May 27, 2014 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes

Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee


Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Anderson Room
Richmond City Hall


Councillor Harold Steves, Chair
Councillor Ken Johnston
Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt
Councillor Bill McNulty
Mayor Malcolm Brodie


Councillor Linda Barnes

Also Present:

Councillor Chak Au
Councillor Linda McPhail

Call to Order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.






It was moved and seconded



That the minutes of the meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee held on Tuesday, April 29, 2014, be adopted as circulated.









Tuesday, June 24, 2014, (tentative date) at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room






Garden City Lands Legacy Landscape Plan
(File Ref. No. 06-2345-20) (REDMS No. 4219968 v.4)



With the aid of a visual presentation (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 1), Mike Redpath, Senior Manager, Parks and Yvonne Stich, Park Planner, gave an overview of the proposed Garden City Lands (GCL) Legacy Landscape Plan. Mr. Redpath and Ms. Stich commented on the following: (i) the planning process; (ii) the community consultation process; (iii) the location of the GCL; (iv) the history of the GCL; (v) the projected population in areas adjacent to the GCL; (vi) the GCL as part of the Agriculture Land Reserve (ALR); (vii) the land use framework; (viii) the different proposed landscape zones; (ix) the area’s hydrology; (x) the preservation of native plant species and animals; (xi) the proposed layout of the site; (xii) the proposed landscape features; (xiii) the proposed farming features and strategies; (xiv) the integration of community programs and cultural features; (xv) the proposed internal trails and perimeter pathway; and (xvi) funding strategies and resource management planning.



Mr. Redpath spoke of the completed community consultations and advised of the suggestions received, which included:




creating safe pedestrian access to the site;




providing for a caretaker, particularly if animals are kept on site;




providing a security strategy to protect the site from vandalism and theft;




providing adequate irrigation and understanding the hydrology of the site;




supplying adequate parking for users of the site; and




developing partnerships with stakeholders in the community.



Discussion ensued with regard to the grid layout and soil conditions of the site and in reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Redpath noted that the soil can be remediated to accommodate a variety of crops.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Redpath advised that a consultation team will be used to further study the hydrology of the site. Ms. Stich added that the hydrology study will require a minimum of one year to complete and will help determine the management strategy of the site. Ms. Stich then noted that initial work can begin along edges of the site, where the soil has been previously disturbed by road construction.



Discussion ensued with regard to (i) suitable locations in the site for fruit trees; (ii) maintaining an on-going relationship with the Agricultural Land Commission; and (iii) additional public consultation.



In reply to queries from Committee, Ms. Stich advised that a diagonal layout of the site that was initially proposed created triangular-shaped parcels that were not practical to use; as a result, the layout was changed to a north-south design.



In reply to queries from Committee, Cathryn Volkering Carlile, General Manger, Community Services, advised that public consultation, at this stage of the Plan has concluded, however additional public consultation sessions can be added at Council’s direction.



Discussion ensued with regard to (i) using fruit tree sponsornship as a way to involve the community; (ii) including an on-site caretaker that would be involved with the activities on the site; (iii) relocating a heritage home on the site; and (iv) rotating crops on the farming portion of the site.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Redpath noted that users of the GCL are encouraged to use public or alternative transportation; however some vehicle parking will be required for the site. It was then suggested that the parking spaces do not necessarily need to be paved.



Discussion then ensued with regard to the timeline of the studies that are being conducted on the site.



Jim Wright, 8300 Osgoode Drive, expressed concern with the Garden City Lands Legacy Landscape Plan and read from his submission (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 2).



John ter Borg, 5860 Sandpiper Court, commented on (i) the unique features and history of the GCL; (ii) the need to focus on maintaining natural features of the site; (iii) the hydrology of the site; (iv) the potential uses for the flex fields; (v) the site’s trail system; and (vi) the buffers between different ecological areas of the site.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Redpath clarified that the flex fields are passive open spaces and will not be designated for sports field use. He added that a non-farm use application would have to be submitted to allow for sports field use. Staff were then directed to change the name of the flex fields to avoid any confusion with regard to the possible uses for the said fields.



Kent Mullinix, Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU), commented on the possible partnership between the City and KPU with regard to the GCL. He noted that KPU can assist with the farm management plan and establish plantings for the site. Also, he added that KPU can offer solutions to manage the soil and parking on the site.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Mullinix advised that the optimal period to plant fruit trees is in the spring in order to avoid damage from winter conditions.



De Whalen, 13631 Blundell Road, expressed support for the Garden City Lands Legacy Landscape Plan and noted that the site will provide passive recreation accessible to low income families.



The Chair provided a list of native plant species, (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 3) and recommended that native species be used for planting in the GCL.



It was moved and seconded



That the Garden City Lands Legacy Landscape Plan as detailed, and attached to the staff report titled “Garden City Lands Legacy Landscape Plan,” dated May 5, 2014, from the Senior Manager, Parks, be endorsed as a guide for future detailed planning and development of the Garden City Lands.






Staff were directed to present the Garden City Lands Legacy Landscape Plan at a future Council meeting.




Mayor Brodie left the meeting (5:05 p.m.) and did not return.



Dog Off Leash Program Update 2014
(File Ref. No. 11-7200-20) (REDMS No. 4227416 v.8)



Discussion ensued with regard to the size of the designated off-leash areas in the city, and Dee Bowley-Cowan, Acting Manager, Parks Programs advised that the size of the off-leash area can be expanded if needed.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Redpath noted that the size of an off-leash area is dependent on the dimensions of the site and the needs of the dogs. He added that informational signage is proposed to be installed on each off-leash site and that community feedback is encouraged during the pilot project program.



In reply to queries from Committee, Ms. Bowley-Cowan noted that a layout that would separate large and small dogs in the off-leash area would be dependent on the needs of the community.



Discussion ensued with regard to the enforcement of aggressive dogs.



Discussion then ensued regarding responsible dog ownership and the environmental impact of the off-leash areas.



It was moved and seconded




That the existing temporary fenced dog off leash area at Dover Park be relocated to the McCallan Road Right of Way/Railway Corridor and be designated as a fenced dog off leash area to be reviewed on an annual basis as detailed in the staff report “Dog Off Leash Program Update 2014” from the Senior Manager, Parks dated May 5, 2014;




That the vacant City-owned lot located at 7300 Elmbridge Way be designated as a fenced dog off leash area as detailed in the staff report “Dog Off Leash Program Update 2014” from the Senior Manager, Parks dated May 5, 2014 and be reviewed on an annual basis;




That a designated fenced dog off leash area be located on a portion of Garden City Community Park as detailed in the staff report “Dog Off Leash Program Update 2014” from the Senior Manager, Parks dated May 5, 2014 and be reviewed on an annual basis; and




That a designated fenced dog off leash area be located on a portion of South Arm Community Park as detailed in the staff report “Dog Off Leash Program Update 2014” from the Senior Manager, Parks dated May 5, 2014 and be reviewed on an annual basis.










McDonald and Point Grey Tidal Marsh Projects



The Chair referred to a newspaper notice and an email from Port Metro Vancouver, (attached to and forming these minutes as Schedule 4) and expressed concern with regard to the potential impacts to wildlife habitat as a result of the McDonald and Point Grey Tidal Marsh Project.



In reply to queries from Committee, Dave Semple, General Manager, Community Services, noted that the McDonald and Point Grey Tidal Marsh Project site was acquired by the Vancouver Airport Authority and that staff will participate in the consultation process. Staff were then directed to provide a written submission to Port Metro Vancouver expressing the City’s concerns with the proposed project.




Cllr. Au left the meeting (5:14 p.m.) and did not return.




Branscombe House



Jane Fernyhough, Director, Arts, Culture and Heritage Services, provided an update on Branscombe House noting that work is being done to replace the perimeter fencing, new gates to the parking lot will be added, and the landscaping will be updated. Also, she noted that staff are preparing a report for possible uses of the site.




Doors Open and Taste of the Empire



Ms. Fernyhough spoke of the upcoming Doors Open event, scheduled for June 7 and 8, 2014, as well as Taste of the Empire event, scheduled for May 31 to June 1, 2014 at the Richmond Cultural Centre’s Rooftop Garden.




Richmond Sports and Community Events



Gregg Wheeler, Manager, Sports and Community Events, commented on sports and community events happening in the city including:




the BC Elementary Track and Field Championships hosted by the Kajacks Track and Field Club;




Ladies football at Hugh Boyd Secondary School;




Richmond City Baseball tournament




Richmond Lacrosse Salmon Festival Tournament,




SOS Children's Village Run; and




Sockeye Run Car Show and Shine, hosted by the Richmond Lion’s Club.




Historical Boats



Mr. Semple commented on the option to locate the rum-runner boat to the Britannia site and noted that a report to Council detailing preservation options will be presented later this year.






It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (5:17 p.m.).





Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, May 27, 2014.



Councillor Harold Steves

Evangel Biason
Auxiliary Committee Clerk