July 5, 2006 - Minutes

Planning Committee
Date: |
Wednesday, July 5, 2006 |
Place: |
Anderson Room |
Present: |
Councillor Harold Steves, Chair |
Absent: |
Councillor Rob Howard |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. |
1. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on Tuesday, June 20, 2006, be adopted as circulated. |
2. |
The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Tuesday, July 18, 2006, at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room. |
3. |
(RZ 06-336742, Report: June 8, 2006, File No. 12-8060-20-8090).(REDMS No. 1905875, 1906078, 1906082) |
Jean Lamontagne, Director of Development, reported that the Planning Committee would see more applications of a similar nature due to the development moratorium having been raised on Williams Road. In response to an inquiry from Committee, he stated that some of the anticipated applications would refer to “flex houses” and “coach houses”. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Bylaw No. 8090, for the rezoning of 10451 Williams Road from “Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E)” to “Single-Family Housing District (R1-0.6)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
4. |
(RZ 06-336459 - Report: June 12, 2006, File No.: 12-8060-20-8089) (REDMS No. 1906031, 714236, 1911950, 1911962) |
It was moved and seconded |
That Bylaw No. 8089, for the rezoning of 11860 Dunavon Place from “Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E)” to “Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area A (R1/A)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
5. |
(RZ 05-305370 - Report: June 19, 2006, File No.: 12-8060-20-8055) (REDMS No. 1782116, 1902862, 1902897) |
In response to an inquiry from Committee, Jean Lamontagne reported that of the 6 units comprising the project, 2 are of a smaller size than the others and meet the affordable housing definition as set out in the City’s Official Community Plan (OCP). The 2 smaller units will have a monthly mortgage payment, or rental value, at or below $1,000 per month. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Bylaw No. 8055, for the rezoning of 9451 Blundell Road from “Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area F (R1/F)” to “Comprehensive Development District (CD/28)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
6. |
(1) |
Affordable Housing |
Holger Burke, Development Coordinator, reported that the consultants have submitted an interim draft strategy which staff will bring to the July 18, 2006 Planning Committee meeting. At that meeting the Committee will be able to see the direction in which the consultants are moving, and will learn how the consultants propose that the City should manage in-stream development applications. |
The interim draft strategy has gone out to all stakeholders seeking feedback. Feedback will be sent to the consultants. |
Mr. Burke stated that the interim draft strategy would give some direction to the City on how to manage affordable housing until the final strategy is completed later this year. Further, the definition of affordable housing is proposed to be revised because the definition the City works with at present does not apply to all situations. Among other variables, the revision in the definition will take into account present figures for income level for entry-level home ownership. |
Mr. Burke reminded Committee members that the tour of the North Delta Abbeyfield Housing facility is on Thursday, July 6, 2006 leaving at 1:30 p.m. |
(2) |
City Centre Plan |
Holger Burke reported that City staff is preparing for the public input part of the planning process. Advertising in the local newspapers will inform the general public of a meeting on the evening of July 18, 2006. In addition, letters have been sent to stakeholders inviting them to attend one of two workshops on July 19, 2006. During the week of July 18, 2006, staff has scheduled open houses to take place at City Hall. The consultant is working on the presentation boards and any additions will be minor. Before the launch of the public input part of the process it is proposed Council will receive a memo and finalized presentation board information. A second series of workshops in the fall of 2006 is part of the public input process. |
In response to an inquiry from Committee, Mr. Burke responded that staff would look into the idea of advising the public of the City Centre Area Plan Update at community events. |
(3) |
Steveston Study |
Terry Crowe, Manager, Policy Planning reported that an open house is scheduled for late July, 2006, at the Steveston Community Centre during which the general public and the consultants can discuss urban design issues. The open house will include discussion of parking questions. This open house represents the first round in the study and no final recommendations will be forthcoming until after more research is undertaken by the consultants, and a design charette completed. Committee members will receive a memo outlining the open house material. |
(4) |
Official Community Plan/Liveable Region Strategic Plan Review |
Terry Crowe reported that in November, 2006, GVRD staff will present the GVRD Board with a set of suggestions on how to improve the Liveable Regional Strategic Plan. |
Mr. Crowe stated that the GVRD and some of the TAC group would strike a sub-committee, of which he will be a member, whose task it will be to draft recommendations. He anticipated that in early 2007, the City of Richmond would respond to the draft suggestions. The completion of the Official Community Plan/Liveable Region Strategic Plan Review will be in late 2007 or early 2008. |
(5) |
Jean Lamontagne reported that the City hosted an Urban Development Institute (UDI) meeting on July 5, 2006 to discuss the Development Cost Charges (DCC) issue. Also under discussion was the West Cambie/DCC issue because it is an outstanding issue. UDI has agreed to proceed with West Cambie, so the City’s Business and Financial Services Department will work with staff at the Provincial Government. Mr. Lamontagne anticipated that the West Cambie process could end by late July, 2006, before Council recesses for the August break. He stated that it is likely the City wide DCC review could come before City Council in the autumn of 2006. |
(6) |
West Cambie |
Terry Crowe reported that Andrew Nazareth, Fraser Smith and he would meet on Monday, July 10, 2006, with provincial representative, Mr. Wall, who is reviewing the West Cambie DCC bylaws. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (4:48 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, July 5, 2006. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Councillor Harold Steves |
Sheila Johnston |