Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee Meeting Minutes - June 4, 2003
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee
Date: |
Wednesday, June 4th, 2003 |
Place: |
Anderson Room |
Present: |
Councillor Harold Steves, Chair |
Absent: |
Councillor Evelina
Halsey-Brandt, Vice-Chair |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. |
1. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee held on Tuesday, April 29th, 2003, be adopted as circulated. |
2. |
New Directions in Crisis
Prevention and Response Initiative (CHIMO) |
In response to a query from Committee, Ms. Kate Sparrow, Director of Recreation and Cultural Services, advised that this program: |
would promote collaboration between organizations to enhance crisis prevention and response in the community; |
would help build capacity to reduce the need for crisis response; |
would enable easier access to crisis services; and |
would help maximize the use of resources in the community; |
She noted that: |
this was a three year pilot program which could result in a reduction of crises in the community and provide overall savings to the City; and |
at the end of the third year results would be measured and evaluated. |
In response to queries from the Committee she advised that: |
the program would first address issues in the SW quadrant of the City; |
the City, working collaboratively with CHIMO, could help promote and find space for a variety of programs; |
the City was working independently with a variety of organizations, this program would provide additional resources for staff to use and noted that efficiencies would be gained by working collaboratively; |
there would be no additional cost to the City; |
CHIMO had funding for the 1st year of the program and is investigating funding for the 2nd and 3rd years as well; |
if no funding was found for the 2nd and 3rd years, the program would be discontinued; |
since this is a pilot program, staff involvement had not yet been identified; and |
RCSAC was still in the process of identifying all services (Federal, Provincial and Municipal) provided throughout the City. |
Discussion then ensued among the Committee and the following concerns were noted: |
not enough information was provided concerning the City's involvement or cost; |
funding for years 2 and 3 of the program had not been accounted for; |
this service was redundant; identified groups were already working together; and |
this was a download of services from the Provincial government. |
Chair stated that this service was not a download from the Provincial government. He noted that CHIMO originally started because of crises issues within the community. |
In response to a query from the Committee, Ms. Joan Cowderoy, Executive Director, CHIMO Crisis Services advised that funding was possible because this program was a joint venture and that she was committed to finding funding for the next two years of the program. |
Discussion then ensued and it was agreed that a more detailed report was needed such as a budget outline, identification of staff /City involvement and CHIMOs expectations of the City. It was also noted that Council had already directed the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Task Force to identify issues such as these. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the report New Directions in Crisis Prevention and Response Initiative (CHIMO) be referred to the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Community Working Group, to be included as a part of their review of the delivery of services to the community. |
3. |
Public Amenity Space at
Aberdeen Centre |
In response to a query from Committee, Ms. Suzanne Carte-Huffman, Senior Planner, advised that the ground floor was a suitable location for the proposed multipurpose community space which had good exposure to Cambie Road and direct pedestrian and parking access. |
It was moved and seconded |
That: |
1. |
ground floor location for the proposed community space in Fairchild
Developments Limiteds proposed hotel at Aberdeen Centre as outlined
in the rezoning application, be endorsed; and, |
2. |
staff examine the proposed community space and report to Council as soon as possible on potential uses and budgetary implications both Capital and Operating. |
4. |
Interurban Tram
Building in London/Princess Area |
In response to a query from Committee, Ms. Jane Fernyhough, Manager, Cultural Services, advised that the routing of the tram had not yet been set. |
Discussion ensued on this topic and the following information was provided: |
the tram could be routed to the waterfront; and |
staff would work with the applicant concerning the location of the proposed barn and workshop. |
Mr. Bob Ransford, a member of the Heritage Advisory Committee, spoke in support of the staff recommendation. |
Mr. Dana Westermark, Developer, spoke in support of staffs recommendation and advised that the tram would enhance the Steveston Community and provide Steveston with a more vibrant and dynamic waterfront. He noted that $140,000 was set aside for the building and further funds would be available in lieu of DCC charges. He stated that he had had preliminary discussions with the Tram Society concerning use of space in the proposed barn. |
It was moved and seconded |
That: |
1. |
City-owned former CNR right-of-way within the London Princess area
as a potential location for the Interurban Tram car barn and
workshop be endorsed; and |
2. |
staff report on the routing of the Interurban tram in context with the Waterfront Strategy. |
5. |
Special Events |
A brief discussion ensued on this topic and staff advised that they would also be looking at alternative ways of service delivery. |
It was moved and seconded |
That: |
1. |
the special event guiding principles, as
defined in the report (dated May 26, 2003 from the General Manager,
Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services), be adopted; |
2. |
the interim special event process and the
City's role, as defined in the report (dated May 26, 2003 from the
General Manager, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services), be
adopted; |
3. |
City staff continue to develop a final special
event and sponsorship process for Councils consideration in the
Fall of 2003; and |
4. |
the staff report on this matter be referred to the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Community Working Group and to the Economic Advisory Task Force for review and to report to Council prior to a final decision being made on this strategy. |
6. |
Tall Ships Report |
Ms. Janice Podmore, representing the Richmond Tall Ships 2005 Steering Committee, gave an in-depth review of the Richmond Tall Ships Challenge Event Outline, prepared by the Richmond Tall Ships Steering Committee. She stated that the requested funds were needed to enable the Committee to develop a business plan. |
In response to a query from Committee, she advised that the City's in kind contribution would include Fire and Police services, traffic management, land side set-up, sheds, facilities, vehicles, banners and public meetings. |
Councillor Dang left the meeting (6:10 pm). |
Discussions ensued on this topic and some concerns noted were that: |
there should be a separation of the event and its liabilities from the City; |
the event should stand on its own; |
whoever signed the contract with ASTA would have the residual obligation; |
in the Steering Committee report, more discussion was needed on volunteer development; |
the Steering Committee did not have enough business oriented people on board; |
more private sponsors should be sought; |
facilities were not insured and insurance was needed before the contract was signed; and |
the parties who benefit the most should pay for this event. |
In response to some of the above concerns from the Committee, Ms. Podmore advised that: |
the Steering Committee would be raising additional funds since the total sum needed was approximately $70,000; |
the Steering Committee was purposefully kept small but more people would be added; and |
the City's support would be a catalyst to other donors. |
It was moved and seconded |
That: |
1. |
report on Tall Ships be referred to a closed meeting of the Parks,
Recreation and Cultural Services to be held immediately following
this meeting. |
2. |
The report on Tall Ships be tabled and re-addressed following the conclusion of the closed meeting. |
7. |
Community Wellness Strategy |
Ms. Kate Sparrow, Director, Recreation & Cultural Services, briefly reviewed the Community Wellness Strategy report, stating that this was an information report advising Committee on staff strategies. |
Discussions ensued concerning this topic and the following concerns were noted that there was no inclusion of: |
the cost to the city of this strategy; |
the length of staff time involved; and |
what resources other institutions would contribute to this strategy. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the Community Wellness Strategy report be referred to staff to outline the City's role and any financial implications needed to formulate this strategy, and to include the resource contribution of Richmond Health Service and other agencies involved in this Strategy. |
OPPOSED: Cllr. Barnes |
7. |
1. Mr. David Semple, Director of Parks Operations, advised that staff were finalizing the possibility of insuring the waterfront for Tall Ships. |
2. Staff were requested to report on the Seniors Wellness Fair . |
3. Advice was given that the City would provide a float in the form of a Fire Truck for the Salmon Festival. |
4. Further advice was given that a report was being drafted regarding the City's 125 Years celebration. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (6:54 p.m.). |
The meeting was reconvened at 7:34 pm. with Councillor Harold Steves, Chair, Mayor Malcolm Brodie, Councillor Linda Barnes and Councillor Bill McNulty present. |
Discussion again resumed on the Tall Ships report and in response to a query from Committee, Ms. Cathryn Volkering-Carlile, General Manager, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services advised that a detailed agreement which included Committees concerns could be drawn up with the Tall Ships 2005 Steering Committee. |
A request was made and agreed to that recommendations would be dealt with separately. |
It was moved and seconded |
That $25,000 be granted to the Tall Ships 2005 Steering Committee from the Council Contingency Account to prepare a business plan and a fundraising and sponsorship plan. |
The question on the motion was not called as the following amendment was introduced: |
It was moved and seconded |
That the main motion be amended by deleting the figure $25,000 and by substituting the following, a maximum of $12,500 based on funds to be matched by the recipient. |
OPPOSED: Mayor Brodie |
The question on the main motion was not called, as a further amendment was introduced: |
It was moved and seconded |
That the main motion be deleted in its entirety, and the following substituted, That a maximum of $25,000 be granted to the Tall Ships 2005 Steering Committee based on funds to be matched by the recipients, from the Council Contingency Account to prepare a business plan and a fundraising and sponsorship plan. |
OPPOSED: Mayor Brodie |
It was moved and seconded |
That a contribution agreement for the $25,000 be prepared. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the completed business plan and sponsorship/fundraising plan be presented to the General Purposes Committee meeting no later than November 3, 2003 in order that a timely decision on the City involvement in Tall Ships 2005 be made. |
Staff were then requested to report to Committee on how to determine whether the public supported the Tall Ships 2005 event. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (7:58 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Wednesday, June 4th, 2003. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Councillor Harold Steves |
Desiree Wong |