InTransit BC is the operator of the Canada Line; and (ii) columns for the Canada Line provide drainage and as such must remain fully accessible for maintenance purposes; therefore, it was determined that the columns were not suitable for public art and decorative lighting installations. | ||
It was moved and seconded | ||
(1) |
That the City enter into the following attached agreements: | |
(a) |
the City Infrastructure Protocol Agreement dated for reference May 1, 2011 between the City of Richmond, South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority and Intransit BC Limited Partnership; and |
(b) |
the Canada Line Richmond Access Agreement Amendment No. 3 made as of August 12, 2009 between the City of Richmond and the South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority; and |
(2) |
That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the above-mentioned agreements on the City’s behalf. | |
6. |
PROVINCIAL 2012-2013 BIKEBC PROGRAM – SUBMISSIONS FOR COST-SHARING (File Ref. No. 01-0150-20-THIG1) (REDMS No. 3559232 v.4) | ||
Victor Wei, Director, Transportation, highlighted that the City has received confirmation from TransLink that $201,000 was approved for the Railway Avenue Corridor Greenway: Granville Avenue-Garry Street (Phase I). | ||
In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Wei, accompanied by Mike Redpath, Senior Manager, Parks, advised that (i) the City has a good history of receiving funding from external sources for such projects; and (ii) a concept design is underway for the Railway Avenue Corridor Greenway project. | ||
It was moved and seconded | ||
(1) |
That the submission for cost-sharing to the Province’s 2012-2013 BikeBC Program of the following two projects: | |
(a) |
the Railway Avenue Corridor Greenway; and |
(b) |
Phase 1 of the Parkside Neighbourhood Bike Route; |
as described in the staff report titled Provincial 2012-2013 BikeBC Program – Submissions For Cost-Sharing (dated June 20, 2012 from the Director, Transportation and the Senior Manager, Parks) be endorsed; and | |
(2) |
That should the above applications be successful, the Chief Administrative Officer and the General Manager, Planning and Development, be authorized to execute the funding agreements as outlined in the staff report dated June 20, 2012. | |
7. |
Development of NATIONAL Railway-Roadway Grade Crossing STANDARDS and Regulations (File Ref. No. 01-0140-20-TCAN1) (REDMS No. 3559698) | ||
Mr. Wei provided background information and stated that the feedback received by Transport Canada has been fairly consistent in that public and private owners of railway crossings are concerned with the feasibility of the proposed new regulations. Also, he commented on the next steps for the proposed new Standards and Regulations. | ||
It was moved and seconded | ||
(1) |
That a letter be sent to the Minister of Transport requesting that: | |
(a) |
the proposed Railway-Roadway Grade Crossings Standards be revised to be engineering guidelines, to allow for a risk-based approach that provides flexibility for owners of railway crossings, including road authorities, to address any identified safety concerns in light of limited financial resources and technical constraints; |
(b) |
a dedicated program be established to provide adequate funding support to owners of railway crossings, including municipalities, for any upgrades required to meet the new guidelines; and |
(2) |
That a copy of the above letter be sent to all Richmond Members of Parliament and Lower Mainland municipalities affected by the proposed Regulations for support of the above request. | |
8. |
(i) |
Night Market Traffic Conditions |
Mr. Wei commented on the Duck Island Night Market’s traffic conditions, noting that it has been consistently improving. He stated that staff have been working closely with the Night Market operator and the River Rock Casino to address these concerns. In reply to a query from Committee, Mr. Wei advised that the Night Market has seen crowds ranging from 5,000 to 11,000 visitors a night. | |
Discussion ensued regarding commercial operations on 3rd Avenue in Steveston and the feasibility of a loading area. | |
(i) |
Alexandra District Energy Utility |
Mr. Irving stated that the Alexandra District Energy Utility is operational and awaiting to provide services to two developments. Also, he noted that staff anticipate a formal opening in September 2012. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (5:22 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Public Works & Transportation Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Wednesday, July 18, 2012. |
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Councillor Linda Barnes Chair |
Hanieh Berg Committee Clerk |