October 25th, 2005 Minutes

City of Richmond Meeting Minutes

Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee


Tuesday, October 25th, 2005


Anderson Room
Richmond City Hall


Councillor Harold Steves, Chair
Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt, Vice-Chair
Councillor Linda Barnes
Councillor Derek Dang
Councillor Sue Halsey-Brandt
Councillor Bill McNulty

Call to Order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and advised that the following would be added to the agenda as additional items:


Minoru Lake

Phoenix Net Loft




It was moved and seconded

That the minutes of the meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee held on Tuesday, September 27th, 2005, be adopted as circulated.




Kim Somerville, Community Facilities Coordinator, and Vern Jacques, Manager, Community Recreation Services, gave a short video presentation of the Summer Parks Program Highlights for 2005. In response to queries from the Committee, Ms. Somerville and Mr. Jacques advised that:

· The art truck was used to provide outreach programs to members in the community, especially youths and seniors;

· the Raised Roof Project was very successful and provided programs for youths who could not access community programs for financial reasons;

· currently there was no short term measurement on how successful these programs were;

· there were several programs within community centres for seniors, however, staff would address the issue of asset building for isolated seniors in the community; and

· night shift programs, dances, leadership training programs as well as trips were provided for youths, throughout the year at community centres.

In response to a query from the Committee, Ms. Kate Sparrow, Director, Recreation and Cultural Services, advised that the Garrett Wellness Center was leased to the Richmond Health Services and focussed primarily on programs for those with chronic diseases. She stated that staff will evaluate and provide a report to Committee on the Center and its programs in the near future. A request was made that a member of the Health Department who was involved with the Centre be invited to the meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee at which this report would be presented.

Discussion then ensued on the City’s Wooden Boat Festival, and whether this could be expanded by inviting the captains of the Odyssey and Zodiac to the Festival, if so, this would have to be done as soon as possible as the captains needed a year’s notice to be able to attend.



(Oral Report)
Significant trees on Private Property Management Program and Bylaw  (report dated August 24th, 2005), attached for information at the request of the Chair)

Councillor Steves, Chair, briefly reviewed the reasons why the city needed a comprehensive tree bylaw.

Discussion ensued on the following:

· the need to protect trees on private property prior to development;

· the need for exemptions under appropriate circumstances;

· the cost for permits to cut down a tree not be prohibitive;

· the fine for cutting down a tree should be higher than $10,000; and

· the need for a negotiation process to save trees.

In response to a query from the Committee, Mr. John Irving, Acting General Manager, Urban Development Division advised that:

· staff were still working on providing answers to questions arising from the General Purposes Committee Meeting held on August 29th, 2005;

· the annual cost of $250,000 would provide a comprehensive tree protection program for the City;

· the exact revenue from this program could not be determined but that other municipalities did not recover the revenues spent on their programs. He noted however, that over a period of years, full cost recovery could be targeted;

· staff will work with the City’s legal department to determine the maximum fine that could be levied for cutting down a tree; and

· staff would encourage tree growth and maintenance as part of the tree program.

Mr. Doug Louth, 4140 Dallyn Road, spoke in support of the need for a tree bylaw to safeguard all trees on privately owned residential, commercial and industrial property in the City. He also spoke of the need for an education component in a tree protection program.

Mr. Michael Wolfe, 9731 Odlin Road, spoke in support of the need for a tree bylaw to preserve the habitat.

In response to a query from the Committee, Mr. Irving advised that an education program can be designed prior to a tree bylaw being adopted by Council.

It was moved and seconded


That Council adopt Option 3 as stated in the report “Significant Trees on Private Property Management Program and Bylaw” from the Manager, Building Approvals, and the Acting Director of Development (dated August 24th, 2005);


That staff prepare an additional level request for Council consideration for $250,000 to support this program.




(Report: October 12th, 2005, File No.:06-2345-01, 08-4060-05-01; xr: SA05-(REDMS No. 1678365)

In response to queries from the Committee, Mr. Dave Semple, Director, Parks Operations, advised:

· that staff will report to Committee in the near future on how the remainder of the funds ($96,000) from the London Lane Development Corporation was used; and

· the Steveston Water Park project would start in spring 2006 and it was hoped that it would be ready by July 1st, 2006. He noted that staff would report to Committee if there were funding issues on this project.

It was moved and seconded


That staff be authorized to allocate $75,000 from the London Lane Development Corporation’s contribution requirement in lieu of indoor amenity space to the construction of the Steveston Water Park in 2006; and


The remainder of the funds, $96,000, be directed to trails and waterfront amenity improvements in the London Landing Steveston area.



(Report: October 12th, 2005, File No.: 11-7200-01) (REDMS No. 1678285)

Discussion then ensued on the use of the Garden City lands for parks and recreation purposes and whether the No. 1 Road Fire Hall facilities and the proposed Community Safety Building at Minoru Park would be moved to the City’s portion of the DFO Lands on Garden City Road.  The suggestion was made that the Community Safety Committee should ask the Police Chief about the possibility of combining the Bridgeport Fire Hall with a police station.  It was noted that a resolution concerning the use of DFO Lands acquired by the City being used for park and recreation purposes only had been adopted previously, and it was suggested that a moratorium should be put on those lands.  Discussion ensued on this matter and it was agreed that the use of DFO Lands acquired by the City should be forwarded to the General Purposes Committee for discussion.

In response to a query from the Committee, Ms. Cathy Volkering Carlile, General Manager, Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services advised that staff were looking at the City’s portion of the DFO Lands as an option for the Community Safety Building.

It was moved and seconded

That the draft “Field Strategy - Strategic Goals, Objectives- Our Playbook for Action” and framework” (as detailed in the report dated October 12th, 2005, from the Director of Parks Operations), be endorsed and utilized for the development of the 2005-2015 Outdoor Field Sport Strategy.



It was moved and seconded

That the draft “Field Strategy - Strategic Goals, Objectives- Our Playbook for Action” and framework” (as detailed in the report dated October 12th, 2005, from the Director of Parks Operations), be forwarded to the Sports Council for input.


It was moved and seconded
That the following be referred to the General Purposes Committee for discussion:

“that all acquisition of lands at Garden City Road be used for Parks and Recreation purposes only”


Committee then requested that staff report on the Proposed Community Safety Building at Minoru Park and options for other locations.


Councillor McNulty advised that he was in receipt of a letter from the Richmond Responsible Dog Owners Group concerning dog-related issues in the City. He requested that staff meet with Mr. Lake and report back to Committee concerning these discussions.


Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt advised that geese droppings were fouling all of Minoru Park including the lake. She requested that staff provide options on how the geese could be culled from the park.

It was moved and seconded

That staff report to Committee with options to cull geese from Minoru Park.


Councillor Dang left the meeting at 6:00 pm and did not return.


Councillor Linda Barnes stated that the façade of the Phoenix Net Loft was in need of repairs.

It was moved and seconded

That staff investigate issuing a request for proposal for Phoenix Net Loft within the following parameters: no cost to the city, preserving the Net Loft’s exterior and that this be done within the site’s existing permitted uses.



It was moved and seconded

That staff be directed to apply to be a host community for Katimavik volunteers for the period Fall 2009 through Winter 2010.




Cathy Volkering Carlile advised that open houses, focus groups and workshops for public feedback on the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Master Plan would begin in the near future and a memo concerning times and dates for these events would be provided to Council. In response to a query from the Committee, she advised that a memo concerning the list of accomplishments to date, for various parts of the Plan would be provided to Council.

Dave Semple briefly reported on the Richmond Soccer Alliance Proposal report, stating that more detail was needed, as well as input from the Sports Council before it was brought to Committee.

Discussion ensued concerning the removal of equipment from the South Arm Community Centre Playground. Staff advised that they would meet with the South Arm Community Association to discuss removal and replacement of the equipment.

Mike Redpath advised that on Monday, October 31st, 2005, there would be pyrotechnic displays at Sea Island, Hamilton, West Richmond, Minoru and South Arm Community Centers. Committee extended its appreciation to staff for making Haloween safe and fun.


It was moved and seconded

That the meeting adjourn (6:24 p.m.).


Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, October 25th, 2005.



Councillor Harold Steves

Desiree Wong
Committee Clerk