June 5, 2018 - Minutes
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Planning Committee
Date: |
Tuesday, June 5, 2018 |
Place: |
Anderson Room |
Present: |
Councillor Bill McNulty, Vice-Chair |
Absent: |
Councillor Linda McPhail |
Also Present: |
Councillor Derek Dang |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on May 23, 2018, be adopted as circulated. |
June 19, 2018, (tentative date) at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room |
1. |
Application by Yamamoto Architecture Inc. for Rezoning at 7460 & 7480 Railway Avenue from Single Detached (RS1/E) to Low Density Townhouses (RTL4) |
Steven De Sousa, Planner 1, briefed Committee on the application, noting that vehicle access to the site will be via an existing Statutory Right-of-Way registered on-title of the adjacent townhouse site to the north. He added that the proposed development will provide a cash-in-lieu contribution to the City’s Affordable Housing Reserve Fund. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9873, for the rezoning of 7460 & 7480 Railway Avenue from “Single Detached (RS1/E)” to “Low Density Townhouses (RTL4)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
2. |
Application by W.T. Leung Architects, Inc. on behalf of Park Village Investments Ltd. & Grand Long Holdings Canada Ltd. for Rezoning at 8071 and 8091 Park Road from “Downtown Commercial (CDT1)” to “High Density Mixed Use (ZMU39) – Brighouse Village (City Centre)” |
Cllr. Au entered the meeting (4:01 p.m.). |
Diana Nikolic, Senior Planner/Urban Design, reviewed the application, noting that (i) the proposed development will include two residential towers and one mixed residential and office tower with at grade commercial and retail uses, (ii) the proposed development will provide 21 affordable housing units with a portion of the contribution designated as family-friendly units, and (iii) the proposed development will be working with the Lulu Island Energy Company on sustainable energy options for the site. |
In reply to queries from Committee, staff noted that the proposed development will be providing a cash-in-lieu contribution to the Childcare Development Reserve Fund, and that the City is working with another developer to secure an early childhood development hub in the area. |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9878, to create the “High Density Mixed Use (ZMU39) - Brighouse Village (City Centre)” zone, and to rezone 8071 and 8091 Park Road from “Downtown Commercial (CDT1)” zone to “High Density Mixed Use (ZMU39) -Brighouse Village (City Centre)” zone, be introduced and given first reading; and |
(2) |
Staff be directed to prepare a service area bylaw to provide district energy services to the development at 8071 and 8091 Park Road. |
3. |
Agricultural Land Reserve Non-Farm Use Application by the City of Richmond to Host the RCMP Musical Ride on August 14, 2018, located at 13671 and 13871 No. 3 Road |
Staff advised that the Agricultural Land Commission amended regulations in 2016 to require a non-farm use permit to host events with more than 150 attendees. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the application by the City of Richmond for an Agricultural Land Reserve Non-Farm Use application to host the RCMP Musical Ride event on August 14, 2018, located at 13671 and 13871 No. 3 Road, be endorsed and forwarded to the Agricultural Land Commission for approval. |
4. |
Agricultural Land Reserve Non-Farm Use Application by the City of Richmond to Host the Garden City Lands Farmers Market on August 11, 2018, at 5555 No. 4 Road |
Staff advised that the Agricultural Land Commission amended regulations in 2016 to require a non-farm use permit to host events with more than 150 attendees. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the application by the City of Richmond for an Agricultural Land Reserve Non-Farm Use application to host the Garden City Lands Farmers Market on Saturday, August 11, 2018, located at 5555 No. 4 Road, be endorsed and forwarded to the Agricultural Land Commission for approval. |
5. |
Application by GBL Architects Ltd. on behalf of Keltic (Brighouse) Development Ltd. for Rezoning at 6340 No. 3 Road from " Land Use Contract 062 " to "High Density Mixed Use and ECD Hub (ZMU37) – Brighouse Village (City Centre)" |
Janet Digby, Planner 3, reviewed the proposed development, highlighting that (i) the proposed mixed-use development will consist of residential and office uses, (ii) the proposed development will provide for the development of an Early Childhood Development Hub (ECD) to be constructed by the developer at their sole cost and transferred to the City, (iii) The ECD hub will be approximately 19,000 ft2 and the developer will be providing approximately 8,000 ft2 of the overall facility size as a voluntary amenity, (iv) the proposed development will provide 27 Low End Market Rental Housing units, and (v) the applicant is proposing to utilize a low carbon energy plant to connect to a future District Energy Utility. |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9859 to: |
(a) |
create the “High Density Mixed Use and ECD Hub (ZMU37) – Brighouse Village (City Centre)” zone;and |
(b) |
rezone 6340 No. 3 Road from “Land Use Contract 062” to “High Density Mixed Use and ECD Hub (ZMU37) – Brighouse Village (City Centre);” and |
(c) |
discharge “Land Use Contract 062,” entered into pursuant to “Techram Securities Ltd. Land Use Contract Bylaw No. 3366, 1977” (RD50359) from the Title of 6340 No. 3 Road; |
be introduced and given first reading; and |
(2) |
That staff be directed to prepare a service area bylaw to provide district energy services to the development at 6340 No 3 Road. |
6. |
Application by IBI Group on behalf of Goodwyn Enterprises (2015) LTD., Inc. No. 1056275 for Official Community Plan (OCP)/City Centre Area Plan (CCAP) amendment and rezoning at 7111, 7451 and 7531 Elmbridge Way, 7600, 7640, 7671 and 7880 Alderbridge Way, 5751 and 5811 Cedarbridge Way, 5003 Minoru Boulevard, from Industrial Retail (IR1) to a new site specific zone |
Correspondence received regarding the application was distributed (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 1). |
An additional page to Attachment 11 to the staff report and a location map was distributed (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 2 and Schedule 3) |
Ms. Nikolic reviewed the application and noted the following: |
§ |
the applicant is seeking to rezone 10 lots and amend the Official Community Plan (OCP) and the City Centre Area Plan (CCAP) to increase residential density from 2.0 FAR to approximately 3.0 FAR; |
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the applicant is proposing to develop Lot 3 immediately while the redevelopment of the other lots may not occur until 2040 or beyond; |
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the applicant is proposing to provide a contribution of 6% of the anticipated total residential floor area as affordable housing and may develop Lot 4 for seniors housing, although the applicant is unwilling to commit to zoning restrictions limiting development of Lot 4 to seniors housing; |
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the applicant is proposing that the affordable and rental housing constructed on Lot 3 be transferred to the City with a lease to S.U.C.C.E.S.S. to operate the proposed housing development for 60 years; |
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staff anticipate that rezoning the lots under the standard process consistent with the CCAP and the existing Affordable Housing Strategy, would secure additional affordable housing units; |
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pre-zoning the sites will be precedent setting and encourage submissions of similar proposals; |
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the proposed densities may have a cumulative effect of driving the population in the city centre area to 160,000, beyond the CCAP projections, and will strain existing city amenities, infrastructure and schools; |
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the proposed development is outside the designated village centre and the proposed building massing concepts is inconsistent with design guidelines in the area; |
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the City’s independent third party economic analysis suggest that the economic value of the proposed project to the developer is disproportionally larger compared to the economic value provided to the City; and |
§ |
staff are recommending that the application be denied due in part to inconsistencies with the CCAP. |
Discussion ensued with regard to (i) the 60 year lease agreement with S.U.C.C.E.S.S., (ii) the rezoning process and the funding structure associated with completed affordable housing projects in the city, (iii) the varying densities proposed on the subject parcels, and (iv) the value of the proposed affordable housing contribution. |
In reply to queries from Committee, staff noted that (i) the applicant proposes that Lot 3 would be transferred to the City with a prearranged lease to S.U.C.C.E.S.S. for a period of 60 years, (ii) proposed densities may vary across the 10 parcels; however the average density would be approximately 3.0 FAR, and (iii) pre-zoning the sites will restrict the City’s ability to secure additional affordable housing and community amenities in the future. |
With the aid of a PowerPoint presentation and referencing a submission (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 4), Harold Goodwyn, and Gary Andrishak, representing the applicant, noted the following: |
§ |
the applicant is proposing to provide a 210-unit affordable housing development and a 168-unit seniors facility upfront and at no cost to the City; |
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the proposed affordable housing development will include a significant mix of family-friendly units; |
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the applicant estimates the proposed development will provide approximately $59-69 million in community benefits; |
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development of the parcels through the standard rezoning process may reduce the opportunities to develop affordable housing; |
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densification of the parcels will deliver more affordable housing upfront and will benefit local businesses; and |
§ |
the City could restrict additional development should the population in the area approach CCAP projections of 120,000. |
Discussion ensued with regard to (i) the potential cost of upgrading amenities and infrastructure required to support the potential increase in population, (ii) the long time frame of the proposed development, (iii) proximity of the parcels to parkland and transit, (iv) conceptual designs and uses of the parcels, (v) the potential risks of using a proposed 15-year term legal agreement to secure community amenity contributions instead of the standard rezoning process, and (vi) securing additional land for parks and schools to meet a potential increase in population. |
Queenie Choo, Chief Executive Officer of S.U.C.C.E.S.S., expressed support for the proposed affordable housing development, noting that BC Housing committed a $6 million grant to S.U.C.C.E.S.S. to increase the affordability of the proposed affordable housing development to future tenants. |
David Hutniak, Chief Executive Officer of Landlord BC, expressed support for the proposed project and encouraged the Committee to consider the application. |
Discussion ensued with regard to (i) historic examples of pre-zoning sites in the city, (ii) the potential challenges to secure community amenities by pre-zoning a site, and (iii) the differing methodologies used by the City and the applicant to calculate the community benefits of the proposed development. |
As a result of the discussion, the following motion was introduced: |
It was moved and seconded |
That the Application by IBI Group on Behalf of Goodwyn Enterprises (2015) Ltd., Inc. No. 1056275 For Official Community Plan (OCP)/City Centre Area Plan (CCAP) Amendment and Rezoning at 7111, 7451 and 7531 Elmbridge Way, 7600, 7640, 7671 And 7880 Alderbridge Way, 5751 And 5811 Cedarbridge Way, 5003 Minoru Boulevard, from Industrial Retail (IR1) to a new site specific zone be referred back to staff. |
Question on the motion was not called as discussion ensued with regard to (i) the proposal’s inconsistencies with the CCAP, (ii) a further review of the proposed development and potential community benefit, and (iii) potential opportunities to secure additional affordable housing and community amenities through the standard rezoning process. |
The question on the motion was then called and it was DEFEATED, with Mayor Brodie, and Cllrs. McNulty and Steves opposed. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the application to amend the Official Community Plan (OCP) and City Centre Area Plan (CCAP), and to rezone the subject properties, including 7111, 7451 and 7531 Elmbridge Way, 7600, 7640, 7671 and 7880 Alderbridge Way, 5751 and 5811 Cedarbridge Way, 5003 Minoru Boulevard, from Industrial Retail (IR1) to a new site specific zone be denied. |
7. |
None. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (6:03 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, June 5, 2018. |
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Councillor Bill McNulty |
Evangel Biason |