October 6, 2015 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes


Planning Committee



Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Anderson Room

Richmond City Hall


Councillor Linda McPhail, Chair
Councillor Bill McNulty
Councillor Chak Au
Councillor Carol Day
Councillor Harold Steves
Mayor Malcolm Brodie

Also Present:

Councillor Alexa Loo (entered at 4:05 p.m.)

Call to Order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.






It was moved and seconded



That the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on September 22, 2015, be adopted as circulated.









October 20, 2015, (tentative date) at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room






Application by 0814948 BC Ltd. for Rezoning at 10551 No. 1 Road from Single Detached (RS1/E) to Coach Houses (RCH1)
(File Ref. No. 12-8060-20-009287; RZ 14-670779) (REDMS No. 4691916)



Wayne Craig, Director, Development, briefed Committee on the proposed application, noting that there are Coach House lots north and south of the site.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Craig advised that the applicant will provide a contribution towards frontage improvements along No. 1 Road and that should the application proceed to a Public Hearing, mail notification to properties within 50 metres of the site would be sent prior to Public Hearing.



It was moved and seconded



That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9287, for the rezoning of 10551 No. 1 Road from “Single Detached (RS1/E)” to “Coach Houses (RCH1),” be introduced and given first reading.






Application by the City of Richmond for a Heritage Alteration Permit at 6540 Gilbert Road (Minoru Chapel)
(File Ref. No. HA 15-702073) (REDMS No. 4732704)



Mr. Craig briefed Committee on the proposed application, noting that the proposed application would be for exterior renovations and site landscape changes associated with providing wheelchair access.



It was moved and seconded



That a Heritage Alteration Permit be issued to authorize interior and exterior modifications to Minoru Chapel, a heritage designated building at 6540 Gilbert Road and undertake landscape modifications in the area on the north side of the building, as outlined in the staff report dated September 22, 2015 from the Director of Development.






Establishment of Underlying Zoning and Early Termination of Land Use Contracts for Land Use Contracts That Include Single Family Properties
(File Ref. No. 12-8060-20-009300 to 9485; 08-4430-03-11) (REDMS No. 4713081)




Councillor Loo entered the meeting (4:05 p.m.).



Mr. Craig distributed Land Use Contract (LUC) maps and photographs of property examples (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 1) and provided background information on the proposed establishment of underlying zoning and early termination of LUCs, highlighting that:




LUCs were established in the 1970s and were used to regulate land use and development;




LUCs created land use regulation similar to zoning, however; LUCs could traditionally only be amended or discharged with agreement of the property owner and the City, and as a result, LUC regulations have remained the same while the City zoning regulations have evolved over time;




in 2014, the Provincial Government amended the Local Government Act to provide for the termination of all LUCs by the sunset date of June 30, 2024 and required that local government adopt underlying zoning for all properties affected by LUCs by June 30, 2022;




the legislation established a process under which the local government can undertake the early termination of LUCs prior to the sunset date;




the proposed bylaws would bring underlying zoning in all areas affected by LUCs that cover single family lots and would bring forward optional LUC early termination bylaws for each of the subject LUCs;




the proposed underlying zoning is consistent with the current use of the property and the current zoning regulations that govern that type of use throughout the city;




the RS1 zone, including the 10 sub-zones, is the most commonly used zone for single-family lots in the city and would be the recommended underlying zoning for the majority of the subject LUCs;




a new ZS24 zone was created for semi-detached dwellings and a new ZS25 zone was created for small lot subdivision on Yoshida Court;




new underlying zoning was created for commercial and health services;




the newly created school/institutional zone would be applied to school and park sites;




the proposed early termination is pursued for 93 LUCs that affect single-family lots in the city;




the proposed early termination bylaws would be effective one year after adoption and could be extended at Council’s discretion;




the Board of Variance (BOV) would be permitted to hear appeal applications related to the early termination of a LUC and could extend the grandfather period until the ultimate sunset date of June 30, 2024; and




the BOV ruling are specific to the property owner applying for the variance ruling; and




any request for appeal must be made within six months after adoption of the proposed early termination bylaws.



The Chair wished to thank staff for work done on the proposed underlying zoning and the early termination of Land Use Contracts.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Craig noted that (i) the effective date of the proposed early termination bylaws must be a least one year after adoption, (ii) if commercial and industrial sites are included, there are a total of 139 LUCs in the city, (iii) there are 93 single-family LUC sites in the city, (iv) comparative information of the proposed underlying zones are available in the staff report, (v) the BOV decisions on extensions of the LUC are binding, (vi) affected property owners will be mailed a Public Hearing notification booklet advising of the proposed bylaws prior to the Public Hearing, (vii) the City has created a webpage with information on the LUC early termination process.



Discussion ensued with regard to providing information to residents regarding the proposed underlying zoning and the early termination of LUCs.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Craig advised that (i) property owners may build on-site under the existing LUC during the one year period prior to the effective early termination date, (ii) once the proposed underlying zones are in effect, property owners may apply for rezoning, and (iii) the proposed underlying zoning could be amended under Council’s discretion.



Discussion ensued with regard to the process to appeal the proposed early termination bylaws and the criteria for applicants to claim hardship. The Chair noted that the BOV would have to develop guidelines to determine whether the applicant’s claim of hardship is valid.



Discussion then took place with respect to the province giving local government the role to develop BOV guidelines.



Discussion further ensued with respect to the proposed underlying commercial zones and in reply to queries from Committee, John Hopkins, Planner 3, noted that the proposed underlying zones would emulate what was in the original LUC and allow the same uses.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Craig advised that (i) it is possible to assemble and modify the use of lots following early termination of the LUC, (ii) the proposed underlying zoning must be adopted prior to the early termination of the LUC, and (iii) should proposed early termination bylaws be adopted, the BOV would have the authority to extend the LUC termination date up to the sunset date.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Hopkins noted that other municipalities in the province have examined the early termination of LUCs. He added that the City of Surrey has initiated the process to terminate LUCs.



Discussion ensued regarding the criteria for applicants to claim hardship and in reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Craig advised that it is difficult to speculate the reasons that applicants may claim for hardship. He added that should Council proceed with the early termination of LUCs, the Provincial legislation indicates there is no financial compensation for the early termination of a LUC.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Craig noted that a potential benefit to terminate LUCs would be that secondary suites would be permissible under the proposed underlying zoning. He added that staff have not examined other additional uses such as coach houses within the proposed underlying zoning, however, such uses can be examined at a later date.



In response to queries from Committee regarding awareness of the proposed early termination of LUCs, Mr. Craig noted that frontline staff will be able to provide information and can direct the public to the City website. He added that information on the City website related to the early termination of LUCs will be continually updated.



Discussion then ensued with respect to potential limited construction timelines during the one year period following adoption of proposed early termination bylaws.



Discussion further ensued with respect to the Real Estate Board being advised of the one year period following the adoption of proposed early termination bylaws where development on a LUC site can take place under the existing LUC.



Lynda Terborg, 5860 Sandpiper Court, expressed concern with respect to (i) the proposed underlying zoning for LUC 157, (ii) the information provided to residents regarding the early termination of LUCs and proposed underlying zoning, and (iii) the City examining other municipalities and their processes to terminate LUCs.



In reply to queries from Committee regarding information about LUCs in real estate listings, Ms. Terborg noted that she includes LUC information in her listings to provide prospective buyers with information about the property.



Discussion took place with regard to the proposed underlying zoning in LUC 157 and in reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Craig advised that there was no intent to create special zoning for LUC 157. Also, he noted that the proposed underlying RS1 sub-zones are consistent with zoning in place in the immediate area.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Craig advised that residents can contact staff via telephone or email should they have questions regarding the early termination of LUCs. He added that the Public Hearing notification booklet that will be mailed to affected residents will include information identifying the LUC area and the proposed underlying zoning.



In reply to queries from Committee, Joe Erceg, General Manager, Planning and Development, noted that comparative information regarding the early termination bylaws, maps and the proposed underlying zoning is available for residents. He added that detailed information on the matter is available via the City website and that residents may contact staff for additional information.



Discussion ensued with respect to potential customization of the proposed underlying zoning and in reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Erceg advised that examining customized zoning would take an extended period of time and potential development on LUC sites would continue during the time the City examines customized zoning.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Craig noted that the Public Hearing notification booklet provided to residents will be organized under the LUC number.



Discussion ensued with regard to the City hosting information meetings regarding LUCs prior to the Public Hearing and in response to queries from Committee, Mr. Craig noted that there are no scheduled information meetings, however; a meeting can be scheduled prior to the Public Hearing.



In reply to queries from Committee regarding customized zoning and the proposed ZS25 zone, Mr. Craig noted that the dimensions of the lots in the Yoshida Court area would merit the customized ZS25 zone.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Craig noted that the City’s process to extinguish LUCs follow provincial requirements.



It was moved and seconded




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 002:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9300 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 002 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9301 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 003:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9302 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 003 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9303 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 006:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9304 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 006 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9305 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 007:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9306 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 007 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9307 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 009:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9308 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 009 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9309 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 010:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9310 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 010 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9311 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 011:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9312 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 011 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9313 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 012:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9314 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 012 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9315 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 014:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9316 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 014 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9317 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 015:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9318 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 015 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9319 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 018:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9320 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 018 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9321 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 020:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9322 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 020 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9323 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 023:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9324 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 023 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9325 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 027:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9326 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 027 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9327 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 030:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9328 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 030 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9329 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 031:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9330 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 031 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9331 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 032:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9332 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 032 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9333 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 033:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9334 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 033 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9335 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 036:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9336 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 036 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9337 be introduced and given first reading.




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 037:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9338 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 037 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9339 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 041:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9340 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 041 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9341 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 042:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9342 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 042 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9343 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 043:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9344 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 043 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9345 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 044:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9346 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 044 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9347 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 048:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9348 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 048 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9349 be introduced and given first reading.




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 049:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9350 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 049 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9351 be introduced and given first reading.




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 050:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9352 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 050 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9353 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 052:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9354 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 052 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9355 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 053:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9356 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 053 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9357 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 054:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9358 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 054 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9359 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 057:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9360 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 057 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9361 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 058:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9362 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 058 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9363 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 060:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9364 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 060 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9365 be introduced and given first reading.




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 063:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9366 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 063 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9367 be introduced and given first reading.




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 065:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9368 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 065 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9369 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 066:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9370 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 066 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9371 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 069:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9372 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 069 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9373 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 071:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9374 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 071 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9375 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 072:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9376 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 072 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9377 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 074:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9378 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 074 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9379 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 077:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9380 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 077 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9381 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 081:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9382 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 081 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9383 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 083:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9384 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 083 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9385 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 084:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9386 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 084 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9387 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 088:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9388 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 088 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9389 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 089:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9390 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 089 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9391 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 090:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9392 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 090 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9393 be introduced and given first reading.




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 093:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9394 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 093 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9395 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 095:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9396 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 095 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9397 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 098:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9398 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 098 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9399 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 099:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9400 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 099 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9401 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 101:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9402 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 101 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9403 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 102:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9404 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 102 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9405 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 105:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9406 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 105 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9407 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 107:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9408 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 107 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9409 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 109:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9410 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 109 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9411 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 110:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9412 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 110 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9413 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 111:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9414 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 111 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9415 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 112:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9416 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 112 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9417 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 113:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9418 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 113 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9419 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 114:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9420 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 114 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9421 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 116:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9422 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 116 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9423 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 117:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9424 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 117 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9425 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 120:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9426 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 120 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9427 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 121:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9428 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 121 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9429 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 123:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9430 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 123 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9431 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 124:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9432 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 124 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9433 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 125:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9434 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 125 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9435 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 129:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9436 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 129 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9437 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 130:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9438 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 130 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9439 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 132:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9440 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 132 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9441 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 133:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9442 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 133 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9443 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 134:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9444 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 134 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9445 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 135:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9446 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 135 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9447 be introduced and given first reading.




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 136:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9448 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 136 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9449 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 137:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9450 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 137 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9451 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 140:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9452 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 140 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9453 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 141:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9454 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 141 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9455 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 142:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9456 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 142 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9457 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 143:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9458 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 143 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9459 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 144:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9460 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 144 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9461 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 145:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9462 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 145 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9463 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 146:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9464 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 146 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9465 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 147:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9466 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 147 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9467 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 148:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9468 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 148 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9469 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 149:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9470 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 149 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9471 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 152:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9472 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 152 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9473 be introduced and given first reading.




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 157:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9474 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 157 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9475 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 159:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9476 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 159 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9477 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 160:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9478 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 160 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9479 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 161:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9480 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 161 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9481 be introduced and given first reading.




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 162:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9482 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 162 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9483 be introduced and given first reading;




In relation to the properties developed under Land Use Contract 164:





that Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9484 be introduced and given first reading; and





that Richmond Land Use Contract 164 Early Termination Bylaw No. 9485 be introduced and given first reading; and




That the Richmond Land Use Contract Early Termination Bylaws and the Richmond Zoning Amendment Bylaws (to establish underlying zoning in relation to specified areas developed under Land Use Contracts), specifically Bylaw No. 9300 through Bylaw No. 9485, be referred to and considered at a (Special) Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday, November 24, 2015 at the Executive Airport Plaza Hotel, located at 7731 Westminster Highway, Richmond, BC, at 7:00 pm.



The question on the motion was not called as discussion ensued with regard to scheduling a potential public information session regarding the early termination of LUCs.



As a result of the discussion, staff were directed to schedule an information session exclusively for the public regarding the proposed underlying zoning and the early termination of Land Use Contracts prior to the Special Public Hearing scheduled on November 24, 2015.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Craig advised that the Public Hearing notification booklet will contain staff contact information and would be mailed to residents prior to the Public Hearing.



Discussion then took place with regard to the Public Hearing notification, and in reply to queries from Committee, David Weber, Director City Clerk's Office, noted that the Public Hearing booklet that will be mailed to residents is the Public Hearing notice and must include specific elements in accordance with legislation. He added that should the termination bylaws be adopted, a subsequent written notice must then be mailed to property owners with information related to the BOV appeal process.



As a result of the discussion, staff were directed to inform residents that staff are available to receive inquiries regarding the proposed underlying zoning and the early termination of Land Use Contracts and include contact information in the Public Hearing notification booklet and newspaper advertisement.



The question on the motion was then called and it was CARRIED.


 Land Use Contract - Report & Summaries


 Land Use Contract - Bylaws






Rules of Procedure for the Public Hearing on Land Use Contracts
(File Ref. No. 01-0105-06-01) (REDMS No. 4731959)



It was moved and seconded



That the procedural rules for Public Hearings as outlined in Council Policy 1312 be temporarily altered in response to the special circumstances surrounding the Land Use Contracts Public Hearing in order to:




provide a single five minute speaking opportunity for speakers;




provide for the use of a speaker’s list; and




provide for a brief description of written submissions received without reference to reading a summary of each individual submission or letter.









Tina Atva, Senior Planning Coordinator



Terry Crowe, Manager, Policy Planning, introduced Tina Atva as the Senior Planning Coordinator.






It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (5:01 p.m.).





Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, October 6, 2015.



Councillor Linda McPhail


Evangel Biason

Auxiliary Committee Clerk