April 24, 2007 - Minutes

Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee
Date: |
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 |
Place: |
Anderson Room |
Present: |
Councillor Linda Barnes, Chair |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. |
1. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee held on Tuesday, March 27, 2007, be adopted as circulated. |
2. |
Tuesday, May 29, 2007(tentative date) at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room. |
The Chair advised that following Item 6, discussion regarding a letter writing campaign would form an additional item on the agenda as Item 6A. |
The Chair further advised that the Richmond Aquatic Services Board could not attend the April 24, 2007 Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services (PRCS) Committee meeting to speak to Item 4, but could attend the May 29, 2007 PRCS Committee meeting to do so. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Item 4, a discussion of the staff report entitled “Richmond Arenas Community Association – Referral”, dated April 11, 2007, from the Director, Recreation and Cultural Services, be referred to the May 29, 2007 meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee. |
3. |
Discussion took place between Committee members and Dave Semple, Director of Parks and Public Works Operations, Wayne Mercer, Manager Community Bylaws, and James Lu, Medical Health Officer, on the wording of the proposed signs to be posted to discourage smoking at sport venues as follows: | ||
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that the word “smoking” be used instead of the word “tobacco” on the final signs; | |
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the phrase “please refrain from smoking” is stronger than the proposed phrase “smoking is discouraged”; | |
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smoking is discouraged “within 10 metres of this sign” is too limited a radius and should be expanded. | |
Staff agreed that the word “smoking” would replace the word “tobacco”, and that “10 metres” would be removed from the proposed signs. | ||
In response to a query, staff advised that there will be no formal enforcement of the proposed smoke-free zone at sport venues, and that the signage program educates the general public to ensure that smokers take move further away from a venue if smoking. | ||
The Province is in the process of amending its Tobacco Control Act to ban smoking at all indoor public places by 2008, in schools and on school grounds by September, 2007, and in public doorways, near public doors, windows and air intakes to protect indoor air quality. To date the Provincial Government has not announced enforcement strategies for these bans. For this reason, PRCS staff are proposing the signage program, but no enforcement strategies at present. Community Bylaws, in concert with Richmond Health Services, will present a report to Council on regulatory procedures at a later date. | ||
In response to a query, staff commented that the Richmond School Board has had smoke-free zones for many years, and smokers have moved off school property and onto nearby city sport venue property to smoke. The proposed signage program will encourage smokers to move away from athletes and children. | ||
Staff further advised that the City will work with the Richmond Health Department to mount a Smoke Free Campaign to notify the public about the smoke-free zones using such vehicles as press releases, information published on the City’s web site and letters to community organizations. Mr. Semple stated that signs will be discreet, will be placed where people can see them, but will not litter sport venues. | ||
In response to a query, Dr. Lu stated that approximately 6,000 people in | ||
The Chair requested that statistics regarding the economic costs of smoking related illnesses be circulated to the Mayor and Councillors before the May 14, 2007 Council meeting. Dr. Lu agreed to do so. | ||
Committee requested that staff read a similar resolution, discussed by the City of North Vancouver, regarding smoking at bus stops. | ||
Margaret Scott Peters, Richmond Public Health Nurse, resident of Delta, stated that Richmond Health Services is working in partnership with the Richmond Sports Council (RSC) to promote tobacco-free sport in the City. In addition, Vancouver Coastal Health is working on a proposal to host a Smoke-Free Olympics in 2010. Ms. Scott Peters mentioned that there is an initiative to decrease the BC smoking rate to 10% and to have as many venues as possible promote smoke-free outdoors. | ||
Jim Lamond, 8820 Ashford, speaking on behalf of the Richmond Sports Council, stated that at the most recent meeting of the RSC there was support for a unanimous ban on smoking. If there are signs posted to encourage a smoke-free zone, there is no need to limit it to a specific metre distance. Mr. Lamond noted that signage would be useful because at present it is the coaches who police smoking activity near sport venues. In closing he remarked that smokers litter the concrete around artificial turfs with cigarette butts, but there is no damage to the turf surface. | ||
It was moved and seconded | ||
(1) |
That smoke free zones be promoted at the entrances of all City owned municipal buildings including but not limited to City Hall, indoor sport venues, community centres, cultural facilities, libraries and museums; | |
(2) |
That smoke free zones be promoted at the main entrance gates and all areas where the public gather to watch or participate in outdoor events (such as behind backstops, the sidelines of sports fields and spectator seating areas) at all City owned playing fields and children’s playgrounds; | |
(3) |
That all affiliated community organizations be informed that a condition of use of City facilities will include their cooperation in promoting and monitoring this program; | |
(4) |
That a letter be forwarded to the Richmond School District #38 to inform them of these resolutions; and | |
(5) |
That a letter be forwarded to the Provincial Government encouraging that it bring forward its amended Tobacco Control Act as soon as possible. | |
The question on the motion was not called as Cathryn Volkering Carlile, General Manager, Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services, responded to a question from the Committee and advised that the City will place signage with no reference to a specific no smoking radius while it awaits the amendments to the Province’s Tobacco Control Act. | ||
The question was then called and it was CARRIED. | ||
4. |
(Referred to the May 29, 2007 meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee.) |
5. |
UBCM SENIOR HOUSING AND SUPPORT INITIATIVE GRANT (Report: April 12, 2007, File No.: 03-1087-01) (REDMS No. 2141928, 2133658) | |
Kate Sparrow, Director, Recreation & Cultural Services and Scott Schroeder Area Coordinator, West Richmond responded to queries about the proposed outreach computer programs for seniors, providing the following information: | |
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there are computer programs available in the City and the program proposed by the Thompson Community Centre, entitled “Surfing Seniors Outreach program” fills an outreach niche; |
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instructors for the proposed program are not volunteers but will be paid; |
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the grant application for $20,000 is a one time grant application; |
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as with other programs in the city, this one will have an evaluation process to collect feedback from participants; |
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a free introductory course arranged for seniors attracted older seniors, but research demonstrated that younger seniors would also attend such courses; |
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the proposed program is geared toward lower-income seniors, but as opportunities arise, it will be expanded to church groups, strata councils and others; |
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the proposed program would entail transporting four or five computers to program sites, as many sites have only one computer available; |
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staff advised that the Committee suggestion to outfit future seniors and affordable housing units with wiring for computer access would be communicated to Planning and Development staff. |
It was moved and seconded | |
(1) |
That Richmond City Council support the Union of BC Municipalities grant application submitted by the West Richmond Community Association for a “Surfing Seniors Outreach Program”; and, |
(2) |
That the resolution of Council supporting the West Richmond grant application be sent to the Union of BC Municipalities. |
6. |
Dave Semple, Director of Parks and Public Works Operations and Paul Brar Coordinator, Parks Programs, responded to queries about the proposal and provided the following information: | |
· |
the Thompson Community Association is proposing to contribute $10,000 for material costs related to the project (such as nine disc golf baskets, concrete to construct nine tee pads and install nine baskets, and signage production), and the City’s contribution would cover labour costs of installing the proposed disc golf course, which would be approximately $4,000; |
· |
disc golf is a recreational activity that is gaining popularity because it is playable by all skill levels, by all age groups, and requires minimal equipment; |
· |
Morris Neighbourhood Park is a 6.75 acre park where field hockey games used to take place; at present it features a children’s playground, a basketball hoop, a walking path and grass playing fields (that are not programmed for organized play but which attract pick-up soccer games), and the disc golf course has been designed around those elements; |
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the next step in the process would be for staff to proceed with a neighbourhood consultation process, in collaboration with the Thompson Community Association, which would involve having the proposed course laid out inside the park, using portable units, and inviting the community to provide feedback; |
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the course layout has been designed to take into consideration (i) the proximity of the 24 single family homes situated along the southern and eastern edges of the park, (ii) the buffer distances from residences to the holes, (iii) angling trajectory paths into the park, (iv)shorter fairways, and (v) signage around the site; |
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upon completion of the design of the course, together with the Thompson Community Centre, staff would set a date when Centre members could test the course; after the test event, staff would, in the summer of 2007, proceed with construction and installation. |
It was moved and seconded | |
That the proposal from Thompson Community Association for the installation of a 9-hole disc golf course at Morris Neighbourhood Park (as outlined in the report dated April 12, 2007 from the Director, Parks and Public Works Operation) be approved. | |
6A. |
The Chair advised that, on behalf of the Committee, she had sent a letter, dated April 16, 2007, to Barb Mathias, Chair, Richmond Aquatic Services Board (on file in the Clerk’s Office). Attached to the letter was (i) a background paper on infrastructure needs in the City, (ii) a copy of a letter from Mayor Brodie to the Honourable Helena Guergis, Secretary of State (Sport) seeking a commitment from the Federal government for significant national funding, and (iii) a position paper entitled Investing in Health Communities Through Recreation Infrastructure. |
Councillor Barnes remarked that letters, with attachments of this nature, will be sent by her, on behalf of the PRCS Committee, to partners who make presentations to the Committee, as well as other partners, to indicate that the Committee places a high priority on the infrastructure needs in the City, and to assist the partners if they undertake any lobbying. |
7. |
(a) |
Musical Expressions concert series at Britannia Heritage Shipyard – In response to a query regarding the status of the Musical Expressions concert series at Britannia Heritage Shipyard, Jane Fernyhough, Manager, Heritage and Cultural Services, reported that the shipyard’s dock, where concerts have taken place in past summers, is compliant for an event that attracts up to 50 people. However, due to the popularity of the concerts, the 2007 series (June 16, July 7, July 28 and September 8) will be held on the grass at the shipyard. |
Ms. Fernyhough added that PRCS staff met with Facilities, Building Approvals, and Fire Prevention personnel and have prepared a list of deficiencies to be addressed to bring the dock up to code, and thus able to accommodate larger crowds. The list includes railings, sprinklers and emergency lighting, among other features. PRCS staff will bring forward a report detailing the necessary changes. |
(b) |
Leisure Guide – Staff reported that on-line registration for PRCS programs opened at 12:01 a.m. on April 24, 2007, and that over 1,000 registrants used the service within eight hours. The Committee expressed its thanks to staff for bringing on-line registration to the City. |
In response to a query, staff advised that program information is kept up to date on-line, and that because the Leisure Guide is in print and has a specific shelf-life, the printed information may age slightly but the information on-line is always accurate. |
(c) |
Industry on the Waterfront Exhibit – Ms. Fernyhough advised that the new exhibit at Britannia entitled “Industry on the Waterfront” examines the workings of the shipyard and its role in BC’s industrial heritage. The exhibit starts May 5, 2007 with daily tours offered. |
(d) |
Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) Summer Career Placement Grant – In response to a query regarding a letter written by Terri Martin, President, Sea Island Community Association, and sent to Honourable Raymond Chan, MP (on file in the Clerk’s Office), Ms. Sparrow reported that Community Centre groups have undertaken a letter writing campaign to lobby local Members of Parliament to encourage Human Resources Development Canada to maintain its Summer Career Placement Grant in order to help fund wages at non-profit associations that have taken advantage of this grant in past summer. |
A brief discussion ensued and the following motion was introduced: |
It was moved and seconded | |
That the City write to the Federal Minister responsible for Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) to request that the Summer Career Placement Grant program be reinstated for the summer of 2007. | |
(e) |
Youth Week - Ms. Sparrow reported that Youth Week, an international celebration of youth, would be held during the first week of May, 2007. Richmond youth participate in a week of fun, interaction and celebration, intended to build a strong connection between young people and their community. One highlight will be the U-Roc (Richmond Outstanding Community Youth Awards) to be held at City Hall on Tuesday, May 1, 2007, from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. |
(f) |
Mr. Semple reported that: (i) the Steveston Water Park is on time and on budget; (ii) thieves had stolen copper from the Minoru Park baseball diamond; and (iii) all major playing fields were operating as early as April 18, 2007, which is a full month earlier than in past years. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (5:38 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, April 24, 2007. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Councillor Linda Barnes |
Sheila Johnston, Committee Clerk |