March 27, 2007 - Minutes

Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee
Date: |
Tuesday, March 27, 2007 |
Place: |
Anderson Room |
Present: |
Councillor Linda Barnes, Chair |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. |
1. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee held on Tuesday, February 27, 2007, be adopted as circulated. |
2. |
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 (tentative date) at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room. |
It was agreed to vary the agenda to add The Steveston Museum / Post Office as item 5. |
3. |
Garden City Community Park - Play Environment Concept Plan (Report: March 13, 2007, File No.: 06-2345-20-MNOR1/Vol 01) (REDMS No. 2087557)` |
Dave Semple, Director of Parks and Public Works Operations introduced Clarence Sihoe, Park Planner and Jeff Cutler, Consultant with Space2Place Design Inc. |
Mr. Cutler gave a brief PowerPoint presentation highlighting the design rationale and the student workshops at Henry Anderson School that led to the concept plan for the Garden City Play Environment. He indicated that a park as unique as this in design does not exist in Richmond or its surrounding areas. |
The vision for the park is to provide a rich diversity of creative play opportunities and learning experiences. The conceptual design process was concluded upon a collaborative input provided by City Centre community and school representatives, City staff, consultants, and school children of three City Centre based schools. |
Mr. Cutler referred to the many unique elements of the park including a reflexology path made up of different stones, a water pump, an outdoor classroom and entry features to the park. |
In response to a question, Mr. Cutler advised that the park could easily accommodate 200+ children at a time. There are many different forms of accommodation including play structures, water channels, seating areas and paths. |
In response to a question about the budget, Mr. Sihoe advised that $1,000,000 is a broad based estimate, one third of which will be allocated to the structure, and the remainder will be for site preparation. |
Councillor Cynthia Chen arrived at this point in the meeting. |
In answer to a question about the anticipated construction date, Dave Semple advised that construction is scheduled to begin in June 2007, with the goal to have major site development completed by September 2007. He further advised that as this is not a conventional playground, a higher level of maintenance will be required. |
In answer to a question about the feasibility of this park providing an experience similar to an adventure park, Mr. Cutler advised that it may be difficult to incorporate an adventure park as they are generally supervised with controlled access. |
In response to a comment about provisions for rain protection, Mr. Cutler indicated that the area next to the washroom facilities has an extended roof, however the rest of the park is not covered. Options for providing areas with rain protection throughout the park will be explored. |
The Chair requested that the School Board and all trustees be provided with colour copies of the Garden City Park Play Environment Concept Plan, and Design Summary Report. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the concept plan for the Garden City Community Park – Play Environment be approved. |
4. |
Pricing Policy for Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services (Report: March 15, 2007, File No.: 11-7000-00/Vol 01) (REDMS No. 2086524) | ||
Kate Sparrow, Director, Recreation & Cultural Services advised that Council’s direction is being sought for the development of a Pricing Policy for Parks Recreation and Cultural Services. | ||
As a result of the ensuing discussion, the following advice was provided: | ||
the policy will provide framework that will determine general costs for programs and services, it will not provide a standardized list of prices; | |
the policy will lay out a philosophy outlining which type of programs are suitable for subsidization and what level of subsidy is appropriate; | |
the policy will be price sensitive to the needs at the time; | |
when exploring the options for recovery of some City costs, consideration should be given to recovering City costs without negatively impacting participation; and | |
the completion date target for the policy is June 2007. | |
It was moved and seconded
| ||
1. |
That staff develop a Pricing Policy, for Parks Recreation and Cultural Services; and | |
2. |
That options for recovery of some City costs be included in the Policy. | |
5. |
Councillor McNulty provided a brief historical reflection on the Steveston Museum noting that the Steveston Historical Society has operated a Post Office in the building for over 25 years. Canada Post is now intending to relocate the post office. | ||
Graham Turnbull of the Steveston Historical Society indicated that flyers promoting the June 2007 opening of a new postal outlet in the Super Grocer store in Steveston are currently being circulated. | ||
Mr. Turnbull stated that Tourism Richmond has shown interest in using the building for their informational kiosk. | ||
Discussion ensued and several points were raised including the following: | ||
the viability of keeping the building open with a Tourism Richmond kiosk; | |
continuation of further negotiations with Canada Post; | |
the feasibility of operating the museum as an addendum to a Richmond museum; and | |
maintaining the building as a tourist attraction such as Peggy’s Cove or Barkerville and using collector’s stamps to keep the post office aspect alive. | |
It was moved and seconded | ||
That staff investigate: | ||
1. |
business possibilities for the Steveston Museum /Post Office building; and | |
2. |
6. |
Barb Mathias, President / Chair of the Richmond Aquatic Services Board acknowledged the Board members, and provided a general overview of the Board’s history, mandate and role. | |
During her presentation, Ms. Mathias spoke about and highlighted the following points: | |
swimming is one of the few physical activities appropriate for people with disabilities and all age groups; |
the issue of aging facilities such as Steveston, South Arm and Minoru must be addressed; |
financial operations and the strong cost recoveries at the aquatic facilities; |
the 10th annual Fitness Challenge 2007, involving 1409 participants; |
the inadequate number of aquatic facilities to serve the high use and demand. |
Cathryn Carlile, General Manager, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services advised that a report about the Aquatics Facilities will be available in June 2007 (tentative date). She further advised that the needs assessment, which was an anchor to the Master Plan, is now five years old and a new one will need to be launched in late 2007. |
In answer to a question about the aquatic needs of the community, Barb Mathias advised that a City Centre replacement for Minoru Aquatic Centre would be very useful. A new facility should have at least eight 50 meter lanes, and greater bleacher space to host larger groups and to serve the densification of the City Centre. |
It was believed that large waiting lists for children’s swimming lessons are not acceptable as swimming is a necessary life skill. Karen Jones, Coordinator, Minoru Aquatic Centre advised that swimming is a very popular activity in our community, and although other communities offer the same red cross swim programs as Richmond, they have not encountered the large waiting lists. |
It was noted that Minoru is an ideal location to place a large structure that hosts many activities in one complex. Smaller structures are also needed for residents who do not rely on personal vehicles as well as residents who prefer small scale facilities. |
In response to a query regarding the estimated opening date of the Steveston water park, advice was given that mid June 2007 is the targeted opening. |
7. |
Eric Stepura, Manger of Sports and Community Events announced that the City of Richmond received the Bell Canada True Sport Award, at the Canadian Sport Awards on March 23, 2007 held at the University of Manitoba. |
The City’s True Sports Community presentation highlighted the value of sports and ethical sports initiatives as well as how the Richmond Sports Council and community sports groups work together. Examples that were put forth for the program included the Hugh Boyd Artificial Turf Complex Project, the “Everyone Can Play” Field Sport Strategy and Playbook For Action, the “Everyone Can Play” soccer program, the Richmond Arena’s Community Association and the partnership with the School District. |
The plaque and a cheque for $5000 will be presented to Council at the next Regular meeting on April 10th, 2007. |
It was moved and seconded | |
That the meeting adjourn (5:44 p.m.). | |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, March 27, 2007. | ||
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ | ||
Councillor Linda Barnes |
Shanon Hamilton | ||