Planning Committee Meeting Minutes - April 3, 2002



Planning Committee



Wednesday, April 3rd, 2002


Anderson Room
Richmond City Hall


Councillor Bill McNulty, Chair
Councillor Lyn Greenhill, Vice-Chair
Councillor Linda Barnes
Councillor Sue Halsey-Brandt (4:07 p.m.)
Councillor Rob Howard

Call to Order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m., and indicated that the agenda would be amended to add Group Homes.









It was moved and seconded



That the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on Tuesday, March 19th, 2002, be adopted as circulated.












The next meeting of the Planning Committee will be held on Tuesday, April 16, 2002, at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room.









(Report:  March 1/02, File No.:  0105-06-03) (REDMS No. 601768)



The Manager, Legislative Services, David Weber, reviewed the report with the Committee. 



The question of whether Council could be given prior knowledge about development applications which might be of a controversial nature was raised, and discussion ensued among Committee members and Mr. Weber on this issue.  In response, advice was given that in general, telephone calls and correspondence received from area residents as a result of development application signs being erected would provide an indication of any impending controversy.  Mr. Weber stated that based on these indicators, staff could warn Council of any possible controversial development applications.



A question was also raised about when Council would be required to make a decision on expanding a notification area.  Discussion ensued on this issue, during which advice was given that such a decision could be made at any time, as notices were not mailed out until after a bylaw received first reading.  He further advised that Council and staff had the discretion and ability to expand specific notification areas.



(Cllr. Sue Halsey-Brandt entered the meeting at 4:07 p.m.)



Reference was made to the Public Hearing notification process and a question was raised about the feasibility of notifying area residents prior to applications being considered by the Planning Committee.  Discussion ensued on this matter, during which it was noted that agendas for all Council, public hearings, and standing committee meetings were now posted on the City web site.  The suggestion was made that a notice should be placed in the City Notice Board on a regular basis which indicated that agendas were available on the web site.  Advice was also given that developers, on occasion, were requested to hold public information meetings with area residents prior to the submission of their application to the Planning Committee. 



It was moved and seconded



That the 50 metre notification radius for Public Hearings and Development Permit Panel meetings be re-affirmed.  











(RZ 00-175928 - Report:  March 12/02, File No.:  8060-20-7191) (REDMS No. 660009, 225256, 225237)



The Development Coordinator, Holger Burke, accompanied by Senior Planner/Urban Design, Suzanne Carter-Huffman, briefly reviewed the report with the Committee.



In response to questions, the following information was provided:




the cost of constructing a break in the Garden City Road median should be relatively minimal as the work would only require the removal of the grass and reconstruction of the curb, and should represent no problems in placing the project in the 2003 budget




the construction of Leslie Road eastward had been identified in the City's transportation plan and would be included as part of the Development Cost Charges program; the construction of the break in the Garden City Road median would be included as part of the 5 Year Capital Works program




the proposal for the extension of Leslie Road had been agreed to by the applicant as it offered a more viable alternative to the previous road dedication requirement




the proposed 3.5 per 100 m2 requirement for the provision of parking should be adequate because the proposed zoning for the subject property would not permit a restaurant use on the site. 



It was moved and seconded



That Bylaw No. 7191, for the rezoning of 4591 Garden City Road from Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E) to Comprehensive Development District (CD/117), be introduced and given first reading.







(Report:  March 12/02, File No.:  0100-20-CCDE1-01) (REDMS No. 659710, 663590, 662093)



The Manager, Policy Planning, Terry Crowe, accompanied by Social Planner Lesley Sherlock, introduced Nicky Byres, Chair of the Child Care Development Board.  Ms. Byres then introduced the members of the Board, some of whom were in attendance at the meeting.  She then spoke briefly about the accomplishments of the Board during the past year, and the problems being faced in the future.



Discussion then took place among Committee members, staff and Ms. Byres on the provision of child care in the City, during which the following information was provided:




the upcoming Child Care Needs Assessment report would provide a list of areas where child care facilities were required




the recent cutbacks in child care subsidies to parents had not had a major impact as most centres were having no trouble in filling spaces, however, the only exception might be at preschool child care facilities; considerable time would be required before child care facilities had open doors and empty spaces as most facilities had long waiting lists, especially for infant/toddler care 




the Child Care Development Board was working with volunteer groups to ensure that the cutbacks did not impact child care in Richmond




some of the cutbacks to child care would be reflected in the Child Care Needs Assessment report, however, the only area affected will be the priority in which recommendations would be addressed.



During the discussion, the Board was thanked by Committee members for their hard work and dedication, and for being very frugal in their expenses.



It was moved and seconded



That the Child Care Development Board proposed 2002 Work Program and budget (attached to the report dated March 12, 2002 from the Manager, Policy Planning) be endorsed.







(Report:  March 13/02, File No.:  8060-20-7346) (REDMS No. 660727, 661019)



Mr. Crowe, briefly reviewed the report, and advised that Kathy Stoessl, a member of the Child Care Development Board, was available to respond to questions from the Committee.  



A brief discussion ensued, during which in response to questions, the following information was provided:




9 applications for funding were received, however, only five were being recommended for approval




the unsuccessful applicants would be contacted and encouraged to reapply, with suggestions being made on how to improve their applications.



Reference was made to the amount of available funds in the Child Care Statutory Reserve Fund, and discussion ensued between the Chair and staff on the need to increase the funds in the reserve accounts.  The comment was also made by Ms. Stoessl that the Child Care Needs Assessment report would be helpful in encouraging the City to approach developers about contributing to the reserve fund.



It was moved and seconded



( 1 )

That $28,602 be provided from the Child Care Statutory Reserve Fund in the following amounts:




( a )

$20,530 to the Riverside children's Centre for playground construction;




( b )

$4,219 to the Treehouse Early Learning Centre for an interior observation window and audio system;




( c )

$2,000 to the East Richmond Out-of-School Care Program for an arts and crafts cupboard and I-Mac computer; 




( d )

$1,053 to the  Rompers Preschool for a water table, activity tables and a storage cabinet; and




( e )

$800 to the Burkys Preschool for a table, chairs, a carpet and toys.



( 2 )

That Child Care Development Fund Expenditure Bylaw No. 7346 (Attachment 1 to the report dated March 13th, 2002, from the Manager, Policy Planning), which authorizes the transfer of $28,602 from the Child Care Development Reserve Fund, be introduced and given first, second, and third readings.







(Report:  February 20/02, File No.:  4425-07-01) (REDMS No. 589176)



Mr. Crowe, accompanied by Planner Rob Innes, introduced Evelyn Feller, representing the Advisory Committee on the Environment, and Marcy Sangret of AXYS Environmental Consulting Ltd.   The State of the Environment report was then reviewed by Ms. Feller, and both Ms. Feller and Ms. Sangret responded to questions on:




whether the report took into account the decrease in automobile use which had resulted from the implementation of the 98B Line





the increase in the number of automobiles registered to Richmond residents, and whether information was available on the number of kilometres driven per person





the rationale for the high consumption of water and energy in the City, and whether any consideration had been given to alternate forms of energy to heat water, such as solar panels





the rationale for the increase in the use of automobiles





the rationale on why noise levels in Richmond were higher than other areas.




During the discussion, Ms. Sangret and AXYS Environmental Consulting Ltd. were congratulated on the preparation of an easily read and user friendly report.




Questions were raised during the discussion about the proposed distribution of the report to other agencies and municipalities, and whether copies would be provided to the School District.  As a result of the discussion which ensued on this matter, the suggestion was made that copies of the report be forwarded to specific individuals at the City's secondary schools for use as a teaching aid.




In closing discussion on the matter, the Chair expressed his appreciation to Ms. Feller and the Committee for their hard work and dedication, and noted that the report provided the City with a benchmark on the direction being taken.




It was moved and seconded






( 1 )

the 2001 Richmond State of the Environment Report (attached to the report, dated February 20, 2002, from the Manager, Policy Planning) be endorsed; and



( 2 )

staff continue to work on the Implementation Program, (as outlined in the report dated February 20, 2002 from the Manager, Policy Planning).










Councillor Greenhill referred to the discussion at the April 2nd, 2002 General Purposes Committee meeting on group homes and the changes which had been initiated by the Provincial Government regarding licencing requirements.  She questioned whether a letter should be written to the Minister responsible for group homes, requesting that the licencing requirements for all group home facilities.  As a result of the discussion which ensued, the following motion was introduced:



It was moved and seconded



That a letter be written on behalf of Council, to the Honourable Sindi Hawkins, Minister of Health Planning, requesting that licencing requirements for people in care be re-instated.



Prior to the question on the motion being called, a brief discussion ensued, during which Mr. Crowe provided information on a possible option which might be available in the future following the implementation of the Community Charter, with respect to discretionary powers relating to zoning issues.



The question on the motion was then called, and it was CARRIED.









Mr. Burke advised that during the first quarter of 2002, 85 applications had been received for rezoning, subdivision, Development Permits or Development Variance Permits, which was more than double for the previous two years.  He stated that in March alone, 44 applications were received, and commented that development activity in the City appeared to be increasing.




A brief discussion ensued, during which information was requested on the dollar value of the applications, and the anticipated revenue which would be generated by these developments.




Reference was made to the Christmas tree farm located at the south‑west corner of Steveston Highway and Gilbert Road, and questions were raised about the activity currently taking place on that land.  As a result, staff were requested to submit a memorandum to the Planning Committee on this matter.









It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (5:12 p.m.).








Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2002.



Councillor Bill McNulty

Fran J. Ashton
Executive Assistant


07.16.04 14:36