June 20, 2007 - Minutes
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Public Works & Transportation Committee
Date: |
Wednesday, June 20th, 2007 |
Place: |
Anderson Room |
Present: |
Councillor Derek Dang, Chair Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie |
Absent: |
Councillor Linda Barnes |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. |
1. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Public Works & Transportation Committee held on Wednesday, May 16th, 2007, be adopted as circulated. |
2. |
Wednesday, July 18th, 2007 (tentative date) at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room. |
The Chair advised that a matter relating to accessibility, would be added to the agenda as an additional item, and dealt with at this time. |
2A. |
Mayor Brodie referred to action taken by Council recently with respect to the allocation of revenue from the sale of the City-owned property located adjacent to the Oval site, He stated that it was his sense that some of these funds should be put towards projects which increase accessibility. As a result, the following motion was introduced: |
It was moved and seconded |
That staff develop a process to define parameters for accessibility funding in accordance with the Community Legacy Accessibility Fund, and identify potential projects. |
The question on the motion was not called, as advice was given that the referral would address physical accessibility to properties for those individuals with disabilities, and would include all aspects from buildings to roads, including parks and recreational facilities. The Mayor commented that the referral could also include an examination of the universal guidelines for people with disabilities. A request was made during the discussion that consideration be given to the issue of accessibility to dyke trails, as it was difficult for whose confined to wheelchairs, etc., to access the perimeter dyke trails from adjacent roadways. |
The question on the motion was then called, and it was CARRIED. |
The Chair advised that order of agenda would be varied to deal with Item No. 7 at this time. |
7. |
The General Manager, Engineering & Public Works, Jeff Day, accompanied by the Director, Major Projects, Greg Scott, advised that subsequent to the writing of the report now being considered, staff had met with representatives of Canada Line (CLCO) and TransLink to discuss funding issues and inter-party agreements. He stated that as a result, the City, the CLCO and TransLink had agreed to work together to find ways to address the funding shortfall in a partnering manner. Mr. Day further advised that possible cost savings would be considered to reduce the budget shortfall, and stated that staff were confident that design changes, etc., would result in lower financial exposure to the City. | |
Mr. Scott then briefly reviewed the purpose of the report. He added that the report included referrals which had been made in the past few months, including lighting of the guideways, etc., and any other options which could be included. He advised that the comments of Committee and other members of Council about the preliminary design would be forwarded to the design team, which in turn, would (i) determine the costs of providing the suggested options, and (ii) report back to the Committee accordingly. | |
In response to questions, Mr. Scott confirmed that the design team would like to know from the Committee and Council those options which they would like to see as part of the restoration plan, such as installing lighting underneath the guideway in all, or only, some areas as part of the Level 2 options, or earlier. He added that a design would be prepared for any special requests and a report made to Committee as to potential costs, etc. | |
Discussion then ensued among Committee members and staff on those options which they felt should be included in the restoration, including: | |
§ |
design features which would help to soften the effect of the guideway, such as adding lighting and planting; the inclusion of lighting was an important element as it would soften the guideways along No. 3 Road and would help to deter some of the negative activity that could take place around the Canada Line stations |
§ |
the need to encourage activity in and around the Canada Line |
§ |
the need for additional greenery to soften the appearance of the concrete; the provision of an attractive boulevard which would soften and make the appearance of the City Centre more acceptable and friendlier (advice was given that the City had created a $2 Million fund for these type of enhancements and was not intended only for bricks and mortar) |
§ |
any option which did not cost the City money. |
During the discussion, it was noted that while all of the options proposed were excellent suggestions, the City did not have the resources available to fund every project. | |
A suggestion was made during the discussion that ornamental lighting, along with different design treatments (such as the use of granite) at intersections, sidewalks and bus stops would help those people with visual disabilities to know where they were. | |
Questions were raised about TransLink’s willingness to mitigate some of the cost of the proposed enhancements, and advice was given that TransLink had already committed to the City through the current agreement for specific items which were beyond the normal scope of major network roads. Further advice was given that lighting options would be the responsibility of the City as well as kiosks and vendors. | |
It was also noted that as part of the agreement with the CLCO, that agency had financed the transplanting of the No. 3 Road boulevard trees, however, the City would be responsible for the planting of replacement trees. | |
During the discussion, Committee members commented on the need to pursue the lighting options in Level 1 rather than Level 2. | |
Questions were also raised about the cost of (i) providing lighting which would provide safety to the users of the Canada Line; and (ii) maintenance once the options chosen had been installed and whether another budget would be required. The type of bus shelters to be constructed was also raised, as well as the provision of vending stalls and whether these stalls should be permanent or temporary. The comment was made that the provision of permanent vending stalls should be addressed in greater detail. | |
Reference was made to the resulting budget shortfall if all of the options were approved, and questions were raised about the feasibility of ‘retrofitting’ some of the options in the future, following the completion of the Canada Line. A brief discussion ensued, as a result of which, the Chair requested staff to provide a report on those options which could be postponed or which were required to be completed during the construction process. | |
Discussion continued, with the Chair talking about the City’s efforts to make No. 3 Road a more vibrant area which would result in a greater emphasis on pedestrian traffic. The comment was made, however, that the length of No. 3 Road could still prove to be a deterrent to everything which had been included in the restoration design, and discussion ensued on how Richmond residents would be encouraged to use the Canada Line. | |
Discussion also centred around the location of the bicycle lane on No. 3 Road and whether any consideration had been given to elevating that portion of the bicycle lane which was not elevated and separated from the street. Information was provided in response that land in that area was not available, and that as development takes place in the future, developers would be required to make a contribution of land to the street to allow the continuation of the elevated bicycle lane as part of the development process | |
Also addressed briefly was the availability of funds which had not been appropriated for other projects, which could be utilized for the beautification of No. 3 Road. | |
It was moved and seconded | |
That: | |
(1) |
The No. 3 Road Restoration - Preliminary Design as described in the attached report be endorsed subject to staff reporting back with an acceptable budget for Council approval; |
(2) |
Staff consult with the owners of two retail developments regarding the proposed elimination of southbound, mid-block left turns along No. 3 Road and that staff report back to Council on the results; and |
(3) |
Staff report back to Council with any funding concerns and if necessary any scope reductions, once there is clarification on all issues that have an influence on the total cost for the restoration of No. 3 Road. |
(Mayor Brodie left the meeting at 4:32 p.m., and did not return.) |
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3. |
CANADA LINE CONSTRUCTION AND TEMPORARY CLOSURES OF THE CAMBIE RICHMOND MAIN (Report: May 30/07, File No.: 10-6060-02-01/2007-Vol 01) (REDMS No. 2238805) | |
It was moved and seconded | |
That staff request the Greater Vancouver Water District (GVWD) to: | |
(1) |
Include the design and construction of an east-west water main that connects the GVWD Nelson Road water main to the GVWD Shell Road water main in their three year work program; and |
(2) |
Include the feasibility study and design and construction of a new north-south water main in their five year work program to provide redundancy to the Cambie Richmond Main. |
4. |
2006 ANNUAL WATER QUALITY REPORT (Report: June 7/07, File No.: 10-6650-08-01) (REDMS No. 2138621, 2101736) |
It was moved and seconded |
That the 2006 Annual Water Quality Report (dated June 7th, 2007, from the Manager of Water Services), be received for information by Council and made available to the public as required by the Drinking Water Protection Act. |
5. |
GATEWAY THEATRE USE OF FAMILY PLACE BUILDING (Report: June 1/07, File No.: 06-2050-20-FP/Vol 01) (REDMS No. 2234252) |
Discussion took place among Committee members and Director of Engineering, Robert Gonzalez regarding the proposed use of the Family Place building by the Gateway Theatre. The General Manager of the Gateway Theatre, Ms. Suzanne Haines, came forward to participate in the discussion. |
In response to questions, Ms. Haines advised that the Gateway Theatre required approximately 5,000 sq. ft. of storage space. She also voiced her concerns about leasing the Family Place facility because of her lack of knowledge on the amount of space which would be available. |
Discussion then ensued among Committee members, staff and Ms. Haines on the feasibility of staff working with the Gateway Theatre to find additional space on City property or other alternatives, such as a residential house which would be less expensive to operate, which would result in 5,000 sq. ft. of space being made available to the Theatre. Following the receipt of information that there were no City properties available with the appropriate space needs, the suggestion was made that the School Board be approached to determine if there would be an opportunity to utilize classrooms in one of the schools which had been closed. |
Reference was made to the lack of available funds to undertake any construction and the resulting operating costs for any facility chosen, and information was provided on applications for funding which could be made by the Gateway Theatre through cultural agencies. |
Reference was also made to the amount of storage space required, and advice was given that of the 5,000 sq. ft. which was needed, three-quarters of the space would be used to provide work space for the production team. |
Also addressed during the discussion were the opportunities which existed for the rental and/or sale of costumes which were not being used in a particular theatre production, and whether the amount of space required could be reduced if the number of costumes was reduced. |
During the discussion, comments were made about (i) the efforts taken by the Gateway Theatre to reduce its needs as much as possible; (ii) the maintenance issues which had to be addressed, including draperies which needed to be replaced, unsafe lighting, etc.; and (iii) the cost of maintaining the theatre facility. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the “Gateway Theatre Use of Family Place Building” report (dated June 1, 2007, from the Director, Engineering) be received for information. |
It was moved and seconded |
That staff investigate along with the Gateway Theatre, opportunities for leasing or renting space for storage, including a residential home, and that the condition of the draperies and lighting at the Gateway Theatre be reviewed to address safety concerns. |
6. |
PROPOSED TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES – 11000 TO 13000 BLOCK OF NO. 3 ROAD (SOUTH SIDE) (Report: Apr. 23/07, File No.: 10-6450-09-01/2007-Vol 01) (REDMS No. 2136460) | ||
It was moved and seconded | ||
(1) |
That the proposed traffic calming measure for 11,000 to 13,000 blocks of No 3 Road, (as described in the report dated April 23, 2007 from the Director of Transportation), be forwarded to the area residents for comment and indication of support by means of a survey to be mailed out immediately. | |
(2) |
That, subject to the support of the area residents, staff proceed with the installation of a test speed hump for a period of three months to: | |
(a) |
obtain further feedback from the area residents; |
(b) |
gauge the effectiveness of the test speed hump; and |
(c) |
assess the need for refinement to the design of the traffic calming device prior to the permanent installation of the proposed speed humps. |
7. |
RESTORATION OF NO. 3 ROAD – PRELIMINARY DESIGN & COST ESTIMATE (Report: May 23/07, File No.: 10-6525-07-01/Vol 01) (REDMS No. 2234738) |
Please see Page 2 of these minutes for action taken on this matter. |
*********************************** |
8. |
The Manager, Transportation, Victor Wei, referred to an issue raised at the previous meeting regarding lane lines on Garden City Road and the Sea Island access leading to the Oak Street Bridge and he advised that the Ministry of Transportation has been requested to paint white dotted lines to guide motorists to the ramp. He stated that he would report to Committee once a response had been received from the MOT about the City’s request. |
Mr. Wei referred to a second issue which had been raised at the previous meeting regarding the intersection of the new River Road and Hollybridge Way and the problems which were occurring at this intersection. He then produced a proposed sign which used graphics to explain to motorists how to proceed through the intersection. Mr. Wei advised that his staff had undertaken an informal survey to determine how well the new signage would be received, and he indicated that the majority of persons surveyed preferred the current signage. Mr. Wei added that staff were currently undertaking a traffic count at the intersection to determine if there was any merit in creating a conventional three-way stop intersection. He indicated that a report would be made to the Committee in the future on this matter. |
A brief discussion ensued, during which the suggestion was made that the size of the current traffic signs in the area of the intersection should be increased. |
The Manager, Facilities Planning & Construction, Mary Brunet introduced the new Project Manager, Facilities, Janet Whitehead. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (4:53p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Public Works & Transportation Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Wednesday, June 20th, 2007. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Councillor Derek Dang |
Fran J. Ashton |