January 25, 2006 Minutes

City of Richmond Meeting Minutes

Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee





Wednesday, January 25th, 2006


Anderson Room
Richmond City Hall


Councillor Bill McNulty, Chair
Councillor Linda Barnes
Councillor Cynthia Chen


Councillor Derek Dang
Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt
Councillor Sue Halsey-Brandt
Councillor Harold Steves, Vice-Chair

Call to Order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and advised that the following would be added to the agenda as additional items:


·         Minoru Park Update


·         Public Consultation – Delegation Options








It was moved and seconded



That the minutes of the meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee held on Tuesday, October 25th, 2005 and Tuesday, November 29th, 2005, be adopted as circulated.(1685504, 1708894)












(Report:  December 19th, 2005, File No.:11-7000-09-20-046) (REDMS No. 1718555)



With the aid of a model, Ms. Suzanne Greening, Arts Coordinator, described the Garden City and Cook Road/Chandler Development public art project.  She stated that there would be approximately 15 pieces of art of varying sizes.  These would be placed in locations around the development and in public areas transiting from the development into the Garden City Park area.




It was moved and seconded



That the artwork donated by Chandler Development at Garden City & Cook Road to the City of Richmond, as presented in the report dated December 19, 2005 from the Manager, Policy Planning, be approved.












(Report:  January 5th, 2006, File No.:  06-2270-01) (REDMS No. 1730386)



A map of the Fraser River Delta and information concerning the Don and Lion Islands provided by Councillor Steves was distributed. (a copy of this information is attached as Schedule 1 and forms a part of these minutes).  Chair stated that he was advised that there was a report on file concerning a claim by the First Nations band on these islands.  Mr. Dave Semple, Director, Parks, advised that this site was originally used by the Cowichan Band.  Staff were requested to forward a copy of the report concerning this claim to Committee. 



Mr. Fukawa, Chair, Suian Maru Centennial Celebration Committee advised that he was familiar with the Cowichan Band claim.  He then stated that he had discussed the renaming of the islands with Ms. Janet Mason, Provincial Toponymist, who advised that it would be difficult to re-name geographic features, such as these islands.  She suggested that it may be easier to name  the channel between Don and Lion islands or parklands. (a copy of the text of this telephone conversation is attached as Schedule 2 and forms a part of these minutes).  In response to queries from the Committee, Mr. Fukuwa advised that if the islands could not be renamed, other options which would be considered, would be the channel between the islands or a GVRD park.  He stated that the renaming ceremony would be performed in October 2006.



Mr. Mike Redpath, Manager, Parks - Programs, Planning & Design advised that staff would work closely with the Suian Maru Centennial Committee towards the renaming of the islands.  However, if this was not possible, a proposal could be made to the GVRD to use either Oikawa or Sato as a park name.



Discussion ensued on this topic and staff were advised to liaise with Mayor Brodie and Councillor Steves with regard to bringing this issue to the appropriate committee of the GVRD.



It was moved and seconded




That the City of Richmond prepare an official letter to the Suian Maru Centennial Committee in support of their efforts to initiate a re-naming/dedication of Don and Lion Islands to Oikawa and Sato Islands.




That staff be directed to work with the Suian Maru Centennial Committee to develop a commemorative/interpretive sign/plaque to be installed in a mutually agreed upon location prior to the Suian Maru Centennial celebrations planned for the fall of 2006.








(Report:  January 6th, 2006, File No.:03-1000-03-032  ) (REDMS No. 1730244, 1740824)



It was moved and seconded




That the contribution agreement between the Steveston Community Society and the City be approved and executed.




That construction of the water park commence upon execution of the agreement.











Ms. Cathy Volkering Carlile, General Manager, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services, introduced Councillor Cynthia Chen to staff.



She then provided an update on Minoru Park.  She stated that staff held 4 open houses, and met with the Sports Council concerning the Minoru Park Vision and principles.  She stated that meetings would also be held with individual  Park stakeholders over the coming months.  (a copy of the Minoru Park background, vision and framework is attached as Schedule 3 and forms a part of these minutes).  She advised that some of the feedback received indicated that:



·         the public was concerned that there should be no net loss of activities in the park;



·         the proposed Public Safety Building appeared to be too large for the site;



·         there was a misconception that the Minoru ice skating arena would be removed from the site.



She stated that staff were still in the process of collecting input from the community.  She advised that when this process was finished, the information would be collated and a report would be brought to Committee concerning this issue.



Discussion ensued concerning the re-development of sites surrounding the park and whether developers were aware that pathways and entrances to Minoru Park had to be provided through their sites.



In response, Mr. Mike Redpath, advised that prior to a site being developed, staff from the Urban Development and Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Divisions held discussions concerning these issues.








Chair advised that he would like to restructure the agenda so that members of the public, particularly community groups would have an opportunity to communicate with Committee and staff concerning their activities, achievements and concerns. 



Discussion ensued on this topic and it was noted that this agenda item would be limited to half-hour  at the end of each meeting and to one delegation per meeting.




It was moved and seconded



A letter be written to Community Groups outlining this agenda item and to extend an invitation to attend a meeting as a delegate.










Mr. Gord Barstow, Manager, Parks Operation, advised that:



·         the area around Minoru Lakes was being replanted.  He stated that signs denoting this activity would be placed around the area.



·         staff was working with baseball groups to re-sod the diamonds at Gibbons Park.  He stated that and noted that irrigation sprinklers had been donated to the City, and would be used to irrigate the area.



·         an irrigation system would be installed at Miller Field at no cost to the City;



·         a Sitka Spruce tree was being planted at Garry Point Park as a historical monument;



·         five traffic islands adopted by residents had been replanted.  Staff would try to replant more islands for residents to adopt.



Kate Sparrow, Director, Recreation and Cultural Services advised that February 3rd – 10th was Spirit of BC week.  She stated that the Spirit of BC Community had planned a series of events, one of which was a free family skate at Minoru Arena – this was a Provincial event and more details on events would be forwarded to Committee as soon as possible.



Jane Fernyhough, Manager of Heritage and Cultural Services advised that the Lubzinski Collection would be moved by the end of February.  Larry Tolton, Project Manager, was in the process of documenting each piece of equipment and the collection would be stored at Steveston Harbour.



Mike Redpath, Manager, Parks - Programs, Planning & Design advised that 4 herons, as well as some eagles had returned to their nesting area in Terra Nova.



In response to a query from Committee, Mr. Semple advised that staff had received complaints regarding the use of the artificial turf at Richmond High School.  He stated that staff had met with the complainant to resolve their concerns.  Mr. Redpath advised that staff were looking at options such as earlier start and closing times as well as planting trees on the berm which would act as both a noise and a visual buffer.









It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (5:05 p.m.).






Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Wednesday,
January 25th, 2006.



Councillor Bill McNulty

Desiree Wong
Committee Clerk