Public Works & Transporation Committee Meeting Agenda - November 8, 2000
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CITY OF RICHMOND Anderson Room City Hall 6911 No. 3 Road |
Wednesday, November 8, 2000
4:00 p.m.
Pg. # | ITEM |
1 | 1. | Motion to adopt the minutes of the meeting of the Public Works & Transportation Committee held on Wednesday, October 4,2000. |
27 | 2. | (1) | |
29 | 3. | SEAFAIR DRIVE - TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES - FOLLOW-UP REPORT (Report: October 20/00, File No.: 6450-01) (REDMS No. 203122) |
Designated Speaker: Gordon Chan |
(1) | That the implementation of traffic calming measures on Seafair Drive, in the form of traffic circles at Fairbrook Crescent and at Fairfax Crescent (south), as described in the attached report from the Manager of Transportation, be approved and that these measures be constructed at the cost of the developer of the townhouse project at 3100 Francis Road. |
(2) | That the traffic conditions on Seafair Drive be monitored for one year upon completion of the above proposed traffic calming measures and that staff report back to Council on the effectiveness of the implemented devices to determine the need for further actions in consultation with the area residents. |
37 | 4. | STEVESTON AREA PARKING AND TRAFFIC ISSUES (Report: October 6/00, File No.: 6455-01) (REDMS No. 196256) |
Designated Speaker: Gordon Chan |
(1) | That staff undertake the following parking and traffic enhancement measures in the Steveston area, as described in the attached report from the Manager of Transportation: |
(a) | Introduce additional signage directing visitors to the various public parking lots in the Steveston area. |
(b) | Work with Tourism Richmond and businesses in the area to identify the feasibility of including parking information in any promotional material on Steveston Village. |
(c) | Revise the on-street parking layout on Second Avenue and fill-in currently closed driveways on Bayview Street and Second Avenue to provide additional on-street parking spaces. |
(d) | Include the signalization of the intersection of No. 1 Road and Moncton Street as part of the 2001 Major Capital Works Program submission. |
(2) | That the improvements identified under items 1 (a) and (c) be implemented at a cost of $4,500 with the source of funds being the 2000 Minor Capital Program. |
42 | 5. | CITY OF RICHMOND TRAFFIC BYLAW AMENDMENT - PROVISION FOR REVERSE TURNS (Report: October 23/00, File No.: 8060-01) (REDMS No. 181949) |
Designated Speaker: Gordon Chan |
That Bylaw 7182, which amends Traffic Bylaw 5870 to allow reverse turns (U-turns) at the six (6) intersections along the #98 B-Line bus route on No. 3 Road, as set out in the report by the Manager, Transportation be given first, second and third reading. |
47 | 6. | EMERGENCY PROGRAM - STATUS REPORT (Report: October 10/00, File No.: 5125-03-02) (REDMS No. 177191) |
Designated Speaker: Suzanne Bycraft |
(1) | That the staff report dated October 10, 2000, regarding "Emergency Program - Status Report", from the Manager - Environmental Programs, be received for information. |
(2) | That the attached "Flood Protection Measures" brochure be endorsed. |
(3) | That future quarterly progress reports regarding the Emergency Program, be submitted to members of Council in the form of an "Information Memo". |
55 | 7. | ENVIRONMENTAL PURCHASING POLICY AND GUIDE (Report: October 16/00, File No.: 6405-00) (REDMS No. 158415) |
Designated Speaker: Suzanne Bycraft/Terry Crowe |
(1) | That the following Environmental Purchasing Policy be adopted: "In order to increase the development and awareness of environmentally-sound products and services, City of Richmond staff will review their contracts and tender specifications for goods and services, to ensure that wherever possible and economically feasible, specifications are amended to provide for consideration of environmental characteristics. Consideration may be given to those environmental products that are certified by an independent accredited organization. |
The City as a whole will endeavour to increase its use of products and services that are more responsible to the environment in the way that they are made, used, transported, stored and packaged and disposed of. It is recognized that analysis is required in order to ensure that the products are made available at competitive prices, and that the environmental benefits provided by a product or service should not significantly affect the intended use of that product or service." |
(2) | That the Environmental Purchasing Guide be endorsed. |
(3) | That the Environmental Purchasing Guide be referred to the Greater Vancouver Municipal Purchasing Group for endorsement. |
(4) | That the City partner with the GVRD to facilitate a delivery and training program for all GVRD member municipalities, on a cost recovery basis, for the Environmental Purchasing Guide. |
155 | 8. | MISCELLANEOUS DRAINAGE SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS (Report: October 23/00, File No.: 6340-20) (REDMS No. 191593) |
Designated Speaker: Robert Gonzalez |
That $110,000 of excess storm sewer funding from the Ferndale Roadway and Utility project be allocated to construct four new drainage system improvements this year. |