Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee Meeting Minutes - June 24, 2003



Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee





Tuesday, June 24th, 2003


Anderson Room
Richmond City Hall


Councillor Harold Steves, Chair
Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt, Vice-Chair
Councillor Linda Barnes  4:03 p.m.
Councillor Derek Dang
Councillor Sue Halsey-Brandt
Councillor Bill McNulty

Mayor Malcolm Brodie 4:02 p.m.

Call to Order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.









It was moved and seconded



That the minutes of the meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee held on Tuesday, June 4th, 2003, be adopted as circulated.












Mr. Narinder Nagra on the maintenance of McLean Park.(2345-20-MCMC1)




Mr. Nagra distributed three photographs taken of the natural area of the park from Westminister Highway.  The photographs are on file in the City Clerks Office.  Mr. Nagra provided a brief history of his understanding of the design intent of the park.  A request was then made that the grass in the natural area of the park, which was considered by Mr. Nagra to be an eyesore, be cut on a regular basis.



Mayor Brodie and Cllr. Barnes joined the meeting during Mr. Nagras presentation at 4:02 and 4:03 respectively.



The Director of Parks Operations, Dave Semple, and the Manager, Parks Operations, Gord Barstow, responded to questions from the Committee on the maintenance of the park, and displayed a photoboard comprised of pictures of the park taken earlier in the day. 



As a result of the discussion the following referral motion was introduced:



It was moved and seconded



That staff review the maintenance procedures of McLean Park and include in the report back to Committee input from area residents.





( 2)

Mr. Alan Sakai, Steveston Judo Club, regarding the 50th anniversary of the club.




Mr. Alan Sakai, accompanied by Mr. Jim Kojima, Judo Canada/Judo BC, distributed information on the proposed 50th Anniversary of the Steveston Judo Club, a copy of which is attached as Schedule 1 and forms a part of these minutes.  Mr. Sakai then briefly summarized the information and asked for the City's support on either the calligraphy restoration or the anniversary memory book projects contained in the action plan. 



Mr. Kojima then spoke about the number of projects in Steveston that the Judo Club had been involved in over the years and also the multicultural nature of the Club today.



A brief discussion then ensued between the delegates and the Committee which resulted in the following referral motion being introduced:



It was moved and seconded



That staff identify:




appropriate funding sources for the Calligraphy Restoration and the Anniversary Memory Book projects presented by the Steveston Judo Club;





an appropriate location for displaying the Calligraphy and other artifacts;





how the anniversary celebration of the Steveston Judo Club could be supported in conjunction with the upcoming Wakiyama events;





what in kind contributions the City could make to the anniversary celebrations of the Steveston Judo Club; and





how the Japanese Canadian Martial Art Centre could be better promoted to the community.




Prior to the question being called direction was given that the report should be received at the General Purposes Committee meeting scheduled for July 7th, 2003.




The question was then called and it was CARRIED.





( 3)

Mr. Mike Pearce, Head men's Rowing Coach University of British Columbia. 




The Manager, Parks, Administration and Programs, Mike Redpath, introduced Mr. George Hungerford, Order of Canada, Queens Counsel, UBC Alumni, 1968 Olympic Gold Medallist, to the Committee.



Mr. Hungerford thanked the Committee for hearing the presentation, and staff for their tremendous assistance in bringing forth the proposal. Mr. Hungerford said that the University of British Columbia (UBC)/Richmond boathouse project had originated from the total absence of a proper rowing course and facility.  It was noted that while the project was a UBC driven initiative the vision was much broader in its incorporation of all paddling sports.  The number of committee volunteers with vast experience to offer was also noted, including those present who were introduced to the Committee.



Mr. Pearce then gave a powerpoint presentation of the project.



Cllr. Dang left the meeting during the presentation 5:05 p.m.



Discussion then ensued that included the information that:




sufficient equipment was available to service the anticipated number of community programs;




the debris in the river was manageable;




facilities for the public to launch their own boats were not advisable for safety reasons;




several types of racing, including dual racing, two boats side by side, and headstyle, a timed trial, could be anticipated; and




the UBC Board of Governors had approved the Memorandum of Understanding.










(Report:  June 4/03, File No.:  1000-14-084) (REDMS No. 1008776, 997051)



It was moved and seconded



That the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Richmond and the University of British Columbia Thunderbird Rowing Centre (Attachment 1 to the report dated June 4, 2003 from the Director, Parks Operations), be approved.






(Report:  May 23/03, File No.:  8060-20-7531) (REDMS No. 1011341, 1011479)



It was moved and seconded



That Municipal Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw No. 7321, Amendment Bylaw No. 7531, which establishes ticketable offences for Public Parks & School Grounds Bylaw No. 7310, be forwarded to Council for introduction and first, second and third readings after preliminary approval is obtained from the Chief Judge on the bylaw.







(Report:  May 20/03, File No.:  7400-01) (REDMS No. 1008273, 1011557)



The General Manager, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services, Cathy Volkering Carlile, and the Director, Parks Operations, Dave Semple, was present.



Discussion then ensued on various aspects of the proposal during which information was given that:




the proposal fits within the guidelines for obtaining a communications grant from the Federal Government;





a memorandum of understanding would be prepared that would outline how profits would be distributed;





the City would be responsible for the site due to liability issues;





the Society would make the final decision of whether to proceed with the Festival;





the City would have no obligation beyond the $10,000 requested; and,





no long term effect would be felt by the usage of the joint school/park site for parking.




Mr. Bryan Klassen, Site Supervisor, Britannia Heritage Shipyards, said that preliminary discussions with HRDC had indicated that funding for a coordinator would be realized.



It was moved and seconded







the report (dated May 20, 2003 from the Director, Parks Operations and the Manager, Heritage and Cultural Services) on the proposed Britannia Wooden Boat Festival, be received for information; and





$10,000 from the Council Contingency fund be allocated for the 2004 operational budget for Festival expenses.








(Report:  June 19/03, File No.:  2345-20-NPAR1) (REDMS No. 1008701)



The Project Manager, Mary Brunet, and the Manager, Heritage and Cultural Services, Jane Fernyhough, were present.



In response to questions Ms. Brunet said that the revised scope of work was based on a typical trail washroom that would be wheelchair accessible only and have a life expectancy of 50 years.  In addition, Ms. Brunet said that different options for the interpretative kiosk had been reviewed after which it had been determined that a $15,000. construction cost would be realized for a structure typical of a picnic area structure.



The General Manager, Engineering and Public Works, Jeff Day, gave advice that the greater cost of the proposed facility over a residential facility was due to the increased standards required for protection against vandalism and the increased usage and that to lower the standard would decrease the lifespan of the building.



Cllr. McNulty left the meeting during the above discussion 5:47 p.m.



It was moved and seconded







the Richmond Nature Park Interpretation Kiosk/Accessible Washroom report (dated June 19, 2003 from the Director of Engineering and the Director of Recreation and Cultural Services), be received for information;




the original scope of work for a combined interpretation kiosk/washroom that would include full accessibility, be endorsed; and




the cost of the facility not exceed $150,000.



Prior to the question being called direction was given that information be provided on (i) the intended uses of the kiosk; and (ii) the incremental costs associated with the various options of constructing the facility.



The question was then called and it was CARRIED.








The Manager, Heritage and Cultural Services, Jane Fernyhough, provided an update on the Heritage and History in City Hall project.








It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (6:01 p.m.).






Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, June 24th, 2003.



Councillor Harold Steves

Deborah MacLennan
Administrative Assistant